Results for ' Leontius'

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  1.  4
    The life of Stephen of Mar Sabas.Leontius - 1999 - Lovanii: Peeters. Edited by John C. Lamoreaux.
    The present work offers an edition and English translation of the Arabic version of the Life of Stephen of Mar Sabas. When Stephen died in 794 A.D., a vivid account of his life was drawn up within a few years of his death by one of his disciples, Leontius of Damascus. In part autobiographical, Leontius' account offers a unique glimpse into the life of the Palestinian monasteries in the early Islamic period. It also sheds important light on a (...)
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  2. Leontius of Jerusalem's against the Monophysites as a possible source for Justinian's Letter to the Alexandrian Monks.J. Macdonald - 1997 - Byzantion 67 (2):375-382.
    Léontius de Jérusalem est un important théologien néo-chalcédonien de la première moitié du VIe siècle. Il est l'auteur présumé de deux ouvrages de christologie, Contre les monophysites et Contre les nestoriens. La première pourrait être une source possible de la Lettre aux moines d'Alexandrie de Justinien. Il semble en effet que le Contre les monophysites de Léontius ait servi de canevas préliminaire pour Justinien qui l'a ensuite pris pour modèle de structure de la Lettre aux moines d'Alexandrie. Léontius pourrait donc (...)
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    Leontius of Jerusalem: Against the Monophysites: Testimonies of the Saints and Aporiae.Patrick T. R. Gray (ed.) - 2006 - Oxford University Press UK.
    Leontius of Jerusalem is considered the most accomplished of the neo-Chalcedonian theologians of the sixth century. He shows himself, in his Testimonies of the Saints, to be an ecumenical theologian attempting to convince Syrian anti-Chalcedonians that their objections to Chalcedon are baseless, since all agree, beneath their antithetical formulae, on a christology of hypostatic union. They are urged to abandon their self-important yet discredited mentor, Severus, and to see that Chalcedon had no secret agenda. Gray's edition of this important (...)
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    (1 other version)Leontius of Byzantium and the Concept of Enhypostaton.Anna Zhyrkova - 2017 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 22 (2):193-218.
    The concept of “enhypostaton” was introduced into theological discourse during the sixth-century Christological debates with the aim of justifying the unitary subjectivity of Christ by reclassifying Christ’s human nature as ontically non-independent. The coinage of the term is commonly ascribed to Leontius of Byzantium. Its conceptual content has been recognized by contemporary scholarship as relevant to the core issues of Christology, as well as possessing significance for such philosophical questions as individuation and the nature of individual entityhood. Even so, (...)
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    The Struggle with(in) Leontius’ Soul.Eduardo Saldaña - 2021 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 103 (1):1-28.
    In Republic 4, Plato’s Socrates argues that there are three elements in the soul: the rational, the spirited, and the appetitive. This paper focuses on the argument distinguishing spirit from appetite in the story of Leontius. I shall argue that the rational element first opposes Leontius’ appetite and, when appetite overpowers reason, then Leontius’ spirited part opposes the appetitive. Consequently, there is a kind of disgust that would be appropriately characterized as rational; and, drawing on this consequence, (...)
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    Leontius of Byzantium. [REVIEW]J. Rendel Harris - 1888 - The Classical Review 2 (3):76-78.
  7.  18
    Review: Leontius van Neapolis. Leven van Johannes de barmhartige en Leven van Symeon de heilige dwaas, ingeleid en vertaald door WJ Aerts en H. Hokwerda (Grieks Proza, 20), Groningen, 2006. [REVIEW]Stefaan Neirynck - 2009 - Byzantion 79.
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  8. An Encomium of Leontius Monachus on the Birthday of John the Baptist (BHG 864 f).C. Datema & P. Allen - 1988 - Byzantion 58 (1):188-229.
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    D. B. Evans, Leontius of Byzantium. An Origenist Christology.Stephan Otto - 1973 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 66 (1).
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    Leontius of Jerusalem. Against the Monophysites: Testimonies of the Saints and Aporiae, ed. and transl. P.T.R. Gray. [REVIEW]Carlo Dell 'Osso - 2010 - Augustinianum 50 (2):615-617.
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    Christology and Its Philosophical Complexities in the Thought of Leontius of Byzantium.Nicholas J. Moutafakis - 1993 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 10 (2):99 - 119.
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    Stephan Otto, "Person und Subsistenz. Die Philosophische Anthropologie des Leontius von Byzanz; ein Beitrag zur spätantiken Geistesgeschichte". [REVIEW]Ekkehard Muehlenberg - 1969 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 7 (4):464.
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    Krueger Symeon the Holy Fool: Leontius's ‘Life’ and the Late Antique City. . Berkeley: University of California Press, 1996. Pp. xvi + 196. 0520089111. £28. [REVIEW]Laurent Terrade - 2001 - Journal of Hellenic Studies 121:223-224.
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  14. Persons in Patristic and Medieval Christian Theology.Scott M. Williams - 2019 - In Antonia LoLordo (ed.), Persons: a history of the concept. New York: Oxford University Press.
    Introduction: -/- It is likely that Boethius (480-524ce) inaugurates, in Latin Christian theology, the consideration of personhood as such. In the Treatise Against Eutyches and Nestorius Boethius gives a well-known definition of personhood according to genus and difference(s): a person is an individual substance of a rational nature. Personhood is predicated only of individual rational substances. This chapter situates Boethius in relation to significant Christian theologians before and after him, and the way in which his definition of personhood is a (...)
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  15.  21
    ¿Es Leoncio un incontinente? Ira y apetito en la República de Platón.Esteban Bieda - 2012 - Dianoia 57 (69):127-150.
    Conminado por su deseo apetitivo de mirar unos cadáveres en descomposición, Leoncio no puede resistir y, encolerizado, cede a la tentación (República 439e-440a). El episodio pretende mostrar que la impulsividad y el apetito constituyen dos partes distintas del alma. La pregunta es: si no hay intervención de la racionalidad, ¿según qué parámetro el thymós considera que mirar los cadáveres es algo que no se debe hacer? Si, como creen algunos especialistas, el thymós actúa según un marco axiológico aportado por lo (...)
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    Saint Augustine as a Reforming Voice for the Catholic Church in Roman Africa.Kolawole Chabi - 2018 - Augustinianum 58 (2):469-491.
    This paper is about the contribution of Saint Augustine to the reform of the Catholic Church in North Africa, through his ministry of preaching. When he was still a priest at Hippo, Augustine waged a forceful and successful war against some pagan practices which had gradually crept into the Church. The common practice of celebrating the dead in the Roman world was being applied to the Saints of the Church and Christians were celebrating their memory by getting drunk. The prohibition (...)
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    Замість рецензії (харизматичне вчення леонтія і українська православна церква московського патріархату.Liudmyla M. Shuhayeva - 2008 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 47:173-178.
    In our scientific reconnaissance we have repeatedly turned to the analysis of social and spiritual origins, features of the doctrine of religious association of the charismatic orientation of the Orthodox origin of the Leontians, the personality of Leontius, the activities of his followers. Again, the small work of the Archpriest of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate, Vasily Ostapchuk, entitled "The Life and Activity of Father Leonti", published in 500 in Rivne in 2006, forced us to turn (...)
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    La data di Leonzio presbitero di Costantinopoli.Sever J. Voicu - 2016 - Augustinianum 56 (1):247-252.
    According to Cornelis Datema, the still mysterious Leontius of Con-stantinople preached sometime around 557, whereas Michel Asmus places him between the end of the 4th century and the mid-5th century. This paper contends that the memory of a deceased bishop that closes the homily Nat. refers to Theodore I, patriarch of Constantinople, who died on 28 December 687. The article also shows that Leontius cannot possibly have lived earlier than the mid-6th century.
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  19.  25
    A Reconstruction of John the Grammarian’s Account of Substance in Terms of Enhypostaton.Anna Zhyrkova - 2017 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 22 (1):51-63.
    The concept of enhypostaton was introduced into theological discourse during the sixth-century Christological debates, and aimed to elucidate the orthodox doctrine of the unity of two natures in the singular hypostasis of Christ. In spite of the fact that the conceptual content of the term is recognized by contemporary scholarship as pertaining to the core of Christology, the notion of enhypostaton is often described as obscure and not clearly defined. The coining of the term is often ascribed to Leontius (...)
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  20. La lettre B du Florilège Coislin: editio princeps.Ilse De Vos, Erika Gielen, Caroline Macé & Peter Van Deun - 2010 - Byzantion 80:72-120.
    The monumental Florilegium Coislinianum can be dated in the 9th-10th century and originally contained all the letters up to Omega, but now the most complete manuscript, Parisinus gr. 923 , ends at Psi. Hitherto only the third book has been made available in a critical edition, while the rest of the anthology is still not accessible in a printed version. This article presents the critical edition of the second book , containing some interesting fragments attributed e.g. to a certain (...) the Damascene, to Athanasius of Alexandria and to John Chrysostom. (shrink)
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    An alleged homily on the paralytic by John Chrysostom in the codex Athonensis, Lauras A 112 (Eustratiadis 112).Radu Gârbacea - 2022 - HTS Theological Studies 78 (1):6.
    Through the efforts of the Institut de Recherche et d’Histoire des Textes (IRHT), a list of manuscripts is available that preserves homilies on the healing of the paralytic. Included in this list is the codex Athonensis, Lauras A 112 (Eustratiadis 112), which, according to those who provided its second description, preserves in the last four folios ‘a homily on the paralytic by John Chrysostom’. After a brief presentation of what is known about this codex, this article offers a detailed examination (...)
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