Results for ' Sakti '

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  1.  68
    The Role of Social Media Use in Peer Bullying Victimization and Onset of Anxiety Among Indonesian Elementary School Children.Dian Veronika Sakti Kaloeti, Rouli Manalu, Ika Febrian Kristiana & Mariola Bidzan - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Objectives: This study explored a multidimensional model of the relationships between social media use, gender, peer bullying victimization experiences, and the onset of anxiety symptoms among children. We hypothesized that greater experience of bullying would be associated with greater onset of anxiety. We also expected that gender and social media use would be linked with anxiety among elementary school children. To test this hypothesis, a structural equation modeling approach was used.Methods: A total of 456 elementary children aged 11–13 years from (...)
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    Āsakti.Gitanjali Roy - 2024 - Journal of the Indian Council of Philosophical Research 41 (2):205-209.
    Āsakti has its roots in the ancient Indian knowledge system. It precipitates the concept of attachment in the Indian perspective. The following paper explores the psychological perspective of āsakti from the Shrimad Bhagavad Gita while maintaining its philosophical purpose and nature. Āsakti hinders the path of self-realization; hence, from the psycho-philosophical lens, its inquiry with scientific understanding is important for spiritual growth. Āsakti can be understood as a river with five tributaries. Each tributary branches out of the river as an (...)
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    Śakti in M Edieval Hindu Sculpture.Eliot S. Deutsch - 1965 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 24 (1):81-89.
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    Making Śakti: Controlling (Natural) Impurity for Female (Cultural) Power.Usha Menon - 2002 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 30 (1‐2):140-157.
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    Jurus sakti berdagang dengan feng shui Jawa.Handri Raharjo - 2010 - Jagakarsa, Jakarta: Distributor Tunggal, Buku Kita.
    Business ethics of Javanese people in doing business in Indonesia.
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    The sources for śakti in abhinavagupta's kāsmīr śaivism: A linguistic and aesthetic category.Gerald James Larson - 1974 - Philosophy East and West 24 (1):41-56.
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    Śakti, Celibacy, and Colonial Politics: Interlocking Themes of the Ānandamaṭh and Debī Chaudhurāṇī of Bankimcandra. [REVIEW]Carl Olson - 2010 - International Journal of Hindu Studies 14 (2-3):281-298.
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    Power and sakti: A comparative study. [REVIEW]Amita Chatterjee - 1987 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 15 (3):209-230.
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  9. Meaning and Semantic Power: Glimpses of the Philosophy of Śakti-Vāda.Plamen Gradinarov - 1992 - In Maksim Stamenov (ed.), Current advances in semantic theory. Philadelphia: John Benjamins. pp. 73--183.
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    The Salvational Meaning of the Śarīra (Body) represented in Āyurveda, Yoga and Tantra: Focusing on the Parallel Structure of Five Elements(Pañca-mahābhūta), the Multi-layer Structure of Five Covers(Pañca-kośa) and the Bipolar Structure of Śiva-Śakti.Geo Lyong Lee - 2013 - The Journal of Indian Philosophy 39:135-170.
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  11. Kyā sāʼins hamen̲ bacā saktī he?George Andrew Lundberg - 1962 - Lāhaur: Shīsh Maḥal, bih ishtirāk Maktabah-yi Frainklin. Edited by ʻAbdulvāḥid.
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    『탄트라정수(Tantrasāra)』 제11장에 나타난 샥티파타(śaktipāta)의 고찰. 심준보 - 2019 - The Journal of Indian Philosophy 56 (56):241-268.
    샥티파타(śaktipāta)는 ‘샥티(śakti)의 하강(pāta, decent; to fall)’의 뜻이다. 샥티란 쉬바교의 절대 원리이자 종교적으로는 신(īśvara), 철학적으로는 의식(cit)으로 이해되는 쉬바(śiva)의 작용적 측면인데, 샥티가 하강한다는 것은 쉬바의 상태가 현전하는 것을 말한다. 즉 신이 개아에 현전하여 개아는 신의 상태가 된다. 본고는 아비나바굽타의 저작인 『탄트라정수』 제 11장을 통해 샥티파타에 대한 내용을 고찰한다. 10세기 인도 카쉬미르의 불이론 쉬바파의 대학자 아비나바굽타는 자신의 대작인 『탄트라광명』의 요약서 『탄트라정수』(TS)를 쓰면서 제 11장에 샥티파타의 내용을 다룬다. 그는 먼저 쉬바파 이원론의 샥티파타론을 제시하고 이를 논파한다. 그는 샥티파타는 바른 지식으로 생긴다는 주장을 소개하고, 바른 지식의 (...)
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    Artha: Meaning.Jonardon Ganeri - 2011 - Delhi, IN: Oxford University Press India.
    This book examines the theories of meaning or artha in different schools of philosophical thought highlighting the significant relationship between 'word' and 'meaning'. It demonstrates that classical Indian theory of language can inform and be informed by contemporary philosophy.
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  14. Unifying Hinduism: Philosophy and Identity in Indian Intellectual History.Andrew J. Nicholson - 2010 - Cambridge University Press.
    Some postcolonial theorists argue that the idea of a single system of belief known as "Hinduism" is a creation of nineteenth-century British imperialists. Andrew J. Nicholson introduces another perspective: although a unified Hindu identity is not as ancient as some Hindus claim, it has its roots in innovations within South Asian philosophy from the fourteenth to seventeenth centuries. During this time, thinkers treated the philosophies of Vedanta, Samkhya, and Yoga, along with the worshippers of Visnu, Siva, and Sakti, as (...)
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  15. Buddhist ‘Theory of Meaning’ (Apoha vāda) as Negative Meaning’.Dr Sanjit Chakraborty - 2017 - NEHU Journal, North Eastern Hill University (2):67-79.
    The paper concentrates on the most pressing question of Indian philosophy: what is the exact connotation of a word or what sort of entity helps us to identify the meaning of a word? The paper focuses on the clash between Realism (Nyāya) and Apoha vāda (Buddhist) regarding the debate whether the meaning of a word is particular/universal or both. The paper asserts that though Naiyāyikas and Mīmāṁsakas challenged against Buddhist Apoha vāda, yet they realized that to establish an opinion in (...)
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  16. Lakṣaṇā as Inference.Nilanjan Das - 2011 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 39 (4-5):353-366.
    This paper questions a few assumptions of Gaṅgeśa Upādhyāya’s theory of ordinary verbal cognition (laukika-śābdabodha). The meaning relation (vṛtti) is of two kinds: śakti (which gives us the primary referent of a word) and lakṣaṇā (which yields the secondary referent). For Gaṅgeśa, the ground (bīja) of lakṣaṇā is a sort of inexplicability (anupapatti) pertaining to the composition (anvaya) of word-meanings. In this connection, one notices that the case of lakṣaṇā is quite similar to that of one variety of postulation, namely, (...)
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  17.  27
    Schopenhauer's Encounter with Indian Thought: Representation and Will and Their Indian Parallels.Stephen Cross - 2013 - Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press.
    Schopenhauer is widely recognized as the Western philosopher who has shown the greatest openness to Indian thought and whose own ideas approach most closely to it. This book examines his encounter with important schools of Hindu and Buddhist philosophy and subjects the principal apparent affinities to a careful analysis. Initial chapters describe Schopenhauer’s encounter with Indian thought in the context of the intellectual climate of early nineteenth-century Europe. For the first time, Indian texts and ideas were becoming available and the (...)
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  18.  50
    A Śaiva Interpretation of the Satkāryavāda: The Sāṃkhya Notion of Abhivyakti and Its Transformation in the Pratyabhijñā Treatise.Isabelle Ratié - 2014 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 42 (1):127-172.
    It is a well-known fact that the Śaiva nondualistic philosopher Utpaladeva (fl. c. 925–975) adopted the Sāṃkhya principle according to which the effect must exist in some way before the operation of its cause (satkāryavāda). Johannes Bronkhorst has highlighted the paradox inherent in this appropriation: Utpaladeva is a staunch supporter of the satkāryavāda, but whereas Sāṃkhya authors consider it as a means of proving the existence of an unconscious matter, the Śaiva exploits it so as to establish his monistic idealism, (...)
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  19.  18
    La Muerte También Es Sueño. Leyendo El Yogavāsiṣṭha Con Segismundo.Raquel Ferrández Formoso - 2023 - Endoxa 51.
    El Mokṣopāya (s. X d.n.e), mejor conocido como Yogavāsiṣṭha, nos adentra en el universo del idealismo subjetivo a través de historias extraordinarias, narradas por Vasiṣṭha, en las que la imaginación es la protagonista. La filosofía que subyace a este voluminoso poema muestra que todo lo que hay es la conciencia (cit-mātra) formada por el vacío supremo. La mente individual solo es un destello del poder de esta conciencia (cit-śakti), un teatro donde se proyecta el mundo externo, con todos sus objetos (...)
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    Non-dualism: Vedāntic and Āgamic (Advaita as Expounded by Śaṅkara and Abhinavagupta).Haramohan Mishra & Godabarisha Mishra - 2021 - Journal of the Indian Council of Philosophical Research 38 (2):137-154.
    AbstractŚaṅkara’s Brahma-advaita-vāda and Abhinavagupta’s Śiva-advaita-vāda are well-known non-dualistic systems in Indian philosophy.1In Advaitavedānta, Brahman-Ātman is the sole reality, and there is unanimity about the fact that all the Upaniṣads speak of an attribute-less non-dual reality that is consciousness, existence and bliss. In Trika, Paramaśiva is the only reality with the nature of sat, cit and ānanda.2 This non-dual reality is self-luminous (sva-prakaśa) in both the schools. Both the schools, in different ways, accept the world as an appearance. In Advaitavedānta, the (...)
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  21.  10
    The principle of the final salvation in hindu tantric soteriology.S. V. Pakhomov - 2019 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 23 (3):278-289.
    The specificity of tantric soteriology consists of a combination of three basic principles - unity, salvation, and bliss. This article explores the principle of salvation. Spiritual liberation implies the final overcoming of obstacles hindering the new worldview. Unlike the principle of unity, the principle of salvation focuses on difference, not on identity, drawing a sharp line between the desired state of liberation and the present state of dependence. The main obstacles to spiritual liberation are expressed in the well-known triad “avidyā (...)
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    Structure and Authorship of the KusumÀ·jali.Ferenc Ruzsa - 2022 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 50 (5):803-819.
    This paper suggests that the classic of Indian theology, the Nyāya-kusumâñjali is in fact two texts: an earlier treatise in 65 ślokas, and Udayana’s commentary on it. Internal evidence consists in: the ślokas read as a continuous text; there are extremely long prose passages without verses; Udayana does not comment on his own verses, only on the ślokas; the basic plan of the two texts are markedly different; different content of some chapters: ch. 1 about karma vs. rituals to reach (...)
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  23. India and the Risk of Psychoanalysis.Lakshmi Kapani, Jeanne Ferguson & François Chenet - 1986 - Diogenes 34 (135):63-78.
    Because of the widespread feminine priority that makes it the receptacle of śakti, India is definitely “one of the last bastions of the Mother,” as is pointed out in a recent book. If in fact there is a “maternalistic” culture it is certainly that of India, in spite of the legal regime, in which the element of affectionate magic characterizing all life and all organic intimacy is affirmed through the warm symbiosis of mother-child love. A miracle of that absolute love (...)
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    Gracious Possession, Gracious Bondage: Śiva’s Aruḷ in Māṇikkavācakar’s Tiruvācakam.A. Gardner Harris - 2016 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 44 (3):411-436.
    The primary concern in this paper is to examine the nature of Śiva’s aruḷ—his generative and salvific energy—as portrayed in Tiruvācakam, Māṇikkavācakar’s important but understudied text of medieval bhakti poems. Close attention is paid to the poet’s description of Śiva’s aruḷ as inducing seemingly incongruous ontological states of being—one of ecstatic possession that results in rapturous dance and one of spiritual bondage. In doing so, this paper posits that Māṇikkavācakar is using aruḷ as śakti is used in the philosophy of (...)
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  25. Remnants of Words in Indian Grammar.Sanjit Chakraborty - 2018 - APA Asian and Asian-American Philosophers and Philosophies 18 (1):39-42.
    This paper in an elementary level expresses the inevitable relation between the word and meaning from the prominent Indian philosophical trends by giving stress on Vyakti-śakti-vāda and Jāti-śakti-vāda, the two contender doctrines. The first one puts emphasis on the semantic value of a predicate whereas the latter draws attention to the generic uses of nouns. The second part of the writing underpins Navya Nyāya and Kumārila’s positions on the word-meaning reliance and the debate initiate when we look back to the (...)
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    Relational Realism and Practical Reason in Utpaladeva’s Sambandhasiddhi.Jesse A. Berger - 2024 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 52 (4):329-355.
    One debate that occupied Pratyabhijñā philosophers and their Buddhist interlocutors was the question of the reality of _sambandha_, or relation. A central treatise on the topic is Utpaladeva’s (∼10th c.) _Sambandhasiddhi_ [SS] (‘_Proof of Relation_’), a response to Dharmakīrti’s (∼7th c.) _Sambandhaparīkṣā_ [SP] (‘_Analysis of Relation_’). As the contrasting titles suggest, Dharmakīrti held that relations are merely conceptual constructions (_kalpanā_), inferred _post hoc_ from discrete perceptual cognitions (_pratyakṣa_)—and thus ultimately _unreal_. Utpaladeva, on the other hand, attempted to ‘prove’ (_siddhi_) the (...)
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    M. Sastrapratedja, Lima Gagasan Yang Dapat Mengubah Indonesia, Jakarta: Pusat Kajian Filsafat dan Pancasila, 2013, 413 hlm. [REVIEW]Franz Magnis-Susesno - 2020 - Diskursus - Jurnal Filsafat dan Teologi STF Driyarkara 13 (1):138-142.
    Lima gagasan yang dapat mengubah Indonesia itu tentu Pancasila. Sebagaimana ditulis Jakob Oetama dalam kata pengantar buku Profesor Sastrapratedja, sudah sangat mendesak untuk mengaktualisasikan kembali Pancasila. Pancasila sudah lama berada dalam bahaya, bukan karena masih ada kekuatan politik yang mempersoalkannya, melainkan karena dukungan terhadap Pancasila cenderung menguapkan maknanya. Di masa Demokrasi Terpimpin Pancasila semakin dikesampingkan oleh semboyan-semboyan lain di mana yang paling tragis adalah NASAKOM. Di masa Orde Baru Pancasila dinyatakan sakti dan sesudahnya jutaan saudara dan saudari sebangsa dibunuh, (...)
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    Bhakti and nationalism in the poetry of Subramania Bharati.Christine Mangala Frost - 2006 - International Journal of Hindu Studies 10 (2):151-167.