Results for ' Literary research'

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  1.  27
    Relevant or Not? Literature, Literary Research and Literary Researchers in Troubled Times.Rosemary Ross Johnston - 2003 - Diogenes 50 (2):25-32.
    This article notes the significance of the contribution that literary researchers - who must see themselves as `researchers-as-artists' - make in the area of policy and politics. The `researcher-as-artist' chooses words aesthetically to tell stories that construct new stages for debate and discussion, and that inspire governments and policy-makers, They push intellectual boundaries; they challenge; they stimulate and confer visibility on creative ideas; they provoke - artistically, educationally and morally; and make connections. They encourage new ways of looking and (...)
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    Literary conflict between M.h. Panhwar and dr. N.A. Baloch: An archival research.Aijaz Thaheem, Naseem Sarwar & Mumtaz Bhutto - 2022 - Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities 61 (1):67-81.
    The purpose of this study is to offer a brief biography of Mr. M.H. Panhwar and Dr. Nabi Bux Khan Baloch, as well as their work in Sindhological studies along with a brief description of their literary differences on the origin of Sindhi language and history. A systematic literature review methodology was used to explore the contribution and contradiction of both the scholars. The study found that both the scholars were renowned researchers who worked in the fields of history, (...)
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    Classical authors and “scientific” research in the early years of the Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society, 1781–1800.Heather Ellis - 2022 - Intellectual History Review 32 (3):473-501.
    While a clear distinction was drawn between “classical learning” and “modern science” at Oxford and Cambridge Universities in the early nineteenth century, we see no such contrast being made in other spaces of knowledge making, such as the Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society. Drawing on Bacon's insistence that his inductive method should apply across all fields of knowledge, early members of the Society interpreted “science” as referring to any systematic inquiry utilising an empirical approach. An investigation of the ways (...)
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    Research on psychological satisfaction of education work and learning of literary works.Yuanyuan Wang - 2023 - HTS Theological Studies 79 (4):7.
    The findings of this article reveal that the development of the independent learning model in the American literature curriculum positively impacts teachers’ job psychological satisfaction. This study highlights the contribution of autonomous learning mode in empowering students’ subjective status and enhancing their initiative, consequently reducing teachers’ psychological pressure and improving their overall satisfaction with their work. Contribution: The results of this study hold implications for scholars in the field, particularly those engaged in practical theology and religious educational studies.
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    About Researches of Literary History of Ahmet Hamdi Tanpınar.Hüseyin Doğramacioğlu - 2010 - Journal of Turkish Studies 5:1014-1031.
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    A Research on the Turkish Elements in ‘Sevdalinka’ Which Are Products of Bosnian Literary Works.Mustafa Arslan - 2012 - Journal of Turkish Studies 7:71-97.
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    The Bakhtin Circle: In the Master's Absence.Craig Brandist, David Shepherd, Lecturer in Russian Studies David Shepherd, Galin Tihanov & Junior Research Fellow in Russian and German Intellectual History Galin Tihanov - 2004 - Manchester University Press.
    The Russian philosopher and cultural theorist Mikhail Bakhtin has traditionally been seen as the leading figure in the group of intellectuals known as the Bakhtin Circle. The writings of other members of the Circle are considered much less important than his work, while Bakhtin's achievement has been exaggerated in proportion to the downgrading of the thinkers with whom he associated in the 1920s. This volume, which includes new translations and studies of the work of the most important members of the (...)
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    Changing Conceptions of Literary and Philological Research.Tenney Frank - 1942 - Journal of the History of Ideas 3 (4):401.
  9.  49
    Literary Education and Digital Learning: Methods and Technologies for Humanities Studies ed. by Willie van Peer, Sonia Zyngier, and Vander Viana (review).Anna Chesnokova - 2013 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 47 (3):120-121.
    The times of restricting reading to just sitting with a book in a cozy armchair are gone. If you ask a modern teenager or university student how they would prefer to do it, the chances are fairly high that the answer you’ll get is a computer screen or an iPad. Digital technologies have become an ordinary tool for everybody dealing with literature, including common readers, students in the field, and professional scholars who have dedicated their lives to literary (...). This means the time has come to simultaneously revise the way literature is taught and explored, and this is where the volume Literary Education and Digital Learning: Methods and Technologies for Humanities Studies, edited by Willie van Peer .. (shrink)
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  10. On Literary Practice.Philippe de Lajarte - 1984 - Diogenes 32 (127):23-41.
    To select as the subject of a study of limited size a topic as fundamental and, additionally, one so long discussed as has been the case with literary practice greatly risks—and we are fully aware of this—appearing to be an undertaking which is both presumptuous (how many studies, sometimes major ones, have been devoted to this question during recent decades?) and doomed to failure (is it serious to presume, in a few pages, to deal, even partially, with so vast (...)
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    Cognitive Literary Science: Dialogues Between Literature and Cognition.Michael Burke (ed.) - 2017 - Oxford University Press USA.
    This book brings together researchers with cognitive-scientific and literary backgrounds to present innovative research in all three variations on the possible interactions between literary studies and cognitive science. The tripartite structure of the volume reflects a more ambitious conception of what cognitive approaches to literature are and could be than is usually encountered, and thus aims both to map out and to advance the field. The first section corresponds to what most people think of as "cognitive poetics" (...)
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    Literary studies and human flourishing.James F. English & Heather Love (eds.) - 2023 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Of all humanities disciplines, none is more resistant to the program of positive psychology or more hostile to the prevailing discourse of human flourishing than literary studies. The approach taken in this volume of essays is neither to gloss over that antagonism nor to launch a series of blasts against positive psychology and the happiness industry. Rather, the essays are attempts to reflect on how the kinds of literary research the contributors themselves are doing, the kinds of (...)
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  13.  55
    Imre Lakatos and literary tradition.Suzanne Black - 2003 - Philosophy and Literature 27 (2):363-381.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy and Literature 27.2 (2003) 363-381 [Access article in PDF] Imre Lakatos and Literary Tradition Suzanne Black ALTHOUGH THE CANON DEBATES have largely subsided, the categories of tradition and canon remain problematic and unhelpfully contentious. Some authors view tradition as weighty and oppressive, while cultural studies scholars criticize the concept itself as elitist and exclusionary. Yet literature, like other creative pursuits, cannot avoid its past; nor should it (...)
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  14.  25
    Global literary studies: key concepts.Diana Roig-Sanz & Neus Rotger (eds.) - 2022 - Boston: De Gruyter.
    While the very existence of global literary studies as an institutionalised field is not yet fully established, the global turn in various disciplines in the humanities and the social sciences has been gaining traction in recent years. This book aims to contribute to the field of global literary studies with a more inclusive and decentralising approach. Specifically, it responds to a double demand: the need for expanding openness to other ways of seeing the global literary space by (...)
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    Literary critics in a new era.Martin Paulsen - 2008 - Studies in East European Thought 60 (3):251 - 260.
    In this article I look at changes in the role of literary criticism in Russian literature since perestroika. The article draws on the research of Sergej Čuprinin and Birgit Menzel. Based on my readings of the debate among literary critics about what literary criticism is and should be, and focusing on the interrelationship in the triangle writer-critic-reader, I establish a typology of contemporary literary criticism: 1. the critic as a master of the “literary process”, (...)
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    Literary history as provocation of national identity, national identity as provocation of literary history.Marko Pavlyshyn - 2016 - Thesis Eleven 136 (1):74-89.
    Empirical research into political sentiments gives force to the proposition that, in the context of the 2013–14 Euromaidan and subsequent war, Ukrainian national identity, for most of its history predominantly ethno-cultural, has undergone changes justifying its qualification as ‘civic’. In this article I discuss the ethno-cultural orientation, conventional during the 19th and 20th centuries, of Ukrainian literary history, a scholarly genre that has a tradition of promoting the cause of Ukrainian nation-building; I identify contemporary examples of discourses in (...)
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  17.  5
    The literary uses of high-dimensional space.Ted Underwood - 2015 - Big Data and Society 2 (2).
    Debates over “Big Data” shed more heat than light in the humanities, because the term ascribes new importance to statistical methods without explaining how those methods have changed. What we badly need instead is a conversation about the substantive innovations that have made statistical modeling useful for disciplines where, in the past, it truly wasn’t. These innovations are partly technical, but more fundamentally expressed in what Leo Breiman calls a new “culture” of statistical modeling. Where 20th-century methods often required humanists (...)
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  18.  19
    The Blush: Literary and Psychological Perspectives.W. Ray Crozier - 2016 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 46 (4):502-516.
    Literary analysis of the blush in Austen's novels identifies three themes, namely the potential ambiguity of a blush, its association with modesty, and its erotic and gendered nature, issues that scarcely figure in current psychological explanations of the phenomenon. I examine these themes and compare them with current psychological accounts which assign a central place to embarrassment and, more specifically, emphasise either unwanted social attention, exposure of the self, or the blush's signalling function. Analysis of Austen's work suggests that (...)
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    The Respective Places and Importances of Doctrinal, Literary, and Critico-textual Researches in the History of Philosophy.Philip S. Moore - 1934 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 10:118-122.
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  20. Transcendental epilogue: primary materials for research in Emerson, Thoreau, literary New England, the influence of German theology, and higher biblical criticism.Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry David Thoreau & Kenneth Walter Cameron (eds.) - 1900 - Hartford [Conn.] (Box A, Station A, Hartford 06106): Transcendental Books.
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    Literary Criticism and the Philosophy of Science: Rader's "Fact, Theory, and Literary Explanation".Jay Schleusener - 1975 - Critical Inquiry 1 (4):892-900.
    No reasonably attentive reader of the majorjournals in literary criticism and theory will be unaware of the current interest in something called "history," whether under the specific rubric of a "new historicism" or as part of a commitment to the development of polemical and political applications, in the present, of scholarly research done about the past.
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    Literary Theory and Criminology.Rafe McGregor - 2023 - Abingdon: Routledge.
    Literary Theory and Criminology demonstrates the significance of contemporary literary theory to the discipline of criminology, particularly to those criminologists who are primarily concerned with questions of power, inequality, and harm. Drawing on innovations in philosophical, narrative, cultural, and pulp criminology, it sets out a deconstructive framework as part of a critical criminological critique-praxis. -/- This book comprises eight essays – on globalisation, criminological fiction, poststructuralism, patriarchal political economy, racial capitalism, anthropocidal ecocide, critical theory, and critical praxis – (...)
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  23.  13
    Angus Fletcher’s Other Literary Darwinism.Joseph Carroll - 2021 - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture 5 (2):99-108.
    Angus Fletcher pitches his book to general readers. Though it consists of literary criticism, it is designed as a psychological self-help manual-literature as therapy. Fletcher's thera­peutic program is presented as an alternative to the kind of literary Darwinism that iden­tifies human nature as the basis for literature. He acknowledges the existence of human nature but aims at transcending it by promoting an Aquarian ethos of harmony and un­derstanding. He has some gifts of style, but the dominant voice in (...)
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    He&lne de Constantinople, also published by Droz. This commitment to make available in modern editions important medieval literary texts heretofore extant in manuscripts difficult of access makes a significant contribution to the progress of scholarship and research.Susie Speakman - 1987 - Mediaeval Studies 49:221-53.
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    New Beginnings in Literary Studies.Jan Auracher & Willie van Peer (eds.) - 2008 - Cambridge Scholars Press.
    Traditional studies of literature have developed approaches ranging from historical, hermeneutic, critical, close reading and author studies perspectives. The present volume shows that there is much, much more to analysing literary texts, their readers, the literary system, movies, their structure and their effects. These diverse new ways of looking at literature are exemplified in this volume. The volume shows how these various approaches can be carried out in concrete projects in the area of literary studies. Twenty-three chapters (...)
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  26.  13
    The Scope of Literary Theory.Patrick Colm Hogan - 2018 - In Nicoletta Pireddu (ed.), Reframing Critical, Literary, and Cultural Theories: Thought on the Edge. Springer Verlag. pp. 91-118.
    Before reinventing literary theory for the twenty-first century, we should consider what theory might do in principle. Both the functions of theory and its targets in literary study are often understood too narrowly. This chapter isolates three broad functions for theorization: description and explanation, both general and particular ; ethical-political or esthetic evaluation; and production of practical effects. From here, the chapter takes up the target orientations of literary study, organizing them into literature-oriented study and world-oriented study. (...)
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    Literary clinical practice: desire, depression and toxic masculinity in Hamlet.Scott Wilson - 2018 - Journal for Cultural Research 22 (3):278-292.
    ABSTRACTThis essay introduces the notion of a literary clinical practice for which it remains essential to continue to consider those texts that open up a place for a readership, or audience, or even a civilization to consider the endlessly generative failure of its literature to write mental health. Concerned with mental illness that is an effect of language on the subject, the body, and of the enigma of the truth as cause, psychoanalysis is the crucial interlocutor for any (...) clinical concern with the maladies of literature and society. In order to re-assess the utility of Shakespeare’s Hamlet to contemporary problems such as depression – perhaps the dominant symptom of our time – this essay attempts a reconsideration of Jacques Lacan’s famous seminar on Hamlet from the perspective of the contemporary clinic of the Lacanian orientation in psychoanalysis led by Jacques-Alain Miller. (shrink)
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    The Literary Kierkegaard.Edward F. Mooney - 2012 - Comparative and Continental Philosophy 4 (2):331 - 334.
    Kierkegaard is more than a theologian, existentialist, or philosopher. Ziolkowski gives us a sequence of exhaustively researched chapters that are fine-tuned accounts of the Kierkegaard who assiduously and enthusiastically read Cervantes, Shakespeare, Wolfram, and Aristophanes. He also introduces us to a literary powerhouse who comes to influence great writers of the late 19th and 20th centuries: Ibsen, Rilke, and Kafka; Isak Dinesen, Ortega, and Unamuno; Auden, David Lodge and John Updike. The volume is a pleasure to read, an indispensable (...)
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    The role of literary analysis in the socio-humanistic education of Medicine students.Yunexis Teresa Nobalbo Aguilera, Sonia Reina Socarrás Sánchez, Isis Angélica Pernas Álvarez & José Emilio Hernández Sánchez - 2015 - Humanidades Médicas 15 (3):486-510.
    Las universidades de Ciencias Médicas tienen el reto de graduar un profesional que posea una amplia cultura general integral. El diagnóstico y caracterización del estado actual de la formación socio-humanista de los estudiantes que ingresan a la Casa de Altos Estudios reveló las insuficiencias que existen, por lo cual el objetivo consistió en la elaboración de un sistema de talleres de apreciación literaria para la formación socio-humanista de los estudiantes de Medicina de primer año de la Universidad de Ciencias Médicas (...)
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    Retraction notice to: ‘Research on psychological satisfaction of education work and learning of literary works’, HTS Teologiese Studies/Theological Studies 79(4), a8844. [REVIEW]Yuanyuan Wang - 2024 - HTS Theological Studies 80 (1).
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    Essays in Literary Aesthetics.Ranjan K. Ghosh - 2018 - Singapore: Springer Singapore.
    The book deals with philosophical issues concerning the understanding of the literary text and its distinctive nature, meaning, and relevance to life. It also provides an occasion to revisit many of the seminal ideas towards these ends by contextualizing them in the current ongoing philosophical discourse on art, in general, and literary art, in particular. Some of the questions addressed in this book are: What is a literary text? What do we understand by the concept of intention (...)
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    Episodic Literary Movement and Translation: Ideology Embodied in Prefaces.Mir Mohammad Khademnabi - 2021 - Text Matters - a Journal of Literature, Theory and Culture 11:404-417.
    This paper discusses translation practices from a historicist viewpoint, contextualizing them in their emerging “episode.” The latter is a concept drawn from sociology of literature and accounts for the rise of certain discourses and ideologies in a society. On the basis of the argument that translation practices are informed by the general literary and socio-cultural milieu in which they are produced and consumed, the paper studies the translators’ prefaces to three translations published between 1953 and 1978—a period dominated by (...)
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    Reframing Baudelaire: Literary History, Biography, Postcolonial Theory, and Vernacular Languages.Francoise Lionnet - 1998 - Diacritics 28 (3):63-85.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reframing Baudelaire: Literary History, Biography, Postcolonial Theory, and Vernacular LanguagesFrançoise Lionnet* (bio)In A Room of One’s Own, Virginia Woolf quips: “History is too much about wars; biography too much about great men;” literary history, she might have added, is too much about sons murdering their fathers. Canonical readings of the canon have often insisted on the vaguely Freudian (if not biblical) model of literary creation susceptible (...)
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    Plotting Devices: Literary Darwinism in the Laboratory.John Hay - 2014 - Philosophy and Literature 38 (1A):A148-A161.
    Critics of literary Darwinism like to point out the weaknesses of its scientific scaffolding, but the real flaw in this research program is its neglect of literary history and stylistic evolution. A full-fledged scientific approach to literary criticism should incorporate the kind of work being done by Franco Moretti at the Stanford Literary Lab—a quantitative analysis of the history of literary form. While Moretti and the literary Darwinists are almost never mentioned together, I (...)
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    Reading, Trauma and Literary Caregiving 1914-1918: Helen Mary Gaskell and the War Library.Sara Haslam - 2020 - Journal of Medical Humanities 41 (3):305-321.
    This article is about the relationship between reading, trauma and responsive literary caregiving in Britain during the First World War. Its analysis of two little-known documents describing the history of the War Library, begun by Helen Mary Gaskell in 1914, exposes a gap in the scholarship of war-time reading; generates a new narrative of "how," "when," and "why" books went to war; and foregrounds gender in its analysis of the historiography. The Library of Congress's T. W. Koch discovered Gaskell's (...)
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  36. Traditional literary interpretation versus subversive interpretation.Terence Rajivan Edward - 2022 - Asian Journal of Advances in Research 16 (3):34-39.
    I present some objections to traditional literary interpretation and consider subversive interpretation as a solution to these problems. Subversive interpretation may seem more scientific and more democratic than traditional interpretation, but it is open to doubt that it is more democratic.
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    Semantics of literary-textual sources in polyphonic works for a cappella chorus by the Russian composers of the late XX – early XXI centuries.Natalya Vladimirovna Koshkareva - 2022 - Философия И Культура 2:26-34.
    This article aims to determine a close "polyphonic" connection between lyrics and music in choral music. The subject of this research is the synergism of literary-textual sources and polyphonic form. The object of this research is the consideration of polyphonic works for a cappella chorus by the contemporary Russian composers. Using the synthesis of research methods, which includes musicology, poetics and choral studies, the author reveals the parameters of a musical composition: literary-textual source and musical (...)
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  38.  39
    R. A. Wiabey: A Complete Word Index to the Speculum Ecclesiae (Early Middle High German and Latin). With a Reverse Index to the Graphic Forms (Compendia. Computer-Generated Aids to Literary and Linguistic Research, vol. 2), W. S. Maney and Son Ltd, Leeds (England) 1968, IX, 319 pp. [REVIEW]Bernd Jaspert - 1971 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 23 (1-2):158-192.
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    Linguistic Analysis of Literary Narratives: A Different Approach to the Study of Women’s Emigration from Ukraine.Olena Hlazkova - 2020 - SOCRATES 8 (2spl):1-13.
    The present study aims to reveal how evaluative meanings shape the depiction of Ukrainian emigration and women emigrants in Ukrainian literature of the early 2000s by employing Appraisal Theory developed within the framework of Systemic Functional Linguistics and subjecting excerpts from the following five novels to an in-depth linguistic analysis: Usi dorohy vedut’ do Rymu by Olesia Halych, Shliub iz kukhlem Pil’zens’koho pyva by Lesia Stepovychka, Ia znaiu, shcho ty znaiesh, shcho ia znaiu by Irena Rozdobud’ko, Hastarbaiterky by Natalka Doliak, (...)
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    Argumentation-based literary translation quality assessment.Mohammad Ali Kharmandar - 2016 - Journal of Argumentation in Context 5 (2):139-156.
    This study correlates argumentation, translation, and literature to construct a new model for assessing the quality of translated literature. Literary translation is described as being compatible with the rhetorical stream of argumentation studies, while the study rests on the overriding notion of ethics of difference in argumentative cross-cultural and translational encounters. The model incorporates ethics of difference and interpretive act, pragma-dialectical contributions of scheme/structure and rhetorical/dialectical situations, and aesthetic features including figures of speech and genres of literature. Application of (...)
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  41. Literature and Literary Studies: Search for a Definition.Jacqueline de Romilly & R. Scott Walker - 1985 - Diogenes 33 (132):1-16.
    I am, by profession, a “literary scholar”, in contrast to “scientists”. More precisely, I am a specialist in ancient Greek literature. Yet, in an age such as ours in which so often there is discussion of the standing of the various academic disciplines, of the differences implied by their methods and their needs, and of the means for making them work together, it seems to me more and more that very serious confusion is tending to becloud some essential definitions: (...)
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    The doctor and the literary text — potentials and pitfalls.Rolf Ahlzén - 2002 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 5 (2):147-155.
    Expectations are growing that literature may contribute to clinical skills. Narrative medicine is a quickly expanding area of research. However, many people remain sceptical to the idea of literature having a capacity to save the life of medicine . It is therefore urgent to scrutinize both the arguments in favour of and those against the potential of literature for increasing medical understanding. This article attempts to do this. It does in fact support the assertion that literature is important, but (...)
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    The Literary Kierkegaard by Eric Ziolkowski (review).Alastair Hannay - 2013 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 51 (3):498-499.
    Can Wolfram’s Parzifal shed light on Kierkegaard’s three (and more) stages? Can the fact that Cervantes or Jean Paul is a common reference for both Thomas Carlyle and Kierkegaard shed light on either of the latter? Some might claim that by widening the lens of comparative literature we tend to lose sight of what is singular in great writers. Professor Ziolkowski’s readers can come to their own conclusions in the present case, but before doing so, or even if they refrain, (...)
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    Analysis of Literary Situation and Reconstruction of the Writing Subject in Literary Education by Educational Psychology.Gaonan Xu, Zhaoming Li, Fengrui Zhang & Bojing Liu - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Educational psychology focuses on the laws of change in the knowledge, skills, and individual psychology of the educatees in the process of education and teaching. Writing teaching is a key and difficult point in literature teaching. Nowadays, it is common for students to be afraid and tired of writing in school literature education. In view of these problems, the present work optimizes the teaching mode of writing from the perspective of reconstructing the writing subject. Through literature research and interdisciplinary (...)
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    The Semiotic Approach to Literary Translation.Mariana Shapoval, Roksolana Povoroznyuk, Oksana Novytska, Oksana Golikova, Kateryna Nykytchenko & Viktoriia Myroshnychenko - 2022 - Postmodern Openings 13 (1 Sup1):377-394.
    The current study aims to make an overall semiotic analysis of translation strategies used to reproduce the imagery and relevant cultural features in John Fowles’ “The Collector.” Regarding literary translation as a cross-cultural dialogue aimed to achieve both artistic and aesthetic effects contributes much to analyzing the semiotic features of the translated discourse and deciphering the relevant socio-cultural information decoded in the source language text. Therefore, it has been decided that translation is a communicative act that facilitates the transfer (...)
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    French Thought and Literary Theory in the Uk.Irving Goh (ed.) - 2019 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    This collection presents a sort of counter-history or counter-genealogy of the globalization of French thought from the point of view of scholars working in the UK. While the dominating discourse would attribute the US as the source of that globalization, particularly through the 1966 conference on the Languages of Criticism and the Sciences of Man at Johns Hopkins University, this volume of essays serves as a reminder that the UK has also been a principal motor of that globalization. The essays (...)
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  47. Literary Narrative and Mental Imagery: A View from Embodied Cognition.Anezka Kuzmicova - 2014 - Style 48 (3):275-293.
    The objective of this article is twofold. In the first part, I discuss two issues central to any theoretical inquiry into mental imagery: embodiment and consciousness. I do so against the backdrop of second-generation cognitive science, more specifically the increasingly popular research framework of embodied cognition, and I consider two caveats attached to its current exploitation in narrative theory. In the second part, I attempt to cast new light on readerly mental imagery by offering a typology of what I (...)
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    Affect Theory and Literary Criticism.Stephen Ahern - 2024 - Emotion Review 16 (2):96-106.
    The “affective turn” is by now long established, part of a wider surge of interest in emotion playing out in a range of disciplines. In literary studies, the conversation about how affect theory might help us to interpret literature is still emerging. The goal of the present discussion is to provide a critical overview of work by scholars who draw on the insights of recent theory to read literary texts written in English. At the same time that the (...)
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    The grotesque as a literary issue.Gulmariya Ospanova, Altynai Askarova, Balzhan Agabekova, Assel Zhutayeva & Saule Askarova - 2024 - Semiotica 2024 (256):103-116.
    Grotesque imagery is widely used by all genres and movements of art and literature without exception, but its historical development and theoretical aspects have not been sufficiently studied. This study seeks to define and diagnose the main aspects of the development of the grotesque as a literary problem. The leading methods of researching this problem are methods of analysis, deduction, induction, and comparison of approaches. The research covers the approaches to the study of the grotesque phenomenon; the interpretation (...)
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  50. Ethnic Survivals and the Modern Shift: Literary imagology and ethno-psychology: Cameroon as reflected by its writers.Pierre Tchoungui & Simon Pleasance - 1972 - Diogenes 20 (80):102-149.
    Research into the psychological characteristics of a people in the context of its so-called literary production has been frequently criticized, and not without good reason. In an article published in the Revue de Psychologie des peuples, Mr. Brossaud of the Center for the Study of Civilizations at Nanterre—a department under the direction of Professor Guy Michaud—has emphasized the difficulties presented by the literary approach in the field of ethno-psychology. If the ethno-psychologist demonstrates a certain suspicion towards anything (...)
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