Results for ' NTIC'

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  1. Vedāntic Approaches to Religious Diversity: Grounding the Many Divinities in the Unity of Brahman.Ankur Barua - 2020 - In Ayon Maharaj, The Bloomsbury research handbook of Vedānta. New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
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    Hermeneutical essays on Vedāntic topics.John Geeverghese Arapura - 1986 - Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass.
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    The Vedāntic and the Buddhist concept of reality as interpreted.Ram Chandra Jha - 1973 - Calcutta,: Firma K.L. Mukhopadhyay.
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    Technologies mondialisées, mondialisation technologique, Digital Globalization : quels liens entre les NTIC et la mondialisation?Lionel Obadia - 2021 - Diogène n° 271-272 (3):110-132.
    Cet article se propose de reprendre et d’approfondir l’épineuse question des rapports entre technologies (principalement digitales, les NTIC) et mondialisation. Généralement considérés sous l’angle d’un parallélisme (les deux vont de pair) agrémenté d’une réciprocité (et s’influençant mutuellement), ces rapports sont plus souvent postulés que décrits en détail et plus encore, questionnés. L’objectif est ici moins de qualifier de manière définitive la nature de ces liens, que de souligner la richesse du champ de réflexion, et d’en tracer les contours à (...)
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    An evaluation of the Vedāntic critique of Buddhism.Gregory Joseph Darling - 1987 - New Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass Publishers. Edited by Bādarāyaṇa.
    This book represents a comparison of the critique of Buddhism as set forth in the interpretations of Sankara, Madhva, and Ramanuja to the sutras of the second section (adhyaya) of the Brahma-sutras concerned with the refutation of Buddhism, ...
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  6. Debating Freud on the Oceanic Feeling: Romain Rolland's Vedāntic Critique of Psychoanalysis and His Call for a "New Science of the Mind".Ayon Maharaj - 2020 - In The Bloomsbury research handbook of Vedānta. New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
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    Jainism from the view point of Vedāntic Ācāryas: with special reference to Nimbārka, Śaṅkara, and Rāmānuja.Yajñeśvara Sadāśiva Śāstrī - 2003 - Ahmedabad: B.J. Institute of Learning & Research.
    Lectures based on the commentaries on Brahmasūtra of Bādarāyaṇa.
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    Information Closure Theory of Consciousness.Acer Y. C. Chang, Martin Biehl, Yen Yu & Ryota Kanai - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:505035.
    Information processing in neural systems can be described and analyzed at multiple spatiotemporal scales. Generally, information at lower levels is more fine-grained but can be coarse-grained at higher levels. However, only information processed at specific scales of coarse-graining appears to be available for conscious awareness. We do not have direct experience of information available at the scale of individual neurons, which is noisy and highly stochastic. Neither do we have experience of more macro-scale interactions, such as interpersonal communications. Neurophysiological evidence (...)
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    Educación indirecta. Bases y desafíos de un nuevo sistema educativo.Pablo Razeto Barry - 2007 - Polis 17.
    Se plantea una nueva forma de organizar el sistema educacional y se analizan algunas de sus ventajas y desafíos fundamentales. Entendiendo la educación como un sistema complejo, se incorpora la categoría del educador indirecto y de educadores de alta excelencia y calidad, que no participan directamente en el aula, pero que determinan la actividad educativa concreta que se da en ella. La presencia de los educadores indirectos en el aula involucra la reorganización del sistema educacional y la incorporación de las (...)
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  10. Imagens E novas tecnologias no ensino de filosofia: Relato de Uma experiência.Maikon Chaider Silva Scaldaferro - 2012 - Saberes Em Perspectiva 2 (4):59-69.
    Este artigo discute o papel das imagens e das novas tecnologias da informação e comunicação no ensino de filosofia. Primeiramente o artigo desenvolve uma abordagem teórica, apontando de que modo imagem e tecnologia podem contribuir para o ensino de filosofia. Num segundo momento apresentamos alguns relatos de nossa prática docente no ensino de filosofia utilizando essas ferramentas.
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  11. As novas tecnologias de informação e comunicação e as mudanças na vida cotidiana.Hangsub Choi - 2008 - Logos: Comuniação e Univerisdade 15 (2):95-103.
    Les nouvelles technologies de l’information et de la communication (NTIC) se sont infiltrées dans notre vie quotidienne. Ces technologies, representées dans cet article par l‘internet et par le téléphone portable, devront montrer un potentiel encore plus remarcable dans le future, pouvant changer non seulement les structures économiques et industrielles, mais aussi la façon de penser et d’agir des êtres humains.
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    (1 other version)Enquête auprès des internautes : entre croire, dire et faire.Caroline Lancelot Miltgen - 2009 - Hermès: La Revue Cognition, communication, politique 53 (1):55.
    La collecte et l'utilisation efficace des données clients constituent un enjeu stratégique et éthique majeur pour les entreprises. Depuis les années 1990, l'arrivée des NTIC est venue bouleverser la manière avec laquelle ces données sont collectées, stockées puis utilisées. Ces pratiques ne s'opèrent pas sans que les consommateurs y trouvent à redire, considérant souvent celles-ci comme une intrusion dans leur vie privée. Ce phénomène est prégnant sur Internet qui présente un environnement dans lequel les menaces sur la vie privée (...)
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    Vedānta and Bhagavadgītā: the unpublished writings of K. Satchidananda Murty.K. Satchidananda Murty - 2024 - New York, NY: Routledge. Edited by Ashok Vohra & K. Ramesh.
    K. Satchidananda Murty (1924-2011) was a vociferous writer and an iconoclast. This volume is a collection of his unpublished writings. It includes Murty's views on the Veda, its meaning, relevance, and study, and shows the significance of the Vedāntic vision to the modern world. Murty elucidates the basic tenets of Advaita Vedānta and expounds the Advaitic doctrine of the relationships between Brahman and God, Brahman and the individual self, as well as between God and the world. In his writings, Murty (...)
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    La Evaluación del Alumno en un Proceso de Enseñanza-Aprendizaje en la Modalidad Virtual (The Student's Evaluation in a Teaching-Learning Process in Virtual Modality).Armando Tijerina Garcia - 2010 - Daena 5 (2):145-169.
    Resumen. Este artículo ofrece una propuesta enfocada a optimizar el proceso de evaluación sobre el aprovechamiento del alumno, en un ambiente virtual, mediante el concepto GROUPWARE:, técnicas de comunicación grupal, utilizando las Nuevas tecnologías de Información y las Comunicaciones [NTIC’s], como herramientas básicas, llevando el registro y seguimiento estadístico del aprovechamiento actitudinal del estudiante, posibilitando así, el uso y la construcción de índices significativos, seguros y fiables, que permitan al instructor/facilitador/tutor, gestionar de un diagnóstico, sobre el comportamiento, esfuerzo, dedicación (...)
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    Towards a new philosophy: the unpublished writings of K. Satchidananda Murty.Ashok Vohra & Kotta Ramesh (eds.) - 2023 - New York, NY: Taylor & Francis Group.
    K. Satchidananda Murty (1924-2011) was a vociferous writer and an iconoclast. This volume is a collection of his unpublished writings It presents Murty's unpublished keynote addresses, papers presented in seminars, and lectures which show his reflections and arguments in contrast to contemporary philosophers with regard to recent developments in philosophy. The writings reveal Murty's rejection of established theories by well-known eastern and western philosophers, as well as his arguments in their support, and present a new interpretation of their contention in (...)
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    World Soul: A history.James Wilberding (ed.) - 2021 - New York, NY, United States of America: Oxford University Press.
    The concept of the world soul is difficult to understand in large part because over the course of history it has been invoked to very different ends and within the frameworks of very different philosophical systems, with very different concepts of the world soul emerging as a result. This volume brings together eleven chapters by leading philosophers in their respective fields that collectively explore the various ways in which this concept has been understood and employed, covering the following philosophical areas: (...)
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  17. Black Sun That Destroys Inner Darkness.Aleksandar Uskokov - 2022 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 142 (1).
    There is a widespread belief in Hinduism that Vyāsa, the alleged editor of the Vedas and author of the Mahābhārata, is identical with Bādarāyaṇa, the author of the Brahma-sūtra. The identification of these two mythic characters, however, originated between 800–980 CE, after the likes of Śaṅkara, Padmapāda, and Bhāskara, but before Vācaspati Miśra, Prakāśātman, Sarvajñātman, and Yāmuna. The purpose of this paper is to understand how and why such identification took place. The argument developed here is that the Bādarāyaṇa-Vyāsa identity (...)
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    The ocean of inquiry: Niścaldās and the premodern origins of modern Hinduism.Michael S. Allen - 2022 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Advaita Vedānta is one of the best-known schools of Indian philosophy, but much of its history-a history closely interwoven with that of medieval and modern Hinduism-remains surprisingly unexplored. This book focuses on a single remarkable work and its place within that history: The Ocean of Inquiry, a vernacular compendium of Advaita Vedānta by the North Indian monk Niścaldās (ca. 1791 - 1863). Though not well known today, Niścaldās's work was once referred to by Vivekananda (himself a key figure in the (...)
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    L'Altérité enseignante: d'un penser sur l'autre à l'Autre de la pensée.Muriel Briançon - 2012 - Paris, France: Publibook.
    Tandis que la mondialisation gomme les différences et que les NTIC mettent à distance un autrui toujours plus virtuel, l'altérité devient une espèce en voie de disparition. Dans le champ éducatif, le développement exponentiel du e-learning et des outils d'apprentissage à distance va également dans le sens d'une désincarnation progressive de l'enseignant qui est en train de disparaître de sa classe. Il nous semble cependant essentiel de questionner ce fondement de l'école républicaine jusqu'alors évident et qui est à présent (...)
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    Nuevo malestar en la cultura: El «des-alejamiento» del alejamiento o la conquista del espacio exterior.Borja García Ferrer - 2014 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 19 (1).
    El objetivo del presente trabajo es examinar, desde un enfoque epistemológico interdisciplinar, la vigencia o la actualidad que posee la visión heideggeriana de la decadencia occidental en la infoesfera, en virtud de la superación virtual del espacio-tiempo que conllevan, a mediados del Novecientos, las nuevas tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (NTIC). Como trataré de mostrar, el fenómeno óntico de la comunicación instantánea no hace sino consolidar y poner de manifiesto en la praxis histórico-vital el «máximo olvido del (...)
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  21. Bhedābheda vedānta.Andrew J. Nicholson - 2006 - Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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  22. Habilidades lectoras en la era de las nuevas tecnologías de la información y la comunicación.Éder García-Dussán - 2011 - Logos: Revista de la Facultad de Filosofia y Humanidades 20:163-186.
    This reflection, simultaneously nourished with a mass media research and the emotional construction carried out at La Salle University from 2009-2010, explores what the most relevant changes are in the reading conditions in the contemporary subject (digital native) from the immersion in the new information and communication technologies (NICT) in most dimensions of his life. This is in order to assess up to what point the hypothesis of the appearance of socio-semiotic structures of textual elaboration and new strategies in the (...)
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