Results for ' Papathomopoulos'

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  1.  22
    Manolis Papathomopoulos, Ὁ βίος του Αἰσώπου. Ἡ παϱαλλαγή W. Editio princeps. Еἰσαγωγή – Кείμενο – Мετάφϱαση – Σχόλια. Manolis Papathomopoulos, Πέντε δημώδεις μεταφϱάσεις του Вίου του Аἰσώπου[REVIEW]Sofia Kotzabassi - 2003 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 96 (2):757-758.
    Continuing his work on Aesop Manolis Papathopoulos published two volumes in 1999: the first contains the edition of the redaction W of Aesop's Life, the second five, vernacular translations of his Life. The first volume which relates to the redaction W, the so-called Westermanniana, of Aesop's Life consists of three parts. The first part (Introduction, pp. 11–35) is divided into two chapters. At the beginning Papath. focuses on the classification of the Aesop's Life in the litterary genre of biography, on (...)
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  2.  46
    M. Papathomopoulos: Anicii Manlii Severini Boethii De Consolatione Philosophiae. Pp. lxxx + 164. Athens: The Academy of Athens, 1999 . Cased. ISBN: 2-87060-070-4. [REVIEW]N. G. Wilson - 2002 - The Classical Review 52 (1):161-161.
  3.  34
    Greek Paraphrases M. Papathomopoulos: Ετεκνον παραφρσεις ες τ ΝικνδρουΘηριακ κα λεξιφρμακα. νωνμου παρφρασις ες τ ππιανοἉλιευτικ. νωνμου παρφραις ες τ Διονυσου ξευτικ. Μαξυου Πλανοδη μετφρασις τν βιδου πιστολν. 4 vols. Pp. xv + 136; xv + 55; xx + 61; xii + 126. Joannina: The University, 1976. Paper. [REVIEW]Robert Browning - 1978 - The Classical Review 28 (01):24-26.
  4.  52
    A note on the Vita Aesopi, recension G, 69–70.Luigi Battezzato - 1999 - Classical Quarterly 49 (2):647-648.
    The recension G of the Vita Aesopi has received a fair amount of attention after the editio princeps by Perry. In recent years, Papathomopoulos and Ferrari have emended scores of corrupt passages in their fine editions. I will offer only one note, dealing with a section that has been left unclear.
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  5.  27
    Manoles PAPATHOMOPULOS/Isabella TSABARE (eds.), Ὀβιδίου Πεϱὶ Мεταμοϱφώσεων, ὃ μετήνεγϰεν ἐϰ της λατίνων φωνης εἰς τὴν ἑλλάδα Мάξιμος μοναχòς ὁ Πλανούδης.D. Z. Nikitas - 2006 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 98 (1):137-142.
    Erfreut begrüßen wir die textkritische Ausgabe der von Maximos Planudes verfaßten Übersetzung der Metamorphosen Ovids: so wird ein altes Desideratum der byzantinischen wie auch der lateinischen Philologie erfüllt. Die mühevolle Arbeit haben M. PAPATHOMOPOULOS und I. TSAVARI übernommen, und das Buch hat die Akademie von Athen herausgegeben, die im Rahmen anderer Schriftenreihen (Corpus philosophorum medii aevi, Philosophi Byzantini und Бιβλιοθήϰη А. Мανούςη) noch mehrere byzantinische Übersetzungen (von Boethius' De differentiis topicis und De consolatione Philosophiae sowie von Augustinus' De trinitate) (...)
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