Results for ' Sophia's love'

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  1.  35
    “Coerced Loss and Ambivalent Preservation”: Racial Melancholia in American Born Chinese.Sophia Tatiana Sarigianides - 2017 - Educational Theory 67 (1):37-49.
    Recent applications of Freud's theory examine the social value of the lost love object as a way of understanding the suffering of non-majority groups. Rather than pathologizing the individual suffering the loss, the lens of racial melancholia pathologizes the discourse that constitutes racially marked others as alien to the majority. Through a close reading of image and text, Sophia Tatiana Sarigianides applies David Eng and Shinhee Han's theory of racial melancholia to Gene Luen Yang's graphic novel American Born Chinese. (...)
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    Al-Ghazālī and the Idea of Moral Beauty.Sophia Vasalou - 2021 - New York: Routledge.
    Al-Ghazālī and the Idea of Moral Beauty rethinks the relationship between the good and the beautiful by considering the work of eleventh-century Muslim theologian Abū Ḥāmid al-Ghazālī. A giant of Islamic intellectual history, al-Ghazālī is celebrated for his achievements in a wide range of disciplines. One of his greatest intellectual contributions lies in the sphere of ethics, where he presided over an ambitious attempt to integrate philosophical and scriptural ideas into a seamless ethical vision. The connection between ethics and aesthetics (...)
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  3. The Impact of Dementia on the Self: Do We Consider Ourselves the Same as Others?Sophia A. Harris, Amee Baird, Steve Matthews, Jeanette Kennett, Rebecca Gelding & Celia B. Harris - 2021 - Neuroethics 14 (3):281-294.
    The decline in autobiographical memory function in people with Alzheimer’s dementia has been argued to cause a loss of self-identity. Prior research suggests that people perceive changes in moral traits and loss of memories with a “social-moral core” as most impactful to the maintenance of identity. However, such research has so far asked people to rate from a third-person perspective, considering the extent to which hypothetical others maintain their identity in the face of various impairments. In the current study, we (...)
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    Bertrand and Dora Russell on Sex, Marriage and the Rule of Fathers.Sophia Connell - 2024 - In Landon D. C. Elkind & Alexander Mugar Klein (eds.), Bertrand Russell, Feminism, and Women Philosophers in his Circle. London: Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 37-82.
    Reviewers of Bertrand Russell’s Marriage and Morals (MM) came to no consensus on the purpose of the work. Some saw it as advocating love in marriage, others as destroying marriage and still others as an attempt to justify promiscuity (Kayden, Tract on Sex and Marriage: Review of Marriage and Morals by Bertrand Russell. The Sewanee Review 38(1), 104–108, 1930; Pan, Review of Marriage and Morals by Bertrand Russell. The China Critic 3(8), 186–187, 1930). Their confusion is understandable given the (...)
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    God’s Love and the Horrendous Deeds Objection: a Response to Flannagan.Jason Thibodeau - 2024 - Sophia 63 (1):43-56.
    The horrendous deeds objection to metaethical divine command theory (MDCT) says that since God can command anything whatsoever, even things that are horrendous, MDCT seems to imply that God can make any action, no matter how repugnant, morally obligatory. Defenders of MDCT frequently claim, by way of response, that since God is essentially omnibenevolent, it is impossible that he commands us to do horrendous things. I have recently argued that it is irrelevant that God cannot issue horrible commands. The argument (...)
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    Loving Rust's Pessimism.Rick Elmore - 2017 - In Tom Sparrow & Jacob Graham (eds.), True Detective and Philosophy. New York: Wiley. pp. 31–41.
    This chapter describes motivations of Rust Cohle's pessimism in the first season of True Detective. On the one hand, Rust's pessimism is linked to the tragic death of his daughter, implying that a profound, personal tragedy made him a pessimist. On the other hand, Rust never appeals to this tragedy or any other personal experience to justify his belief in the meaninglessness of existence, arguing always that it comes from a rational evaluation of reality. In the season finale, Rust has (...)
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    A Lament Over Frankenstein, Nature De-Natured: A Deep Ecology with Sacred Seed.Jea Sophia Oh - 2016 - American Journal of Theology and Philosophy 37 (1):70-78.
    Seeds are our sacred ancestors. Ruining a seed means hurting your soul! My maternal grandparents lived in a small farming village in Korea when I was a five-year-old kindergartener. I visited my grandfather’s house almost every weekend. Both of my grandparents welcomed my visit; my coming was their great joy. I really loved to visit my grandfather’s house. My grandfather was a Confucian scholar and a farmer who believed farming is sacred work. From him, I began to learn my first (...)
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  8. God’s Love is Irrelevant to the Euthyphro Problem.Jason Thibodeau - 2019 - Sophia 58 (3):437-453.
    One prominent response, based on the work of Robert Adams, Edward Wierenga, and others, to the Euthyphro objection to the divine command theory is to point out that God is essentially omnibenevolent. The commands of an essentially loving being will not be arbitrary since they are grounded in his nature, nor is it possible for a loving God to issue horrendous commands such as the gratuitous torture of infants. This paper argues that this response is inadequate. The divine command theory (...)
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    Loving Yourself as Your Neighbor: a Critique and Some Friendly Suggestions for Eleonore Stump’s Neo-Thomistic Account of Love.Jordan Wessling - 2019 - Sophia 58 (3):493-509.
    Many Christian theorists notice that love should contain, in additional to benevolence, some kind of interpersonal or unitive component. The difficulty comes in trying to provide an account of this unitive component that is sufficiently interpersonal in other-love and yet is also compatible with self-love. Eleonore Stump is one of the few Christian theorists who directly addresses this issue. Building upon the work of Thomas Aquinas, Stump argues that love is constituted by two desires: the desire (...)
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  10.  32
    Love and Grace in Heidegger’s Sein und Zeit.Lars Östman - 2014 - Sophia 53 (4):535-551.
    Martin Heidegger’s Sein und Zeit presents one of the most striking reflexions on human facticity, i.e. the fact that Dasein fundamentally exists in a world letting Dasein and world be co-extensive. By quoting two central personages in theology, Pascal and Augustine, Heidegger refers to a concept of love that is constitutive for Dasein’s facticity to truth and to knowledge. By investigating the claim that love is as good as absent from Sein und Zeit, the article intends to show (...)
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  11.  66
    Love, Power and Consistency: Scotus’ Doctrines of God’s Power, Contingent Creation, Induction and Natural Law.Cal Ledsham - 2010 - Sophia 49 (4):557-575.
    I first examine John Duns Scotus’ view of contingency, pure possibility, and created possibilities, and his version of the celebrated distinction between ordained and absolute power. Scotus’ views on ethical natural law and his account of induction are characterised, and their dependence on the preceding doctrines detailed. I argue that there is an inconsistency in his treatments of the problem of induction and ethical natural law. Both proceed with God’s contingently willed creation of a given order of laws, which can (...)
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  12.  13
    Love in motion: erotic relationships in film.Reidar Due - 2013 - London: Wallflower Press.
    This book is about film's encounter with love throughout the medium's history. It is also about the philosophy of love... [it] outlines a new metaphysics and ontology of love as a reciprocal erotic relationship. This study argues that film's special narrative language is particularly well suited to depicting love in this way. It begins with early silent directors, such as Joseph von Sternberg, and concludes with contemporary filmmakers, such as Sophia Coppola; it also compares classical French (...)
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  13.  23
    Characterizing scientific failure: putting the replication crisis in context.S. Güttinger & Alan Love - 2019 - EMBO Reports 20:e48765.
    The ongoing debate about a “replication crisis” has put scientific failure in the spotlight, not only in psychological research and the social sciences but also in the life sciences. However, despite this increased salience of failure in research, the concept itself has so far received little attention in the literature (for an exception, see Ref. 1). The lack of a systematic perspective on scientific failure—a daily experience for researchers—hampers our understanding of this complex phenomenon and the development of efficient policies (...)
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    Response speed following failure in a two-choice game as a function of reward, punishment, and response pattern.Robert S. Wyer Jr & John M. Love - 1966 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 72 (4):571.
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    Colloquium 1 How Good is that Thing Called Love? The Volatility of erōs in Plato’s Symposium.Vasilis Politis - 2016 - Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium of Ancient Philosophy 31 (1):1-34.
    I argue that the speech of Socrates-Diotima in Plato’s Symposium is in major part addressed to the questions, ‘How good is erōs?’ and ‘Is erōs a good thing or not?’; erōs being characterized as, precisely, the state of the human soul which is the desire for beauty and beautiful things. I conclude that, according to Plato, erōs is not, by itself, good-directed, or, by itself, bad-directed. Rather, erōs is capable of going either way, and which way it will actually go (...)
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  16.  65
    Blameworthiness, Love, and Strong Divine Sovereignty.Peter Furlong - 2017 - Sophia 56 (3):419-433.
    In this paper, I explore some problems faced by those who endorse what I will call strong divine sovereignty. According to this view, every worldly event is guaranteed by God’s causal activity. The first problem this view faces is that it seems to make God morally blameworthy. I explore several possible ways for defenders of SDS to avoid this conclusion. Unfortunately, however, each of these solutions leaves another problem intact: if SDS is true, then it appears that God is not (...)
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  17.  13
    Dialogues of Love.Leone Ebreo - 2009 - University of Toronto Press.
    Leone's Dialogues consists of three conversations - 'On Love and Desire,' 'On the Universality of Love,' and 'On the Origin of Love' - that take place over a period of three subsequent days.They are organized in a dialogic format, much like a theatrical representation, of a conversation between a man, Philo, who plays the role of the lover and teacher, and a woman, Sophia, the beloved and pupil. The discussion covers a wide range of topics that have (...)
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  18.  42
    Indian logic revisited: Nyāyapra veśa reviewed. [REVIEW]Brendan S. Gillon & Martha Lile Love - 1980 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 8 (4):349-384.
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  19.  25
    Answering Divine Love: Human Distinctiveness in the Light of Islam and Artificial Superintelligence.Yusuf Çelik - 2023 - Sophia 62 (4):679-696.
    In the Qur’an, human distinctiveness was first questioned by angels. These established denizens of the cosmos could not understand why God would create a seemingly pernicious human when immaculate devotees of God such as themselves existed. In other words, the angels asked the age-old question: what makes humans so special and different? Fast forward to our present age and this question is made relevant again in light of the encroaching arrival of an artificial superintelligence (ASI). Up to this point in (...)
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  20.  46
    Happy Family Kitchen II: A Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial of a Community-Based Family Intervention for Enhancing Family Communication and Well-being in Hong Kong.Henry C. Y. Ho, Moses Mui, Alice Wan, Yin-Lam Ng, Sunita M. Stewart, Carol Yew, Tai Hing Lam & Sophia S. Chan - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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  21.  43
    The Imperceptible Work of God: Pamela Sue Anderson’s Re-visioning Gender in Philosophy of Religion: Reason, Love and Epistemic Locatedness.Steven Shakespeare - 2014 - Sophia 53 (2):193-197.
    This essay offers a response to Pamela Sue Anderson’s book, Re-visioning Gender in Philosophy of Religion. It focuses on three key aspects of Anderson’s work: first, her concern with the often imperceptible reality of gender exclusions; secondly, her discussion of ineffability in dialogue with Adrian Moore’s work and thirdly, her defence of realism in response to Grace Jantzen. These themes constitute a welcome articulation of rationality within a feminist framework, whilst opening up rationality to the validity of non-propositional truths. The (...)
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  22.  38
    Retracted article: Systematic assessment of research on autism spectrum disorder and mercury reveals conflicts of interest and the need for transparency in autism research.Janet K. Kern, David A. Geier, Richard C. Deth, Lisa K. Sykes, Brian S. Hooker, James M. Love, Geir Bjørklund, Carmen G. Chaigneau, Boyd E. Haley & Mark R. Geier - 2017 - Science and Engineering Ethics 23 (6):1689-1690.
    Historically, entities with a vested interest in a product that critics have suggested is harmful have consistently used research to back their claims that the product is safe. Prominent examples are: tobacco, lead, bisphenol A, and atrazine. Research literature indicates that about 80–90 % of studies with industry affiliation found no harm from the product, while only about 10–20 % of studies without industry affiliation found no harm. In parallel to other historical debates, recent studies examining a possible relationship between (...)
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    A Randomized Controlled Trial of a Positive Family Holistic Health Intervention for Probationers in Hong Kong: A Mixed-Method Study.Agnes Y.-K. Lai, Shirley M.-M. Sit, Carol Thomas, George O.-C. Cheung, Alice Wan, Sophia S.-C. Chan & Tai-Hing Lam - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Introduction: Probationers, offenders with less serious and non-violent offences, and under statutory supervision, have low levels of self-esteem and physical health, and high level of family conflict, and poorer quality of family relationships. This study examined the effectiveness of the existing probation service and the additional use of a positive family holistic health intervention to enhance physical, psychological, and family well-being in probationers and relationships with probation officers.Methods: Probationers under the care of the Hong Kong Social Welfare Department were randomized (...)
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  24. Arendt and Augustine: More Than One Kind of Love.Lucy Tatman - 2013 - Sophia 52 (4):625-635.
    Although Hannah Arendt is not usually read as a philosopher of religion, her political philosophy is noticeably filled with references to religious figures and thinkers, including Jesus of Nazareth, Augustine and Duns Scotus. Also notable is the implicit centrality in her thought of amor mundi, or love of the world. The difficulty is that although she spoke to her students about it, she rarely wrote about amor mundi. In this article, I seek to provide a plausible explanation of the (...)
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  25.  24
    In Communion with God’s Sparrow: Incorporating Animal Agency into the Environmental Vision of Laudato Sí.Mary A. Ashley - 2018 - Sophia 57 (1):103-118.
    Although a conventional environmentalism focuses on the health of ecological systems, Pope Francis’s 2015 environmental encyclical Laudato Sí invokes St. Francis of Assisi to emphasize God’s love for the individual organism, no matter how small. Decrying the tendency to regard other creatures as mere objects to be controlled and used, Pope Francis urges our enactment of a ‘universal communion’ governed by love. I suggest, however, that Laudato Sí’s animal ethic, as focused on ordering human and animal need, is (...)
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  26.  26
    Declaration and Bestowal: A Love Story.Jeffrey Hershfield - 2022 - Sophia 61 (4):887-901.
    Irving Singer has defended the thesis that the "fine gold thread" of love, its sine qua non, is the bestowal of value by the lover on the beloved, even in those cases where the love itself is grounded in a positive appraisal of the beloved's attributes. He suggests that bestowal is a matter of elevating the importance of the beloved and his or her needs and interests above their appraised merit. I argue that love's bestowal is principally (...)
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    When Pain Becomes an Expression of Love: a Phenomenological Analysis of Self-inflicted Pain Among Christian Monastic Ascetics in Central Medieval Europe.Roni Naor Hofri - 2023 - Sophia 62 (2):227-248.
    This paper shows how self-inflicted pain enabled the expression of love for God among Christian monastic flagellant ascetics in medieval central Europe. As scholars have shown, being in a state of pain leads to a change in or a destruction of language, an essential attribute of the self. I argue that this transformation allows the self to transcend its boundaries as a conscious object, even if only in part, in a limited manner and temporarily, thereby enabling the expression of (...)
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  28.  12
    Mirabai Seeks God: A Journey of Devotional Love and Longing.Nirali Patel - forthcoming - Sophia:1-15.
    In this paper, I will be discussing, through the lens of this paradox, the experiences of a Hindu devotee of God, the 16th-century poet Mirabai. I will map out some contours of this interaction that seems to be conceptually impossible and yet animates the devotional life. I will explore how Mirabai seeks to transgress, through her poetic expressions alternating with joy and sorrow, the finite realm and somehow contain the divine non-finite reality, namely, Krishna. As we will see, her attempts (...)
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    The Phenomenon of Sentiments and Love in Non-human Animals from the Ontological Point of View of Mulla Sadra.Mirzaei Hamidreza - 2022 - Sophia 61 (2):331-344.
    In the whole universe, from the lowest beings to the highest ones, love permeates through the entire world of existence. Love is one of the hallmarks and perfections of existence in animals. This survey was done to illuminate and explain Mullah Sadra’s ontological viewpoint on the entity of sentiments and the inborn and innate love in the existence of non-human animals. The analytic and descriptive method was used to conduct this study and research. An animal is one (...)
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    Moral Intensity: It Is What Is, But What Is It? A Critical Review of the Literature.Sophia Kusyk & Mark S. Schwartz - forthcoming - Journal of Business Ethics:1-22.
    Scholarship into the empirical relationship between moral intensity (MI) and ethical decision-making (EDM) offers only equivocal empirical results. This ethical decision-making study is the first cumulative review to synthesize and assess over three decades of research into Jones’ (1991) MI construct by investigating the influence of each of the MI characteristics on Rest’s (1986) ethical decision-making stages (EDMS): awareness, judgment, intention, and behavior. After classifying 125 empirical papers according to the effect each moral intensity characteristic has on each EDMS, only (...)
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  31.  62
    Communal Ownership and Kant’s Theory of Right.S. M. Love - 2020 - Kantian Review 25 (3):415-440.
    The article argues that Kant’s argument for ownership entails a standard of meaningful use by which property regimes can be evaluated: a regime must make it possible for usable objects to be meaningfully used. A particular form of fully communal ownership can satisfy this standard. Further, this form of communal ownership is compatible with Kantian freedom more broadly. I conclude that, if this is so, there is a great deal of space for further consideration of the rightfulness of diverse regimes (...)
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    The metaphysics of ethical love: Comparing practical vedanta and feminist ethics.Vrinda Dalmiya - 2009 - Sophia 48 (3):221-235.
    In this paper I compare two very different deployments of love in ethics. Swami Vivekananda's concept of ethical love ties into the project of constructing an alternative masculinity for a colonized people; while feminist care ethics uses love to escape the perceived masculinity of traditional ethical theory. Using Kenneth Goodpaster's distinction between ‘framework questions’ and ‘application questions,’ I try to show that love in Practical Vedanta addresses the former while feminist care ethics concerns itself with the (...)
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    Deirdre’s Smile: Names, Faces, and ‘the Simple Actuality’ of Another.David Cockburn - 2019 - Sophia 60 (1):209-223.
    The paper explores what it could mean to speak of love as involving a delight in ‘the simple actuality’ of another, or, as Buber does, of the ‘touchable’ human being as ‘unique and devoid of qualities’. Developing strands in Merleau-Ponty’s treatment of perception, it is argued that the relation between recognising this as a particular individual and recognising particular qualities in her may be close to the reverse of what might be supposed: a recognition of this distinctive smile being (...)
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  34.  48
    Socialism and Freedom.S. M. Love - 2020 - Philosophical Topics 48 (2):131-157.
    Socialism has long been thought by many to be the enemy of freedom. Here, I argue that in order to understand the relationship between socialism and freedom, we must have a better idea both of what socialism is and of what it is to have a right to freedom. To start, I argue that the right to freedom is best understood as a right to direct one’s own will in the world consistently with the rights of others to do the (...)
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  35.  32
    Voluntarism and Love: Grant and Nygren on Agapé and Eros.Glen Graham - 2020 - Sophia 60 (4):965-988.
    This paper examines the concept of sovereign agency in Nygren’s agapic theology. I argue that Nygren’s theology is structured by a voluntarist-inspired idealization of sovereignty that in effect precludes a viable agapic theory of alterity. ‘Otherness’ plays no essential role in Nygren’s subject-centred ethic. George Grant’s profound meditations on ‘otherness’ in Technology and Justice and other late works will provide the critical perspective for my reading of Nygren and agapist theology in general.
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    Life history aspects of 19 rockfish species (Scorpaenidae: Sebastes) from the Southern California Bight.Milton S. Love, Pamela Morris, Merritt McCrae & Robson Collins - 1987 - Laguna 53:56.
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    A Philosophy of Sacred Nature: Prospects for Ecstatic Naturalism.Robert S. Corrington, Sigridur Gudmarsdottir, Joseph M. Kramp, Wade A. Mitchell, Robert Cummings Neville, Jea Sophia Oh, Iljoon Park, Austin J. Roberts, Wesley J. Wildman, Guy Woodward & Martin O. Yalcin (eds.) - 2014 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    This book introduces Robert Corrington’s “ecstatic naturalism,” a new perspective in understanding “sacred” nature and naturalism, and explores what can be done with this philosophical thought. This is an excellent resource for scholars of Continental philosophy, philosophy of religion, and American pragmatism.
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    Too Shame to Look: Learning to Trust Mirrors and Healing the Lived Experience of Shame in Alice Walker's The Color Purple.Kimberly S. Love - 2018 - Hypatia 33 (3):521-536.
    This article investigates the role of shame in shaping the epistolary form and aesthetic structure of Alice Walker's The Color Purple. I argue that the epistolary framing presents a crisis in the development of Celie's shamed self‐consciousness. To explain the connection between shame and Celie's self‐consciousness, I build on Jean Paul Sartre's theory of existentialism and explore three phases of Celie's evolution as it is represented in three phrases that I identify as significant transitions in the text: “I am,” “But (...)
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  39.  67
    Kant After Marx.S. M. Love - 2017 - Kantian Review 22 (4):579-598.
    While there are many points of opposition between the political philosophies of Marx and Kant, the two can greatly benefit from one another in various ways. Bringing the ideas of Marx and Kant together offers a promising way forward for each view. Most significantly, a powerful critique of capitalism can be developed from their combined thought: Kant’s political philosophy offers a robust idea of freedom to ground this critique, while Marx provides the nuanced understanding of social and political power structures (...)
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    Animal ethics and Hinduism’s milking, mothering legends: analysing Krishna the butter thief and the Ocean of Milk.Yamini Narayanan - 2018 - Sophia 57 (1):133-149.
    The Hindu ethic of cow protectionism is legislatively interpreted in many Indian states through the criminalisation of cow slaughter, and beef consumption, obscuring dairying’s direct role in the butchery of spent female and unproductive male bovines. Cow milk, however, is celebrated as sacred in scriptural and ritual Hinduism, and mobilised by commercial dairying, as well as by right-wing Hindu groups to advance the idea of a Hindu Indian nation. In order to fully protect cows from the harms of human exploitation, (...)
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    The Binding of Abraham: Levinas’s Moment in Kierkegaard’s Fear and Trembling.Robert C. Reed - 2017 - Sophia 56 (1):81-98.
    Most readings of Kierkegaard’s Fear and Trembling take its account of the Abraham and Isaac story to imply fairly obviously that duty towards God is absolutely distinct from, and therefore capable of superseding, duty towards neighbor or son. This paper will argue, however, that the Akedah, or ‘binding’ of Isaac, as Kierkegaard’s pseudonym, Johannes de Silentio, depicts it, binds Abraham to Isaac in a revitalized neighbor relation that is not at all subordinate, in any simple way, to Abraham’s God-relation. The (...)
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  42.  58
    A fallible groom in the religious thought of C.s. Peirce – a centenary revisitation.Jeffrey H. Sims - 2008 - Sophia 47 (2):91-105.
    Under the general tutelage of Kant, Charles Sanders Peirce (1839–1914) introduced American pragmatism to yet another philosophical dialectic: between a neglected transcendental instinct and earthly authorities. The dialectic became Peirce’s response to various evolutionary schemes in the 19th century. Guided by the recollected voices of Socrates, Jesus, St. John, Anselm, and Kant, as well as his own brand of pragmatism, Peirce eventually developed a “Neglected Argument for the Reality of God” a century ago, in 1908. Here, Peirce endorsed a more (...)
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    Red Foxes in the Filing Cabinet: Günter Tembrock's Image Collection and Media Use in Mid‐Century Ethology*.Sophia Gräfe - 2022 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 45 (1-2):55-86.
    Berichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte, Volume 45, Issue 1-2, Page 55-86, June 2022.
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    The ethical and economic implications of smoking in enclosed public facilities: A resolution of conflicting rights. [REVIEW]S. Andrew Ostapski, L. Wayne Plumly & J. L. Love - 1997 - Journal of Business Ethics 16 (4):377-384.
    Smokers and nonsmokers possess equal rights but those rights conflict with each other in the use of shared facilities. Medical research has established that smoking harms not only those who use the product but also those who are passively exposed to it. Laws and private regulation of smoking in shared facilities have resulted in the segregation of smokers from nonsmokers to an outright ban of tobacco use. Such controls have provided unsatisfactory results to both groups. An acceptable ethical solution, based (...)
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  45.  35
    The Injustice of Domination.S. M. Love - 2023 - Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics 16 (1):aa–aa.
    As part of a book symposium on Nicholas Vrousalis' Exploitation as Domination: What Makes Capitalism Unjust (2023), S.M. Love argues that only the Kantian view can justify Vrousalis’ argument for the injustice of exploitation, and gives a more detailed account of the injustice of domination within the Kantian framework.
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    What’s Love Got to Do with it? An Ecofeminist Approach to Inter-Animal and Intra-Cultural Conflicts of Interest.Karen S. Emmerman - 2019 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 22 (1):77-91.
    Many familial and cultural traditions rely on animals for their fulfillment - think of Christmas ham, Rosh Hashannah chicken soup, Fourth of July barbeques, and so forth. Though philosophers writing in animal ethics often dismiss interests in certain foods as trivial, these food-based traditions pose a significant moral problem for those who take animals’ lives and interests seriously. One must either turn one’s back on one’s community or on the animals. In this paper, I consider the under-theorized area of intra-cultural (...)
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    Περί άγαθοϋ στρατηγοϋ: Plutarch’s Fabius Maximus and the Ethics of Generalship.Sophia A. Xenophontos - 2012 - Hermes 140 (2):160-183.
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  48.  21
    ‘That’s What Art Does’: Disclosing Religious and Ethical Possibilities Through Film.Mikel Burley - 2021 - Sophia 60 (4):1047-1064.
    The significance of narrative artworks as resources for, and possibly as instances of, philosophical thinking has increasingly been recognized over recent decades. Utilization of such resources in philosophy of religion has, however, been limited. Focusing on film in particular, this article develops an account of film’s importance for a ‘contemplative’ approach to philosophizing about religious ethics, an approach that prioritizes the elucidation of possibilities of sense over the evaluation of ‘truth claims’. Taking Dead Man Walking as a case in point, (...)
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    Neuroenhancement of Memory for Children with Autism by a Mind–Body Exercise.Agnes S. Chan, Yvonne M. Y. Han, Sophia L. Sze & Eliza M. Lau - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Aristotle on Women's Virtues.Sophia Connell - 2023 - In Sara Brill (ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Women and Ancient Greek Philosophy. Routledge Handbooks in Philosophy. pp. 388-405.
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