Results for ' Sideshows'

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    The Lure of the Cartesian Sideshow.Keith Frankish - 2020 - The Philosophers' Magazine 88:69-74.
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    The Humble Argument is Musement on God's Great Argument.David Rohr - 2019 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 55 (4):429-453.
    C.S. Peirce's "A Neglected Argument for the Reality of God" [NA] has always baffled its readers. Its publishing editor needed to ask, "[W]hat, then, precisely, is your neglected argument?", and EP 2's editors observe that "[t]his is one of Peirce's most enigmatic writings". First-time readers will likely concur with the underwhelmed theologian who told Michael Raposa that NA "ought to remain neglected". Early Peirce scholars did neglect the essay, regarding it as an "anomalous sideshow to Peirce's more important concern with (...)
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    Caliban's Triple Play.Houston A. Baker Jr - 1986 - Critical Inquiry 13 (1):182-196.
    One legacy of post-Enlightenment dualism in the universe of academic discourse is the presence of two approached to notions of duality championed by two differing camps. One camp might arbitrarily be called debunkers; the other might be labeled rationalists. The strategies of the camps are conditioned by traditional notions of inside and outside. Debunkers consider themselves outsiders, beyond a deceptive show filled with tricky mirrors. Rationalists, by contrast, spend a great deal of time among mirrors, listening to explanations from the (...)
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    Conceiving People: Genetic Knowledge and the Ethics of Sperm and Egg Donation by Daniel Groll.Melissa Moschella - 2022 - Review of Metaphysics 76 (1):141-143.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Conceiving People: Genetic Knowledge and the Ethics of Sperm and Egg Donation by Daniel GrollMelissa MoschellaGROLL, Daniel. Conceiving People: Genetic Knowledge and the Ethics of Sperm and Egg Donation. New York: Oxford University Press, 2021. 256 pp. Cloth, $74.00In Conceiving People, Daniel Groll argues that, generally speaking, those intending to conceive with the help of donor gametes have a moral obligation to use an open donor rather than (...)
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    Wealth and Suffering.Werner Bonefeld - 2018 - Dialogue and Universalism 28 (3):123-140.
    Karl Marx's Capital is critique of the capitalistically organised social relations of reproduction. It recognises economic categories as perverted social categories and asks about the manner in which human social practice manifests itself in the form of independent economic categories and laws that unfold as if governed by invisible principles. He says, the capitalist relations are beyond human control and he argues that the indi-viduals act under economic compulsion and are controlled by the products of their own labour. His critique (...)
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    The Left in Search of a Center.Michael Crozier & Peter Murphy - 1996
    Does leftist political thought have a future? American liberalism is being marginalized, European socialism is exhausted, and cultural radicalism has become little more than a sideshow. Contributors to The Left in Search of a Center probe questions of how political community can be imagined and constituted in the contemporary world. Together, they make it apparent that the still-emerging idea of political community is anchored in the pluralistic and cross-cultural nature of late twentieth-century Western societies.
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    A Call to Wonder reimagining disability.Rosemarie Garland-Thomson - 2024 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 67 (4):483-495.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:A Call to Wonder reimagining disabilityRosemarie Garland-ThomsonComing to WonderI came to wonder last summer on a research visit to the Ringling Brothers Museum in Sarasota, Florida. Scattered with garish posters and peculiar objects, the museum’s circus archive was a cabinet of curiosities documenting a lost world of the extraordinary. Circuses, sideshows, and early museums were entertainment venues that offered good jobs to people with disabilities at a time (...)
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    Ugly town.Sean Gorman - 2016 - Thesis Eleven 135 (1):99-114.
    In considering the historical treatment of Aboriginal Australians this paper will discuss the different spaces operating in Western Australia’s South West in the late 1920s and the government policies that fed into them. These are the Moore River Native Settlement that is located some 100 km north of Perth and White City, a carnival sideshow located at the bottom of William Street on the banks of the Swan River in Perth. The 1905 Aborigines Act and a provision within that act (...)
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    Roadmap Needed: How to Help Parents Navigate the Worst Day of Their Lives.Cheryl Kilpatrick - 2014 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 4 (1):9-12.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Roadmap Needed:How to Help Parents Navigate the Worst Day of Their LivesCheryl KilpatrickOn January 14, 2010, our 3–year–old daughter, Maggie, was rushed to an emergency room at a satellite medical center. I am an occupational therapist and was actually scheduled to work at a hospital that day. I was wearing my purple scrubs. Maggie had been showing “strange” symptoms all week that I thought might be a sign that (...)
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    A note on Susan James.Peter King - unknown
    Susan James, in her recent work Passion and Action: The Emotions in Seventeenth-Century Philosophy (Oxford: Clarendon 1997), prefaces her investigation of emotions in the seventeenth century with a series of remarks about the earlier career of the emotions, in particular their treatment in the Middle Ages. In brief, she takes the ‘new’ analyses of the passions put forward in the seventeenth century to be a philosophical sideshow to the main event: the dethronement of Aristotelian natural philosophy and metaphysics (22). She (...)
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    Derrida At Yale: The "Deconstructive Moment" in Modernist Poetics.Christopher Norris - 1980 - Philosophy and Literature 4 (2):242-256.
    Christopher Norris DERRIDA AT YALE: THE "DECONSTRUCTIVE MOMENT" IN MODERNIST POETICS IN seven types of ambiguity, William Empson breezily remarked of his critical method that it was "either all nonsense or all very startling and new." The reactions went very much as Empson predicted, with a whole new school of criticism eagerly latching on to the idea of multiple meanings in poetry, while the sober-sided scholars indignantly attacked his wayward "misreadings" and flagrant anachronisms. At present, there is a similar controversy (...)
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    Depicting Historical Persons and Identities: A Faceted Approach.Melissa Resnick, Jian Qin & Brian Dobreski - 2021 - Knowledge Organization 47 (8):668-679.
    Archives are responsible for presenting historical materials to users while also placing them in context. Historical individuals and their identities pose specific challenges for the archive, including how to negotiate changing cultural perspectives on identity and how to convey and explain contexts to modern audiences. Contemporary subject representation practices in cultural heritage tend to offer a reductivist view of personal identity. Using a collection of visual images of nineteenth and twentieth century sideshow performers, the present work explored a faceted approach (...)
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    Confronting and Addressing Historical Discriminations through KOS: A Case Study of Terminology in the Becker-Eisenmann Collection.Melissa Resnick, Jian Qin & Brian Dobreski - 2021 - Knowledge Organization 48 (3):207-212.
    While historical cultural materials inform users of the past, they may also contain language that perpetuates long-entrenched patterns of discrimination. In organizing and providing access to such materials, cultural heritage institutions must negotiate historical language and context with the comprehension and perspectives of modern audiences. Excerpted from a larger project exploring representation and access around historical terminology and personal identity, the present work offers insight into how knowl­edge organization systems may be used to help modern users confront and make sense (...)
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