Results for ' National socialism in literature'

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  1.  58
    Women and National Socialism in Postwar German Literature: Gender, Memory, and Subjectivity. By KatherineStone. Pp. 232, Rochester, NY, Camden House, 2017, $65.00. [REVIEW]Patrick Madigan - 2020 - Heythrop Journal 61 (3):580-581.
  2.  12
    Normalizing Evil: The National Socialist Physicians Leagues.Sheena M. Eagan - 2019 - Conatus 4 (2):233.
    The National Socialist Physicians League, was a professional medical organization founded upon the same ideologies that shaped the broader National Socialist agenda. Despite the vast historical and ethical literature focused on physician involvement in Nazi atrocities during the Holocaust, little attention has been paid to the NSDÄB. However, the establishment of this group is important to understanding the forces shaping physician participation in the Nazi party. Physicians often look to professional medical organizations as a source of moral (...)
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    Paul Silas Peterson: Romano Guardini in the Weimar Republic and in National Socialist Germany: With a brief look into the National Socialist correspondences on Guardini in the early 1940s.Paul Silas Peterson - 2019 - Journal for the History of Modern Theology/Zeitschrift für Neuere Theologiegeschichte 26 (1):47-96.
    Romano Guardini was one of the most important intellectuals of German Catholicism in the twentieth century. He influenced nearly an entire generation of German Catholic theologians and was the leading figure of the German Catholic youth movement as it grew exponentially in the 1920s. Yet there are many open questions about his early intellectual development and his academic contribution to religious, cultural, social and political questions in the Weimar Republic and in National Socialist Germany. This article draws upon Guardini’s (...)
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    Collaborative relations and irresponsible purity: Herbert Mehrtens’ transformation of the historiography of science, medicine, technology and National Socialism.Mark Walker - 2022 - Science in Context 35 (4):326-335.
    ArgumentBy breaking decisively with the predominantly apologetic and hagiographic literature on science during National Socialism and employing compelling terms such as “irresponsible purity” and “collaborative relations,” Herbert Mehrtens profoundly influenced both his contemporaries and the subsequent generation of historians working in this field.
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    The architects of the evolutionary synthesis in national socialist germany: Science and politics. [REVIEW]Thomas Junker & Uwe Hoßfeld - 2002 - Biology and Philosophy 17 (2):223-249.
    The Synthetic Theory of Evolution (SyntheticDarwinism) was forged between 1925 and 1950.Several historians of science have pointed outthat this synthesis was a joint venture ofSoviet, German, American and Britishbiologists: A fascinating example of scientificcooperation, considering the fact that theevolutionary synthesis emerged during thedecades in which these countries were engagedin fierce political, military and ideologicalconflicts. The ideological background of itsAnglo-American representatives has beenanalyzed in the literature. We have examinedthe scientific work and ideological commitmentsof the German Darwinians during the ThirdReich. We (...)
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  6. How to Tell a Mestizo from an Enchirito¯: Colonialism and National Culture in the Borderlands.Michael Hames-Garcia - 2000 - Diacritics 30 (4):102-122.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Diacritics 30.4 (2000) 102-122 [Access article in PDF] How To Tell a Mestizo from an Enchirito® Colonialism and National Culture in the Borderlands Michael Hames-garcia I began to think, "Yes, I'm a chicana but that's not all I am. Yes, I'm a woman but that's not all I am. Yes, I'm a dyke but that doesn't define all of me. Yes, I come from working class origins, but (...)
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    National Socialism in the History of Being? A Discussion of Some Aspects of the Recent "L'Affaire Heidegger".Hans-Peter Söder - 1989 - Philosophy Today 33 (2):109-120.
  8.  30
    The Socialist Movement in the Warsaw Uprising.Krzysztof Dunin-Wąsowicz - 2006 - Dialogue and Universalism 16 (7-9):89-110.
    The decision to start the uprising rested chiefly with a few persons from the high command of the Home Army. Political authorities, including Kazimierz Pużak, PPS and the National Unity Council leader, had no influence on the Uprising outbreak and date decisions.Immediately after the uprising outbreak, the socialist movement joined the action, both in the civilian and military area, as did all socialist movement factions. A very important role was played by the well-developed and influential press, coming out in (...)
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    Historical Destiny and National Socialism in Heidegger's 'Being and Time' (review).Robert C. Scharff - 2000 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 38 (3):455-456.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Historical Destiny and National Socialism in Heidegger's 'Being and Time.'Robert C. ScharffJohannes Fritsche, Historical Destiny and National Socialism in Heidegger's 'Being and Time.'Berkeley: University of California Press, 1999. Pp. 356 + xix. Cloth, $60.00.Focusing on the relatively neglected fifth chapter of Being and Time's Division Two (BT, Sections 72-77), Fritsche argues that BT is an essentially political work. Even Victor Farías, although he talks (...)
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    The Politics of Memory: History, Biography, and the (Re)-Emergence of Generational Literature in Germany.Hans-Peter Söder - 2009 - The European Legacy 14 (2):177-185.
    The existentialist philosopher Karl Jaspers is the father of a discourse on the spiritual consequences of the Holocaust. First addressed as the Schuldfrage (the question of guilt) by Jaspers immediately after the Second World War in his famous Heidelberg lecture, it has reappeared in various forms in German life and letters. Post-unification Germany has witnessed the valorization of the German experience of the Second World War. This ongoing re-evaluation has its antecedents in the generational literature of the 1970s and (...)
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  11.  25
    National Socialism, or the Latent Savagery in Reason.Javier Leiva Bustos - 2019 - Las Torres de Lucca. International Journal of Political Philosophy 8 (14):109-134.
    The Nacional Socialist totalitarian project unleashed an unprecedented savagery in Europe, giving raise to the largest war to have taken place in our history and to a never before seen systematic genocide. In opposition to those who consider this way of savagery as something purely irrational, the truth is that Nazism’s savagery was product of a “rational” project which would have its roots in the period of the Enlightenment. The cruel and inhuman murder of millions of people was the result (...)
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  12.  19
    Historical destiny and national socialism in Heidegger's "Being and time".Johannes Fritsche - 1999 - Berkeley: University of California Press.
    "Fritsche's book, which is closely researched, carefully argued, and philologically rigorous, will become an indispensable point of reference for further debates on Heidegger's ambiguous political and ethical legacy."—Richard Wolin, author of The Politics of Being "Unquestionably, Fritsche has a highly unusual command of the Heideggerian idiom, which he uses to very good effect."—Tom Rockmore, author of On Heidegger's Nazism and Philosophy.
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  13. Mandatory Prosecution in the Changing Time: A Systematic Literature Review.Lan Chi Le, Son Thanh Mai, Yen Hai Hoang, Duc Quang Nguyen, Thanh Nga Pham & Hai Thanh Luong - forthcoming - Criminal Justice Ethics.
    The principle of mandatory prosecution (MP) is respected, extensively applied, and has a long-standing tradition in continental European countries, and it is highly valued in socialist nations. However, in recent decades, there has been a notable shift in its implementation within these countries, with numerous studies reflecting this change by presenting diverse perspectives on the necessity to alter, modify, or preserve this principle. One of the primary aims of this paper is to examine the scope of research on responses to (...)
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  14.  35
    Thomas Mann und Erich Kästner: E versus U, Exilliteratur versus Literatur unter Schreibverbot in der ‚inneren Emigration’.Silke Grothues - 2015 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Germanica 11.
    The writers Thomas Mann and Erich Kästner took in the years between 1933 and 1945 extreme positions of inner and outer emigration, which can be shown concerning autobiographical aspects and concerning their works which they wrote during the time of national socialism. While Kästner, who represents the inner emigration, wrote humorous stories like "Drei Männer im Schnee" and "Der kleine Grenzverkehr", Mann completed his tetralogy of "Joseph und seine Brüder", which deals with the foundation and development of the (...)
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  15.  57
    National Socialism, Anti-Semitism, and Philosophy in Heidegger and Scheler.Johannes Fritsche - 2016 - Philosophy Today 60 (2):583-608.
    According to Trawny, Heidegger’s Black Notebooks show that he turned away from any National Socialism in 1938 and that his thinking could be “contaminated” by National Socialism and anti-Semitism only between 1931 and 1944/1945. However, in this paper it is argued that already in Being and Time Heidegger had made a case for National Socialism; that he discovered in 1938 the “true” National Socialism, and that Trawny’s main criterion regarding Heidegger’s anti-Semitism is (...)
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  16.  66
    Dostoevsky and Schiller: National renewal through aesthetic education.Susan McReynolds - 2004 - Philosophy and Literature 28 (2):353-366.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Dostoevsky and Schiller:National Renewal Through Aesthetic EducationSusan McReynoldsDostoevsky's novels pivot upon scenes of spiritual transformation, moments of revelation that resolve dilemmas for which no logical solution can be found. Raskolnikov, for example, analyzes his crime from philosophical and sociological angles until he almost dies; he is saved by his dream of the plague and by the image of Sonia's face. When insight and progress come to Dostoevsky's fictional (...)
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  17.  58
    Memory, Reconstruction, and Ethics in Memorialization.Scott R. Stroud & Jonathan A. Henson - 2019 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 33 (2):282-299.
    The article examines the ethical choices that are implicit in acts of memorialization. By engaging literature on the rhetoric of memorials and pragmatist aesthetics, we argue that memorialization involves a range of important ethical choices in who is remembered, how they are remembered, and the experience the act of memorialization evokes in viewers. By using John Dewey's nascent account of memorial aesthetics, we construct an exploratory typology of the ways that memorials can use and evoke the experience of viewers. (...)
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  18.  46
    The Vienna Circle: Studies in the Origins, Development, and Influence of Logical Empiricism.Friedrich Stadler - 2015 - Cham: Springer.
    This abridged and revised edition of the original book (Springer-Wien-New York: 2001) offers the only comprehensive history and documentation of the Vienna Circle based on new sources with an innovative historiographical approach to the study of science. With reference to previously unpublished archival material and more recent literature, it refutes a number of widespread clichés about "neo-positivism" or "logical positivism". Following some insights on the relation between the history of science and the philosophy of science, the book offers an (...)
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  19.  15
    Ideologische Voraussetzungen der Literatur des Dritten Reiches. Nationalsozialistische Literatur­ und Kulturpolitik.Marcin Gołaszewski - 2014 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Germanica 10.
    National Socialism did not only constitute a political doctrine; it was also a kind of worldview that left its mark on German and pan­-European culture of the 20th century. The drastic changes that were linked to Hitler’s takeover of power confronted writers and poets with a completely new reality and wholly new conditions of the creative process. Those who could not or would not emigrate had to submit themselves to the policies and norms decreed by the National (...)
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  20. Theodor W. Adorno, Guilt and Defence: On the Legacies of National Socialism in Postwar Germany.Thomas Klikauer - 2011 - Radical Philosophy 167:56.
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  21.  46
    Corruption and anti-corruption local discourses and international practices in post-socialist Romania.Filippo Zerilli - 2013 - Human Affairs 23 (2):212-229.
    In the past two decades academic and research literature on “corruption” has flourished. During the same period organizations and initiatives fighting against corruption have also significantly expanded, turning “anti-corruption” into a new research subject. However, despite a few exceptions there is a division of labor between scholars who study corruption itself and those who study the global anti-corruption industry. Juxtaposing corruption’s local discourses and anti-corruption international practices, this article is an attempt to bring together these two intertwined research dimensions (...)
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  22.  22
    Twórczość Henryka Sienkiewicza a cenzura literacka w NRD.Marek Rajch - 2020 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Polonica 58 (3):421-434.
    Works by Henryk Sienkiewicz, a Polish writer and the winner of the 1905 Nobel Prize for Literature, were subjected to verification by the DDR’s censorship apparatus several times. Censors considered his novellas which discussed 19th-century social issues as desirable and worth promoting among East German readers. His novel Krzyżacy, which was set in the Middle Ages, was accepted eagerly both by publishing houses and the censorship office as it enabled national socialism in Germany to be viewed in (...)
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  23.  22
    German National Socialist Black Metal: Contemporary Neo‑Nazism and the Ongoing Struggle with Antisemitism.Davjola Ndoja - 2019 - History of Communism in Europe 10:169-189.
    This paper is an exploration of the ideology of National Socialism in the work and activity of the German terrorist group and Black Metal band Absurd. Historians are divided—and many have criticized how postwar Germany dealt with denazification—, but the fact is that Nazi ideology has been part of the political and social spheres in Germany since then. Neo‑Nazism saw a revival especially in the first years after unification, which coincided with the beginning of Absurd’s story and career. (...)
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  24.  37
    The scientific origins of National Socialism: social Darwinism in Ernst Haeckel and the German Monist League.Daniel Gasman - 1971 - New York,: American Elsevier.
  25.  68
    Bioethics Resources on the Web.National Reference Center for Bioethics Literature - 2000 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 10 (2):175-188.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 10.2 (2000) 175-188 [Access article in PDF] Scope Note 38 Bioethics Resources on the Web * Once described as an "enormous used book store with volumes stacked on shelves and tables and overflowing onto the floor" (Pool, Robert. 1994. Turning an Info-Glut into a Library. Science 266 (7 October): 20-22, p. 20), Internet resources now receive numerous levels of organization, from basic directory listings (...)
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  26.  15
    Royalist and fascist nationalism and national socialism in France.M. K. Flynn - 1992 - History of European Ideas 15 (4-6):803-809.
  27. Basic resources in bioethics: 1996-1999.National Reference Center for Bioethics Literature - 2000 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 10 (1):81-102.
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  28.  48
    Historical Destiny and National Socialism in Heidegger’s Being and Time. [REVIEW]Charles Bambach - 2001 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 75 (3):439-443.
  29.  20
    Historical Destiny and National Socialism in Heidegger’s Being and Time. [REVIEW]Alan Milchman & Alan Rosenberg - 2003 - International Studies in Philosophy 35 (4):251-253.
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  30.  43
    Heidegger's Volk: between National Socialism and poetry.James Phillips - 2005 - Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.
    In 1933 the philosopher Martin Heidegger declared his allegiance to Hitler. Ever since, scholars have asked to what extent his work is implicated in Nazism. To address this question properly involves neither conflating Nazism and the continuing philosophical project that is Heidegger's legacy, nor absolving Heidegger and, in the process, turning a deaf ear to what he himself called the philosophical motivations for his political engagement. It is important to establish the terms on which Heidegger aligned himself with National (...)
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  31.  37
    The problems of national history in the school literature of the 18th - beginning of the 20th centuries.O. S. Abramkin - 2015 - Liberal Arts in Russia 4 (6):496.
    The analysis of historical literature allows to consider profoundly the development of national culture and science of the 18th-first half of the 20th centuries and the formation and change of different historical concepts. With the analysis of historical periods that are highlighted in the research, general trends in the changing of paradigms about Russian historical development were concluded, which were translated to mass historical consciousness from the beginning of the 18th century up to 1917. The periods were closely (...)
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  32. Contemporary legal philosophising: Schmitt, Kelsen, Lukács, Hart, & law and literature, with Marxism's dark legacy in Central Europe (on teaching legal philosophy in appendix).Csaba Varga - 2013 - Budapest: Szent István Társulat.
    Reedition of papers in English spanning from 1986 to 2009 /// Historical background -- An imposed legacy -- Twentieth century contemporaneity -- Appendix: The philosophy of teaching legal philosophy in Hungary /// HISTORICAL BACKGROUND -- PHILOSOPHY OF LAW IN CENTRAL & EASTERN EUROPE: A SKETCH OF HISTORY [1999] 11–21 // PHILOSOPHISING ON LAW IN THE TURMOIL OF COMMUNIST TAKEOVER IN HUNGARY (TWO PORTRAITS, INTERWAR AND POSTWAR: JULIUS MOÓR & ISTVÁN LOSONCZY) [2001–2002] 23–39: Julius Moór 23 / István Losonczy 29 // (...)
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  33.  22
    The Scientific Origins of National Socialism. Social Darwinism in Ernst Haeckel and the German Monist League. Daniel Gasman.C. Culotta - 1972 - Isis 63 (4):587-588.
  34.  23
    Revolutionary Saints: Heidegger, National Socialism, and Antinomian Politics.Christopher Rickey - 2002 - Pennsylvania State University Press.
    Heidegger's connection with Nazism is well known and has been exhaustively debated. But we need to understand better why Heidegger believed National Socialism to be the best cure for the ills of modern society. In this book Christopher Rickey examines the internal logic of Heidegger's ideas to explain how they led him to become a powerful critic of liberalism and a Nazi supporter. Key to Rickey's interpretation is the radically antinomian conception of religiosity he finds at the core (...)
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  35.  27
    “Loyalty” in National Socialism: A contribution to the moral history of the National Socialist period.Raphael Gross1 - 2007 - History of European Ideas 33 (4):488-503.
    This article is based on the assumption that core concepts of National Socialism—different from Marxism—turn not on economic, but on moral concepts, or categories heavily related to such concepts as honour, loyalty, decency and comradeship. The article investigates National Socialism from the standpoint of moral judgments, and turns this investigation into part of a moral history. It further is concerned with the continuing impact of National Socialism beyond the military, political and ideological defeat of (...)
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  36.  32
    On specific character of Austrian national code in literature and music: origins of game-like nature.Yu L. Tsvetkov - 2016 - Liberal Arts in Russia 5 (1):36.
    In the article the mutual influence of folk theatre, Austrian Singspiel and Viennese opera in the genres of comic opera, operetta and drama performances involving music, singing and dancing is studied. The powerful influence of Italian and French opera schools, as well as the Italian Commedia Dell'arte led to the flourishing of music and theatre art in Austria: opera buffa (A. Salieri, Ch. W. Glück, J. Haydn, W. A. Mozart), fairy-tale comedies of F. Raimund and satirical dramas of Nestroy. Their (...)
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  37. National Socialism and the Problem of Relativism.Johannes Steizinger - 2019 - In Martin Kusch, Johannes Steizinger, Katherina Kinzel & Niels Jacob Wildschut, The Emergence of Relativism: German Thought from the Enlightenment to National Socialism. London, New York: Routledge. pp. 233-251.
    The aim of this chapter is to clarify the meaning and the use of the concept of relativism in the context of National Socialism (NS). This chapter analyzes three aspects of the connection between relativism and NS: The first part examines the critical reproach that NS is a form of relativism. I analyze and criticize the common core of this widespread argument, which is developed in varying contexts, was held in different times, and is still shared by several (...)
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  38.  17
    Heidegger, Nietzsche, national socialism: The place of metaphysics in the political debate of the 1930s.Robert Bernasconi - 2013 - In Francois Raffoul & Eric S. Nelson, The Bloomsbury Companion to Heidegger. New York: Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 47.
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  39.  46
    National Socialism as a Doctrine of Rancour (1937).Menno ter Braak - 2019 - Theory, Culture and Society 36 (3):105-120.
    This essay by the Dutch modernist writer Menno ter Braak, ‘National Socialism as a Doctrine of Rancour’, was written in 1937 just before the German annexation of the Netherlands. It is a rare examination of how the concept ressentiment can be used to analyse 1930s National Socialism, outlining the ways in which the fascist variant of ressentiment is both distinctive and also, nonetheless, connected to its democratic and socialist versions. The essay develops Nietzsche’s and Scheler’s understandings (...)
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  40.  45
    National socialism before nazism: Fron Friedrich Naumann to the 'ideas of 1914'.Asaf Kedar - 2013 - History of Political Thought 34 (2):324-349.
    This article demonstrates the existence of a national socialism in Germany long before the founding of the Nazi movement, and not just in the dark recesses of racial antisemitism but at the very heart of German bourgeois society. The article focuses on two major cases of pre-Nazi national socialism: left-leaning bourgeois reformist Friedrich Naumann; and the ideology supporting Germany's war effort from 1914 to 1918, a phenomenon also known as the 'ideas of 1914'. National (...) in both these cases rested at its core on a national existentialism: a conviction that Germany is facing a struggle for its very existence as a nation, and that all domestic socioeconomic forces must be systematically regimented andmobilized in the service of the nation's purportedly 'existential' struggles. National socialism emerges from this article. (shrink)
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    The National Socialist Sisterhood: an instrument of National Socialist health policy.Christoph Schweikardt - 2009 - Nursing Inquiry 16 (2):103-110.
    When Adolf Hitler (1889–1945) came to power in 1933, the new Nazi government focused the German health system on their priorities such as the creation of a racially homogeneous society and the preparation of war. One of the measures to bring nursing under their control was the foundation of a new sisterhood. In 1934, Erich Hilgenfeldt (1897–1945), the ambitious head of the National Socialist People’s Welfare Association (Nationalsozialistische Volkswohlfahrt), founded the National Socialist (NS) Sisterhood (Nationalsozialistische Schwesternschaft) to create (...)
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  42.  65
    Heimat in Heidegger and Gadamer.Kai Hammermeister - 2000 - Philosophy and Literature 24 (2):312-326.
    A philosophical study of the concept of _Heimat, home and homeland, is still lacking. This article examines Gadamer's linguistification of Heidegger's concept of _Heimat that includes moments of both regional identification and language. Gadamer eliminates the references to a home-land and, thus, rids the concept of unwanted associations with National-Socialist propaganda of blood and soil. Yet a merely linguistic notion of _Heimat offers not enough potential for identification in an age of world civilization. The essay suggests to resort to (...)
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  43.  22
    Socialism in Power: On the History and Theory of Socialist Governance.Roland Boer - 2022 - Springer Nature Singapore.
    This book examines the historical development—in practice and theory—of governance in socialist systems. With more than a century of such development from many parts of the world, including the Soviet Union, China, and the DPRK (North Korea), it is possible to gain much from careful study of their political systems.But what is the nature of this socialist governance? It is abundantly clear that the type of governance in socialist countries had never before been seen in human history. How does this (...)
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  44.  13
    Hitler as philosophe: remnants of the enlightenment in national socialism.Lawrence Birken - 1995 - Westport, Conn.: Praeger.
    This book situates Hitler in the context of European Intellectual history.
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  45. Revolution, succession and national identity in American literature.S. Fender - 1993 - In Fender S., Proceedings of the British Academy, Volume 82: 1992 Lectures and Memoirs. pp. 285-301.
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  46. Relativism in the Context of National Socialism.Johannes Steizinger - 2019 - In Martin Kusch, The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Relativism. Routledge. pp. 114-123.
    The aim of this chapter is to clarify the use and meaning of the concept of relativism in the context of National Socialism (NS). Section 1 examines the critical reproach that NS is a form of relativism. I analyze and criticize the common core of this widespread argument which has dominated discussions about the topic up to the present. Section 2 sketches the general debates on relativism before and during NS. I show that fascist thought could be associated (...)
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    Common sense as extremism: the multi-semiotics of contemporary national socialism.Gustav Westberg & Henning Årman - 2019 - Critical Discourse Studies 16 (5):549-568.
    This paper explores how national socialist aesthetics and semiotics are regimented within the Swedish Nazi milieu today. In order to treat fascism as contemporary ideology, the article applies intertextuality and provenance as analytical concepts in the analysis of how Nazism is re-emerging discursively. The analysis contributes unique insights, as the dataset consists of extremist discourse aimed at providing members of the most prominent Swedish Nazi movement with guidance on how to embody and express national socialism in their (...)
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  48.  15
    Hitler and the enlightenment: the absence of religion as the causal factor in the success of national socialism.Markus Hänsel - 2016 - Frankfurt a.M.: August von Goethe Literaturverlag. Edited by Marion Godfrey.
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    Heidegger, Pride and National Socialism.Laure Paquette - 2013 - International Journal of Philosophy 1 (1):1.
    This article looks at the controversy surrounding Heidegger's National Socialism and asks the following question: was Heidegger a Nazi and if so, why did he not disavow it more vigorously after the war? This leads to an argument that Heidegger's pride led him to amend his work to dilute the consistencies of his work with National Socialism after the fact, in addition to allowing his work to remain obscure in meaning. He did the same with the (...)
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    God, not Caesar: Revisiting National Socialism as ‘political religion’.Angela Astoria Kurtz - 2009 - History of European Ideas 35 (2):236-252.
    This article argues that use of the concept of ‘political religion’ to describe the radicalized political movements of the twentieth century has again gained currency in recent years as a result of the collapse of the Soviet Union as well as the global upsurge of religiously inspired violence and that research with respect to religion proper – what religion is, its role in public life, its evolving reception by ‘insiders’ and ‘outsiders’ – can advance the discussion. The article subsequently offers (...)
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