Results for ' XXth century.'

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  1. XIXth and XXth Century Philosophical Linguistics.Lia Formigari - 1994 - In De Mauro Tullio & Formigari Lia (eds.), Italian Studies in Linguistic Historiography. pp. 225-244.
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    What Will XXth Century Philosophy Carry Over Into the XXIst.Zbigniew Wendland - 2007 - The Proceedings of the Twenty-First World Congress of Philosophy 11:137-142.
    The paper centers on philosophy's major trends and trials at the turn of the XXt h and XXIs t century, its leading idea is based on several basic assumptions which can be summarized as follows: 1) the title is a query after XXt h-century philosophy's main achievements and their usefulness in the XXIs t ; 2) speaking about philosophy's achievements, the author particularly means its critical role in condemning and de-mystifying evil, dispelling illusion and myth, and disclosing untruth; 3) the (...)
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    Heidegger and XXth Century.José Enrique Ruiz-Domènec - 2002 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 34:95.
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    Expressing sexual desire in French popular songs in the early xxth century.Anne Simon - 2010 - Clio 31:153-168.
    Au début du xxe siècle, les chansons populaires françaises font une large place à l’érotisme et décrivent sur le ton du comique ou de la grivoiserie les pratiques amoureuses. Construites autour de représentations du corps des femmes et faisant directement allusion à la séduction et à la sexualité, elles témoignent des attentes et des désirs des couples dans une société en pleine évolution.
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    Beyond the present prospect: the impact of the XXth century revolutions in science on the varieties of ethical & religious experience.Whiteford Boyle & E. John - 1977 - Washington: Wheat Forder's Press.
  6. [Jesus in the pen of XXth century Jewish historians. Historical approach, historiographical perspectives, methodological analysis].Didier Luciani - 2010 - Revue Théologique de Louvain 41 (3):405-407.
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    Gender, Collective Agreements and Skill in Early xxth-century French Industry.Laure Machu - 2013 - Clio 38:41-59.
    L’extension de la négociation collective pendant la première moitié du xxe siècle accompagne la généralisation des grilles de salaires suivant la qualification du travail. Ces dernières représentent un acquis ambigu pour les ouvrières. L’élaboration des grilles rend visible la variété et la qualification des tâches exécutées par les femmes. Elle coïncide avec une politique de revalorisation salariale qui permet de réduire l’écart avec les salaires masculins. Mais elle entérine également les frontières sexuelles de la division du travail. L’examen des négociations (...)
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    Changing Masculinities in Italy since the Mid-xxth Century.Andrea Sangiovanni - 2013 - Clio 38:97-121.
    L’article analyse la représentation des ouvriers durant la seconde moitié du xxe siècle, et notamment de leur masculinité : il pointe la superposition des deux images de l’ouvrier et de l’homme, dans la mesure où la représentation du travailleur en tant qu’homme naît de la conviction que le travail est le principal outil de définition de la masculinité. Ces deux représentations sont étudiées en confrontant les images des espaces de travail et des travailleurs avec leurs propres autoreprésentations, à travers les (...)
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    Using women and gender to think about wars in the XXth century : Forty years of historical research.Françoise Thébaud - 2014 - Clio 39:157-182.
    Cet article propose une synthèse historiographique de quarante années de recherches sur le thème « Femmes, genre et guerres », notamment à propos des deux conflits mondiaux du xxe siècle : d’une histoire au féminin qui se développe parallèlement à une histoire sociale des nations en guerre à une histoire genrée de la guerre concomitante de l’affirmation d’une histoire culturelle de la Grande Guerre. Attentif aux sources mobilisées, il présente les questionnements et les principales conclusions de ces approches, pour souligner (...)
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    The Practice of Ragging in the Working Classes (France xix-xxth Centuries).Xavier Vigna - 2013 - Clio 38:152-161.
    Dans le monde ouvrier, des pratiques informelles de bizutage se repèrent, accomplies par des hommes comme par des femmes sur les jeunes jusque vers les années 1970 environ, pour accompagner leur entrée dans les usines. Elles fonctionnent à la fois comme rites de passage, manifestations brutales de domination voire de violence, et blague dont il convient de rire. Mais, parce qu’elles revêtent une dimension sexuelle manifeste, elles participent de l’identification des masculinités ouvrières à la virilité.
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  11. Continuity and Discontinuity in the Definition of a Disciplinary Field: The Case of XXth Century in Imre Lakatos and Theories of Scientific Change.M. Cini - 1989 - Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science 111:83-94.
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    Chemical kinetics as part of physical chemistry in the XIXth century and at the beginning of the XXth century: Analysis of the origin and development of phenomenological kinetics.Viktor A. Kritsman - 1996 - NTM Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin 4 (1):19-30.
  13. The Marginalist Revolution in Economics of XXth Century Beginning: Intertheoretic Approach.Rinat M. Nugayev - 2012 - In Ildar Talip-uli Nasretdinoff (ed.), The Problems of Cooperation. pp. 284-286.
    What are the reasons of theory change in economical science? – The author tries to answer the question utilizing his theory change epistemological model approbated on the natural sciences. Key words: economical theory, theory change, natural science, model.
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    The Writing of American Histories of Ideas: Two Traditions in the XXth Century.Robert Allen Skotheim - 1964 - Journal of the History of Ideas 25 (2):257.
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    Sri Bhagavadacharya’s Approach to Commenting on and Propagating of Vishishtadvaita-Vedanta within the XXth century’s Ramanandi Tradition.Maxim B. Demchenko - 2022 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 26 (2):382-391.
    Bhagavadacharya was the central figure in the Renaissance of Ramanandi tradition in the 20th century. He dedicated his life to gaining independence for his school from Ramanuja Sampradaya, whose leaders regarded Ramanandis as “third-class” members of the movement mostly because of the lack of shastric scholarship and inter-caste commensalities among the latter. To achieve this goal, Bhagavadacharya wrote commentaries on most of the Prasthāna-traya as well as many other works popularizing the Ramanandi version of Vishishtadvaita. He widely used his knowledge (...)
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    The Strength of History at the Doors of the New Millenium: History and the Other Social and Human Sciences Along Xxth Century, 1899-2002: Vii International History Colloquium, Universidad De Navarra, Pamplona, 11-13 De Abril De 2002 ; I. Olábarri and F.J. Caspistegui, Eds ; Georg G. Iggers ... [Et Al.].Ignacio Olabarri Gortazar & Francisco Javier Caspistegui (eds.) - 2005 - Ediciones Universidad De Navarra.
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    Alan Turing: person of the XXth century?José M. Sánchez Ron - 2013 - Arbor 189 (764):a085.
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    Italian Epistemology at the End of the XIXth century.Paola Cantu - unknown
    At the beginning of the xxth century the high rate of analphabetism and the recent unification of the country, achieved only in 1870, had required a vast program of school and university reforms which were accompanied by a debate on two fundamental questions: whether the university should depend on public funds or become autonomous, and whether the curriculum should be specialized or remain general as in the modern era. The 1859 Casati reform had separated the faculty for literature and (...)
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    Cultural aspects in the lexicographical discourse of the early twentieth century: The national linguistic identity in the Nuevos Chileanismos dictionary.Gabriel Valdés-León & Andrés Cerro Rojas - 2020 - Alpha (Osorno) 51:125-135.
    Resumen: El presente trabajo ofrece un análisis del diccionario Nuevos chilenismos con el objetivo de identificar los principales aspectos culturales presentes en esta obra chilena de principios del siglo XX. Gracias a un enfoque metodológico sustentado en la teoría fundamentada, es posible establecer que dentro de los aspectos culturales con mayor presencia destaca la conformación de la identidad lingüística chilena, lo que se evidencia a través de la valoración social que ofrece el autor de la norma nacional y, además, la (...)
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    "Russian world" – theological doctrine and religious ideology that ruin the humanity.Анатолій Миколайович Колодний & Людмила Олександрівна Филипович - 2015 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 76:158-163.
    The XXth century has provided numerous examples of different forms of religious extremism, in particular the Orthodox Christian extremism. XXIth century demonstrates an explosion of neo-pagan and Orthodox extremist views in Russia grounded on syncretic theory of «Russian World».
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    "Russian world" – theological doctrine and religious ideology that ruin the humanity.Anatolii M. Kolodnyi & Liudmyla O. Fylypovych - 2015 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 76:158-163.
    The XXth century has provided numerous examples of different forms of religious extremism, in particular the Orthodox Christian extremism. XXIth century demonstrates an explosion of neo-pagan and Orthodox extremist views in Russia grounded on syncretic theory of «Russian World».
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    Возможен ли синтез натурализма и антинатурализма?Валентин Александрович Бажанов - 2023 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 60 (3):6-16.
    In the XXth century naturalism and anti-naturalism, including the ideas of transcendentalism and a priori in Kant’s sense, considered as a kind of conceptual antipodes, conceptual oppositions in relation to the antagonism of their methodological attitudes and principles. However, at the turn of the XXIth century, the intensive development of cognitive studies, accompanied by the expansion of the empirical base, pushed the need to revise the traditionally accepted incompatibility of naturalism and anti-naturalism. The article has the goal to assess (...)
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    Comparative analysis of Ludwig wittgenstein’s and Martin heidegger’s views on the nature of human.A. S. Synytsia - 2020 - Anthropological Measurements of Philosophical Research 18:132-143.
    Purpose. The paper is aimed at analyzing in a comparative way the philosophical conceptions of the human, proposed by Ludwig Wittgenstein and Martin Heidegger as the main representatives of the analytic and continental tradition of philosophizing in the XXth century. The theoretical basis of the study is determined by Wittgenstein’s legacy in the field of logical and linguistic analysis, as well as Heidegger’s existential, hermeneutical, and phenomenological ideas. Originality. Based on the analysis of the philosophical works of Wittgenstein and (...)
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  24. Eudoxos versus Dedekind.Piotr Błaszczyk - 2007 - Filozofia Nauki 2.
    All through the XXth century it has been repeated that "there is an exact correspondence, almost coincidence between Euclid's definition of equal ratios and the modern theory of irrational numbers due to Dedekind". Since the idea was presented as early as in 1908 in Thomas Heath's translation of Euclid's Elements as a comment to Book V, def. 5, we call it in the paper Heath's thesis. Heath's thesis finds different justifications so it is accepted yet in different versions. In (...)
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  25. Introduction to the problematics of bioethics.D. Kovalova - 2002 - Filozofia 57 (4):245-258.
    In the last decades of the XXth century we have witnessed a still growing interest in applied ethics, among them also bioethics, which in Slovak ethical literature was paid only a little attention as yet. The paper tries to examine the needs that led to the rise of bioethics, analyzing at the same time the concept of bioethics, its substance and subject. It deals also with its sources, putting stress on utilitarist and deontological ethics.
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    Russell and Humean Inferences.João Paulo Monteiro - 2001 - Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 5 (1-2):55-72.
    Russell's The Problems of Philosophy tries to establish a new theory of induction, at the same time that Hume is there accused of an irrational/ scepticism about induction". But a careful analysis of the theory of knowledge explicitly acknowledged by Hume reveals that, contrary to the standard interpretation in the XXth century, possibly influenced by Russell, Hume deals exclusively with causal inference (which he never classifies as "causal induction", although now we are entitled to do so), never with inductive (...)
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  27. Ba al dauka mugarik matematikak biologian aplikagarria izateko?Jon Umerez - 2010 - Ontology Studies: Cuadernos de Ontología:77-88.
    Ezezkoa dirudi izenburuko galderari eman behar zaion erantzuna, gutxienez iraultza zientifikoa geroztik, Natura hizkuntza matematikoan idatzita dagoen liburu bat omen denetik. Ikuspegi hori aurrera egingo du eta XX. menderako harridura alaia deitu dudana ekarriko du, Wigner 1960-en kasuan eta beste batzuenean ikusten denez. Jarrera hori biologiaren hainbat arloetan aurkitu ditzazkegunekin alderatzen dut eta hor lilura hori ez da inondik agertzen eta, gehienez, oso ikuspegi utilitarista bat hartzen da. Bukatzeko, biologiaren erdian bertan daukagun mugagabetasunaren kasu natural agian aipagarriena azaltzen dut modu (...)
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  28. Czy Ajdukiewicz wielkim był?Ryszard Wójcicki - 2000 - Filozofia Nauki 2.
    Ryszard Wójcicki's book „Ajdukiewicz. A Theory of Meaning” opens a series of publications Filozofia polska XX wieku [Polish Philosophy of XXth Century], created by Wójcicki. The main subject of the book is a theory of the meaning of linguistic expressions, which was formulated in the thirties and is known as a directival theory of meaning. The aim that the author has set for himself is not only to present and popularise that theory (these aims are implied by the character (...)
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    La democracia venezolana desde el discurso político de los líderes tradicionales.Ana Irene Méndez & Elda Morales - 2001 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 6 (14):9-39.
    The political discourse of Rafael Caldera and Carlos Andrés Pérez is here analyzed. Thess leaders share features in exercising power as presidents of Venezuela, and in their being members of the traditional political parties that ruled the country in the second half of the XXth century. A crit..
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  30. Is truth effable?Pascal Engel - unknown
    An evaluation and criticism of Hintikka's analysis of truth. According to Hintikka, the main presupposition of most theories of truth and meaning in the XXth century is that of the ineffability of meaning and truth, itself a consequence of the universality thesis in logic and semantics. Hintikka argues on the contrary that truth can be defined through an IF logic and meaning through a game-theoretical semantics. Without putting ito question here these technical results, I argue that Hintikka's conception of (...)
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  31. Postulat referencji w perspektywie pytania o naturę dyskursu metafizycznego.Sebastian T. Kołodziejczyk - 2008 - Filozofia Nauki 3.
    The crisis of metaphysics has many roots. One of them is recognized to be a kind of semantic failure. It lies in the fact that the meaning and reference of metaphysical propositions as well as metaphysical terms seems to be problematic. This diagnosis was first established by I. Kant and then repeated by some of the XXth century philosophers. In this paper I will show what role is played by what I called the Requirement of Reference (RR) in the (...)
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  32. Richard Strauss a ciento cincuenta años de su nacimiento: Salomé, Electra y otros personajes míticos en la Ópera.Beatriz Cotello - 2014 - Circe de Clásicos y Modernos 18 (2):173-187.
    El artículo se refiere a la trayectoria de Richard Strauss, con especial mención de su obra operística sobre personajes mitológicos y míticos. Se destacan sus óperas Salomé y Electra como muestra de la innovación que introduce en el lenguaje musical, que preanuncia la revolución atonal experimentada en la música en los comienzos del s. XX. Se mencionan sus óperas de producción anterior, de corte wagneriano, y las posteriores, en un lenguaje novedoso, si bien más acorde con el sonido tonal de (...)
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    I fondamenti filosofico-personalistici della dottrina dell’ospitalità internazionale.Vincenzo Nuzzo - 2023 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 78 (4):1261-1296.
    This article pursues the aim of pointing out the occidental Personalism (that developed in Europe between the XVIIIth and the XXth century) as probably the most appropriate basis for justify the concept of “hospitality” together with the possible relative doctrine and praxis. We discuss the thought of many personalist thinkers and the thought of those thinkers that are near to the Personalism (but always taking as basis the thought of Edith Stein and Nikolaj Berdjaev). With this aim we attempt (...)
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  34. The logical and pedagogical paths of phenomenology. Adalberto García de Mendoza's and Francisco Larroyo's forays.Jorge Luis Méndez-martínez - 2024 - HORIZON. Studies in Phenomenology 13 (I):241-262.
    This paper addresses the relationship between logic and phenomenology at a historical moment that precedes the big divide between analytic philosophy and phenomenology. In analysing alternative derivations of phenomenological logic, the discussion focuses on the case of two notorious neo-Kantian Mexican philosophers from the first half of the XXth century: Adalberto García de Mendoza and Francisco Larroyo. It is argued that both García de Mendoza and Larroyo made an original contribution to the discussion on the relationship between phenomenology and (...)
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    Naturalizing Intentionality between Philosophy and Brain Science. A Survey of Methodological and Metaphysical Issues.Paolo Pecere - 2012 - Quaestio 12:449-482.
    To give an account of intentionality in terms of the concepts and methods of natural science has been considered as a crucial step towards a naturalization of mental phenomena in general, and as such it has been pursued by a large number of naturalist philosophers and cognitive scientists. Starting from the late 1960s the problem has been addressed in very different, reductionist and antireductionist ways . The development of these philosophical programs has benefited from the contemporary technical and theoretical progresses (...)
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    Cent quarante manières d’être égaux.Louise Marcil-Lacoste - 1984 - Philosophiques 11 (1):125-136.
    Analysant les caractéristiques majeures des notions contemporaines d'égalité à la lumière d'une bibliographie que l'auteur publiera bientôt, cette étude montre les contradictions qui existent dans la documentation actuelle entre les études traitant implicitement ou explicitement d'égalité, ainsi que l'importance de sept caractéristiques marquantes des théories de l'égalité du XXe siècle. L'auteur soutient que les griefs courants concernant l'absence de clarté de la notion contemporaine d'égalité découlent d'une manière significative d'une réduction systématique de l'ensemble des possibilités ouvertes par la documentation actuelle (...)
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  37. Conformación del campo sociológico temprano.Diego Larrique Poley - 2009 - Aposta 43:5.
    Sociology's main concerns can already be found in the social thought of the XVIII and XIX centuries. This essay seeks to recover some of the central preoccupations of the main characters of that early sociological historical period. This will further the understanding of the process of sociological consolidation of the XXth century, as a consequence of earlier periods, expressed in powerful intellectual programs for the construction of a new social order based on the consequences of the processes of generalized (...)
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    A política sobre a linha: Martin Heidegger, Ernst Jünger e a confrotaçao sobre a era do niilismo.Alexandre Franco de Sá - 2003 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 59 (4):1121-1152.
    Nos artigos Über die Linie e Zur Seinsfrage, é possível encontrar uma discussão entre Ernst Jünger e Martin Heidegger a propósito do niilismo. Heidegger recusa a Jünger a possibilidade de pensar para além da sua "linha". O presente artigo considera esta recusa através da perspectiva das relações entre os pensamentos de Heidegger e de Jünger nos anos 30 do século XX. Segundo o autor do artigo, a recusa por parte de Heidegger de pensar para além da linha tem a sua (...)
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    Peter Olen, Wilfrid Sellars and the Foundations of Normativity.Gabriele Aleandri - 2018 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 10 (1).
    In many ways, the figure of Wilfrid Sellars personifies the second half of xxth century American philosophy. He lied at the crossroad of three powerful traditions: German rationalistic phenomenology, as Marvin Farber’s scholar; logical empiricism, as a philosopher grown up in the golden age of neo-positivism; and classical pragmatism, as an intellectual deeply inspired by the need of keeping a synoptic vision and finding practical and behavioral solutions for conceptual oppositions. In his la...
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    De Darwin ao século XXI: uma breve revisão da jornada histórico-epistemológica das ideias sobre evolução.Aldo Mellender de Araújo - 2021 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 1:021004.
    Theories about the changes on the organisms, in the time scale, are know since the 18th century. However, the most famous, as well as the more debated, was the one by Charles Robert Darwin, in his great book On the origin of species. It is interesting to note that while this naturalist was born, in 1809, a book by the French naturalist Jean Baptiste Antoine Pierre de Monet, known as Lamarck, was published, Philosophie zoologique, where another theory of the transformations (...)
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    Dépassements de la métaphysique.Jocelyn Benoist - 2004 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 194 (2):167 - 180.
    L'auteur analyse les deux figures du dépassement de la métaphysique qui ont existé au XXe siècle : la phénoménologie, après être partie d'une vigoureuse critique de la métaphysique, d'inspiration positiviste, a tendu à devenir une nouvelle sorte de métaphysique, puis, comme telle, a subi la critique de la philosophie analytique naissante. La question est posée de savoir ce qui pourrait être conservé aujourd'hui des deux traditions, phénoménologique et analytique, en termes de critique de la métaphysique. The author analyses both the (...)
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    Orden, límites y transgresión: Reflexiones en torno a la obra de Jakob von Uexküll.Víctor Castillo Morquecho - 2012 - Signos Filosóficos 14 (28):91-111.
    En el presente artículo se analizan conceptos clave de la obra de Jakob von Uexküll, a partir de la confrontación con el darwinismo mecanicista de principios del siglo XX, al cual, Uexküll contrapone la idea de un mundo viviente de interrelaciones, conformado de acuerdo con un Plan u Orden subyacentes. Pero la cuestión no del todo resuelta para Uexküll, y que aquí será estudiada, es el papel que ha de atribuirse al azar y a la tendencia natural de traspasar los (...)
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    Universal Human Rights, national States and political theory: some practical and conceptual issues.Raquel Kritsch - 2021 - Filosofia Unisinos 6 (2).
    This article aims to discuss some theoretical problems regarding to human rights. It begins with a theoretician and conceptual discussion about modern State, empire of law, politics and law, sovereignty etc. and their relation with the idea of human rights, which have been more than ever supported and guaranteed by the Rule of law and its institutional arrangements. It has been necessary to briefly discuss the notion of citizenship to understand how human rights have arrived to such ordinance, for citizenship (...)
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    A kaleidoscope - Big wave: Technological rationality dialectics in Herbert Marcuse's work.Natalia Fischetti - 2012 - Estudios de Filosofía Práctica E Historia de Las Ideas 14 (2):29-44.
    El presente texto corresponde a la presentación de la defensa de la tesis "La racionalidad científico-tecnológica. Aportes a la reflexión epistemológica en la obra de Herbert Marcuse", dirigida por la Dra. Delia Albarracín en la Maestría en Metodología de la Investigación Científica de la Universidad Nacional de Lanús, que dirige Esther Díaz, el 26 de agosto de 2011. En lo que sigue queremos sintetizar una lectura de la obra de Herbert Marcuse que pone el énfasis en un cruce posible entre (...)
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    La república, el estado y el mercado en educación.Carlos Ruiz - 2012 - Revista de filosofía (Chile) 68:11-28.
    This paper compares two normative theories of education in Chile, one centered in the republican tradition, mainly in the XIX and partly in the XXth century, and the other imposed by the military dictatorship and who uses the market freedom and the market efficiency as justificatory devices. The republican theory argues in favor of a central role of the state in the design of a public, universal, obligatory and tuitionless educational system, understood as essential to the formation of citizens (...)
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    “Ce qui est dit”: Trois figures historiques.André Leclerc - 2006 - Manuscrito 29 (2):499-524.
    Je présente d’abord quelques notions de base de la sémantique philosophique, en particulier celles de signification linguistique, compré-hension linguistique, conditions de vérité, et “ce qui est dit”. La signi-fication linguistique ne doit pas être confondue avec “ce qui est dit” par l’énonciation littérale d’une phrase en contexte, cette dernière notion, centrale dans le contextualisme actuel, pouvant être reconstruite comme sémantique ou pragmatique selon le rôle que l’on fait jouer à la notion de signification du locuteur. J’examine ensuite de quelle façon (...)
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    The Authority’s Coded Discourse.E. A. Degaltseva - 2014 - Liberal Arts in Russia 3 (6):480.
    The article is devoted to the formal aspects of the political power. It examines the nature of power on the basis of the analysis of dreams of her media: Russian statesmen of XIXth and early XXth centuries. The relevance of the topic due to the dynamism of a modern political culture, the inability to identify formal sources of legitimacy of authority. The results indicate the mythologization and mystification of power. Components reviewed in historical Retrospect discourses were inherited from the (...)
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  48. Reflexiones sobre ideología e interpelación en las elecciones presidenciales de 2015 en Argentina. Karczmarczyk - 2016 - Teoría y Crítica de la Psicología 8:222-237.
    Resumen En este trabajo abordamos del papel de la ideología y distintas formas de interpelación en las elecciones presidenciales de Argentina en 2015.Partimos de dos imputaciones cruzadas: la que surge del kirchnerismo, enfatizando el rol de los medios de comunicación masivos sobre los sectores medios y populares, y la respuesta progresista que insiste en una serie de motivos materiales de insatisfacción de estos sectores, a los que el kirchnerismo, afectado por una " miopía política " , no atendió durante su (...)
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  49.  24
    Induction, probabilités et confirmation chez Carnap.Samir Boukhris - 2006 - Revue de Synthèse 127 (1):115-139.
    L'idée d'associer probabilité et induction n'est pas propre au xxe siècle, mais elle a reçu un développement systématique lorsque les philosophes néo-positivistes s'en sont emparés. Dès les années 1940, le philosophe Rudolf Carnap s'est proposé de relever le «défi humien» en fondant une théorie de la confirmation par la construction d'une logique probabiliste dite «inductive». Ce projet avait été esquissé à Cambridge dans les années 1920 par l'économiste John M. Keynes. Examiner le programme de Carnap dans sa totalité, le situer (...)
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  50.  15
    Les enjeux du dualisme chez Hans Jonas.Nathalie Frogneux - 2015 - Chôra 13 (9999):525-540.
    This paper summarises the issues of dualism in the philosophy of Hans Jonas. Dualism was a central topic for him to understand gnosticism in late antiquity, and it became also a key concept to understand moral nihilism of the XXth century. Jonas demonstrates that Heidegger’s thought in Sein und Zeit ‑ which enables him to elaborate the heuristic method to shed light on gnostic dualism ‑ was in fact itself based on a dualistic anthropology. On the one hand, Jonas (...)
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