Results for ' Manitoba'

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  1.  38
    The Manitoba arthroplasty waiting list: impact on health‐related quality of life and initiatives to remedy the problem.Randy Mascarenhas - 2009 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 15 (1):208-211.
  2. Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, 30 July–3 August 2003 The International History, Philosophy & Science Teaching Group is holding its Seventh International Conference at the University of Winnipeg in Manitoba, Canada from Wednesday (evening) 30 July to Sunday (noon) 3 August 2003. Educators, historians, philosophers, teachers, scientists, and cognitive scientists from over 30 countries will engage with theoretical, curricular, and pedagogical issues in. [REVIEW]Arthur Stinner - 2003 - Science & Education 12:127-129.
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    The Problem With Home Remedies: Manitoba, Doctors and Unilateral Decisions in End-of-Life Care.Pat Murphy, George Webster & Brian Chaze - 2010 - American Journal of Bioethics 10 (3):71-73.
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    Pathologizing Indigenous Suicide: Examining the Inquest into the Deaths of C.J. and C.B. at the Manitoba Youth Centre.Mandi Gray - 2016 - Studies in Social Justice 10 (1):80-94.
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  5. Action Theory Proceedings of the Winnipeg Conference on Human Action, Held at Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, 9-11 May 1975; Edited by Myles Brand and Douglas Walton. --.Doug Walton & Myles Brand - 1976 - D. Reidel Pub. Co.
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    Action Theory: Proceedings of the Winnipeg Conference on Human Action, Held at Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada 9-11 May 1975. [REVIEW]Michael Bratman - 1978 - Philosophical Review 87 (3):463-467.
  7.  86
    Myles Brand/Douglas Walton (eds.): Action Theory. Proceedings of the Winnipeg Conference on Human Action held at Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, 9-11 May, 1975, Dordrecht: Reidel 1976, vi + 345 pages. [REVIEW]Annette Baier - 1979 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 9 (1):185-198.
  8.  15
    Justifying Bill 18: A Critique of Kymlicka’s Comprehensive Neutrality.Nick Tanchuk - 2014 - Paideusis: Journal of the Canadian Philosophy of Education Society 22 (1):91-99.
    Manitoba’s Bill 18 provides students the legal right to form gay-straight alliance student groups within denominational and dissentient schools. Religious opponents of Bill 18 claim that the law unjustifiably imposes a homogenous moral worldview on religious families. I argue that if we appeal to Will Kymlicka’s comprehensive neutralist theory of political morality to justify Bill 18, the religious complaint is problematically vindicated. I argue that Kymlicka appeals to two bases of neutrality that ultimately fail to distinguish his view from (...)
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  9. Reading between the lines: exploring the unwritten rules of letters of recommendation in the Canadian resident selection process.Christen Rachul, Benjamin Collins, Nancy Porhownik & William Fleisher - 2024 - Canadian Medical Education Journal 15 (5):33-45.
    Background: Efforts to better understand and improve letters of recommendation (LORs) in the resident selection process have identified unwritten rules and hidden practices that may limit their effectiveness. The objective of our study is to explore these unwritten rules and hidden practices more fully in one Canadian academic medical community. -/- Methods: We conducted semi-structured, discourse-based interviews with 18 faculty members from the departments of Internal Medicine and Psychiatry at the University of Manitoba, Canada. Interviews were guided by sample (...)
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    Governments, grassroots, and the struggle for local food systems: containing, coopting, contesting and collaborating.Stéphane M. McLachlan, Colin R. Anderson & Julia M. L. Laforge - 2017 - Agriculture and Human Values 34 (3):663-681.
    Local sustainable food systems have captured the popular imagination as a progressive, if not radical, pillar of a sustainable food future. Yet these grassroots innovations are embedded in a dominant food regime that reflects productivist, industrial, and neoliberal policies and institutions. Understanding the relationship between these emerging grassroots efforts and the dominant food regime is of central importance in any transition to a more sustainable food system. In this study, we examine the encounters of direct farm marketers with food safety (...)
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  11.  22
    Musica Poetica: Musical-rhetorical Figures in German Baroque Music.Dietrich Bartel - 1997 - Lincoln: U of Nebraska Press. Edited by Dietrich Bartel.
    Musica Poetica provides an unprecedented examination of the development of Baroque musical thought. The initial chapters, which serve as an introduction to the concept and teachings of musical-rhetorical figures, explore Martin Luther's theology of music, the development of the Baroque concept of musica poetica, the idea of the affections in German Baroque music, and that music's use of the principles and devices of rhetoric. Dietrich Bartel then turns to more detailed considerations of the musical-rhetorical figures that were developed in Baroque (...)
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  12.  47
    The Case of Samuel Golubchuk and the Right to Live.Alan Jotkowitz, Shimon Glick & Ari Z. Zivotofsky - 2010 - American Journal of Bioethics 10 (3):50-53.
    Samuel Golubchuk was unwittingly at the center of a medical controversy with important ethical ramifications. Mr. Golubchuk, an 84-year-old patient whose precise neurological level of function was open to debate, was being artificially ventilated and fed by a gastrostomy tube prior to his death. According to all reports he was neither brain dead nor in a vegetative state. The physicians directly responsible for his care had requested that they be allowed to remove the patient from life support against the wishes (...)
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  13.  14
    The Ecosemiotics of Human-Wolf Relations in a Northern Tourist Economy: A Case Study.Andrew Mark Creighton - 2024 - Biosemiotics 17 (2):627-646.
    This article investigates the use of wolves to enchant the rationalization of Thompson Manitoba. The city attempted to refocus towards a more touristic economy based around the large wolf population in the surrounding regions. The paper also examines why this attempt at a tourist economy has not produced its intended results. I accomplish this by first discussing the McDonaldization and enchantment of the city. This discussion is framed through George Ritzer and Jeffery C. Alexander’s work. I then integrate Umwelt (...)
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  14.  21
    Against Rousseau: On the State of Nature and On the Sovereignty of the People.Joseph Marie Comte de Maistre - 1996 - McGill-Queen's Press - MQUP.
    A translation of Joseph De Maistre's critique of Rousseau providing a historical forum for understanding the intellectual qualities of the counter-revolution from 1792 to 1797. Obviously, De Maistre's arguments were not successful, but they are valuable in terms of exploring Rousseau's ideologies, in particular his belief in the natural goodness of man and popular sovereignty. Although the two men are usually seen as polar opposites, De Maistre's critique reveals ambiguities that make him seem surprisingly more similar than he would have (...)
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  15.  4
    Navigating ethics in HIV data and biomaterial management within Black, African, and Caribbean communities in Canada.Rusty Souleymanov, Bolaji Akinyele-Akanbi, Chinyere Njeze, Patricia Ukoli, Paula Migliardi, Linda Larcombe, Gayle Restall, Laurie Ringaert, Michael Payne, John Kim, Wangari Tharao & Ayn Wilcox - 2025 - BMC Medical Ethics 26 (1):1-9.
    Background This study explored the ethical issues associated with community-based HIV testing among African, Caribbean, and Black (ACB) populations in Canada, focusing on their perceptions of consent, privacy, and the management of HIV-related data and bio-samples. Methods A qualitative community-based participatory research (CBPR) approach was employed to actively engage ACB community members in shaping the research process. The design included in-depth qualitative interviews with 33 ACB community members in Manitoba, Canada. The study was guided by a Community Guiding Circle, (...)
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  16.  13
    The Historical Conditioning of Church Doctrine.John R. T. Lamont - 1996 - The Thomist 60 (4):511-535.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:THE HISTORICAL CONDITIONING OF CHURCH DOCTRINE* JOHN R. T. LAMONT Winnipeg, Canada I WISH to set out and defend a certain conception of what is involved in accepting the teachings of the Catholic Church. This conception is at odds with some contemporary understandings of the way in which such teachings are historically conditioned. I will argue that these conceptions are mistaken, and state what I think to be the (...)
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    Expert Testimony by Persons Trained in Ethical Reasoning: The Case of Andrew Sawatzky.Françoise Baylis - 2000 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 28 (3):224-231.
    In February 1999, I received a call from a lawyer at Hill Abra Dewar stating that she had instructions to retain my services as an expert witness in the case of Sawatzky v. Riverview Health Centre. She was representing the Manitoba League of Persons with Disabilities which had intervenor status.In Canada the admission of expert testimony depends upon the application of four criteria outlined in R. v. Mohan by Justice Sopinka. These criteria are: relevance; necessity in assisting the trier (...)
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  18.  60
    Technology assessment and resource allocation for predictive genetic testing: A study of the perspectives of Canadian genetic health care providers.Alethea Adair, Robyn Hyde-Lay, Edna Einsiedel & Timothy Caulfield - 2009 - BMC Medical Ethics 10 (1):6-.
    With a growing number of genetic tests becoming available to the health and consumer markets, genetic health care providers in Canada are faced with the challenge of developing robust decision rules or guidelines to allocate a finite number of public resources. The objective of this study was to gain Canadian genetic health providers' perspectives on factors and criteria that influence and shape resource allocation decisions for publically funded predictive genetic testing in Canada. The authors conducted semi-structured interviews with 16 senior (...)
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  19.  8
    Comparing the Cataloguing of Indigenous Scholarships: First Steps and Finding.Julia Bullard, Sarah Dupont & Tamara Lee - 2021 - Knowledge Organization 48 (4):298-306.
    This paper provides an analysis of data collected on the continued prevalence of outdated, marginalizing terms in contemporary cataloguing practices, stemming from the Library of Congress Subject Heading term “Indians” and all its related terms. Using Manitoba Archival Information Network’s (MAIN) list of current LCSH and recommended alternatives as a foundation, we built a dataset from titles published in the last five years. We show a wide distribution of LCSH used to catalogue fiction and non-fiction, with outdated but recognized (...)
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  20.  14
    Rendering Inuit cancer “visible”: Geography, pathology, and nosology in Arctic cancer research.Jennifer Fraser - 2020 - Science in Context 33 (3):195-225.
    ArgumentIn August of 1977, Australian pathologist David W. Buntine delivered a presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Royal College of Pathologists of Australia in Melbourne, Victoria. In this presentation, he used the diagnostic category of “Eskimoma,” to describe a unique set of salivary gland tumors he had observed over the past five years within Winnipeg’s Health Sciences Center. Only found amongst Inuit patients, these tumors were said to have unique histological, clinical, and epidemiological features and were unlike any other (...)
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  21.  3
    Imagining Winnipeg: History Through the Photographs of L.B. Foote.Esyllt W. Jones - 2012 - University of Manitoba Press.
    In an expanding and socially fractious early twentieth-century Winnipeg, Lewis Benjamin Foote rose to become the city's pre-eminent commercial photographer. Documenting everything from royal visits to deep poverty, from the building of the landmark Fort Garry Hotel to the riots of the 1919 General Strike, Foote's photographs have come to be iconic representations of early Winnipeg life. In Imagining Winnipeg, historian Esyllt W. Jones takes us beyond the iconic to reveal the complex artist behind the lens and the conflicting ways (...)
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  22. Vulnerability: Sex Workers in Nairobi's Majengo Slum.Pamela Andanda - 2009 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 18 (2):138.
    Researchers from the Universities of Oxford, Nairobi, and Manitoba are collaborating on a project to develop an HIV vaccine based on the immunological protection mechanisms found in commercial sex workers from the Majengo slum in Nairobi. This group consists of educationally and economically disadvantaged women who resort to commercial sex work for a living. A clinic was established in the slum to study sexually transmitted diseases, which now includes HIV/AIDS. The clinic serves as a research facility for the collaborating (...)
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  23.  22
    Physicians as healthcare surrogate for terminally ill children.P. Weisleder - 2008 - Journal of Medical Ethics 34 (9):e8-e8.
    The parents of some terminally ill children have reported that being asked to authorise removal of life-sustaining measures is akin to being requested to sign a “death warrant”. This dilemma leaves families not only enduring the grief of losing a loved one, but also with feelings of ambivalence, anxiety and guilt. A straightforward method by which the parents of terminally ill children can entrust the role of healthcare surrogate to the treating physician is presented. The cornerstone of this paradigm is (...)
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  24.  27
    Gender, power, nursing: a case analysis.Christine Ceci - 2004 - Nursing Inquiry 11 (2):72-81.
    This paper is concerned with events that were the subject of an inquest into the deaths of 12 children who died while undergoing or shortly after having undergone cardiac surgery at the Winnipeg Health Sciences Centre, Manitoba, Canada, during 1994. A notable finding of the Sinclair Inquest was that nurses involved with the pediatric cardiac surgery program were concerned about the competence of the surgeon and made sustained efforts throughout 1994 to have these concerns addressed. That the nurses’ concerns (...)
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  25.  42
    Kidney transplant tourism: cases from Canada.L. Wright, J. S. Zaltzman, J. Gill & G. V. R. Prasad - 2013 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 16 (4):921-924.
    Canada has a marked shortfall between the supply and demand for kidneys for transplantation. Median wait times for deceased donor kidney transplantation vary from 5.8 years in British Columbia, 5.2 years in Manitoba and 4.5 years in Ontario to a little over 2 years in Quebec and Nova Scotia. Living donation provides a viable option for some, but not all people. Consequently, a small number of people travel abroad to undergo kidney transplantation by commercial means. The extent to which (...)
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  26.  66
    Principles of Tsawalk: An Indigenous Approach to Global Crisis.Eugene Richard Atleo - 2012 - Ubc Press.
    In Nuu-chah-nulth, the word tsawalk means "one." It expresses the view that all living things - humans, plants, and animals - form part of an integrated whole brought into harmony through constant negotiation and mutual respect for the other. Contemporary environmental and political crises, however, reflect a world out of balance, a world in which Western approaches for sustainable living are not working. In Principles of Tsawalk, hereditary chief Umeek builds upon his previous book, Tsawalk: A Nuu-chah-nulth Worldview, to elaborate (...)
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  27.  17
    Small bi- and multilingual spoken corpora – a theoretical and methodological challenge.Inga Hennecke - 2018 - Corpus 18.
    Cette contribution présente des types de petits corpus très hétérogènes, qui ne sont toujours pas clairement définis : les petits corpus oraux bilingues et plurilingues. Elle envisage d’abord de donner un aperçu de petits corpus et discute l’insécurité terminologique du domaine des corpus bi- et plurilingues. Ensuite, les bases de données de petits corpus bilingues Talkbank, HZSK, Sketchengine et CLAPOTY sont brièvement décrites pour discuter les possibilités de visualisation ainsi que de mise en disposition des données de corpus. Finalement, un (...)
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  28.  33
    Проблема збереження національної ідентичності української діаспори.Kondrashevska Yuliia - 2017 - Схід 1 (147):64-69.
    The problem of national identity is extremely important especially in the modern realities of life. Particularly relevant this issue is in relation to ukrainians living abroad. The ukrainian ethnic group in Canada, ranked second in the number of ukrainians living outside the country and the first by its activity in the development of social, cultural and spiritual life. In addition to successful integration into a new society, a professional recognition and success in their careers ukrainians are constantly concerned about the (...)
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    Étienne Gaboury, Vatican II, and Catholic Liturgical Renewal in Postwar Canada.Nicola Pezolet - 2017 - The European Legacy 22 (3):293-317.
    This article is a critical investigation of the buildings and writings of Étienne-Joseph Gaboury, a prolific French Canadian architect who, in the 1960s, designed several modern parish churches and engaged with various liturgical documents issued in the context of the Second Vatican Council. How have the various calls of priests and theologians advocating for artistic and liturgical renewal—calls which became increasingly frequent in the North Atlantic world after World War II—been adapted and implemented in specific architectural landmarks by Gaboury, such (...)
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    Regulation in Practice: The 'Ethical Economy' of Lawyer Regulation in Canada and a Case Study in Lawyer Deviance.Alice Woolley - 2012 - Legal Ethics 15 (2):243-275.
    This paper tests Harry Arthur's theory that there is an “ethical economy“ of lawyer regulation in Canada, in which Canadian law societies use their regulatory powers only in high reward/low risk cases - ie, where the practitioner is less likely to resist their authority and the offence is morally unambiguous. Analysing reported cases from 2009 in British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba and Nova Scotia the paper concludes that Arthurs' description still accurately characterises the regulation of lawyers by Canadian law (...)
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  31.  39
    Conditional and Unconditional Cash Transfers: Implications for Gender.Nathalia Carvalho Moreira, Stephanie Paterson & Karine Levasseur - 2018 - Basic Income Studies 13 (1).
    Solving poverty is a laudable public policy goal. While there are many approaches, one that has gained popularity is the conditional cash transfer that requires recipients to satisfy conditions imposed on them such as requiring regular medical checkups. Another approach, which is gaining interest is unconditional cash transfers that do not impose conditions. The question we ask in this paper is: what do these past and current attempts tell us about the implications for gender? To answer this question, we explore (...)
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  32.  32
    The Secret of Caring for Mr. Golubchuk.Alan Jotkowitz, Shimon Glick & Ari Z. Zivotofsky - 2010 - American Journal of Bioethics 10 (3):6-7.
    Samuel Golubchuk was unwittingly at the center of a medical controversy with important ethical ramifications. Mr. Golubchuk, an 84-year-old patient whose precise neurological level of function was open to debate, was being artificially ventilated and fed by a gastrostomy tube prior to his death. According to all reports he was neither brain dead nor in a vegetative state. The physicians directly responsible for his care had requested that they be allowed to remove the patient from life support against the wishes (...)
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  33.  31
    Clinical ethics issues in HIV care in Canada: an institutional ethnographic study.Chris Kaposy, Nicole R. Greenspan, Zack Marshall, Jill Allison, Shelley Marshall & Cynthia Kitson - 2017 - BMC Medical Ethics 18 (1):9.
    This is a study involving three HIV clinics in the Canadian provinces of Newfoundland and Labrador, and Manitoba. We sought to identify ethical issues involving health care providers and clinic clients in these settings, and to gain an understanding of how different ethical issues are managed by these groups. We used an institutional ethnographic method to investigate ethical issues in HIV clinics. Our researcher conducted in-depth semi-structured interviews, compiled participant observation notes, and studied health records in order to document (...)
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  34.  5
    Migrant Justice Research in Crisis Times: Developing Reflexive, Ethical, and Responsive Pandemic Research with Immigrant Care Workers.Mary Jean Hande, Mehmet Yavuz & Susan Rodriguez - 2024 - Studies in Social Justice 18 (3):570-588.
    Community-based participatory research (CBPR) typically prioritizes community needs in the research process, attempting to link ethical and rigorous investigation with social action. However, balancing community needs and research goals can be challenging when working with marginalized communities in times of crisis. Strategies for engaging immigrant communities in CBPR is also underexplored in academic literature. This paper examines some of these challenges by focusing on a research project with immigrant homecare workers in Manitoba, Canada, who were disproportionately impacted by COVID-19, (...)
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  35.  12
    Postscript.H. S. Harris - 1987 - Dialogue 26 (4):665-.
    The first part of this essay was read at a Symposium on “Hegel and Schelling” at the Conference of the Canadian Philosophical Association at the University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba in June 1985. The text was then discussed as a whole by George di Giovanni and Michael Vater. Since their commentaries are here published with it, I have allowed the mistakes which they identified to remain clearly visible. The few revisions of substance that I have made are clearly (...)
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    By gossip and myths: The winnipeg takeover of McKenzie seeds. [REVIEW]Errol Black - 1988 - Journal of Business Ethics 7 (10):783 - 787.
    McKenzie Seeds is a crown corporation owned by the people of Manitoba. In 1983, the company was rocked by a scandal involving its senior management. During the course of the controversy, George F. MacDowell resigned as chairman of the McKenzie Seeds board of directors. He subsequently wrote a pamphlet which attempted to provide a context for understanding events at McKenzie Seeds. This paper provides a brief history of the company and a discussion of MacDowell's pamphlet. A postscript provides information (...)
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  37. Problems of Applying the Laws on Informed Consent: The Case of The Native Patient.M. Lautt - forthcoming - Unpublished Manuscript: Issues of Law and Bioethics, Faculty of Law, University of Manitoba.
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  38. Flaming Misogyny or Blindly Zealous Enforcement? The Bizarre Case of R v George.Lucinda Vandervort - 2019 - Manitoba Law Journal 42 (3):1-38.
    This article examines the distinction between judicial reasoning flawed by errors on questions of law, properly addressed on appeal, and errors that constitute judicial misconduct and are grounds for removal from the bench. Examples analysed are from the transcripts and reasons for decision in R v George SKQB (2015), appealed to the Saskatchewan Court of Appeal (2016) and the Supreme Court of Canada (2017), and from the sentencing decision rendered by the same judge more than a decade earlier in R (...)
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