Results for ' Stasis'

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  1.  4
    K. Malewicziaus suprematizmas – nuo laiko dvasios amžinybės muziejaus link.Stasys Mostauskis - 2020 - Logos: A Journal, of Religion, Philosophy Comparative Cultural Studies and Art 105.
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    Nuo piešimo į „užpiešimines” menines praktikas: bandymas konceptualizuoti.Stasys Mostauskis - 2019 - Logos: A Journal, of Religion, Philosophy Comparative Cultural Studies and Art 99.
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  3. EgidiJaus KRivKos MonogRafiJos „Viešojo intereso gynimas ciViliniame procese “recenzija.Stasys Vėlyvis - 2009 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 116 (2):317-320.
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    Origin of Bankruptcy Procedure in Roman Law.Stasys Vėlyvis & Vilija Mikuckienė - 2009 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 117 (3):285-297.
    In order to clarify the objectives of bankruptcy, to reveal the true essence of bankruptcy procedure and the origin of legal terms, it is necessary to ascertain the nature of this institute of law, as well as the reasons for its creation and development. This article provides historic analysis of the development of the institute of bankruptcy procedure. For this purpose, a historic comparative research is undertaken in the article, in order to find certain parallels of bankruptcy procedure under Roman (...)
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    Antynomie polityki.Daniele Stasi & Marek Bosak (eds.) - 2010 - Rzeszów: Wydawn. Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego.
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    Cartesio tra metafisica e neuroscienze.Leonardo Stasi - 2023 - Crotone - Italy: D'Ettoris editori.
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    Decentering Rushdie: Cosmopolitanism and the Indian Novel in English, Pranav Jani, Columbus: Ohio State University Press, 2010.Paul Stasi - 2012 - Historical Materialism 20 (1):232-243.
    Decentering Rushdie argues that postcolonial studies has consistently underestimated the investment of the English-language Indian novel in the nation by focusing on a handful of texts that conform to Western assumptions about the bankruptcy of the postcolonial nation-state. Taking Salman Rushdie’s work as the sign of a presumed homology between postcolonialism and a postmodern distrust of totality, Jani demonstrates that his novels are hardly representative of the range of Indian writing in English. Instead, in a series of expert readings of (...)
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    Jean-François Lyotard: ricerca etico-politica: svolta o eclissamento?Maria Stasi - 2004 - Bari: Levante.
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    L'illuminismo sconfitto. Appunti su politica e cultura nel secondo dopoguerra.Daniele Stasi - 2007 - Idee 65:213-239.
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    Neooświecenie i polityka kultury. O relacji polityki i kultury po drugiej wojnie światowej we Włoszech.Daniele Stasi - 2019 - Archiwum Historii Filozofii I Myśli Społecznej 64:275-290.
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    Razionalità e forma politica nella teoria politico-giuridica di Hobbes.Daniele Stasi - 2008 - Idee 67:151-169.
  12. Rinktiniai raštai.Stasys Salkauskis & Juozas Girnius - 1986 - Roma: Lietuvių Katalikų mokslo akademija. Edited by Juozas Girnius.
    1. Filosofinės studijos -- 2. Pedagoginės studijos.
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    The Beginning of Lithuanian Roman Legal System Research and its Pioneer, A. Tamošaitis (article in Lithuanian).Mindaugas Maksimaitis & Stasys Vėlyvis - 2011 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 18 (3):805-820.
    Based on archival documents, regulatory and other official materials, as well as the press of that time, the article attempts to shed some light on the complex beginning of Lithuanian Roman legal system research. Since the beginning of theUniversity law degree in 1922, the Roman law courses (then divided into history and dogma, the system) were taught with an exclusive focus. However, while assembling the faculty of professors at the Lithuanian university, in the beginning they had to content mainly with (...)
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    Raštai.Stasys Šalkauskis - 1990 - Vilnius: Mintis. Edited by Arūnas Sverdiolas & Joana Pribušauskaitė.
    1. [Without special title] -- 2. Filosofijos ir pedagogikos terminija -- 3. Religija ir kultūra -- 4. [Without special title] -- 5. [Without special title] -- 7. [Without special title].
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    Visual Feedback Effectiveness in Reducing Over Speeding of Moped-Riders.Mariaelena Tagliabue, Riccardo Rossi, Massimiliano Gastaldi, Giulia De Cet, Francesca Freuli, Federico Orsini, Leandro L. Di Stasi & Giulio Vidotto - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The use of assistance systems aimed at reducing road fatalities is spreading, especially for car drivers, but less effort has been devoted to developing and testing similar systems for powered two-wheelers. Considering that over speeding represents one of the main causal factors in road crashes and that riders are more vulnerable than drivers, in the present study we investigated the effectiveness of an assistance system which signaled speed limit violations during a simulated moped-driving task, in optimal and poor visibility conditions. (...)
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  16. Stasis: Beyond Political Theology?Dimitris Vardoulakis - 2009 - Cultural Critique 73:125-47.
    Vardoulakis examines the concept of political theology in terms of the ancient greek term "stasis." The term "stasis" means both mobility and immobility. Vardoulakis explores these seemingly contradictory meanings generate a notion of agonistic politics that challenges perceived ideas about political theology.
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  17. Stasis Before the State: Nine Theses on Agonistic Democracy.Dimitris Vardoulakis - 2018 - New York: Fordham University Press.
    How is political change possible when even the most radical revolutions only reproduce sovereign power? Via the analysis of the contradictory meanings of stasis, Vardoulakis argues that the opportunity for political change is located in the agonistic relation between sovereignty and democracy and thus demands a radical rethinking.
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    La «stásis» y la tragedia de la democracia.Juan Pablo Arancibia Carrizo - 2020 - Hybris, Revista de Filosofí­A 11 (1):79-111.
    The article examines the relationship between tragedy and Greek democracy starting from the category of «stasis». Focused on this notion, the text proposes two exercises that articulate and demonstrate the relationship between tragedy and democracy. First, it focuses on the question about the «stasis» and how this relationship will be conceptualized in the investigation by examining five dimensions contained in that category: the eristic conception of language; the notion of «agon» as a political principle of conflict; the notion (...)
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  19. (1 other version)Stasis: la guerra civile come paradigma politico.Giorgio Agamben - 2015 - Torino: Bollati Boringhieri.
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    Stasis is an Inevitable Consequence of Every Successful Evolution.Victor P. Shcherbakov - 2012 - Biosemiotics 5 (2):227-245.
    Evolutionary stasis is discussed in light of the idea that the common output of every successful evolution is the creation of the entities that are increasingly resistant to further change. The moving force of evolution is entropy. This general aspiration for chaos is a cause of the mortality of organisms and extinction of species. However, being a prerequisite for any motion, entropy generates (by chance) novelties, which may happen to be (by chance) more resistant to further decay and thus (...)
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    Stasis, or the Greek invention of politics.M. Berent - 1998 - History of Political Thought 19 (3):331-362.
    The Greek word stasis meant ‘faction’, ‘civil war’ but also ‘political standing’. This seems a strange contradiction, particularly since we credit the Greeks with having invented politics. This strange contradiction is partly explained by the nature of the Greek polis, which was not a State, but rather what anthropologists call a stateless community. The latter is a relatively unstratified egalitarian community characterized by the absence of public coercive apparatuses. However, though stateless, the Greek polis was also different from stateless (...)
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    Stasis in the Net of Affect.Calum Matheson - 2019 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 52 (1):71-77.
    One precondition for debate is that it be about something. This scrap of conventional wisdom has been contemplated since at least the time of Hermagoras in the second century BCE, from whom a whole theory of the about has arisen: stasis theory. Michael Hoppmann wrote in the pages of this journal that stasis has been "the backbone of rhetorical theory" for over two millennia. Perhaps ironically, precisely how stasis should be understood is itself a topic for debate, (...)
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    Artefacto stasis.Alejandra Castillo - 2023 - Aisthesis 74:70-80.
    Con la figura de artefacto stasis me gustaría estudiar el diseño político que se despliega durante la Unidad Popular en lo relativo a sus objetos de proyección. En particular me concentraré en los documentales de las realizadoras Angelina Vázquez, Crónica del salitre (1971); Marilú Mallet, Amuhuelai-mi (1972); y Valeria Sarmiento, Un sueño como de colores (1972). Estos documentales registran los modos en que la política de la Unidad Popular se organiza alrededor de la producción socialista; su mirada es la (...)
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    The Principle of Stasis: Why drift is not a Zero-Cause Law.Victor J. Luque - 2016 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 57:71-79.
    This paper analyses the structure of evolutionary theory as a quasi-Newtonian theory and the need to establish a Zero-Cause Law. Several authors have postulated that the special character of drift is because it is the default behaviour or Zero-Cause Law of evolutionary systems, where change and not stasis is the normal state of them. For these authors, drift would be a Zero-Cause Law, the default behaviour and therefore a constituent assumption impossible to change without changing the system. I defend (...)
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  25. (1 other version)Flux, Stasis, And The Sign.J. Wright - 2003 - Minerva 7:173-207.
    Language, either oral or written, is meant both to convey and to preserve meaning. Semiotics is thediscipline which permits the extraction of a meaning from systems of linguistic signs. Written texts arestatic, while the world is about them is in flux. Meaning is thus intimately connected to this marriageof flux and stasis in texts.Here, three views on semiotics are examined:First, Plato’s treatment of signs and flux in the dialogue Kratylos is dissected. The conventional andmimetic aspects of signs are contrasted, (...)
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    Stasis and Politics: On the Forgotten Role of Violence.Urszula Zbrzeźniak - 2019 - Eidos. A Journal for Philosophy of Culture 3 (2):40-50.
    One of the major questions emerging in present-day reflections on politics is related to violence and its relation to institutional order and law. In the paper, an issue of concern for a very particular form of political conflict, that is, civil war, is addressed. Violence in politics, and particularly its specific form, that is, stasis, has been omitted from philosophical reflection on the origins of politics. Contrary to the traditional representation of the constitution of the political sphere, contemporary political (...)
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    Lively Stasis. Care and Routine in Living Collections of Flies and Seeds.Xan Sarah Chacko & Jenny Bangham - 2023 - Centaurus 65 (2):337-363.
    Collections of living organisms are reservoirs of biological knowledge that operate across times and places. From the mid-20th century, scientific institutions dedicated to the cultivation of such collections have routinized and professionalized their care. But “care,” for these collections, is focused not just on individual organisms—instead, a principal aim of a curator is to maintain the integrity of a reproducing “strain,” “variety,” “line,” or “stock,” and the composition of a collection as a whole. This paper explores the forms, the material (...)
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    A Modern Theory of Stasis.Michael J. Hoppmann - 2014 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 47 (3):273-296.
    Stasis theory has been the backbone of rhetorical theory ever since its full development by Hermagoras of Temnos in the second century BCE.1 Although Hermagoras’s original work was lost, the main parts of his theory were reconstructed in the twentieth century,2 thanks mainly to the major role stasis theory played in nearly all the important works of rhetorical theory until as late as the nineteenth century.3 Stasis theory aims at providing a toolset for the identification of vital (...)
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    The Substructure of stasis-theory from Hermagoras to Hermogenes.Malcolm Heath - 1994 - Classical Quarterly 44 (01):114-.
    Stasis-theory seeks to classify rhetorical problems acccording to the underlying structure of the dispute that each involves. Such a classification is of interest to the practising rhetor, since it may help him identify an appropriate argumentative strategy; for example, patterns of argument appropriate to a question of fact may be irrelevant in an evaluative dispute.
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    Stasis del alma y psicologización de la política en República IV.Lucas Soares - 2014 - Elenchos 35 (2):251-268.
    In Republic 436a-c Plato introduces, for the first time, the problematic postulate of the tripartition of the species-functions of the soul to pass on to justify it by starting from the so-called “Principle of conflict” or “of the impossibility of opposites”. To reach this point in the dialogue, we will firstly place this passage in the conceptual architecture of the work, taking the topic of stasis (sedition, revolt, civil war) as the thread for the reconstruction of the argumentative sequence (...)
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    A Legal Semiotics Framework for Exploring the Origins of Hermagorean Stasis.Charles Marsh - 2012 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 25 (1):11-29.
    Stasis is a process of classical rhetoric that identifies the core issue in a trial or a similar debate. Hermagoras of Temnos included the first comprehensive analysis of stasis in his second-century BCE treatise on rhetoric, now lost. Modern scholars tend to echo George Kennedy, who maintains that Hermagoras’ inspiration for the hierarchical structure of stasis is indeterminate. This article, however, employs scholarship in legal semiotics, including the work of Miklós Könczöl and Bernard S. Jackson, to argue (...)
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    Countering the Disadvantage: Stasis as an Emancipatory Minimalist Legacy in Chantal Akerman's Cinema.Charlotte Wynant - 2023 - Film-Philosophy 27 (3):488-506.
    This article examines stasis in Chantal Akerman's cinema by means of a genealogical study into its minimalist origins in order to make visible its political operationality in her work and, by extension, its inherent political potential. Stasis is an aesthetic effect generated through the use of repetition, seriality, and duration in temporal media that proliferated in Minimalism across artforms and was taken up by Akerman during her séjour in New York in the early 1970s. The characteristic endless temporality (...)
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  33. The Ends of Stasis: Spinoza, Reader of Agamben.Dimitris Vardoulakis - 2012 - In Clare Monagle & Dimitris Vardoulakis, The Politics of Nothing: On Sovereignty. Routledge. pp. 51-62.
    Vardoulakis explores the connection between sovereignty and stasis in the work of Agamben. It considers some of Agamben's most famous formulations of sovereignty, such in Homo Sacer. But the focus is on some seemingly obscure references to Spinoza in Agamben's works. Vardoulakis argues that these references reveal the logic of Agamben's political philosophy -- including a politics of reading that influences his account of the philosophical tradition.
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    Imagen y stásis. La guerra civil en la teoría de los actos de imagen de Horst Bredekamp.Javier Esteban Benyo - 2021 - Aisthesis 69.
    A partir de una problematización de la cuestión de la guerra civil, este artículo ofrece una interpretación de la teoría de los actos de imagen desarrollada por Horst Bredekamp. En particular, este trabajo se focaliza en el tema de la relación entre el cuerpo y la imagen en el contexto de la stásis contemporánea. Su objetivo es dar cuenta de una teoría que va más allá de una definición de la imagen en tanto ligada a la representación. En este contexto, (...)
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    Stasis.N. R. E. Fisher - 1983 - The Classical Review 33 (02):255-.
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    Kin Conflicts and Stasis: Civil War on Peuce in Valerius Flaccus’ Argonautica.Elaine C. Sanderson - 2022 - Classical Quarterly 72 (1):303-315.
    While it is no secret that Valerius Flaccus’Argonauticaexplores civil-war themes at great length, the conflicts arising on the island of Peuce between the Colchians and the Argonauts and within the Argonautic party itself in the epic's final book (8.217–467) have been overlooked in critical studies of Valerian civil war. This article argues that Valerius presents the conflicts on Peuce as examples of civil war—emphasizing the bonds of kinship between the conflicting parties and illustrating effects of this discord using imagery of (...)
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    Stasis: Civil War as a Political Paradigm.David Armitage - 2017 - Common Knowledge 23 (3):535-535.
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    Stasis and Stability: Exile, the Polis, and Political Thought, C. 404-146 Bc.Benjamin David Gray - 2015 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    This volume offers a history of the role of exile in the Greek city-state in the period c. 404-146 BC, from the end of the Peloponnesian War to the Roman conquest of the Greek world.
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  39. Performing stasis.Barbara Gronau - 2019 - In Reinhold Gorling, Barbara Gronau & Ludger Schwarte, Aesthetics of standstill. Berlin: Sternberg Press.
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    Beyond stasis and symmetry: Lessing, le Guin, and the remodeling of utopia.Naomi Jacobs - 1989 - Utopian Studies 2:109-117.
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    Stasis: The unnatural value.Colleen D. Clements - 1976 - Ethics 86 (2):136-144.
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    Burning beds and political stasis: Bernard Stiegler and the entropic nature of Australian anti-reflexivity.Kristy Forrest - 2022 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 54 (5):557-567.
    The entropic state that engulfed the East Coast of Australia in the first eight months of 2020 followed thirty years of uninterrupted economic growth and 10 years of tenuous federal governments divided on the question of climate change. The twin geophysical crises of catastrophic bushfires and the COVID-19 pandemic have led to a public reckoning around our guardianship of the environment, as well as our relationship with science and indigenous knowledge. Congruent with this was the rapid transformation of both schools (...)
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  43. Dissidio, stasis e società dipolari.Carlo Grassi - 2017 - Rivista di Estetica 65:120-142.
    Jean-François Lyotard s'interroga sulla forma delle organizzazioni sociali e ne identifica la problematica principale nell'eterogeneità che esse veicolano tra i differenti regimi di frasi: si sofferma, in particolare, sull'incompatibilità tra il regime della conoscenza e quello della libertà. A partire da tale riflessione, l'articolo esamina come le società attuali, multiculturali e globalizzate, siano chiamate oggi a compiere una scelta: abbracciare la sintesi dell'eterogeneo oppure rispettare e far rispettare la presenza inevitabile del dissidio. Nella prima occorrenza si corre il rischio di (...)
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  44. Stasys Šalkauskis, 1886-1941.Juozas Eretas - 1960 - [Brooklyn,: Ateitininku̜ federacija.
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  45. Motion, stasis, and resistance to interlocked oppressions.Maria Lugones - 1998 - In Susan Hardy Aiken, Making worlds: gender, metaphor, materiality. Tucson: University of Arizona Press. pp. 49--53.
  46. The paradox of stasis and the nature of explanations in evolutionary biology.Jonathan Michael Kaplan - 2009 - Philosophy of Science 76 (5):797-808.
    Recently, Estes and Arnold claimed to have “solved” the paradox of evolutionary stasis; they claim that stabilizing selection, and only stabilizing selection, can explain the patterns of evolutionary divergence observed over “all timescales.” While Estes and Arnold clearly think that they have identified the processes that produce evolutionary stasis, they have not. Instead, Estes and Arnold identify a particular evolutionary pattern but not the processes that produce that pattern. This mistake is important; the slippage between pattern and process (...)
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    Stasis: Notes Toward Agonist Democracy.Dimitris Vardoulakis - 2017 - Theory and Event 20 (3):699-725.
    The difficulty with democracy is always how to define the demos—the people. Can we think of democracy in a different way? My starting point is to ask what it would mean to take kratos (power) rather than demos as the starting point of the thinking of democracy. I will argue that this is consistent with Solon’s first democratic constitution and that it leads to a thinking of democracy in terms of agonism. Maybe such a conception of agonistic democracy will allow (...)
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    Sculpture, Stasis, the Comics, and Hellboy.Scott Bukatman - 2014 - Critical Inquiry 40 (3):104-117.
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    Esther Rogan, La Stasis dans la politique d’Aristote. La cité sous tension.Pierre Ponchon - 2019 - Philosophie Antique 19:193-195.
    En choisissant de s’intéresser au concept de stasis chez Aristote, E. Rogan (E. R.) nous invite en fait à une relecture complète des Politiques à partir de ce concept essentiel, mais souvent négligé et mal compris. Si la stasis a suscité un certain intérêt depuis une trentaine d’années, ce n’est pourtant pas sur l’œuvre d’Aristote, mais surtout sur celle de ses prédécesseurs – essentiellement Thucydide et Platon – que la recherche semble s’être concentrée. Donnant toute sa place au (...)
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    Platons Philosophie der Stasis: Antike Lehren zum Verständnis innerstaatlicher Konflikte.André Olbrich - 2021 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 69 (3):365-382.
    In this paper the understanding of the term “stasis” in Plato’s works is investigated. This term usually characterizes internal conflicts among the Greeks and has been increasingly discussed in newer debates on political philosophy. To approach the concept of stasis, its difference from the concept of “polemos” (the Greek word for war) is discussed. The aim is to show the functions of the various differentiations of these terms, in order to draw essential lessons from Plato’s work for today’s (...)
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