Results for ' Post-Tridentine Church'

921 found
  1.  44
    Miracles, Science, and Testimony in Post-Tridentine Saint-Making.Fernando Vidal - 2007 - Science in Context 20 (3):481-508.
    ArgumentSeeing a prodigious cure happen and then testifying about it certainly differs from attending an air pump experiment in order to bear witness to it. Yet early-modern saint-making and the “new” or “experimental philosophy” shared juridical roots, and thereby an understanding of the role of testimony for the establishment of “matters of fact” and for the production of legitimate knowledge. The reforms carried out after the Council of Trent, especially during Urban VIII's pontificate, of the juridical procedures for saint-making in (...)
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    Sanctity in the Order of the Preachers: Friar Bartolomeu dos Mártires and the tridentine model for episcopal authority.Juliana Torres Rodrigues Pereira - 2017 - Horizonte 15 (48):1394.
    Bartolomeu dos Mártires, O.P., Archbishop of Braga, became an important character to the Order of the Preachers as a model of the new archetype of episcopacy consolidated during the last period of the Council of Trent. Due to his protagonism in the tridentine debates, his published treatises about the episcopal pastorate, his ruling over Braga and his good reputation regarding common ecclesiastical sins, the friar was considered a model to be followed in the post-tridentine Church and (...)
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  3. Vatican II and the laity: Vision, challenges and opportunities.Anne Hunt - 2014 - The Australasian Catholic Record 91 (1):3.
    Hunt, Anne The 1917 Code of Canon Law had only two general canons on the laity. It made a clear demarcation between the clergy and the laity. The clergy always have precedence over the laity. The laity cannot perform any act of jurisdiction or order. The Code reflects the ecclesiology of the post-Tridentine church, famously expressed by Pope Pius X who, in 1906, described the church as essentially an unequal society. That ecclesiology assumes a pyramidal model (...)
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    La clôture des religieuses et les rapports de genre dans les couvents italiens (fin xvie-début xviie siècles).Gabriella Zarri - 2007 - Clio 26:37-60.
    La clôture des religieuses et les rapports de genre dans les couvents italiens (fin XVIe – début XVIIe siècle). L’article examine les changements dans les rapports de genre introduits par les normes du Concile de Trente sur les religieux, en particulier celles concernant la clôture des moniales. À Florence et Bologne prises comme terrains d’observation, les correspondances de l’archevêque Alessandro de’Medici avec le monastère florentin des Murate (1579-1606) et de l’archevêque de Bologne Ludovico Ludovisi avec ses vicaires (1624-1627) permettent de (...)
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    Perera, Bellarmino, Galileo e il “concordismo” tra Sacre Scritture e ricerca scientifica.Paolo Ponzio - 2014 - Quaestio 14:257-269.
    The paper aims to examine the role of Benet Perera’s and Roberto Bellarmino’s exegetic models in the development of the relationship between the nascent Galilean science and post-Tridentine catholic theology. It intends to show that, during the early decades of seventeenth century, the Catholic Church dealt with the Scientific Revolution with the same hermeneutical tools that it had employed to confront the Protestant Reformation half a century before. However, new science involved a philosophical and scientific culture change (...)
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  6.  58
    A ‘Chief Error’ of Protestant Soteriology: Sin in the Justified and Early Modern Catholic Theology.Matthew T. Gaetano - 2020 - Perichoresis 18 (6):41-72.
    Catholic theologians after Trent saw the Protestant teaching about the remnants of original sin in the justified as one of the ‘chief ’ errors of Protestant soteriology. Martin Luther, John Calvin, Martin Chemnitz, and many Protestant theologians believed that a view of concupiscence as sinful, strictly speaking, did away with any reliance on good works. This conviction also clarified the Christian’s dependence on the imputed righteousness of Christ. Catholic theologians condemned this position as detracting from the work of Christ who (...)
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    Sacrifice and the limits of sovereignty 1589–1613.Sarah Mortimer - 2023 - History of European Ideas 49 (8):1302-1315.
    Although sovereign power is often defined as transcending legal and religious norms, the work of historians like Prodi and Agamben has drawn our attention to the ways in which modern accounts of sovereignty depend fundamentally upon the fusion and transformation of these norms. In Latin Christendom, this process was enabled by the juridical quality of ecclesiastical authority, its expression through laws similar in form and structure to those of civil power. There was, however, an important strand of Catholic thinking from (...)
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  8.  41
    Medieval hagiography and posttridentine hagiology shaping Robertson Davies's own sense of the marvelous in fifth business (1970).Brenda Dunn-Lardeau - 1996 - The European Legacy 1 (3):1153-1163.
    (1996). Medieval hagiography and posttridentine hagiology shaping Robertson Davies's own sense of the marvelous in fifth business (1970) The European Legacy: Vol. 1, Fourth International Conference of the International Society for the Study of European Ideas, pp. 1153-1163.
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    Post Emil L.. Finite combinatory processes—formulation 1.Alonzo Church - 1937 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 2 (1):43-43.
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    The Concept of Contingent in Post-Tridentine Scholastic Philosophy.Денис Манаков - 2022 - Philosophical Anthropology 8 (2):73-94.
    The author analyzes the methodology of working with contingent events and how the concept of contingent and other related concepts is conceptualized in post-Tridentine scholastic philosophy. In particular, the article examines the theory of moral modalities that emerged in the XVI–XVII centuries, describing knowledge about contingent and patterns of human behavior; the separation of physical and moral in the context of contingent reality produced by human will; as well as the concepts of probabilistic knowledge and the methodology of (...)
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  11.  24
    Post Emil L.. Formal reductions of the general combinatorial decision problem. American journal of mathematics, vol. 65 , pp. 197–215. [REVIEW]Alonzo Church - 1943 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 8 (2):50-52.
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    The dynamics of empowering women in the post-missionary Church of Christ in Zimbabwe.Gift Masengwe & Bekithemba Dube - 2023 - HTS Theological Studies 80 (1):9.
    The evolution of the Ladies’ Circle into the Mother’s Union in the Church of Christ in Zimbabwe (COCZ) holds great significance in that circles in Africa symbolize collectiveness and consensual decision-making. The Ladies’ Circle emerged as a response by white women influenced by the Victorian Womanhood Cult with regard to the discontent they felt with patriarchy in the church. Black women supported white female missionaries in leadership roles, when they (black women), continued to face oppression due to (white (...)
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  13.  36
    Review: Emil L. Post, Formal Reductions of the General Combinatorial Decision Problem. [REVIEW]Alonzo Church - 1943 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 8 (1):50-52.
  14.  77
    The angelic consolation of st. Francis of assisi in post-tridentine italian painting.Pamela Askew - 1969 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 32 (1):280-306.
  15.  62
    Webb Donald L.. Definition of Post's generalized negative and maximum in terms of one binary operation. American journal of mathematics, vol. 58 , pp. 193–194. [REVIEW]Alonzo Church - 1936 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 1 (1):42-42.
  16.  30
    A. N. Prior. Symmetry, transitivity and reflexivity. Journal of the Philosophical Association , vol. 7 no. 27 , pp. 67–69. - Daya. Symmetry, transitivity and reflexivity. Journal of the Philosophical Association , vol. 7 no. 27 , pp. 71–75. - S. Bhattacharyya. Symmetry, transitivity and reflexivity. Journal of the Philosophical Association , vol. 7 no. 27 , pp. 77–81. - Daya. Concluding note. Journal of the Philosophical Association , vol. 7 no. 27 , p. 83. - S. Bhattacharyya. Post-script. Journal of the Philosophical Association , vol. 7 no. 27 , pp. 83–84. [REVIEW]Alonzo Church - 1958 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 25 (3):263-264.
  17.  18
    The First Vatican Council, John Henry Newman, and the Making of a Post-Christendom Church.William L. Portier - 2020 - Newman Studies Journal 17 (1):123-144.
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    The biological dimensions of transcendent states: A randomized controlled trial.Dawson Church, Amy Yang, Jeffrey Fannin & Katharina Blickheuser - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    This study evaluated the biological dimension of meditation and self-transcendent states. A convenience sample of 513 participants was drawn from attendees at a 4-day guided meditation workshop. Half were randomly assigned to an active placebo control intervention. All were assessed on a variety of measures, both psychological [anxiety, pain, posttraumatic stress disorder, positive emotions, and transcendent states], and physiological. Additional biological assessments including salivary immunoglobulin-A, cortisol, and Quantitative Electroencephalography were obtained from subset of the Experimental group. No significant difference in (...)
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  19. A Guest in the House of Israel: Post-Holocaust Church Theology.Clark M. Williamson - 1993
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    Sylvio Hermann De Franceschi, Théologies en débat. L’Église catholique post-tridentine au risque du pluralisme doctrinal dans la querelle de la gr'ce (XVII e -XVIII e siècles), Paris, Honoré Champion, (coll. « Lumière classique » 126), 2023 ; 15,5 × 23,5, 562 p, 88 €. ISBN : 978-2-7453-5927-8. [REVIEW]Jean-Christophe de Nadaï - 2024 - Revue des Sciences Philosophiques Et Théologiques 108 (1):191-196.
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  21. Prospects for Developing the Via Empirica in a Post-Conciliar Church.Glenn B. Siniscalchi - 2013 - Heythrop Journal 54 (2):181-196.
  22.  57
    Church and State in Post-Communist Romania: Priorities on the Research Agenda.Gabriel Andreescu & Liviu Andreescu - 2009 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 8 (24):19-45.
    This paper looks at the state of research on churchstate relations in post-communist Romania in order to provide an outline of the most important questions which need to be addressed in the coming years. The article consists of two parts. First, a survey of academic studies published over the past two decades on the relationship between the country’s churches and state after 1990. Secondly, a breakdown of pressing churchstate issues today, accompanied by short discussions of existing studies and suggestions (...)
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  23.  44
    Church, Religion and Belief: Paradigms for Understanding the Political Phenomenon in Post-Communist Romania.Stefan Bratosin & Mihaela Alexandra Ionescu - 2009 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 8 (24):3-18.
    Starting from the hypothesis that the predominant church, religion and belief in Romania (i.e. the Romanian Orthodox Church, the Orthodox religion and the Orthodox belief) are paradigms that help understand politics, we will highlight in the present article three major aspects of the political phenomenon in post-communist Romania: de-symbolizing the democratic function, institutionalizing “democratism” and manifesting integralism in the public space. Our analysis is based on a communicational approach which postulates the conceptual oppositions as a fundament of (...)
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  24.  76
    Postmodernism and the need for rational apologetics in a post-conciliar church.Glenn B. Siniscalchi - 2011 - Heythrop Journal 52 (5):751-771.
  25.  28
    The Greek-Catholic Church In Romania Facing The Challenges Of The Post-Modern Society.Ciprian Ghisa - 2014 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 13 (38):195-219.
    Starting mostly with the second half of the 20th century, the churches and the religious communities are facing the challenges raised by the process of secularization, which is considered by some sociologists of religion as irreversible. The most affected ones were / are the traditional churches and the most obvious area where this phenomenon has become very visible is the Western Europe. This study aims to analyze the situation of the traditional churches in Romania, with a special focus on the (...)
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  26.  28
    Church, mission and reconstruction: Being a church with integrity in reconstruction discourse in post-colonial Zimbabwe.Canon B. Shambare & Selaelo T. Kgatla - 2018 - HTS Theological Studies 74 (1).
    The church in Africa, like its counterparts elsewhere in the world, is called to fulfil the mission of God as expressed in the call ‘Missio Dei’ and influentially remains with the integrity of the mission of Christ, which is liberative and practical. For Christ was not only concerned with the spiritual needs of the people, but also with their material well-being. The following question therefore arises: how can the church in Africa, in general, and in Zimbabwe, in particular, (...)
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  27. Book Review: Nick Spencer, Doing God: A Future for Faith in the Public Square(London: Theos, 2006). 74 pp. £10 (pb), ISBN 0—9554453—0—2. Faith and Nation: Report of a Commission of Inquiry to the UK Evangelical Alliance(London: Evangelical Alliance, 2006). 170 pp. £10 (pb), no ISBN. Jonathan Bartley, Faith and Politics after Christendom: The Church as a Movement for Anarchy(Milton Keynes: Authentic Media/Paternoster Press, 2006). xxi + 233 pp. £9.99 (pb), ISBN 978—1—84227—348—7. Stuart Murray, Post-Christendom: Church and Mission in a Strange New World(Milton Keynes: Authentic Media/Paternoster, 2004). xvi + 343 pp. n.p. (pb), ISBN 978—1—84227—261—9. [REVIEW]Jonathan Chaplin - 2008 - Studies in Christian Ethics 21 (1):145-153.
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    Church, State and Political Ethics in a Post-Colonial State: The Case of Zambia.Austin M. Cheyeka - 2008 - Kachere Series.
  29.  13
    Gramsci in Armenia: State-Church Relations in the Post-Soviet Armenia.Narek Mkrtchyan - 2015 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 32 (3):163-176.
    The article discusses the processes of representation of Armenian Apostolic Church in various spheres of society. The establishment of mutual relationships with the Apostolic Church became strategically important for the state. The article deals with the processes of the establishment of democratic institutions and influential role of Apostolic Church. From this point of view, the state’s official support to the Armenian Apostolic Church can question the principles of religious freedom. The historical role of the Armenian Apostolic (...)
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  30.  17
    The church and the secular: The effect of the post-secular on Christianity.Jaco Beyers - 2014 - HTS Theological Studies 70 (1).
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    A church that can and cannot change: The development of catholic moral teaching. By John T. Noonan jr, social traps and the problem of trust. By bo Rothstein, living together & Christian ethics. By Adrian Thatcher and more lasting unions: Christianity, the family, and society. By Stephen G. post[REVIEW]Gerard Magill - 2007 - Heythrop Journal 48 (4):647–649.
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    Building communities in a post-conflict society: churches and peace-building initiatives in northern ireland since 1994.Maria Power - 2005 - The European Legacy 10 (1):55-68.
    In 1994 the IRA and Loyalist paramilitary groups declared ceasefires, leading to a more relaxed attitude and cross-community contacts in Northern Ireland. The result was the establishment of a new type of church-based reconciliation group, the Church Fora, intended to improve community relations and promote peace and reconciliation within local areas. This article focuses on the ways in which Church Fora have expanded the methods of such work since 1994. It will assess their effectiveness in promoting peace (...)
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  33. Hacking into the Church Mainframe: A Theological Engagement of the Post-Informational World.Henry S. Kuo - 2010 - Princeton Theological Review 17 (43):81-90.
    Is Web 2.0 and its related communications technology ethically neutral? With the exception of obvious ills, do they indeed have very few, if any, ethical drawbacks? Even before the internet underwent its evolutionary ascension, computer engineers and philosophers have given some thought to these questions. Few have taken such insights and applied them to the life of the church. How does the church make use of such technologies? How has the church abused it? And, most importantly, what (...)
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  34.  9
    Post-independent mainline churches in Africa.J. W. Hofmeyr - 2004 - HTS Theological Studies 60 (4).
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    Eschatology and the Post-modern Pentecostal Church in Kenya.Stephen Mbithi - 2021 - European Journal of Philosophy Culture and Religion 5 (1):1-9.
    Purpose: This paper contends that even though the doctrine of eschatology is one of the core teachings of the Christian doctrine, the reality is that it has not always received due attention in the postmodern church. The relegation of this important doctrine to the background of church activity has therefore meant that eschatology has almost been forgotten in church circles. This research sought to establish the interaction of the church with eschatological teachings, beliefs and practices as (...)
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    White garment churches (Vapositori) and ZANU-PF party politics in Zimbabwe: True marriage or marriage of convenience during and post-Mugabe era.Phillip Musoni - 2019 - HTS Theological Studies 75 (1):7.
    The white garment churches’ (Vapositori) involvement in party politics, particularly in favour of ZANU-PF, continued to flourish in Zimbabwe even after the demise of Mugabe. Robert Gabriel Mugabe ruled Zimbabwe from 1980 until he was deposed by the Zimbabwean Army on 21 November 2017. Unlike other Christian boards in Zimbabwe, the Vapositori churches played a significant role in authenticating and validating the continuation of ZANU-PF holding onto power from 1980 till the present even after the removal of Mugabe. This article (...)
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  37.  18
    The Orthodox Church in Post-Communist Russia and her Perception of the West: A Search for a Self in the Face of an Other.Christopher Selbach - 2002 - Zeitschrift für Religionswissenschaft 10 (2):131-174.
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    Religion and church in post-socialist countries.Mykhailo Babiy - 1996 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 3:42-48.
    Issued in the title of the problem in all the hypostases of its theoretical and especially practical manifestation was the focus of the participants of the same name of the international scientific conference, which took place on September 19-21, 1996 in the city of Kyiv.
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  39.  45
    A Prophetic Church in a Post-Constantinian Age: The Implicit Theology of Cornel West.Jeffrey Stout - 2007 - Contemporary Pragmatism 4 (1):39-45.
    This article concerns central theological commitments in Cornel West's prophetic social criticism. West is best interpreted as someone proposing a politics of charism, in which human arrangements need constantly to make room for and conform themselves to the divine gifts of inspired speech, music, knowledge, and love. The church, for West, is a fallible, earthen vessel into which God's charismatic treasures are poured. The church's prophetic mission must receive prophetic criticism; it should disconnect itself from empire, capital, racism, (...)
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    FROM THE DEFENSE OF THE TRIDENTINE MASS TO THE REVISION OF THE HOLY SCRIPTURES (Review of Lundberg M. A Pope of Their Own: El Palmar de Troya and the Palmarian Church. Second Edition. Uppsala Studies in Church History 11. Uppsala: Uppsala University, Depa. [REVIEW]Павло Вікторович Єремєєв - 2024 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 95:96-100.
    ВІД ЗАХИСТУ ТРИДЕНТСЬКОЇ МЕССИ ДО РЕВІЗІЇ СВЯЩЕННОГО ПИСАННЯ (Реценція на: Lundberg M. A Pope of Their Own: El Palmar de Troya and the Palmarian Church. Second Edition. Uppsala Studies in Church History 11. Uppsala: Uppsala University, Department of Theology, 2020).
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    The Hour is Coming, the Hour is Come: Church and Feminist Theology in Post-Revolutionary El Salvador.Sian Taylder - 2002 - Feminist Theology 11 (1):46-70.
    This paper examines the role of church and feminist theology in contemporary El Salvador, looking at their relationship with feminist and women's groups as well as political and civil society as a whole. Field research carried out in the summer of 2000 indicates that church and society have changed greatly in the years since the signing of the peace accords that ended a long and bitter civil war. Faced with increased levels of poverty and domestic violence, political apathy (...)
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  42. The polish church as an enemy of the open society: Some reflections on the post-communist social-political transformations in central europe.Andrzej Flis - 1999 - In Ian Charles Jarvie & Sandra Pralong, Popper's Open Society After Fifty Years: The Continuing Relevance of Karl Popper. New York: Routledge.
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    Church-state relations in South Africa, Zambia and Malawi in light of the fall of the Berlin Wall.Paul Gundani - 2018 - HTS Theological Studies 74 (1):1-9.
    The fall of the Berlin Wall in October 1989 bears a striking resonance with the biblical fracturing of the curtain in the Jerusalem temple. It presaged the death of the post-war dispensation of Church-state relations characterised by a Church that was, in the main, subservient, acquiescent and complicit to the apartheid regime in South Africa, as well as the oppressive one-party state regimes north of the Limpopo. As the Berlin Wall collapsed, the dispensation characterised by either neutrality (...)
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  44. Race in a Post-Obama America: The Church Responds.[author unknown] - 2016
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    A continued racial character of some of the Gereformeerde Kerke in South Africa: Strategic moves evading reconciliation and unity of churches in post-apartheid South Africa.Elijah Baloyi - 2018 - HTS Theological Studies 74 (1).
    The quest for liberation of all South Africans from past racial divides since the inception of democratic government has been prioritised for more than 24 years now. Although this is an ongoing process and some achievements have been made to this end, it is yet evident that the impact of racism and apartheid still influence many lives both in and outside the churches. The Gereformeerde Kerke in South Africa is amongst the churches that officially removed the barriers of apartheid to (...)
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    The ‘enemy within’ the post-Vatican II Roman Catholic Church.Graham A. Duncan - 2013 - HTS Theological Studies 69 (1).
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  47. Religious freedom and the separation of church and state : a lesson from post-revolutionary France.Ceslas Bernard Bourdin - 2009 - In Craig Steven Titus, Philosophical psychology: psychology, emotions, and freedom. Washington, DC: Catholic University of America Press.
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    The Role of Church in State and Public Affairs During the Kibaki Era, 2002-2013.Makokha Vincent Kinas - 2018 - European Journal of Philosophy Culture and Religion 2 (1):27-40.
    Purpose: The primary objective of this study was to determine the role of church in state and public affairs during the Kibaki Era, 2002-2013Methodology: The methodology employed in this study was qualitative in nature. The study relied mainly on the analysis of an existing dataset from secondary sources. The data was gathered from technical reports, scholarly journals, reference books, past sermons, church publications, official and unofficial doctrine, theologies and from the Kenya National Archives in Nairobi. Other sources of (...)
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    How Church and Mosque Influence the Media of Albania.Artan Fuga - 2006 - Diogenes 53 (2):50-61.
    The author undertakes the job of analysing the real situation of the media in Albania from the viewpoint of the complex relations being set up between the spheres of religion and communications in the post-communist period. In the course of his argument he shows how religion is adopting a form in which events and stories of a communications order are being confused. These basic dimensions are assuming a particularly noteworthy aspect because Albanian society has the specific features of a (...)
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    The Church: Communion, Sacrament, Communication by Robert Kress.William E. McConville - 1987 - The Thomist 51 (1):176-177.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:176 BOOK REVIEWS tianity came into being. To take one example: God's involvement with and reaction to genuine novelties introduced into the world as a result of the initiatives of human freedom, rightly renders suspect the conception of God as immutable. But what immutability really claimed was not anything like inertia or unconcern, but only that God was not mutable in any of the ways characteristic of finite realities (...)
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