Results for ' IMAGE'

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  1.  27
    Affordances of the Networked Image.Centre for the Study of the Networked Image, Geoff Cox, Annet Dekker, Andrew Dewdney & Katrina Sluis - 2021 - Nordic Journal of Aesthetics 30 (61-62):40-45.
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    Picture this! Words versus images in Wittgenstein's nachlass Herbert Hrachovec.Words Versus Images In Wittgenstein'S. - 2004 - In Tamás Demeter, Essays on Wittgenstein and Austrian Philosophy: In Honour of J.C. Nyiri. Rodopi. pp. 197.
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  3. Tamino's Eyes, Pamina's Gaze: Husserl's Phenomenology of Image-Consciousness Refashioned Nicolas de Warren (Wellesley College) ndewarre@ wel lesley. edu.Image-Consciousness Refashioned - 2010 - In Carlo Ierna, Filip Mattens & Hanne Jacobs, Philosophy, Phenomenology, Sciences. Essays in Commemoration of Edmund Husserl. New York: Springer. pp. 303.
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    The Human Condition in Hilary of Poitiers: The Will and Original Sin Between Origen and Augustine.Isabella Image - 2017 - Oxford University Press.
    This study examines the theology of the fourth-century bishop, Hilary of Poitiers, concentrating particularly on two commentaries written at different times in his life. The main focus of the study is on Hilary's anthropological theology.
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  5. Introduction: Image, text, thought.Eugene W. Holland - 2009 - In Eugene W. Holland, Daniel W. Smith & Charles J. Stivale, Gilles Deleuze: Image and Text. Continuum.
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  6. (2 other versions)Image and Mind: Film, Philosophy, and Cognitive Science.Gregory Currie - 1995 - Philosophy 71 (278):617-622.
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    Image and Logic: A Material Culture of Microphysics.Peter Galison (ed.) - 1997 - University of Chicago Press: Chicago.
    Engages with the impact of modern technology on experimental physicists. This study reveals how the increasing scale and complexity of apparatus has distanced physicists from the very science which drew them into experimenting, and has fragmented microphysics into different technical traditions.
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  8. The image of Moses in Maimonides' thought.Alfred Ivry - 2007 - In Jay Michael Harris, Maimonides after 800 years: essays on Maimonides and his influence. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
  9. Body image and body schema in a deafferented subject.Shaun Gallagher & Jonathan Cole - 1995 - Journal of Mind and Behavior 16 (4):369-390.
    In a majority of situations the normal adult maintains posture or moves without consciously monitoring motor activity. Posture and movement are usually close to automatic; they tend to take care of themselves, outside of attentive regard. One's body, in such cases, effaces itself as one is geared into a particular intentional goal. This effacement is possible because of the normal functioning of a body schema. Body schema can be defined as a system of preconscious, subpersonal processes that play a dynamic (...)
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    Défaire l'image: de l'art contemporain.Eric Alliez - 2013 - [Dijon]: Les Presses du réel. Edited by Jean-Claude Bonne.
    Un livre pour défaire le régime esthétique de l'image, en vue d'une nouvelle pensée diagrammatique, après Deleuze et Guattari, entre art et philosophie : un ouvrage introductif et spéculatif sans équivalent qui, partant de la rupture opérée par Matisse et Duchamp avec la phénoménologie picturale de l'image esthétique, constitue une archéologie de l'art contemporain qui passe par Daniel Buren, Gordon Matta-Clark, Günter Brus et le néoconcrétisme brésilien.
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  11. Phénoménologie de l’image poétique.Marc Richir - 2008 - Studia Phaenomenologica 8:187-197.
    The poetic image results from the effort undertaken by affectivity to express itself in a language that is not originally its very own, but that holds the advantage of being communicable not only at the level of representation, but at the level of feeling as well. The image is not considered, therefore, to be a synthesis of true and false. In the process of creation, the affect is the material principle of the image as an ideal unity (...)
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    Body Schema and Body Image: New Directions.Yochai Ataria, Shogo Tanaka & Shaun Gallagher (eds.) - 2021 - Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
    Following on from Shaun Gallagher's influential 2005 book How the Body Shapes the Mind, this volume brings together leading experts from the fields of philosophy, neuroscience, psychology, and psychiatry in a productive dialogue, exploring key questions and debates about the relationship between body schema and body image.
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  13. Knowledge in the image of assertion.Jonathan Schaffer - 2008 - Philosophical Issues 18 (1):1-19.
    How must knowledge be formed, if made in the image of assertion? That is, given that knowledge plays the normative role of governing what one may assert, what can be inferred about the structure of the knowledge relation from this role? I will argue that what one may assert is sensitive to the question under discussion, and conclude that what one knows must be relative to a question. In short, knowledge in the image of assertion is question-relative knowledge.
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    Image Feature Types and Their Predictions of Aesthetic Preference and Naturalness.Marc G. Berman, Frank F. Ibarra, Omid Kardan, MaryCarol R. Hunter, Hiroki P. Kotabe & Francisco A. C. Meyer - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Understanding image intensities.Berthold K. P. Horn - 1977 - Artificial Intelligence 8 (2):201-231.
  16. The Manifest Image.Helge Malmgren - 2004 - In Christer Svennerlind, Ursus Philosophicus - Essays Dedicated to Björn Haglund on his Sixtieth Birthday. Philosophical Communications.
    It is often stated that the image of the world which our senses present to us contradicts the scientific worldview in important respects. I challenge this position through a number of arguments centered on the nature of perception and of perceived qualities.
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    Substructural Nuclear (Image-Based) Logics and Operational Kripke-Style Semantics.Eunsuk Yang - 2024 - Studia Logica 112 (4):805-833.
    This paper deals with substructural nuclear (image-based) logics and their algebraic and Kripke-style semantics. More precisely, we first introduce a class of substructural logics with connective _N_ satisfying nucleus property, called here substructural _nuclear_ logics, and its subclass, called here substructural _nuclear image-based_ logics, where _N_ further satisfies homomorphic image property. We then consider their algebraic semantics together with algebraic characterizations of those logics. Finally, we introduce _operational Kripke-style_ semantics for those logics and provide two sorts of (...)
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  18. Right brain damage, body image, and language: a psychoanalytic perspective.C. Morin, S. Thibierge & M. Perrigot - 2001 - Journal of Mind and Behavior 22 (1):69-89.
    The right hemisphere syndrome refers to various disturbances in patients’ relationships with space and body due to right hemisphere lesions. While the psychological aspects of this syndrome have been discussed at length in the literature, the relevance of the Lacanian psychoanalytic notion of specular image has not yet been considered. The present study is an attempt to evaluate, in a case report, whether the right hemisphere syndrome has subjective coherence regarding the pathology of the specular image. The patient (...)
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  19. Non-Perceptive Mental Image Generation: a Non-Linear Dynamic Framework.M. Bianca & L. Foglia - 2006 - Anthropology and Philosophy 7 (1-2):28-63.
    Mental imagery is an important topic in classical and modern philosophy, as it is central to the study of knowledge; since subjects can recall features of perceptual experiences in different ways and times, even modifying their structure, in this brief essay we will focus on non-perceptive mental images and to this purpose we will analyse, on the one hand, the nature of perceptive mental images ; on the other hand, NPMI generation according to different strategic conditions and retrieval modalities and, (...)
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    Image and affection in behavior.John B. Watson - 1913 - Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 10 (16):421-428.
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    Image and Imagination.Duncan Reyburn - 2013 - The Chesterton Review 39 (3-4):111-123.
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    Image, Idea and Meaning.R. F. Alfred Hoernlé - 1907 - Mind 16 (61):70 - 100.
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  23. Psychiatry in the Scientific Image.Dominic Murphy - 2005 - MIT Press.
    In _ Psychiatry in the Scientific Image, _Dominic Murphy looks at psychiatry from the viewpoint of analytic philosophy of science, considering three issues: how we should conceive of, classify, and explain mental illness. If someone is said to have a mental illness, what about it is mental? What makes it an illness? How might we explain and classify it? A system of psychiatric classification settles these questions by distinguishing the mental illnesses and showing how they stand in relation to (...)
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    Neuronal Morphological Model-Driven Image Registration for Serial Electron Microscopy Sections.Fangxu Zhou, Bohao Chen, Xi Chen & Hua Han - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    Registration of a series of the two-dimensional electron microscope images of the brain tissue into volumetric form is an important technique that can be used for neuronal circuit reconstruction. However, complex appearance changes of neuronal morphology in adjacent sections bring difficulty in finding correct correspondences, making serial section neural image registration challenging. To solve this problem, we consider whether there are such stable "markers" in the neural images to alleviate registration difficulty. In this paper, we employ the spherical deformation (...)
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  25. The Western Image of Chinese Religion From Leibniz To De Groot.R. J. Zwi Werblowsky - 1986 - Diogenes 34 (133):113-121.
    It is not the purpose of this short essay to try the impossible and give an adequate historical survey of the Western image (or rather images) of China. There is, moreover, a vast literature on the subject to which both sinologists and historians of European culture have contributed. The following paragraphs will restrict themselves to two poles in this history: the perception and reception of China in the 17th century (with Leibniz as the most significant and impressive representative of (...)
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  26. Alliances Between Brands and Social Causes: The Influence of Company Credibility on Social Responsibility Image.Enrique Bigné Alcañiz, Ruben Chumpitaz Cáceres & Rafael Currás Pérez - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 96 (2):169-186.
    This research extends previous findings related to the positive influence of company credibility on a social Cause–Brand Alliance’s (CBA) persuasion mechanism. This study analyzes the mediating role of two dimensions of company credibility (trustworthiness and expertise) with regard to the influence of altruistic attributions and two types of brand–cause fit (functional and image fit) on corporate social responsibility image. A structural equation model tests the proposed framework with a sample of 299 consumers, and the results suggest that (1) (...)
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    Image synthesis from an ethical perspective.Oliver Bendel - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-10.
    Generative AI has gained a lot of attention in society, business, and science. This trend has increased since 2018, and the big breakthrough came in 2022. In particular, AI-based text and image generators are now widely used. This raises a variety of ethical issues. The present paper first gives an introduction to generative AI and then to applied ethics in this context. Three specific image generators are presented: DALL-E 2, Stable Diffusion, and Midjourney. The author goes into technical (...)
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    The Laws of Image-Nation: Brazilian Racial Tropes and the Shadows of the Slave Quarters.Marcus Matos & Mauricio Lissovsky - 2018 - Law and Critique 29 (2):173-200.
    The commemorative edition of the 80th anniversary of Casa Grande & Senzala, the founding book of Brazilian modern sociology written by Gilberto Freyre and published in 2013, shows on its cover a glamorous ‘Casa Grande’, lit like an architectural landmark, ready to serve as the set for a film or a TV soap opera. What happened to the ‘Senzala’ that appeared on the covers of the dozens of previous editions? This paper investigates, following some changes in Brazilian Visual Culture in (...)
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    Stochastic properties of stabilized-image binocular rivalry alternations.R. Randolph Blake, Robert Fox & Curtis McIntyre - 1971 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 88 (3):327.
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    The Image of Assyria in Isaiah 2: 5-22: The Campaign Motif Reversed.Shawn Zelig Aster - 2007 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 127 (3):249-278.
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    Conceptual Blends Across Image Macro Genres.Shala Barczewska - 2020 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 61 (1):7-30.
    This paper analyzes image macros via the theoretical framework of conceptual blending on the example of online responses to 2011 and 2012 doomsday predictions. To date, conceptual blending has shown promise in the analysis of a variety of internet memes; however, most studies have been limited to one type of meme or one blending model. This project adds to the discussion in two ways. First, it presents a thematic analysis – image macros responding to end of the world (...)
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    Phenomenologies of the Image.Emmanuel Alloa & Cristian Ciocan - 2023 - Studia Phaenomenologica 23:9-14.
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    Image-instant/image plastique. Métamorphoses de l'origine.Alena Alexandrova - 2009 - Rue Descartes 64 (2):23.
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    L’Image de la femme en France avant Le Deuxième Sexe de Simone de Beauvoir.Nicole Amon & Teresa Myintoo - 2000 - Simone de Beauvoir Studies 16 (1):1-19.
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  35. L'image-Temps.Gilles Deleuze - 1985
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    Mirror-image confusability in adults.Peter Wolff - 1971 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 91 (2):268.
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    Image as a Norm: Some problems.Albert Cook - 1980 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 38 (3):249-254.
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    Image-Sections: The Evidentiary Capacity of Images to Sample the Lifeworld and Have an Operative Life.Christina Varvia Alzakout) - 2021 - Nordic Journal of Aesthetics 30 (61-62):206-229.
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  39. Image(s) de l'autobiographe : de la photographie comme " dangereux supplement".Fabien Arribert-Narce - 2010 - In Pierre-Alexis Mevel & Helen Tattam, Language and its contexts: transposition and transformation of meaning? = Le langage et ses contexts: transposition et transformation du sens? New York: Peter Lang.
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  40. Image structure.John Kulvicki - 2003 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 61 (4):323–340.
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    Democratization and generative AI image creation: aesthetics, citizenship, and practices.Maja Bak Herrie, Nicolas René Maleve, Lotte Philipsen & Asker Bryld Staunæs - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-13.
    The article critically analyzes how contemporary image practices involving generative artificial intelligence are entangled with processes of democratization. We demonstrate and discuss how generative artificial intelligence images raise questions of democratization and citizenship in terms of access, skills, validation, truths, and diversity. First, the article establishes a theoretical framework, which includes theory on democratization and aesthetics and lays the foundations for the analytical concepts of ‘formative’ and ‘generative’ visual citizenship. Next, we argue for the use of explorative and collaborative (...)
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    L’image au Moyen Âge entre l’art, la philosophie et la théologie.Michelino Grandieri - 2007 - Quaestio 7 (1):537-541.
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    Culture, regional image, and economic development in the United Kingdom.Andy Griffiths & Allan Williams - 1992 - World Futures 33 (1):105-120.
    (1992). Culture, regional image, and economic development in the United Kingdom. World Futures: Vol. 33, Culture and Development: European Experiences and Challenges A Special Research Report of the European Culture Impact Research Consortium (EUROCIRCON), pp. 105-120.
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  44. The Image of Man in the Philosophy of V.V. Rozanov.A. A. Griakalov - 1993 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 32 (2):21-32.
    I was sometimes pervaded by a sudden fear indoors during the daytime, and even more in the bright sun around midday, when I was left alone.
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    Image-Likeness and "Tathagatagarbha:" A Reading of William of St. Thierry's "Golden Epistle" and the "Ratnagotravibhaga".Nicholas Groves - 1990 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 10:97.
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  46. (1 other version)L'image-Mouvement.Gilles Deleuze - 1983
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  47. The Discarded Image: An Introduction to Medieval and Renaissance Literature.C. S. Lewis - 1964
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    Research on QR image code recognition system based on artificial intelligence algorithm.Pljonkin Anton Pavlovich, Pradeep Kumar Singh, Jianxing Zhu & Lina Huo - 2021 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 30 (1):855-867.
    The QR code recognition often faces the challenges of uneven background fluctuations, inadequate illuminations, and distortions due to the improper image acquisition method. This makes the identification of QR codes difficult, and therefore, to deal with this problem, artificial intelligence-based systems came into existence. To improve the recognition rate of QR image codes, this article adopts an improved adaptive median filter algorithm and a QR code distortion correction method based on backpropagation (BP) neural networks. This combination of artificial (...)
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    Image and Sound in Cinema.Roy Boyne - 2007 - Theory, Culture and Society 24 (7-8):330-333.
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  50. Body Image Intercourse: A Corporeal Dialogue between Merleau-Ponty and Schilder.Gail Weiss - 1999 - In Dorothea Olkowski & James Morley, Merleau-Ponty, Interiority and Exteriority, Psychic Life and the World: Interiority and Exteriority, Psychic Life, and the World. State University of New York Pressolkowski, Dorothea.
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