Results for ' Nature photography'

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  1.  11
    Nature Photography Photo Workshop.Nat Coalson - 2011 - Wiley.
    This book covers composition, exposure, fill-flash, special creative techniques, and more. Plus, assignments at the end of each chapter sharpen your skills to for taking unique, artistic nature photographs.
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    Outdoor Photographer Landscape and Nature Photography with Photoshop Cs2.Rob Sheppard - 2006 - Wiley.
    It's time to see Photoshop as a tool of your craft This book is not about "fixing it in Photoshop." It's about how you, the serious nature photographer, can use technology to enhance your art. Rob Sheppard sees Photoshop not as an eraser for mistakes and the effects of careless shooting, but as an artist's tool, one that assists you in the craft of producing art from your digital camera. He shows you how to use Photoshop CS2 to extend (...)
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  3. Digital Landscape and Nature Photography for Dummies.Doug Sahlin - 2011 - For Dummies.
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    Natural Light Photography.Michele Celentano - 2014 - Wiley.
    Learn to use the creative quality of natural lighting to create spectacular photos Lighting can be a challenge for professional and hobbyist photographers alike. Learning to work with natural light offers creative opportunities that can help you define your own personal photographic style as you create unique and memorable images. In this guide, Canon Explorer of Light Michele Celentano explores the possibilities and shows you how to use different types of natural light to best advantage. Covering techniques for working with (...)
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  5. Photography and Philosophy: Essays on the Pencil of Nature.Scott Walden (ed.) - 2010 - Wiley-Blackwell.
    Unlike the numerous texts devoted to the subject of Film Theory, this collection contains essays specifically about the art form of Still Photography and the ...
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    Between nature and culture: Jakob von Uexküll's concept of Umwelten and how photography shapes our worlds.Joachim Froese - 2019 - Philosophy of Photography 10 (1):11-22.
    This article addresses traditional perceptions about photography's position between nature and culture and concomitant schools of thinking focusing pre-dominantly on the photographic image as a form of visual representation. Aiming to develop an alternative perspective it considers a biosemiotic approach and turns to Jakob von Uexküll's model of subjective sentient worlds that critically dissolves the perceived dualism between nature and culture that has also underpinned most theoretical thinking about photography in the past. Today photography is (...)
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    The pencil of cheap nature: Towards an environmental history of photography.Boaz Levin - 2023 - Philosophy of Photography 14 (1):19-47.
    This article sets out to draft a preliminary sketch of an environmental history of photography, as opposed to a history of environmental photography. It shows that such a history should be rooted in a conceptualization of our geological epoch as the Capitalocene: the age of capital. Seen in this light, photography can be understood as part of a longer history of what the article describes – building on the work of activist and journalist Raj Patel and environmental (...)
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    Landscape and autopsy: Photography and the natural history of capital.Alberto Toscano - 2022 - Philosophy of Photography 13 (2):213-229.
    This article takes inspiration from Allan Sekula’s remarks on New Topographics photography, as well as his own ‘geography lessons’, to interrogate how photographs of ‘man-altered landscapes’ give visual form to the problems of temporality, natural history and historical agency that mark life in the Capitalocene. It proposes that combining Fredric Jameson’s analysis of the way that capital congeals ‘quantities of the past’ into dead labour with Andreas Malm’s diagnosis of our ‘warming condition’ allows us both to diagnose and counter (...)
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    Nature Exposed: Photography as Eyewitness in Victorian Science.Elizabeth Edwards - 2009 - Annals of Science 66 (3):436-439.
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    On the Nature of Photography.Rudolf Arnheim - 1972 - Critical Inquiry 1 (1):149-161.
    When a theorist of my persuasion looks at photography he is more concerned with the character traits of the medium as such than with the particular work of particular artists. He wishes to know what human needs are fulfilled by this kind of imagery, and what properties enable the medium to fulfill them. For his purpose, the theorist takes the medium at its best behavior. The promise of its potentialities captures him more thoroughly than the record of its actual (...)
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  11. Photography and Philosophy: Essays on the Pencil of Nature edited by walden, scott.Zed Adams - 2010 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 68 (3):319-320.
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    Photography and Ontology.Joel Snyder - 1983 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 19 (1):21-34.
    Numerous writers on photography and motion pictures have claimed that photographically originated pictures are essentially different from handmade pictures. Arguments made on behalf of the essential difference of photographs from other kinds of pictures generally depend upon one or another of two models of the photographic process: the visual model claims that photographs are closely allied to vision and show what we would have seen from the standpoint of the camera at the time of exposure; the mechanical or automatic (...)
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  13.  46
    Photography and Ontology.Joel Snyder - 1983 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 19 (1):21-34.
    Numerous writers on photography and motion pictures have claimed that photographically originated pictures are essentially different from handmade pictures. Arguments made on behalf of the essential difference of photographs from other kinds of pictures generally depend upon one or another of two models of the photographic process: the visual model claims that photographs are closely allied to vision and show what we would have seen from the standpoint of the camera at the time of exposure; the mechanical or automatic (...)
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    Scott Walden , Photography and Philosophy: Essays on the Pencil of Nature, Wiley-Blackwell, 2008, p. 325 [Polish edition: Fotografia i filozofia. Szkice o pędzlu natury, trans. Izabela Zwiech, Cracow: Universitas, 2013, p. 380]. [REVIEW]Marta Agata Chojnacka - 2017 - Ruch Filozoficzny 72 (4):155.
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    Photography and Danto's Craft of the Mind.Scott Walden - 2021 - In Lydia Goehr & Jonathan Gilmore (eds.), A Companion to Arthur C. Danto. Hoboken: Wiley. pp. 223–232.
    Arthur Danto's quarter century as art critic for The Nation was crucial, as photography had, by the 1980s and '90s, become very much in vogue in the New York artworld that was his beat. Readers familiar with the corpus of Danto's writing might infer from the discussion that his interest in photography is peripheral to his larger investigation into the ontology of artworks. Consideration of the distinction between stills and natural drawings, or of Kantian ethical concerns, appears foreign (...)
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    Photographier l’œuvre d’art et son environnement : les « vues d’atelier » de Cy Twombly.Anthi-Danaé Spathoni - 2024 - Nouvelle Revue d'Esthétique 33 (1):131-147.
    Cy Twombly est un artiste très secret. De son vivant, il ne laissait personne entrer dans son atelier pendant qu’il peignait et seulement quelques photographes ont pu en franchir le seuil. C’est l’artiste lui-même qui offre le meilleur accès à son univers dans ses ateliers de New York, Rome, Bassano in Taverina ou Gaeta et dans sa ville natale de Lexington : une publication récente, Cy Twombly : Homes & Studios (Nicola Del Roscio, Schirmer/Mosel, 2019), nous permet d’avoir un aperçu (...)
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  17.  17
    (1 other version)On Photography: A Philosophical Inquiry.Diarmuid Costello - 2016 - Routledge.
    What is photography? Is it primarily a source of knowledge about the world or an art? Many have said the former, because it records the world automatically, others the latter because it embodies human subjectivity. Can it photography be both or must we choose? In On Photography: A Philosophical Inquiry Diarmuid Costello examines these fascinating questions and more. In so doing he introduces some of the fundamental topics and debates about the nature of photography, with (...)
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  18.  28
    Enumerating Photography from Spot Meter to CCD.Sean Cubitt, Daniel Palmer & Les Walkling - 2015 - Theory, Culture and Society 32 (7-8):245-265.
    The transition from analogue to digital photography was not accomplished in a single step. It required a number of feeder technologies which enabled and structured the nature of digital photography. Among those traced in this article, the most important is the genesis of the raster grid, which is now hard-wired into the design of the most widely employed photographic chip, the charge-coupled device (CCD). In tracing this history from origins in half-tone printing, the authors argue that qualities (...)
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  19.  9
    Dog Photography for Dummies.Sarah Sypniewski - 2011 - For Dummies.
    Tips and tricks for capturing your canine's personality withevery click of the camera Simply snapping a picture may not capture the playfulness orspontaneity of a dog. Knowing what kind of equipment, angle, andcomposition to use while photographing a dog can make all thedifference in the character captured in the photo. DogPhotography For Dummies gives you practical and fun guidancefor capturing your dog's personality and turning ordinary shotsinto priceless memories that will last a lifetime. Covering all the latest and greatest gadgets (...)
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  20. Depiction, Imagination, and Photography.Jiri Benovsky - 2020 - In Keith A. Moser & Ananta Charana Sukla (eds.), Imagination and Art: Explorations in Contemporary Theory. Brill | Rodopi.
    Imagination plays an important role in depiction. In this chapter, I focus on photography and I discuss the role imagination plays in photographic depiction. I suggest to follow a broadly Waltonian view, but I also depart from it in several places. I start by discussing a general feature of the relation of depiction, namely the fact that it is a ternary relation which always involves "something external." I then turn my attention to Walton's view, where this third relatum of (...)
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  21.  13
    Why Photography Matters.Jerry L. Thompson - 2013 - MIT Press.
    Photography matters, writes Jerry Thompson, because of how it works -- not only as an artistic medium but also as a way of knowing. It matters because how we understand what photography is and how it works tell us something about how we understand anything. With these provocative observations, Thompson begins a wide-ranging and lucid meditation on why photography is unique among the picture-making arts. Thompson, a working photographer for forty years, constructs an argument that moves with (...)
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    Why photography matters to the theory of history.Michael S. Roth - 2010 - History and Theory 49 (1):90-103.
    Georges Didi-Huberman's study is concerned with epistemological and ethical questions that arise from visual representations of the Shoah, while Michael Fried's is concerned with the ontological possibilities explored by contemporary art photography. The books have two things in common: an argument against postmodern skepticism, and an insistence that photography has become a field in which questions of history, truth, and authenticity are being explored with particular acuity. Rather than reject even the possibility that photographs have something to tell (...)
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  23. The Limits of Photography.Jiri Benovsky - 2014 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 22 (5):716-733.
    This paper is about what counts as a photograph and what does not. One way in which this question arises stems from new technologies that keep changing our way of producing photographs, such as digital photography, which not only has now widely replaced traditional film photography but also challenges the very limits of what we count as a photograph. I shall discuss below at some length different aspects of digital photography, but also want to focus here on (...)
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  24.  25
    Jennifer Tucker, Nature Exposed: Photography as Eyewitness in Victorian Science. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2006. Pp. ix+294. ISBN 0-8018-7991-4. £36.50. [REVIEW]Phillip Prodger - 2008 - British Journal for the History of Science 41 (3):465-467.
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    As Photography: Mechanicity, Contingency, and Other-Determination in Gerhard Richter's Overpainted Snapshots.Susan Laxton - 2012 - Critical Inquiry 38 (4):776-795.
    Of the generation of post-1960s artists who looked to photography for a new set of conceptual tools, Gerhard Richter stands apart because he has uniquely professed a desire to “use painting as a means to photography,” that is, to bring painting to the structure and sensibility of the photograph.2 To ascribe sensibility or perceptive acuity to a process so mechanical as photography may strike the reader as either romantically fey or even offensively anthropomorphizing, given that the aesthetic (...)
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  26.  14
    Photography between Affective Turn and Affective Structure.Rok Benčin - 2021 - Filozofski Vestnik 41 (1).
    The affective turn in photography theory takes as its point of departure Roland Barthes’s move from semiology to affective phenomenology in Camera Lucida. This article, however, considers the way affective phenomenology is itself grounded in the semiological structure of photography. It looks at how, before Camera Lucida was even written, Thierry de Duve had already discussed the affective implications of Barthes’s understanding of photography’s indexical nature. The article then proceeds to rethink the structural affectivity of (...) beyond Barthes’s and de Duve’s emphasis on a direct relation between indexicality and loss. Reconsidering photography through Jacques Rancière’s conception of the aesthetic regime of art, the article rather puts emphasis on the indeterminacy of photography, which results from the way the camera captures and isolates a spatio-temporal fragment. Shifting the focus from indexicality to indeterminacy sheds a different light on the loss implied by the structure of photography, parallel to how Freud understood the difference between mourning and melancholy. (shrink)
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    The Toxic Sublime: Landscape Photography and Data Visualization.Carolyn Kane - 2018 - Theory, Culture and Society 35 (3):121-147.
    If the cliché about garbage – ‘Out of sight, out of mind’ – is true, its inverse, unfortunately, is not. Heaps and masses of garbage brought into direct view still somehow manage to escape acute recognition, let alone social responsibility or global political activism. This article investigates this trend as a growing problem between the human world and representation. Focusing on historical and contemporary landscape photography, the article questions whether data visualization trends, particularly those that attempt to visualize the (...)
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    Every picture tells a story: Digital video and photography issues in business ethics classrooms.Jo Ann Oravec - 1999 - Teaching Business Ethics 3 (3):269-282.
    Digital video and photography are becoming aspects of everyday business activities, allowing for the quick modification and distribution of images. From development of websites to the editing of a single photograph on a desktop PC, people are using digital images in many business contexts. However, important business ethics issues are emerging concerning the malleability and veracity of digital images as well as their rapid dissemination on the Internet. Activities with digital video and photography in business ethics classrooms can (...)
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  29. The Real Challenge to Photography (as Communicative Representational Art).Robert Hopkins - 2015 - Journal of the American Philosophical Association 1 (2):329-348.
    I argue that authentic photography is not able to develop to the full as a communicative representational art. Photography is authentic when it is true to its self-image as the imprinting of images. For an image to be imprinted is for its content to be linked to the scene in which it originates by a chain of sufficient, mind-independent causes. Communicative representational art (in any medium: photography, painting, literature, music, etc.) is art that exploits the resources of (...)
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  30. Photography and Other Menaces to Nineteenth-Century French Literary and Artistic Traditions.Miriella Melara - 1993 - Diogenes 41 (162):37-53.
    When the news of the invention of the daguerreotype left the halls of the French Academy of Sciences in 1839, it fell on the ears of an eager and receptive public, spellbound by the miracle of such an invention. The rapid popularization of the daguerreotype, and subsequently, of less time-consuming photographic processes, forced critics and artists alike to vehemently defend a definition of art that either categorically excluded the new medium or open-mindedly included it within the ranks of a modern (...)
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    The New Theory of Photography: Critical Examination and Responses.Catharine Abell, Paloma Atencia-Linares, Dominic McIver Lopes & Diarmuid Costello - 2018 - Aisthesis: Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 11 (2):207-234.
    Dominic McIver Lopes’ Four Arts of Photography and Diarmuid Costello’s On Photography: A Philosophical Inquiry examine the state of the art in analytic philosophy of photography and present a new approach to the study of the medium. As opposed to the orthodox and prevalent view, which emphasizes its epistemic capacities, the new theory reconsiders the nature of photography, and redirects focus towards the aesthetic potential of the medium. This symposium comprises two papers that critically examine (...)
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  32. Fictionality and Photography.Richard Woodward - 2016 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 74 (3):279-289.
    In Mimesis as Make-Believe, Kendall Walton gave a pioneering account of the nature of fictionality, which holds that what it is for p to be fictional is for there to exist a prescription to imagine that p. But Walton has recently distanced himself from his original analysis and now holds that prescriptions to imagine are merely necessary conditions on fictionality. Many of the alleged counterexamples that have prompted Walton's retreat are drawn from the field of photography, and it (...)
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    (1 other version)Photography as a machine organism: The cyberneticization of the photographic and techne as ethics.Mark Martinez - 2015 - Philosophy of Photography 6 (1):61-72.
    This article proposes a cybernetic photographic theory that takes seriously the philosophical claim that cameras, images and human beings exist as evolving systems of machines-organisms. It provides an epistemological challenge to the modernist problematic of representation – namely, the emergence of human consciousness outside and above nature, and a rationalist distinction between an active, visual-reasoning subject and a passive object. I utilize the philosophy of Francois Lauruelle in order to foreground and deepen the understanding of the ethical thought in (...)
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    Watching birds: observation, photography and the ‘ethological eye’.Sean Nixon - 2024 - British Journal for the History of Science 57 (1):1-19.
    The article reflects upon the observational practices and methods developed by the early exponents of ethology committed to naturalistic field study and explores how their approaches and techniques influenced a wider field of popular natural-history filmmaking and photography. In doing so, my focus is upon three aspects of ethological field studies: the socio-technical devices used by ethologists to bring birds closer to them, the distinctive observational and representational practices which they forged, and the analogies they used to codify behaviour. (...)
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    Reconsidering cameraless photography.Tomáš Dvořák - 2022 - Philosophy of Photography 13 (1):3-15.
    This article introduces the Special Issue on cameraless photography and the translation of Georg Christoph Lichtenberg’s treatise on electrical figures. It summarizes previous discussions on cameraless photography, namely those by Geoffrey Batchen and suggests relating the photogram to current post-lenticular technologies such as radiography, digital scanning or machine vision. It outlines the emergence of cameraless imaging in late eighteenth- and early nineteenth-century scientific research, taking Lichtenberg’s figures as an emblem of automatically generated images situated between duration and instantaneity, (...)
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    Digital Portrait Photography for Dummies.Doug Sahlin - 2009 - For Dummies.
    A full-color guide to the art of digital portrait photography Portrait photography entails taking posed photographs of individuals or set scenery and is the most common photo style among the most novice photography hobbyist to the most advanced photographer. With this easy-to-understand guide, bestselling author and professional photographer Doug Sahlin walks you through the best techniques for getting professional-quality digital portraits. Packed with hundreds of full-color photos and screen shots, this book discusses best practices for taking formal (...)
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    The use of photography in perceiving a sense in life: A phenomenological and existential approach in Mental Health Care.Jan E. Sitvast & William Springer - 2020 - Nursing Philosophy 21 (2):e12287.
    This article is about the therapeutic use of photography in mental health care. We will first describe the intelligent nature of perception as we understand on the basis of neurobiological research findings. We will link our interpretation of visual perception with the phenomenology of perception from the theory of Merleau‐Ponty.. Then we will discuss how patients in mental health care with mental health problems may profit by an experiential approach that is concomitant with the existential reality described by (...)
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    Photography and Death.Audrey Linkman - 2011 - Reaktion Books.
    The idea of photographing the dead is as old as photography itself. For the most part, early death photographs were commissioned or taken by relatives of the deceased and preserved in the home as part of the family collection. Once thought inappropriate and macabre, today these photographs are considered to have a beneficial role in bereavement therapy. Photography and Death reveals the beauty and significance of such images, formerly dismissed as disturbing or grotesque, and places them within the (...)
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    Bazin and Photography in the Twenty-First Century: Poverty of Ontology?Andy Stafford - 2013 - Paragraph 36 (1):50-67.
    According to André Rouillé the search for photography's ontology is both fruitless and pointless. Six decades after André Bazin's seminal essay, ‘The Ontology of the Photographic Image’, there is a concerted attempt to remove photography from the ‘reliquary’ of death in which Bazin had locked it. Preferring ‘genesis’ to ‘result’, Bazin had suggested that photography benefited from an ‘essential objectivity’ and that it was close to being a ‘natural phenomenon’: for the first time in history, representation of (...)
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    Paul Valéry on Photography: A Poetic Writing of Light and Time.Pierre Taminiaux - 2009 - The European Legacy 14 (6):685-695.
    This article studies Paul Valéry's personal reflection on photography, as it appears in his essay ?Le Discours du Centenaire de la Photographie,? based on a speech given at the Sorbonne in 1939 to members of the French Academy. It stresses the relationship between this essay and the French poet's writings on painting and aesthetics, in particular his work on Corot. Moreover, it analyzes the synthetic character of Valéry's critical approach, which attempts to bring together the language of poetry, philosophy (...)
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    Philosophie de la photographie.Carole Maigné - 2022 - Archives de Philosophie 85 (1):7-9.
    La « camera-réalité », néologisme qualifiant la nature du médium photographique, est un « objet théorique » qui interroge l’irruption de l’image photographique en philosophie. Siegfried Kracauer définit dans Théorie du film le réalisme propre à l’image photographique, en revisitant le concept d’affinité, dans une discussion serrée avec l’héritage kantien qu’il connaît parfaitement : il y va d’une redéfinition de l’expérience esthétique par l’enregistrement, entre déliaison et rédemption, le trait d’union entre caméra et réalité signant un effort conceptuel à (...)
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    Visual post-occupancy evaluation of a restorative garden using virtual reality photography: Restoration, emotions, and behavior in older and younger people.Marco Boffi, Linda Grazia Pola, Elisabetta Fermani, Giulio Senes, Paolo Inghilleri, Barbara Ester Adele Piga, Gabriele Stancato & Natalia Fumagalli - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Natural environments have a restorative effect from mental/attentional fatigue, prevent stress, and help to revitalize psychological and physical resources. These benefits are crucial for promoting active aging, which is particularly relevant given the phenomenon of population aging in recent decades. To be considered restorative, green spaces have to meet specific requirements in ecological and psychological terms that can be assessed through Post-Occupancy Evaluation, a multimethod approach commonly used by environmental psychologists and landscape architects after construction to evaluate the design outcomes (...)
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    Qu'est-ce qu'une photographie.Jiri Benovsky - 2010 - Librairie Philosophique Vrin.
    Dans ce livre sur les photographies, l'auteur defend l'idee que les photographies n'existent pas. En effet, pour le philosophe, la nature des photographies est assez evasive. Quel type d'entites sont-elles? Des objets materiels concrets comme des tirages papier? Des types abstraits qui peuvent etre instanties dans de nombreuses formes tres diverses (tirages, fichiers, images a l'ecran,...)? Nous allons voir qu'aucune categorie metaphysique traditionnelle ne parvient a rendre compte de la nature des photographies, et je soutiendrai alors la these (...)
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    Navigating the Complex Terrain of Photography and Temporality.Liv Hausken - 2024 - Philosophies 9 (3):60.
    In recent years, discourses on photography have undergone a transformative shift from a focus on the individual photograph’s connection to memory, pastness, loss, and death towards exploring photographic imagery as shared, networked, and continuously circulating in a ubiquitous present. The general claim for the temporal dimension in this shift is that photography is no longer seen as a mere witness or reservoir of the past but instead points to or participates in an active present. Against this claim, the (...)
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    Review of Scott Walden (ed.), Photography and Philosophy: Essays on the Pencil of Nature[REVIEW]John Andrew Fisher - 2009 - Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews 2009 (2).
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    Spoken Image: Photography and Language.Clive Scott - 1999 - Reaktion Books.
    The Spoken Image considers the nature of photography, examining the language used in titles, captions and commentaries, particularly as they relate to documentary photography, photojournalism and fashion photography.
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    Transformer l’héritage du passé traumatique après un génocide : l’étayage sur la photographie dans le processus de symbolisation et d’historicisation.Muriel Katz-Gilbert, Manon Bourguignon & Giuseppe Lo Piccolo - 2020 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 226 (4):91-111.
    La déshumanisation à l’œuvre dans le projet génocidaire et l’héritage d’un tel événement traumatique entraîne une catastrophe de la transmission et de la filiation. S’ensuit une impasse des processus d’identification et de différenciation sur plusieurs générations. Dans cette contribution, on interroge la nature des obstacles entravant le processus de deuil, de séparation et l’investissement de la vie après une catastrophe sociale. Il s’agit pour cela de rendre compte du travail de subjectivation nécessaire à l’appropriation de sa propre histoire et (...)
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    Reflected Light: A Century of Photography in Chester County.Pamela C. Powell - 1988 - Univ Publ Assn.
    Photography began almost 150 years ago with the nearly simultaneous invention of two types of photographic processes, the daguerreotype and the Talbotype or calotype. On January 7, 1839, Louis Daguerre announced his discovery of a way to reproduce images on coated copper plate. Shortly thereafter, on January 31, William Talbot explained how shadows of objects could be chemically recorded on salted paper sensitized with silver nitrate. With the advent of photography, the people, architecture, and natural beauty of Chester (...)
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    Degrees of Guidance: Essays on Twentieth-Century American Photography.Peter C. Bunnell - 1993 - Cambridge University Press.
    This selection of essays and reviews written between 1962 and 1983 focus on the creativity of the American photographer as artist and on the nature of his work and life, placing special attention on the creative impulse of the art photographer and the significance of his pictures as expressive works of art. Among the major artist-photographers examined are Alfred Stieglitz, Walker Evans, Diane Arbus, Harry Callahan, Emmet Gowin and Jerry Uelsmann. Topics discussed include the collecting of photographs, the (...) of pictorial visioning photography, photographic portraiture, and manipulative photography. Degrees of Guidance differs from other anthologies in that it focuses on individual photographers rather than on the more social or ontological aspects of photography. (shrink)
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    Pureness or corruption: Spectres and ghosts between photography and X-rays.Martin Charvát - 2022 - Philosophy of Photography 13 (1):99-118.
    This article investigates the paradoxical nature of cameraless photography. Born after the invention of early photography, the camera apparatus is clearly a precondition of the idea and practice of cameraless photography (photography made without a camera). Yet, at the same time, cameraless photography is situated as a form of pure photography, giving rise to the idea that the spirit of photography lies somewhere beyond the mediation of the camera. This article approaches the (...)
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