Results for ' Nonstandard mathematical analysis'

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  1.  57
    Albert E. Hurd and Peter A. Loeb. An introduction to nonstandard real analysis, Pure and applied mathematics, no. 118. Academic Press, Orlando etc. 1985, xii + 232 pp. - K. D. Stroyan in collaboration with W. A. J. Luxemburg, Introduction to the theory of infinitesimals, Pure and applied mathematics, no. 72. Academic Press, New York, San Francisco, and London, 1976, xv + 326 pp. [REVIEW]D. N. Hoover - 1989 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 54 (2):631-633.
  2.  79
    Is nonstandard analysis relevant for the philosophy of mathematics?Jens Erik Fenstad - 1985 - Synthese 62 (2):289 - 301.
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    Mathematics, ideology, and the politics of infinitesimals: mathematical logic and nonstandard analysis in modern China.Joseph W. Dauben - 2003 - History and Philosophy of Logic 24 (4):327-363.
    I first met Ivor Grattan-Guinness and his wife Enid in the late summer of 1970. I was in England following an intensive course in German at the Goethe Institute in Prien am Chiemsee, and had arrang...
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    On the connection between Nonstandard Analysis and Constructive Analysis.Sam Sanders - forthcoming - Logique Et Analyse.
    Constructive Analysis and Nonstandard Analysis are often characterized as completely antipodal approaches to analysis. We discuss the possibility of capturing the central notion of Constructive Analysis (i.e. algorithm, finite procedure or explicit construction) by a simple concept inside Nonstandard Analysis. To this end, we introduce Omega-invariance and argue that it partially satisfies our goal. Our results provide a dual approach to Erik Palmgren's development of Nonstandard Analysis inside constructive mathematics.
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    Computability theory, nonstandard analysis, and their connections.Dag Normann & Sam Sanders - 2019 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 84 (4):1422-1465.
    We investigate the connections between computability theory and Nonstandard Analysis. In particular, we investigate the two following topics and show that they are intimately related. A basic property of Cantor space$2^ $ is Heine–Borel compactness: for any open covering of $2^ $, there is a finite subcovering. A natural question is: How hard is it to compute such a finite subcovering? We make this precise by analysing the complexity of so-called fan functionals that given any $G:2^ \to $, (...)
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  6. The place of nonstandard analysis in mathematics and in mathematics teaching.Moshé Machover - 1993 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 44 (2):205-212.
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    Nonstandard analysis of global attractors.Dalibor Pražák & Jakub Slavík - 2015 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 61 (4-5):315-328.
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    Second-order non-nonstandard analysis.J. M. Henle - 2003 - Studia Logica 74 (3):399 - 426.
    Following [3], we build higher-order models of analysis resembling the frameworks of nonstandard analysis. The models are entirely canonical, constructed without Choice. Weak transfer principles are developed and the models are applied to topology, graph theory, and measure theory. A Loeb-like measure is constructed.
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    Non-standard Analysis.Gert Heinz Müller - 2016 - Princeton University Press.
    Considered by many to be Abraham Robinson's magnum opus, this book offers an explanation of the development and applications of non-standard analysis by the mathematician who founded the subject. Non-standard analysis grew out of Robinson's attempt to resolve the contradictions posed by infinitesimals within calculus. He introduced this new subject in a seminar at Princeton in 1960, and it remains as controversial today as it was then. This paperback reprint of the 1974 revised edition is indispensable reading for (...)
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    Contributions to Non-standard Analysis. Edited by W.A.J. Luxemburg, A. Robinson.W. A. J. Luxemburg & Abraham Robinson - 1972 - North-Holland Pub. Co.
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    The computational content of Nonstandard Analysis.Sam Sanders - unknown
    Kohlenbach's proof mining program deals with the extraction of effective information from typically ineffective proofs. Proof mining has its roots in Kreisel's pioneering work on the so-called unwinding of proofs. The proof mining of classical mathematics is rather restricted in scope due to the existence of sentences without computational content which are provable from the law of excluded middle and which involve only two quantifier alternations. By contrast, we show that the proof mining of classical Nonstandard Analysis has (...)
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  12. Mathematical Pluralism: The Case of Smooth Infinitesimal Analysis.Geoffrey Hellman - 2006 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 35 (6):621-651.
    A remarkable development in twentieth-century mathematics is smooth infinitesimal analysis ('SIA'), introducing nilsquare and nilpotent infinitesimals, recovering the bulk of scientifically applicable classical analysis ('CA') without resort to the method of limits. Formally, however, unlike Robinsonian 'nonstandard analysis', SIA conflicts with CA, deriving, e.g., 'not every quantity is either = 0 or not = 0.' Internally, consistency is maintained by using intuitionistic logic (without the law of excluded middle). This paper examines problems of interpretation resulting from (...)
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  13. Abraham Robinson: The Creation of Nonstandard Analysis: A Personal and Mathematical Odyssey.Abraham Robinson & Joseph Warren Dauben - 1996 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 47 (1):137-140.
  14.  24
    Nonstandard Analysis.James R. Geiser - 1970 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 16 (6):297-318.
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    A Nonstandard Counterpart of WWKL.Stephen G. Simpson & Keita Yokoyama - 2011 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 52 (3):229-243.
    In this paper, we introduce a system of nonstandard second-order arithmetic $\mathsf{ns}$-$\mathsf{WWKL_0}$ which consists of $\mathsf{ns}$-$\mathsf{BASIC}$ plus Loeb measure property. Then we show that $\mathsf{ns}$-$\mathsf{WWKL_0}$ is a conservative extension of $\mathsf{WWKL_0}$ and we do Reverse Mathematics for this system.
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  16.  33
    Davis Martin. Applied nonstandard analysis. Pure and applied mathematics. A Wiley-Interscience publication, John Wiley & Sons, New York, London, Sydney, and Toronto, 1977, xiii + 181 pp. [REVIEW]Lawrence D. Kugler - 1978 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 43 (2):383-384.
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  17.  30
    A nonstandard proof of a lemma from constructive measure theory.David A. Ross - 2006 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 52 (5):494-497.
    Suppose that fn is a sequence of nonnegative functions with compact support on a locally compact metric space, that T is a nonnegative linear functional, and that equation imageT fn < T f0. A result of Bishop, foundational to a constructive theory of functional analysis, asserts the existence of a point x such that equation imagefn < f0. This paper extends this result to arbitrary Hausdorff spaces, and gives short proofs using nonstandard analysis. While such arguments used (...)
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  18.  65
    Review: Joseph Warren Dauben. Abraham Robinson: The creation of nonstandard analysis: a personal and mathematical odyssey. [REVIEW]Moshé Machover - 1996 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 47 (1):137-140.
  19.  93
    Nonstandard set theory.Peter Fletcher - 1989 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 54 (3):1000-1008.
    Nonstandard set theory is an attempt to generalise nonstandard analysis to cover the whole of classical mathematics. Existing versions (Nelson, Hrbáček, Kawai) are unsatisfactory in that the unlimited idealisation principle conflicts with the wish to have a full theory of external sets. I re-analyse the underlying requirements of nonstandard set theory and give a new formal system, stratified nonstandard set theory, which seems to meet them better than the other versions.
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    Nelson Edward. Internal set theory: a new approach to nonstandard analysis. Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society, vol. 83 , pp. 1165–1198. [REVIEW]Martin Davis - 1983 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 48 (4):1203-1204.
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    Abraham Robinson: The Creation of Nonstandard Analysis, a Personal and Mathematical Odyssey. Joseph Warren Dauben.Albert Lewis - 1995 - Isis 86 (4):673-674.
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    J. W. Dauben, Abraham Robinson: The Creation of Nonstandard Analysis, a Personal and Mathematical Odyssey. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1995. Pp. xix + 559. ISBN 0-691-03745-0. £40.00, $49.50. [REVIEW]Massimo Mazzotti - 1996 - British Journal for the History of Science 29 (4):489-490.
  23.  46
    Sergio Albeverio, Jens Erik Fenstad, Raphael HØEgh-Krohn, and Tom Lindstrom. Nonstandard methods in stochastic analysis and mathematical physics. Pure and applied mathematics, vol. 122. Academic Press, Orlando etc. 1986, xi + 514 pp. [REVIEW]D. N. Hoover - 1990 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 55 (1):362-363.
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  24. Warren Goldfarb. Poincaré against the logicists. History and philosophy of modern mathematics, edited by William Aspray and Philip Kitcher, Minnesota studies in the philosophy of science, vol. 11, University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis1988, pp. 61–81. - Michael Friedman. Logical truth and analyticity in Carnap's “Logical syntax of language.”History and philosophy of modern mathematics, edited by William Aspray and Philip Kitcher, Minnesota studies in the philosophy of science, vol. 11, University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis1988, pp. 82–94. - Gregory H. Moore. The emergence of first-order logic. History and philosophy of modern mathematics, edited by William Aspray and Philip Kitcher, Minnesota studies in the philosophy of science, vol. 11, University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis1988, pp. 95–135. - Joseph W. Dauben. Abraham Robinson and nonstandard analysis: history, philosophy, and foundations of mathematics. History and philosophy of modern mathematics, edited by William As. [REVIEW]Michael Hallett - 1990 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 55 (3):1315-1319.
  25.  25
    A nonstandard density theorem for weak topologies on Banach and Bochner spaces.Laurent Vanderputten - 2003 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 49 (3):277-283.
    We prove a nonstandard density result. It asserts that if a particular formula is true for functions in a set K of linear continuous functions between Banach spaces E and D, then it remains valid for functions that are limits, in the uniform convergence topology on a given class ℳ of subsets of E, of nets of vectors in K. We then apply this result to various class ℳ and setsK in the context of E-valued Bochner integrable functions defined (...)
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    An axiomatic presentation of the nonstandard methods in mathematics.Mauro Di Nasso - 2002 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 67 (1):315-325.
    A nonstandard set theory ∗ZFC is proposed that axiomatizes the nonstandard embedding ∗. Besides the usual principles of nonstandard analysis, all axioms of ZFC except regularity are assumed. A strong form of saturation is also postulated. ∗ZFC is a conservative extension of ZFC.
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    Nonstandard utilities for lexicographically decomposable orderings.Davide Rizza - 2015 - Journal of Mathematical Economics 1 (60):105-109.
    Using a basic theorem from mathematical logic, I show that there are field-extensions ofRon which a class of orderings that do not admit any real-valued utility functions can be represented by uncountably large families of utility functions. These are the lexicographically decomposable orderings studied in Beardon et al. (2002a). A corollary to this result yields an uncountably large family of very simple utility functions for the lexicographic ordering of the real Cartesian plane. I generalise these results to the lexicographic (...)
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  28.  51
    F-products and nonstandard hulls for semigroups.J. Kellner - 2004 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 50 (1):18.
    Derndinger [2] and Krupa [5] defined the F-product of a semigroup and presented some applications . Wolff investigated some kind of nonstandard analogon and applied it to spectral theory of group representations. The question arises in which way these constructions are related. In this paper we show that the classical and the nonstandard F-product are isomorphic . We also prove a little “classical” corollary.
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  29.  21
    A Nonstandard Delta Function in a Predicative Theory.Peter Zahn - 1995 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 41 (2):257-260.
    In [1] Todorov has shown by means of axiomatic set theory that there exists a nonstandard function Δ: *ℝn → * ℂ such that for all continuous functions φ: ℝn → ℂ, equation image.Here *ℝ and *ℂ are the set of the nonstandard real numbers and the set of the nonstandard complex numbers, respectively, and *φ: *ℝn → *ℂ is the nonstandard extension of φ In the present note we want to prove an analogous theorem by (...)
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  30.  32
    Realism, nonstandard set theory, and large cardinals.Karel Hrbacek - 2001 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 109 (1-2):15-48.
    Mathematicians justify axioms of set theory “intrinsically”, by reference to the universe of sets of their intuition, and “extrinsically”, for example, by considerations of simplicity or usefullness for mathematical practice. Here we apply the same kind of justifications to Nonstandard Analysis and argue for acceptance of BNST+ . BNST+ has nontrivial consequences for standard set theory; for example, it implies existence of inner models with measurable cardinals. We also consider how to practice Nonstandard Analysis in (...)
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  31.  48
    Nonstandard second-order arithmetic and Riemannʼs mapping theorem.Yoshihiro Horihata & Keita Yokoyama - 2014 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 165 (2):520-551.
    In this paper, we introduce systems of nonstandard second-order arithmetic which are conservative extensions of systems of second-order arithmetic. Within these systems, we do reverse mathematics for nonstandard analysis, and we can import techniques of nonstandard analysis into analysis in weak systems of second-order arithmetic. Then, we apply nonstandard techniques to a version of Riemannʼs mapping theorem, and show several different versions of Riemannʼs mapping theorem.
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    Equality and Near-Equality in a Nonstandard World.Bruno Dinis - forthcoming - Logic and Logical Philosophy:1-14.
    In the context of nonstandard analysis, the somewhat vague equality relation of near-equality allows us to relate objects that are indistinguishable but not necessarily equal. This relation appears to enable us to better understand certain paradoxes, such as the paradox of Theseus’s ship, by identifying identity at a time with identity over a short period of time. With this view in mind, I propose and discuss two mathematical models for this paradox.
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    A set of axioms for nonstandard extensions.Abhijit Dasgupta - 2011 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 57 (5):485-493.
    We give an axiomatic characterization for complete elementary extensions, that is, elementary extensions of the first-order structure consisting of all finitary relations and functions on the underlying set. Such axiom systems have been studied using various types of primitive notions . Our system uses the notion of partial functions as primitive. Properties of nonstandard extensions are derived from five axioms in a rather algebraic way, without the use of metamathematical notions such as formulas or satisfaction. For example, when applied (...)
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  34.  39
    Transfer principles in nonstandard intuitionistic arithmetic.Jeremy Avigad & Jeremy Helzner - 2002 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 41 (6):581-602.
    Using a slight generalization, due to Palmgren, of sheaf semantics, we present a term-model construction that assigns a model to any first-order intuitionistic theory. A modification of this construction then assigns a nonstandard model to any theory of arithmetic, enabling us to reproduce conservation results of Moerdijk and Palmgren for nonstandard Heyting arithmetic. Internalizing the construction allows us to strengthen these results with additional transfer rules; we then show that even trivial transfer axioms or minor strengthenings of these (...)
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  35.  25
    Refining the Taming of the Reverse Mathematics Zoo.Sam Sanders - 2018 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 59 (4):579-597.
    Reverse mathematics is a program in the foundations of mathematics. It provides an elegant classification in which the majority of theorems of ordinary mathematics fall into only five categories, based on the “big five” logical systems. Recently, a lot of effort has been directed toward finding exceptional theorems, that is, those which fall outside the big five. The so-called reverse mathematics zoo is a collection of such exceptional theorems. It was previously shown that a number of uniform versions of the (...)
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  36. Mathematics, Models and Zeno's Paradoxes.Joseph S. Alper & Mark Bridger - 1997 - Synthese 110 (1):143-166.
    A version of nonstandard analysis, Internal Set Theory, has been used to provide a resolution of Zeno's paradoxes of motion. This resolution is inadequate because the application of Internal Set Theory to the paradoxes requires a model of the world that is not in accordance with either experience or intuition. A model of standard mathematics in which the ordinary real numbers are defined in terms of rational intervals does provide a formalism for understanding the paradoxes. This model suggests (...)
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  37.  43
    The mathematics of logic: a guide to completeness theorems and their applications.Richard W. Kaye - 2007 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This undergraduate textbook covers the key material for a typical first course in logic, in particular presenting a full mathematical account of the most important result in logic, the Completeness Theorem for first-order logic. Looking at a series of interesting systems, increasing in complexity, then proving and discussing the Completeness Theorem for each, the author ensures that the number of new concepts to be absorbed at each stage is manageable, whilst providing lively mathematical applications throughout. Unfamiliar terminology is (...)
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  38.  22
    Philosophy of Mathematics.Roman Murawski & Thomas Bedürftig (eds.) - 2018 - De Gruyter.
    The present book is an introduction to the philosophy of mathematics. It asks philosophical questions concerning fundamental concepts, constructions and methods - this is done from the standpoint of mathematical research and teaching. It looks for answers both in mathematics and in the philosophy of mathematics from their beginnings till today. The reference point of the considerations is the introducing of the reals in the 19th century that marked an epochal turn in the foundations of mathematics. In the book (...)
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  39. Transfer principles in nonstandard intuitionistic arithmetic.Jeremy Avigad & Jeffrey Helzner - 2002 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 41 (6):581-602.
    Using a slight generalization, due to Palmgren, of sheaf semantics, we present a term-model construction that assigns a model to any first-order intuitionistic theory. A modification of this construction then assigns a nonstandard model to any theory of arithmetic, enabling us to reproduce conservation results of Moerdijk and Palmgren for nonstandard Heyting arithmetic. Internalizing the construction allows us to strengthen these results with additional transfer rules; we then show that even trivial transfer axioms or minor strengthenings of these (...)
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  40. Hilbert Mathematics Versus Gödel Mathematics. IV. The New Approach of Hilbert Mathematics Easily Resolving the Most Difficult Problems of Gödel Mathematics.Vasil Penchev - 2023 - Philosophy of Science eJournal (Elsevier: SSRN) 16 (75):1-52.
    The paper continues the consideration of Hilbert mathematics to mathematics itself as an additional “dimension” allowing for the most difficult and fundamental problems to be attacked in a new general and universal way shareable between all of them. That dimension consists in the parameter of the “distance between finiteness and infinity”, particularly able to interpret standard mathematics as a particular case, the basis of which are arithmetic, set theory and propositional logic: that is as a special “flat” case of Hilbert (...)
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  41.  32
    Erna and Friedman's reverse mathematics.Sam Sanders - 2011 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 76 (2):637 - 664.
    Elementary Recursive Nonstandard Analysis, in short ERNA, is a constructive system of nonstandard analysis with a PRA consistency proof, proposed around 1995 by Patrick Suppes and Richard Sommer. Recently, the author showed the consistency of ERNA with several transfer principles and proved results of nonstandard analysis in the resulting theories (see [12] and [13]). Here, we show that Weak König's lemma (WKL) and many of its equivalent formulations over RCA₀ from Reverse Mathematics (see [21] (...)
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  42.  80
    A Non-Standard Analysis of a Cultural Icon: The Case of Paul Halmos.Piotr Błaszczyk, Alexandre Borovik, Vladimir Kanovei, Mikhail G. Katz, Taras Kudryk, Semen S. Kutateladze & David Sherry - 2016 - Logica Universalis 10 (4):393-405.
    We examine Paul Halmos’ comments on category theory, Dedekind cuts, devil worship, logic, and Robinson’s infinitesimals. Halmos’ scepticism about category theory derives from his philosophical position of naive set-theoretic realism. In the words of an MAA biography, Halmos thought that mathematics is “certainty” and “architecture” yet 20th century logic teaches us is that mathematics is full of uncertainty or more precisely incompleteness. If the term architecture meant to imply that mathematics is one great solid castle, then modern logic tends to (...)
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    Reverse-engineering Reverse Mathematics.Sam Sanders - 2013 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 164 (5):528-541.
    An important open problem in Reverse Mathematics is the reduction of the first-order strength of the base theory from IΣ1IΣ1 to IΔ0+expIΔ0+exp. The system ERNA, a version of Nonstandard Analysis based on the system IΔ0+expIΔ0+exp, provides a partial solution to this problem. Indeed, weak Königʼs lemma and many of its equivalent formulations from Reverse Mathematics can be ‘pushed down’ into ERNA, while preserving the equivalences, but at the price of replacing equality with ‘≈’, i.e. infinitesimal proximity . The (...)
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  44.  26
    Denying Infinity: Pragmatism in Abraham Robinson’s Philosophy of Mathematics.Robinson Erhardt - forthcoming - History and Philosophy of Logic:1-19.
    Abraham Robinson is well-known as the inventor of nonstandard analysis, which uses nonstandard models to give the notions of infinitesimal and infinitely large magnitudes a precise interpretation. Less discussed, although subtle and original–if ultimately flawed–is Robinson's work in the philosophy of mathematics. The foundational position he inherited from David Hilbert undermines not only the use of nonstandard analysis, but also Robinson's considerable corpus of pre-logic contributions to the field in such diverse areas as differential equations (...)
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    Analysis of the Epidemic Biological Model of Tuberculosis (TB) via Numerical Schemes.S. Kanwal, M. K. Siddiqui, E. Bonyah, K. Sarwar, T. S. Shaikh & N. Ahmed - 2022 - Complexity 2022:1-13.
    Tuberculosis is caused by bacillus Mycobacterium tuberculosis. In this study, a mathematical model of tuberculosis is analyzed. The numerical behaviour of the considered model is analyzed including basic reproduction number and stability. We applied three numerical techniques to this model, i.e., nonstandard finite difference scheme, Runge–Kutta method of order 4, and forward Euler scheme. NSFD scheme preserves all the essential properties of the model. Acquired results corroborate that NSFD scheme converges for each step size. While the other two (...)
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    Divergent Mathematical Treatments in Utility Theory.Davide Rizza - 2016 - Erkenntnis 81 (6):1287-1303.
    In this paper I study how divergent mathematical treatments affect mathematical modelling, with a special focus on utility theory. In particular I examine recent work on the ranking of information states and the discounting of future utilities, in order to show how, by replacing the standard analytical treatment of the models involved with one based on the framework of Nonstandard Analysis, diametrically opposite results are obtained. In both cases, the choice between the standard and nonstandard (...)
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    The Dirac delta function in two settings of Reverse Mathematics.Sam Sanders & Keita Yokoyama - 2012 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 51 (1-2):99-121.
    The program of Reverse Mathematics (Simpson 2009) has provided us with the insight that most theorems of ordinary mathematics are either equivalent to one of a select few logical principles, or provable in a weak base theory. In this paper, we study the properties of the Dirac delta function (Dirac 1927; Schwartz 1951) in two settings of Reverse Mathematics. In particular, we consider the Dirac Delta Theorem, which formalizes the well-known property \documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} (...)
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  48. New directions for nominalist philosophers of mathematics.Charles Chihara - 2010 - Synthese 176 (2):153 - 175.
    The present paper will argue that, for too long, many nominalists have concentrated their researches on the question of whether one could make sense of applications of mathematics (especially in science) without presupposing the existence of mathematical objects. This was, no doubt, due to the enormous influence of Quine's "Indispensability Argument", which challenged the nominalist to come up with an explanation of how science could be done without referring to, or quantifying over, mathematical objects. I shall admonish nominalists (...)
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    Non-Archimedean Utility Theory.H. J. Skala - 1978 - Noûs 12 (1):69-72.
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  50. The Relevance of Phenomenological Analysis Within Current Epistemology.Stathis Livadas - 2020 - Phainomenon 30 (1):107-134.
    This article is primarily concerned with the articulation of a defensible position on the relevance of phenomenological analysis with the current epistemological edifice as this latter has evolved since the rupture with the classical scientific paradigm pointing to the Newtonian-Leibnizian tradition which took place around the beginning of 20th century. My approach is generally based on the reduction of the objects-contents of natural sciences, abstracted in the form of ideal objectivities in the corresponding logical-mathematical theories, to the content (...)
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