Results for ' Mysticism in literature'

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  1.  10
    Mysticism in the Mid-Century Novel.James Clements - 2011 - Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Introduction : the middle is everywhere -- Towards an ideal limit : linguistic authority in the work of Iris Murdoch -- From apophasis to aporia : William Golding and the indescribable -- Verbal sludge : the ethics of instability in Patrick White's prose -- Bliss from bricks : Saul Bellow's moral phenomenology -- Conclusion: drawing circles in the sea : un-defining the 'mystical novelist' -- Endnotes.
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    Ruusbroec: Literature and Mysticism in the Fourteenth Century.Geert Warnar - 2007 - BRILL.
    This book discusses the writings of the mystic Jan van Ruusbroec (1293-1381) within their medieval contexts of literary, religious and intellectual life, thus offering the first comprehensive biography of the most influential medieval Dutch author.
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    Patrick Grant, Literature of Mysticism in Western Tradition. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1983. Pp. x, 179. $22.50. [REVIEW]Ritamary Bradley - 1984 - Speculum 59 (4):976-977.
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    (1 other version)Ruusbroec: Literature and Mysticism in the Fourteenth Century.Diane Webb (ed.) - 2007 - Brill.
    This book discusses the writings of the mystic Jan van Ruusbroec within their medieval contexts of literary, religious and intellectual life, thus offering the first comprehensive biography of the most influential medieval Dutch author.
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    Mysticism in.L. Garnet Thomas - 1980 - The Chesterton Review 6 (2):205-211.
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    Milton and Jakob Boehme: A Study of German Mysticism in Seventeenth-Century England.Germanic Literature and Culture: A Series of Monographs.Allan H. Gilbert - 1915 - Philosophical Review 24 (3):339.
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    True and False Mysticism in Leibniz.Paul Lodge - 2015 - The Leibniz Review 25:55-87.
    The question of Leibniz’s relationship to mysticism has been a topic of some debate since the early part of the 20th Century. An initial wave of scholarship led by Jean Baruzi presented Leibniz mystic. However, later in the 20th Century the mood turned against this view and this negative appraisal holds sway today. In this paper I aim to do two things: First I provide a detailed account of the ways in which Leibniz is critical of mysticism; second, (...)
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    The Chemical Promise: Experiment and Mysticism in the Chemical Philosophy, 1550-1800: Selected Essays of Allen G. Debus.Allen G. Debus - 2006 - Science History Publications.
    There are some who would question the need to republish papers that have already appeared elsewhere. Walter Pauel once said that scholars should think in terms of books rather than research papers since the latter become lost in the literature. When he told me this year ago I was not entirely convinced. Surely the young scholar must publish papers to secure his academic position. In addition, throughout his career he attends conferences many of which will require the publication of (...)
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    Elohim ahavah esteṭiḳah: omanut emunah etiḳah esteṭiḳah u-misṭiḳah be-maḥshevet Ḥazal: masah ʻiyunit = God love aesthetics: art and faith, ethics, aesthetics and mysticism in Rabbinic thought: theoretical essay.Yaʻaḳov Maʻoz - 2021 - Yerushalayim: Sifre Niv.
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    “Chama Viva de Amor”: elementos de poética e mística em João da Cruz ("Living Flame of Love": elements of poetical and mysticism in John of the Cross) - DOI: 10.5752/P.2175-5841.2009v7n14p114. [REVIEW]Carlos Frederico Barboza de Souza - 2009 - Horizonte 7 (14):114-135.
    Resumo O presente artigo se encontra na interface entre literatura e religião e trata-se de um estudo da linguagem presente na obra de João da Cruz intitulada “Chama viva de amor”, utilizando-se, para tal, de alguns recursos da crítica literária. Esta obra teve a redação de seu poema realizada entre os anos de 1582-1584 e de seus comentários nos anos de 1585/86 (primeira redação) e 1591 (segunda redação). É um texto que, tanto em sua dimensão poética quanto em sua prosa, (...)
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    Merkavah Mysticism and Rabbinic JudaismApocalyptic and Merkavah MysticismThe Merkabah in Rabbinic Literature.Peter Schäfer, Ithamar Gruenwald, David J. Halperin & Peter Schafer - 1984 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 104 (3):537.
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    Beholders of Divine Secrets: Mysticism and Myth in the Hekhalot and Merkavah Literature.Vita Daphna Arbel - 2012 - SUNY Press.
    A wide-ranging exploration of the Hekhalot and Merkavah literature, a mystical Jewish tradition from late antiquity, including a discussion of the possible cultural context of this material's creators.
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    Mystic Union: An Essay in the Phenomenology of Mysticism.Nelson Pike - 1992 - Cornell Up.
    In this highly original and accessible book, one of our leading philosophers of religion seeks to answer this question by analyzing the several states of mystic union as they are described and explained in the classical primary literature ...
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    Literature and spirituality in the post-secular age.Faisal Nazir - 2015 - Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities 54 (2):45-55.
    This paper attempts to reconsider the nature and function of the ‘spiritual’ dimension in literary texts and in literary study in the context of the present state of the discipline of literary studies. The present era is often defined as a ‘post-secular’ era, one in which themes of spirituality and mysticism are increasingly noticeable in literary works. The paper argues that to maintain its relevance to contemporary writers and readers, literary criticism has to address these themes in a concrete (...)
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    (1 other version)Modern mysticism.Francis Grierson - 1899 - London,: G. Allen.
    Preface.--Modern mysticism.--Beauty and morals in nature.--The tragedy of Macbeth.--Modern melancholy.--Tolstoy.--Imitation and originality.--Physical courage and moral cowardice.--Parsifalitis.--Authority and individualism.--The new criticism.--Amiel.--Culture.--The artistic faculty in literature.
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    The Mysticism of the Grateful Heart in the Life and Writings of G. K. Chesterton.Noel O'Donoghue - 1999 - The Chesterton Review 25 (3):303-305.
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    The Foundations of Mysticism. Vol. I of The Presence of God: A History of Western Christian Mysticism by Bernard McGinn.Louis Dupré - 1993 - The Thomist 57 (1):133-135.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:BOOK REVIEWS 133 The Foundations of Mysticism. Vol. I of The Pl'.esence of God: A History of Western Christian Mysticism. By BERNARD McGINN. New York: Crossroad, 1991. Pp. xxii and 49. Index and bibliography. $39.00 (cloth). With this work Bernard McGinn delivers the first of a projected four volume History of Western Christian Mysticism. The Foundations in· cludes, as one might expect, the Scriptural tradition, Neoplatonic (...)
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    Auras in mysticism and synaesthesia: A comparison.M. A. Rodríguez Artacho, L. C. Delgado-Pastor, A. González-Hernández, M. Hochel, O. Iborra, E. Salazar & E. G. Milán - 2012 - Consciousness and Cognition 21 (1):258-268.
    In a variety of synaesthesia, photisms result from affect-laden stimuli as emotional words, or faces of familiar people. For R, who participated in this study, the sight of a familiar person triggers a mental image of "a human silhouette filled with colour". Subjective descriptions of synaesthetic experiences induced by the visual perception of people's figures and faces show similarities with the reports of those who claim to possess the ability to see the aura. It has been proposed that the purported (...)
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    Musse in mystischer Literatur: Paradigmen geistig tätigen Lebens bei Meister Eckhart.Anna Keiling - 2019 - Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.
    Back cover: Meister Eckhart betont in seinen Predigten und Traktaten die Gelassenheit als einen radikal freien Lebensvollzug in geistiger Tätigkeit. Anna Keiling vollzieht diese Konzeption anhand des Leitparadigmas der Musse nach. So können Darstellungen der Abgeschiedenheit, Gelassenheit, ledecheit und ruowe in mystischer Literatur in ihrem spezifischen Zusammenhang gesehen werden.
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    Correspondences: Jewish Mysticism, Indian Philosophies.Axel Randrup & Tista Bagchi - 2006 - Cogprints 4796.
    The authors found correspondence of several significant traits of Jewish mysticism with traits of Buddhism and other systems of Indian religion and philosophy in the literature. Among the corresponding traits is the fundamental idea of emptiness or nothingness, shuunyataa in Sanskrit, ayin in Hebrew. Also corresponding are attempts to harmonise the idea and experience of emptiness with fullness, and with the experience of the secular world with its many things and concepts. They list eight significant traits of Jewish (...)
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    Applied Mysticism: A Drug‐Enabled Visionary Experience Against Moral Blindness.Virginia Ballesteros - 2019 - Zygon 54 (3):731-755.
    Intellectuals such as William James and Aldous Huxley have thought it possible to develop a technique to apply to this world the mystical-type insights gained during drug-enabled experiences. Particularly, Huxley claimed that the visionary experience triggered by psychedelics could help us rethink our relationship with technology and promote a much-needed cultural change. In this article, we explore this hypothesis. To do so, we build a philosophical framework based on Günther Anders's philosophy of technique, presenting human beings as morally blind when (...)
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    Comparative religion: Correspondences between jewish mysticism and indian religion - philosophy. Some significant relations to science.Dr Axel Randrup & Dr Tista Bagchi - 2006 - Http.
    In the literature we have found correspondence of several significant traits of Jewish mysticism with traits of Buddhism and other systems of Indian religion-philosophy. Among the corresponding traits is the fundamental idea of emptiness or nothingness, shuunyataa in Sanskrit, ayin in Hebrew. Also corresponding are attempts to harmonize the idea and experience of emptiness with fullness, and with the experience of the secular world with its many things and concepts. We list eight significant traits of Jewish mysticism, (...)
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  23.  61
    A Contrast in Mysticism.Antony Grist - 1990 - The Chesterton Review 16 (3/4):229-237.
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    The Growth of Mysticism: Gregory the Great through the 12th Century, volume two of The Presence of God: A History of Western Christian Mysticism by Bernard McGinn.Louis Dupré - 1996 - The Thomist 60 (3):475-478.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:BOOK REVIEWS The Growth of Mysticism: Gregory the Great through the 12th Century, volume two of The Presence of God: A History of Western Christian Mysticism. By BERNARD MCGINN. New York: Crossroad, 1994. Pp. xv + 630. $49.50. This second volume of the History of Western Mysticism covers the period from the sixth through the twelfth century, from Gregory the Great to the Victorines. It fully (...)
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  25. May Sinclair in her time: reappraising May Sinclair's role in early-twentieth-century literature and philosophy.Leslie de Bont, Isabelle Brasme & Florence Marie (eds.) - 2024 - Montpellier: Presses universitaires de la Méditerranée.
    May Sinclair has been typically considered as a liminal author, positioned between two eras: the 19th and the 20th centuries, Victorian culture and modernism, traditional and avant-garde writing and thinking. As a result, traditional criticism has confined her to the margins of 20th-century literature and philosophy. Re-examining Sinclair's involvement in the literary and philosophical debates of her time, this collaborative volume seeks to challenge this liminal status and to reassert Sinclair's role as an author, critic and thinker firmly established (...)
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    Mysticism and Drugs.J. Kellenberger - 1978 - Religious Studies 14 (2):175 - 191.
    In recent years the issue of whether mysticism can be induced by drugs has been pursued by both scholars of mystical literature and psychological researchers. R. C. Zaehner is perhaps the best known among the scholars of religious literature who have addressed the issues of drug-induced mysticism. While on the side of empirical psychology investigators such as Walter N. Pahnke, R. E. L. Masters, and Jean Houston have pursued some of the same issues using the techniques (...)
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  27. Mysticism and Psychosis: Descriptions and Distinctions.Michael McGhee - 2002 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 9 (4):343-347.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy, Psychiatry, & Psychology 9.4 (2002) 343-347 [Access article in PDF] Mysticism and Psychosis:Descriptions and Distinctions Michael McGhee IT IS REFRESHING to read a paper that manages at once to be interdisciplinary and intercultural in its range of reference, and that also confronts a difficult and controversial question about how we are to assess the similarities and differences between psychotic and mystical experiences. Many psychiatrists have been skeptical (...)
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    Philosophy of mysticism: raids on the ineffable.Richard H. Jones - 2016 - Albany: State University of New York Press.
    A comprehensive exploration of the philosophical issues raised by mysticism. This work is a comprehensive study of the philosophical issues raised by mysticism. Mystics claim to experience reality in a way not available in normal life, a claim which makes this phenomenon interesting from a philosophical perspective. Richard H. Jones’s inquiry focuses on the skeleton of beliefs and values of mysticism: knowledge claims made about the nature of reality and of human beings; value claims about what is (...)
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  29.  29
    The Organs of God: Ḥadīth al-Nawāfil in Classical Islamic Mysticism.Michael Ebstein - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 138 (2):271.
    This article focuses on ḥadīth al-nawāfil, which is one of the most quoted traditions in Islamic mystical literature. The tradition describes how the believer may draw close to God and gain His love by performing supererogatory works, to such an extent that her organs become divine. The article discusses the significance of the nawāfil tradition in various mystical writings composed in the formative and classical periods of Islamic mysticism, with special attention given to the writings of the influential (...)
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  30. Ilona Svetlikova, The Moscow Pythagoreans: Mathematics, Mysticism, and Anti-Semitism in Russian Symbolism, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, 184 pp. [REVIEW]Tremblay Frederic - 2017 - Canadian-American Slavic Studies 51 (1):167-170.
    This is a review of an interdisciplinary work of intellectual history on the Moscow philosophical-mathematical school. The author, Ilona Svetlikova, is primarily interested in the thought of the late nineteenth and early twentieth-century mathematician and philosopher Nikolai Bugaev, of his son Boris Bugaev — better known under his nom de plume Andrei Belyi —, of Nikolai Bugaev’s student Pavel Nekrasov, and of other disciples of Bugaev, especially Vissarion Alekseev, the Baron Mikhail Taube, and Pavel Florensky. The book explores the views (...)
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    The use of water as a medium for altered states of consciousness in early jewish mysticism: A cross-disciplinary analysis.Geoffrey W. Dennis - 2008 - Anthropology of Consciousness 19 (1):84-106.
    This article combines the disciplines of textual/linguistic analysis, anthropology, and perceptual psychology to examine selected ancient Jewish mystical texts that claim to describe the praxis for ascents into heaven and encounters with angelic spirits in order to reconstruct the psychosocial context of these literary works. Specifically, the article examines Hekhalot or "Divine Palaces" texts that deal with hydromancy, giving attention to their mythic–symbolic assumptions, their described preparatory and triggering rituals, and their accounts of the ASC (altered states of consciousness) visions (...)
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    Converse in the Spirit: William Blake, Jacob Boehme, and the Creative Spirit.Kevin Fischer - 2004 - Fairleigh Dickinson University Press.
    Converse in the Spirit is a comparative study of the writings of William Blake and the German visionary philosopher Jacob Boehme. It argues that the relationship between Blake and Boehme was a meeting of like minds that transcended place and time, that each regarded himself as part of a community of vision, and aspiration, and believed that any predominant form ofthought and understanding was only partial.
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  33. Mysticism as Morality: The Case of Sufism.Paul L. Heck - 2006 - Journal of Religious Ethics 34 (2):253 - 286.
    Sufism - spiritual practice, intellectual discipline, literary tradition, and social institutionhas played an integral role in the moral formation of Muslim society. Its aspiration toward a universal kindness to all creatures beyond the requirements of Islamic law has added a distinctly hypernomian dimension to the moral vision of Islam, as evidenced in a wide range of Sufi literature. The universal perspective of Sufism, fully rooted in Islamic revelation, yields a lived (and not just studied) ethics with the potential to (...)
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  34. A Mystical Philosophy: Transcendence and Immanence in the Works of Virginia Woolf and Iris Murdoch.Donna J. Lazenby - 2014 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    A Mystical Philosophy contributes to the contemporary resurgence of interest in Spirituality, but from a new direction. Revealing, in an original and provocative study, the mystical contents of the works of famous atheists Virginia Woolf and Iris Murdoch, Donna Lazenby shows how these thinkers' refusal to construe worldviews on available reductive models brought them to offer radically alternative pictures of life which maintain its mysteriousness, and promote a mystical way of knowing. This book makes a daring claim: that a return (...)
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    Aspects littéraires du mysticisme philosophique et l'influence de Bœhme et de Swedenborg au début du romantisme: William Blake, Novalis, Ballanche.Jac Roos - 1951 - Strasbourg,: P. H. Heitz.
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    Det stora okända: kulturkritiska essäer.Bo Gustavsson - 2010 - [Stockholm]: Brutus Östlings bokförlag Symposium.
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    Mysticism as a Basis of Inter-Religious Dialogue.Michael H. Mitias - 2019 - Dialogue and Universalism 29 (2):89-107.
    Some philosophers and theologians have argued that God-centeredness cannot be a condition of inter-religious dialogue for at least four reasons. First, it is an existential fact that all religions tend to view the truth of their beliefs and values as absolute. Second, all religions are embedded in radically different cultural contexts; this kind of difference undercuts the possibility of inter-religious dialogue. Third, grounding all the religions in a transcendent reality relativizes their beliefs and values. Moreover, people worship “their” God, not (...)
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    The History of the Dead God – The Genesis of ‘the Death of God’ in Philosophy and Literature Before Nietzsche.Břetislav Horyna - 2020 - Pro-Fil 21 (2):1.
    Few of the statements penned by philosophers have become as infamous as the “God is Dead!” of Friedrich Nietzsche. This study is not concerned with the reasons why this phrase is so popular. Instead, I would like to delve into the prehistory and partial genesis of the concept, something Nietzsche adopted from a previous tradition. Apart from known examples of theses on the death of God by Hegel, Schelling or Jean Paul, I will shed light on some of the confusion (...)
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    Believing in a Fiction: Wallace Stevens at the Limits of Phenomenology.R. D. Ackerman - 1979 - Philosophy and Literature 3 (1):79-90.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:R. D. Ackerman BELIEVING IN A FICTION: WALLACE STEVENS AT THE LIMITS OF PHENOMENOLOGY The "ring of men" of "Sunday Morning" will chant their "devotion to the sun, / Not as a god, but as a god might be, / Naked among them, like a savage source" (CP, pp. 69-70).' Solar nakedness is deferred even as it is named. The problem for belief is the question of appearance and (...)
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    In Memoriam: Jan Van Bragt (1928–2007).James W. Heisig - 2008 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 28:141-144.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:In Memoriam: Jan Van Bragt (1928–2007)James W. HeisigEarly on the morning of Easter Thursday, April 12, 2007, Jan Van Bragt passed away quietly at the age of seventy-eight.1 During the previous year his health had begun to deteriorate, until in the final days of 2006 he was obliged to leave Kyoto and take up residence with his religious congregation in Himeji. On February 21, he was hospitalized with lung (...)
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  41.  14
    ‘He passed away because of cutting down a fig tree’: The similarity between people and trees in Jewish symbolism, mysticism and halakhic practice.Abraham O. Shemesh - 2020 - HTS Theological Studies 76 (4):1-10.
    Comparing people to trees is a customary and common practice in Jewish tradition. The current article examines the roots and the development of the image of people as trees in Jewish sources, from biblical times to recent generations, as related to the prohibition against destroying fruit trees. The similarity between humans and trees in the Jewish religion and culture was firstly suggested in biblical literature as a conceptual-symbolic element. However, since the Amoraic period, this similarity was transformed to a (...)
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  42.  24
    The Path of Theistic Mysticism: the Only Hope for the Future?Amita Valmiki - 2015 - Dialogue and Universalism 25 (1):57-67.
    Religion and diversified religious experiences are always held suspect and not spared from apprehensions regarding its value, its ethics, its revelatory claims and its approaches. Time immemorial religion and religious experiences have played a pivotal role in building up society for betterment and also for deterioration. Man’s intellectual activity throughout the history was on the line of religion. The sacred in religion has always empowered man in many paths of his life, say, to bring social reformation, be it environmental concern (...)
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    Autonomy in Jewish philosophy.Kenneth Seeskin - 2001 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Autonomy in Jewish Philosophy examines an important theme in Jewish thought from the Book of Genesis to the present day. Although it is customary to view Judaism as a legalistic faith leaving little room for free thought or individual expression, Kenneth Seeskin argues that this view is wrong. Where some see the essence of the religion as strict obedience to divine commands, Seeskin claims that God does not just command but forms a partnership with humans requiring the consent of both (...)
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    Leszek Kołakowski between Activist Universalism and Contemplative Mysticism.Józef L. Krakowiak & Lesław Kawalec - 2011 - Dialogue and Universalism 21 (2):61-83.
    The text below should not be treated as a direct source of knowledge on the dynamic of philosophical ideas and attitudes of Leszek Kołakowski, but as an attempt at placing his thinking on the map of the 20th century universalistic thought, i.e. that which is the closest to the editors of Dialogue and Universalism. The starting point of the picture is the category of inorganic body from Marx’s Manuscripts and Two Sources... by Bergson, which enables a non-naturalistic description of the (...)
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  45. Faith and Nothingness in Kierkegaard: A Mystical Reading of the God-Relationship.Jack E. Mulder - 2004 - Dissertation, Purdue University
    In this dissertation, I argue that Kierkegaard's relationship to the mystical tradition is misconstrued in the secondary literature, and that a fuller account of his attitude toward mysticism reveals a more appreciative stance toward it, which in turn reveals a more mystical religious dialectic. To that end, in the first chapter, I give an account of what is taken to be Kierkegaard's anti-mysticism, and then show that the resources in other signed sources, like Kierkegaard's Journals and Papers, (...)
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    The lure for feeling.Mary Alice Wyman - 1960 - New York,: Philosophical Library.
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    Love in the Western World.Montgomery Belgion (ed.) - 1983 - Princeton University Press.
    In this classic work, often described as "The History of the Rise, Decline, and Fall of the Love Affair," Denis de Rougemont explores the psychology of love from the legend of Tristan and Isolde to Hollywood. At the heart of his ever-relevant inquiry is the inescapable conflict in the West between marriage and passion--the first associated with social and religious responsiblity and the second with anarchic, unappeasable love as celebrated by the troubadours of medieval Provence. These early poets, according to (...)
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    Religião e literatura na poética mística de Adélia Prado (Religion and literature in the mystic poetry of Adelia Prado)-DOI: 10.5752/P. 2175-5841.2012 v10n25p120. [REVIEW]Josias Costa Júnior - 2012 - Horizonte 10 (25):120-135.
    Este artigo tem como objetivo refletir sobre a relação entre religião e literatura a partir poética mística de Adélia Prado. Apresentarei brevemente alguns métodos que exploraram e ainda exploram essa aproximação. Também mostrarei a estreita relação entre mística e poesia e como ela se apresenta na obra de Adélia Prado. Essa estreita relação permite-nos nomear a obra de Adélia Prado de poética mística e é a partir dessa noção que será feita uma leitura teológica na poética da mineira de Divinópolis, (...)
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    «Unio Mystica» as a Criterion: Some Observations on «Hegelian» Phenomenologies of Mysticism.Moshe Idel - 2001 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 1 (1):19-41.
    During the Renaissance period, Jewish mysticism was considered as one of the most important form of religious literature. In the twentieth century however, two major developments can be singled out: the Hegelian one envi- sions the future as open to progress, for the emergence of an even more spiritual version of the religion as mani- fested in the past, the archaic one sees the forms of reli- gion as more genuine religious modalities. Problematically in these phenomenologies is the (...)
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    A poesia da mística e a mística da poesia (Poetry of mysticism and the mystic of poetry) - DOI: 10.5752/P.2175-5841.2012v10n25p53. [REVIEW]Vinicius Mariano de Carvalho - 2012 - Horizonte 10 (25):53-74.
    Este texto apresenta algumas reflexões sobre os elementos poéticos presentes no discurso místico, ressaltando quais as características fundamentais destes textos, desde um ponto de vista da poesia. Ao fazer isso, o texto também pergunta quais seriam os elementos místicos da poesia. Se se pode falar de uma poética da mística, poder-se-ia também considerar uma mística da poética? Considerando-se que o discurso místico é resultado de uma experiência com o sagrado, haveria uma experiência transcendente também expressa na poesia considerada profana? O (...)
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