Results for ' Philosophy, Uruguayan'

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  1.  1
    Krausismo en el Uruguay: algunos fundamentos del Estado tutor.Susana Monreal - 1993 - [Montevideo, Uruguay]: Universidad Católica del Uruguay Dámaso A. Larrañaga.
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    Etapas del pensamiento en Uruguay, 1910-1960: Roxlo, Figari, Torres-García, Quiroga, Morosoli, F. Hernández.Rubén M. Tani - 2013 - Montevideo: Casa Editorial HUM.
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    Filosofía pre-universitaria en el Uruguay.Arturo Ardao - 1945 - Montevideo,: C. García.
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    Conocimiento y acción.Carlos Vaz Ferreira - 1920 - Montevideo,: Imprenta "El Siglo ilustrado,".
    Excerpt from Conocimiento y AccionY bien: cuando se afirma que el dogmatismo es indis pensable [para laa accion, y que el escepticismo fatalmente la paraliza. no se hara una afirmacion falsa o extre madamente exagerada, basada en lo que podria. Suceder, c en lo que pareceria. Razonable que sucediera, mas que en lo que sucede de hecho; mas en el raciocinio que en la observacion? Es precisamente lo que sostengo.About the PublisherForgotten Books publishes hundreds of thousands of rare and classic (...)
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  5. Etapas de la inteligencia uruguaya.Arturo Ardao - 1971 - [Montevideo]: Departamento de Publicaciones, Universidad de la República.
  6. Espiritualismo y positivismo en el Uruguay.Arturo Ardao - 1968 - [Montevideo, Uruguay]: Universidad de la República, Departamento de Publicaciones.
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    Filosofía pre-universitaria en el Uruguay: de la escolástica al socialismo utópico, 1787-1842.Arturo Ardao - 1994 - Montevideo, Uruguay: Fundacion de Cultura Universitaria.
    "Oportuna reedición de una obra clásica sobre el pensamiento en Uruguay antes de la creación de la Universidad de la República (1849). Esta edición tiene aumentado el apéndice documental"--Handbook of Latin American Studies, v. 58.
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    La filosofía en el Uruguay en el siglo XX.Arturo Ardao - 1956 - México,: Fondo de Cultura Económica.
  9. Arturo Ardao: la pasión y el método.Jorge Liberati (ed.) - 2004 - Montevideo, Uruguay: Cal y Canto.
    La idea que Arturo Ardao nos brinda del hombre se funda en su original visión de la historia de Uruguy y de América Latina. Desde que atiende detalles inadvertidos pero decisivos en los hechos, propende a la aplicación de una nueva lógica, específica de la circunstancia témporo-espacial. Con ello se esboza una filosofía del espacio histórico.
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    Racionalismo y liberalismo en el Uruguay.Arturo Ardao - 1962 - Montevideo: [Universidad de la República, Dpto. de Publicaciones].
  11. Influenza italiana nella filosofia rioplatense.Francesco E. Marcianó (ed.) - 1969 - Firenze,: Valmartina.
    Influencia de la Escolástica italiana en la Neoescolástica argentina. Presencia de Rosmini en el pensamiento argentino. Por A. A. Caturelli.--La influencia filosófica de Benedetto Croce en la Argentina, por R. M. Agoglia.--Presencia e influencia de Michele Federico Sciacca en Argentina: su obra, sus visitas, su persona, por M. G. Casas.--Un caso eccezionale nella filosofia uruguayana: Fernando Beltramo, di D. G. Grecchi.
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  12. Espiritualidad y positivismo en el Uruguay: filosofías universitarias de la segunda mitad del siglo XIX.Arturo Ardao - 1950 - Fondo de Cultura Económica.
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    Pensamiento y utopía en Uruguay: Varela, Rodó, Figari, Piria, Vaz Ferreira y Ardao.Rubén M. Tani - 2011 - Montevideo: Casa Editorial HUM.
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    Idealogías políticas y filosofía en el Uruguay.Jesús C. Guiral - 1969 - [Montevideo,: Nuestra Tierra.
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  15. Carlos Pereda’s Porous Reason: A Critical Introduction.Noell Birondo - 2025 - In Carlos Pereda & Noell Birondo, Mexico Unveiled: Resisting Colonial Vices and Other Complaints. Nashville: Vanderbilt University Press. Translated by Noell Birondo.
    The philosophical life can be a nomadic life, both in thought and practice. In the engaging and insightful work of the Mexican-Uruguayan philosopher Carlos Pereda, the more important of these is nomadic thought—a mode of thinking that moves and explores, that is not stationary or static, that is not stubbornly hidebound. This is a kind of nomadism that characterizes healthy or epistemically virtuous thinking in general, and that might indeed be indispensable to it. But a nomadism in practice—of migration, (...)
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    Just Imagine.Alisse Waterston - 2022 - philoSOPHIA: A Journal of Continental Feminism 12 (1):141-145.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Just ImagineAlisse Waterston (bio)The united states is a flower of harm.—Tongo Eisen-Martin, “Taking a Common Name (after Claudia Rankine’s Just Us)”I never have to go far for evidence of the truth of this line from Tongo Eisen-Martin’s response to Claudia Rankine’s Just Us.On a Friday, Kyoo Lee, coeditor of philoSOPHIA, invited me to offer my own response to Eisen-Martin’s and Fanny Howe’s essays in what she said would be (...)
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    Context and Kant in the Aesthetics of José Enrique Rodó and Samuel Ramos.Amy A. Oliver - 2014 - Symposium: Canadian Journal of Continental Philosophy/Revue canadienne de philosophie continentale 18 (1):65-76.
    In the classic essays Ariel (1900) and Filosofía de la vida artística (1950), the Uruguayan José Enrique Rodó (1872–1917) and the Mexican Samuel Ramos (1897–1959) present distinctive and divergent claims about aesthetics. While Rodó asserts the existence of an innate and abundant aesthetic sensibility among Latin Americans, Ramos believes that aesthetic experience is relatively rare and that aesthetic sensibility needs to be cultivated. While historical grounding in the Latin American context is missing in the works of both Rodó and (...)
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    On Biting in Sport—The Case of Luis Suárez.Irena Martínková & Jim Parry - 2015 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 9 (2):214-232.
    So the Uruguayan footballer Luis Suárez has confessed, apologised and given assurances as to future good behaviour, after his 2014 World Cup assault on the Italian defender Chiellini. There were three immediate excuses and mitigations offered, which we dismiss: that it was inconsequential; that it was no different from many other ‘assaults’; and that it was not particularly serious. Our central question has a different focus: what makes biting in sport such a bad thing, especially since it does not (...)
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    Latin America.Ofelia Schutte - 1998 - In Alison M. Jaggar & Iris Marion Young, A companion to feminist philosophy. Malden, Mass.: Blackwell. pp. 85–95.
    In Latin America, institutionalized feminist philosophy is a recent phenomenon, dating for the most part since the 1980s. Historically, the gifted writer/philosopher/poet Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz (Mexico, Colonial Period) and the utopian socialist activist Flora Tristán (France and Peru) are especially recognized for their original feminist contributions. The Uruguayan philosopher Carlos Vaz Ferreira wrote the moderately pro‐feminist treatise Sobre feminismo in 1918, during the suffragist phase of the movement. Contemporary feminist philosophy has followed the general theoretical trends (...)
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  20. Borges forgets Nietzsche.Clancy W. Martin - 2006 - Philosophy and Literature 30 (1):265-276.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Borges Forgets NietzscheClancy MartinHow little moral would the world appear without forgetfulness! A poet could say that God has placed forgetfulness as a doorkeeper on the threshold of human dignity.—Nietzsche, Human, All-Too-HumanIn his short story "Funes, the Memorious," Jorges Luis Borges writes of his singular nineteen-year-old hero, Funes: "He was, let us not forget, almost incapable of general, platonic ideas. It was not only difficult for him to understand (...)
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    The Development of the Concept of Predication in Arabic Philosophy.Mahmood Zeraatpisheh Philosophy - forthcoming - History and Philosophy of Logic:1-15.
    Predication is a central theme in Arabic logic that has undergone significant semantic transformation throughout history. This article explores the evolution of predication's scope and meaning across four successive stages. Rather than pinpointing specific historical moments—given that these transitions lack clearly defined beginnings or endings—the focus is on key propositions that enrich our understanding of predication, drawing on the classifications of thinkers such as Abū Naṣr al-Fārābī (d. 950), Athīr al-Dīn al-Abharī (d. 1262-65), Mullā Ṣadrā (d. 1635), and Muhammad Ḥusayn (...)
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    Karl-Otto Apel Transzendentale Intersubjektivität und das Defizit einer Reflexionstheorie in der Philosophie der Gegenwart'.Infragestellungen der Subjekt-Philosophie - 2002 - In Holger Burckhart & Horst Gronke, Philosophieren aus dem Diskurs. Königshausen und Neumann.
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  23. Sektion III.Kants Praktische Philosophie - 2008 - In Valerio Hrsg v. Rohden, Ricardo Terra & Guido Almeida, Recht und Frieden in der Philosophie Kants. de Gruyter. pp. 1.
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    Permissions, Prohibitions and Two Legalising.Three Contributions to Logical Philosophy - 2006 - In J. Jadacki & J. Pasniczek, The Lvov-Warsaw School: The New Generation. Reidel. pp. 195.
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    Philosophy of religion.Steven M. Cahn - 1970 - New York,: Harper & Row.
    No volume by single scholar can recreate the incessant dialectic of contemporary philosophic inquiry; hence we are offering a series that is a collaboration of many hands. The present series is intended to provide students, teachers, and interested nonprofessionals with collections of essays in every major problem area of contemporary philosophy. Each volume is devoted to a single set of interconnected issues; each issue is currently that subject of intense philosophic discussion. In making relatively inaccessible essays available, this series will (...)
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    Adapting Philosophy: Jean Baudrillard and "the Matrix Trilogy".Catherine Constable - 2009 - Manchester University Press.
    This book looks at the ways in which The Matrix Trilogy adapts Jean Baudrillard’s Simulacra and Simulation, and in doing so creates its own distinctive philosophical position. Where previous work in the field has presented the trilogy as a simple ‘beginner’s guide’ to philosophy, this study offers a new methodology for inter-relating philosophy and film texts, focusing on the conceptual role played by imagery in both types of text. This focus on the figurative enables a new-found appreciation of the liveliness (...)
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    How Philosophy of Nature Needs Philosophy of Chemistry.Jean-Pierre Llored - 2016 - Philosophica: International Journal for the History of Philosophy 24 (47):93-108.
    This paper aims to highlight how the philosophy of chemistry could be of help for rethinking Nature today. To do so, we will point out: the co-definition of chemical relations and chemical relata within chemical activities; the constitutive role of the modes of intervention in the definition, always open and provisional, of “active” chemical bodies; and the mutual dependence of the levels of organization in chemistry. We will insist on the way chemists tailor networks of interdependencies within which chemical bodies (...)
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    Philosophy of Religion and the African American Experience: Conversations with My Christian Friends.John H. Mcclendon Iii - 2017 - Boston: Brill | Rodopi.
    African American theologians tend not to find philosophy as a meaningful tool to advance their theological positions. _African Americans and Christianity_ offers an engaging and thorough bridge between African American theology and philosophy of religion.
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    Works on Cartesians and Other 17th-Century Figures.Archives de Philosophie - 2003 - In Roger Ariew, Dennis Des Chene, Douglas Michael Jesseph, Tad M. Schmaltz & Theo Verbeek, Historical Dictionary of Descartes and Cartesian Philosophy. Lanham, Md.: Scarecrow Press. pp. 293.
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  30. Politik.Politische Philosophie - 2014 - In Horst D. Brandt, Disziplinen der Philosophie. Hamburg: Meiner.
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    Philosophy.Stephen Law - 2007 - New York: DK.
    Learn to understand the major issues, theories and problems at the heart of philosophy and watch hard-to-grasp concepts come to life.
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    (2 other versions)Philosophy and Political Economy: In Some of Their Historical Relations.James Bonar - 1893 - New York,: Routledge.
    This classic text, first published in 1893, was the first attempt to present a view of the relations of philosophy and economics through the whole of their history. In tracing the history of this relationship the author begins by examining the work of the ancient philosophers and continues with the followers of the theory of natural law. He then explores the utilitarian economics and the ¿idealistic economics¿. This title will be of interest to students of the history of economic thought.
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    Process Philosophy and Trinitarian Theology.Joseph A. Bracken - 1978 - Process Studies 8 (4):217-230.
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    Whither Philosophy?Robert Stern - 2013 - Metaphilosophy 44 (3):222-229.
    This article considers possible future directions of philosophy, based around the experience of the author as editor of the European Journal of Philosophy for about a decade. After some discussion of the original impetus for the journal, and of how the philosophy scene has changed since it was founded in 1993, the article focuses particularly on the themes of transcendentalism and naturalism as likely to shape the philosophical debates of the future, as they have done in the past.
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    Philosophy and the Idea of Communism: Alain Badiou in Conversation with Peter Engelmann.Susan Spitzer (ed.) - 2015 - Malden, MA: Polity.
    In a well-known text called ‘The Communist Hypothesis’, first published in 2007, the renowned philosopher Alain Badiou breathed fresh life into the idea of communism as an intellectual representation that provides a critical perspective on existing politics and offers a systemic alternative to capitalism. Now, in the course of this wide-ranging conversation with Peter Engelmann, Alain Badiou explains why he continues to value the idea of communism against the background of current social crises and despite negative historical experiences. From the (...)
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    Peace Philosophy in Action.Candice C. Carter & Ravindra Kumar (eds.) - 2010 - Palgrave-Macmillan.
    This book documents recent and historical events in the theoretically-based practice of peace development. Its diverse collection of essays describes different aspects of applied philosophy in peace action, commonly involving the contributors' continual engagement in the field, while offering support and optimal responses to conflict and violence.
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    Philosophy, Praxis and the Challenge of Development in Africa.Igwilo Malachy Chidike - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 28:55-61.
    This paper focuses on the nature of philosophy and its practices in Africa in the face of development challenges facing the continent. Philosophy in African has been seen as a tool for the search for meaning and a means for assuaging our existential predicaments. But central to the temper of recent philosophy inAfrica is the search for praxis, which somewhat limits philosophy to only a means of assuaging existential predicaments. This quest for praxis is destroying some aspects of philosophy, which (...)
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    Philosophy and Writing.Anne Margaret Wright - 2007 - Sharpe Focus.
    Poetry -- Drama -- Philosophy -- History -- Fables, Novels, and Speeches.
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    Philosophy Redivivus?Oskar Gruenwald - 1998 - The Paideia Archive: Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy 36:86-92.
    Curiously, in the late twentieth century, even agnostic cosmologists like Stephen Hawking—who is often compared with Einstein—pose metascientific questions concerning a Creator and the cosmos, which science per se is unable to answer. Modern science of the brain, e.g. Roger Penrose's Shadows of the Mind, is only beginning to explore the relationship between the brain and the mind-the physiological and the epistemic. Galileo thought that God's two books-Nature and the Word-cannot be in conflict, since both have a common author: God. (...)
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    Philosophy in Russia Today and the Legacy of Soviet Philosophy.Edward M. Swiderski - 2001 - The Proceedings of the Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy 12:105-119.
    In a comment to Richard Rorty, Andrzej Walicki underscored the contextual difference between philosophy in a society like the USA and in post-communist countries. Citizens of democratic societies live best with a sense of contingency, situational embeddedness, plural rationalities, and relative truth. In East/Central Europe (ECE), the demand is for epistemological and moral certainty. Walicki did not say how philosophers in ECE are meeting this demand. How do philosophers in post-communist societies respond to the demand for ‘objective and universal standards’ (...)
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    Romantic Philosophy.John G. McQuiston - 1926 - Modern Schoolman 3 (7):107-108.
    THOROUGHLY refreshing is this novel conception of the "romantic isle of philosophy". The author takes Scholasticism from the dry and tedious study of abstract canons, and transports her to the realm of the imaginative. The Editor.
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    Philosophy and Reform: a word about current philosophy – religion dialogue within the Romanian educational system.Ana Bazac - 2011 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 10 (28):108-128.
    Normal 0 false false false MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Table Normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt; mso-para-margin:0in; mso-para-margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:10.0pt; font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-ansi-language:#0400; mso-fareast-language:#0400; mso-bidi-language:#0400;} The analysis aims at showing that the position of philosophy in society depends upon two factors: the real spirit of reform born from philosophy and the appetence of society for reform. The first part of the present study provides a short historical illustration of the genuine character of philosophy as (...)
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    The philosophy of death reader: cross-cultural readings on immortality and the afterlife.Markar Melkonian (ed.) - 2019 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    The Philosophy of Death Reader presents a collection of classic readings from across the centuries and the continents. Organised around central metaphysical questions from whether soul is immortal to what can experience death, it brings together pivotal readings from ancient, modern and contemporary philosophers. The twenty-four readings require no background in philosophy. Featuring writings from Vedanta, the ancient Greeks, the Buddhist tradition, Christian eschatology, and recent analytic philosophy, they flow thematically and cover: - Key metaphysical topics including immortality, rebirth and (...)
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    Philosophy in the Act: The Socio-Political Relevance of Mamardašvili’s Philosophizing.Evert Zweerde - 2006 - Studies in East European Thought 58 (3):179-203.
    Although topics in social and political philosophy might not be the first to associate with Mamardašvili, it is argued in this paper that key concepts in his thought, viz. the concepts of form, thought, and culture come together, in the 1980s in particular, in a notion of civil society that goes deeper than that of many of his contemporaries. The relevance of his philosophy at this point is intensified by the specific nature of Soviet philosophical culture, but, it is argued, (...)
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    Philosophy for Resilience: A Meaningful Intervention for Medical Students.Neil Jeyasingam - 2021 - Journal of Academic Ethics 20 (1):67-72.
    Philosophy and ethics in medicine is an interesting and often fascinating topic of enquiry, however uptake amongst medical students is highly variable and it is often regarded as a nonessential component of the medical curriculum. Medical students themselves are often overwhelmed by the demands of medical study, and cite high rates of burnout. This paper describes a novel intervention provided at Western Sydney University as part of the Professional Development curriculum, which provided three broad tutorial interventions in their first clinical (...)
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    Analytic philosophy challenged. Scepticism and arguing transcendentally.Márta Ujvári - 1993 - Erkenntnis 39 (3):285-304.
    Analytic philosophy has recently been challenged from a perspective advocated by Richard Rorty: this favours edifying philosophy against systematic philosophy comprising also analytic philosophy. In Rorty's presentation analytic philosophy is one more variant of the Cartesian—Kantian epistemology which, being committed to a permanent framework of inquiry rooted in our human subjectivity, implies the uniqueness of one conceptual scheme.Against this tenet I argue in two ways. First, I show that analytic philosophy of mind and language with the Fregean background and possible (...)
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    New philosophy of human nature: neither known to nor attained by the great ancient philosophers, which will improve human life and health.Miguel Sabuco - 2007 - Urbana: University of Illinois Press. Edited by Mary Ellen Waithe, Mary Colomer Vintró, C. Angel Zorita & Oliva Sabuco de Nantes Y. Barrera.
    Knowledge of one's self -- Composition of the world as it is -- Things that will improve this world and its nations -- Treatments and remedies of proper medicine -- Proper medicine derived from human nature -- Brief exposition on human nature : foundations of the art of -- Medicine -- Proper philosophy of the nature of composite things, of humans.
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    Philosophy and Literature in Francophone Africa.Jean-Godefory Bidima & Nicolas De Warren - 2004 - In Kwasi Wiredu, A Companion to African Philosophy. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 549–558.
    This chapter contains sections titled: The Relationship Between Philosophy and Literature Intersecting Themes.
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    Philosophy of being human.Nirmala Kumāra - 1995 - Bombay: Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan.
    Miscellaneous articles by an Indian philosopher; presents chiefly viewpoints of Indic philosophy.
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    Philosophy of Sound.Christina Rawls - 2021 - AEON.
    A little philosophy of sound, learning differences, racism, Spinoza, pen pal letters, love songs, and more during a global pandemic, massive social change and social justice movements, the rise of the legitimacy of the science of metaphysics, shamans, wolves, notes and interferences as I prepare to leave academia.
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