Results for ' Habermas’ double sovereignty'

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  1.  44
    Thinking with Kant "beyond" Kant.Claudio Corradetti - 2017 - Danish Yearbook of Philosophy 50:59-82.
    In the following essay, I attempt to reactualize some of Kant’s most fundamental conceptions of a state’s sovereignty and the legitimacy of the cosmopolitan order. To this end, I provide what appears as a viable solution to Kant’s “sovereignty dilemma”; that is, the reconciliation between state sovereignty and the international enforceability of laws. I consider that a key component of the overall Kantian cosmopolitan project is the role played by the transcendental notion of an “originally united will” (...)
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    Habermas, Popular Sovereignty, and the Legitimacy of Law.George Duke - 2024 - Law and Critique 35 (2):237-256.
    Habermas’ theory of popular sovereignty has received comparatively little sustained critical attention in the Anglo-American literature since initial responses to Between Facts and Norms. In light of subsequent work on group agency, this paper argues that Habermas’ reconstruction of popular sovereignty—in its denial of the normative force of collective citizen action—is best understood as a renunciation of the doctrine. The paper is structured in three sections. Section 1 examines Habermas’ treatment of popular sovereignty prior to Between Facts (...)
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  3. Human Rights and Popular Sovereignty: The Liberal and Republican Versions.Jürgen Habermas - 1994 - Ratio Juris 7 (1):1-13.
  4.  8
    (1 other version)Time of Transitions.Jürgen Habermas - 2006 - Polity.
    We live in a time of turbulent change when many of the frameworks that have characterized our societies over the last few centuries – such as the international order of sovereign nation-states – are being called into question. In this new volume of essays and interviews, Habermas focuses his attention on these processes of change and provides some of the resources needed to understand them. What kind of international order should we seek to create in our contemporary global age? How (...)
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  5. The European Nation State. Its Achievements and Its Limitations. On the Past and Future of Sovereignty and Citizenship.Jürgen Habermas - 1996 - Ratio Juris 9 (2):125-137.
    The “global success” of nation states is currently brought into play by the new requirements of multicultural differentiation and globalization. After commenting on the common concepts of “state” and “nation” and discussing the formation of nation states, the author explains the particular achievement of the national state and the tension between republicanism and nationalism built into it. The challenges that arise from the multicultural differentiation of civil society and from trends towards globalization throw light on the limitations of this historical (...)
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    1989 Dans L’Ombre de 1945.Jürgen Habermas - 1999 - Symposium: Canadian Journal of Continental Philosophy/Revue canadienne de philosophie continentale 3 (1):53-69.
    Habermas s’en prend ici à la thèse conservatrice de la continuité de la «nation» allemande par une critique du concept même d’État-nation. Contribuant au débat des historiens, il expose les limites de l’État-nation dans le contexte de la globalisation. En effet, l’importance de 1989 repose sur l’idée de restauration de la nation allemande telle qu’elle se présentait à partir de l’empire guillaumien. Or,l’État national ne serait plus à la hauteur du défi qu’impose la globalisation des interactions sociales, politiques, culturelles et (...)
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  7. En politisk forfatning for det pluralistiske verdenssamfunnet.Jürgen Habermas - unknown
    This article is a translation of Eine politische Verfassung für die pluralistische Weltgesellschaf which is published in Zwischen Naturalismus und Religion: philosophische Aufsäze (2005). The article deals with the project of forming a cosmopolitan order and a harmonization of national policies by agreeing upon and implementing shared global politics which require an intergovernmental coordination. This project has its origin from Hobbes and Kant, and Habermas discuss Kant"s concept of a world republic and a constitution which apply to all the citizens (...)
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    1989 dans l’ombre de 1945.Jürgen Habermas - 1999 - Symposium 3 (1):53-69.
    Habermas s’en prend ici à la thèse conservatrice de la continuité de la «nation» allemande par une critique du concept même d’État-nation. Contribuant au débat des historiens, il expose les limites de l’État-nation dans le contexte de la globalisation. En effet, l’importance de 1989 repose sur l’idée de restauration de la nation allemande telle qu’elle se présentait à partir de l’empire guillaumien. Or,l’État national ne serait plus à la hauteur du défi qu’impose la globalisation des interactions sociales, politiques, culturelles et (...)
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    Introduction.Jürgen Habermas - 1999 - Ratio Juris 12 (4):329-335.
    In this introduction the author outlines his approach to philosophy of law taken in Between Facts and Norms. In particular, he briefly discusses topics such as the form and function of law, the relation between law and morality, the relation between human rights and sovereignty, and the notion of democracy.
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    Habermas, Foucault and Nietzsche: A Double Misunderstanding.Thomas Biebricher - 2005 - Foucault Studies 3:1-26.
    The article analyses Habermas' interpretation of Foucault in the Philosophical Discourse of Modernity and argues that the former misunderstands the Foucaultian project of genealogy fundamentally. While Habermas assumes that Foucault aims at a strictly scientific approach to the writing of history it can be shown that Foucaultian genealogy is strongly characterised by rhetorical aspects, creating a hybrid model of critique that stands in between science and literature. The essay goes on arguing that this misreading can be explained with reference to (...)
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  11. The co-originality between human rights and popular sovereignty: Habermas's critique of Rousseau and Kant.Luiz Repa - 2013 - Trans/Form/Ação 36 (s1):103-120.
    O texto busca compreender e avaliar as influências das filosofias políticas de Rousseau e Kant no pensamento habermasiano. Ele se atém sobretudo à ideia fundamental de Direito e democracia, segundo a qual há uma cooriginariedade lógica entre direitos humanos, interpretados como direitos fundamentais de liberdade individual, e a soberania popular, interpretada como direitos políticos de participação e comunicação, no processo de formação pública da opinião e vontade. Defende-se que a crítica habermasiana a Rousseau e a Kant se deve ao projeto (...)
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    Tribal sovereignty and the intercultural public sphere.Michael Rabinder James - 1999 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 25 (5):57-86.
    While theorists of cultural pluralism have generally supported tribal sovereignty to protect threatened Native cultures, they fail to address adequately cultural conflicts between Native and non-Native communities, especially when tribal sovereignty facilitates illiberal or undemocratic practices. In response, I draw on Jürgen Habermas' conceptions of dis-course and the public sphere to develop a universalist approach to cultural pluralism, called the 'intercultural public sphere', which analyzes how cultures can engage in mutual learning and mutual criticism under fair conditions. This (...)
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  13. Sovereignty, Cosmopolitanism and the Ethics of European Foreign Policy.Lea Ypi - 2008 - European Journal of Political Theory 7 (3):349-364.
    This article explores the tensions between cosmopolitanism and sovereignty as a means to conceptualize the ethics of European foreign policy. It starts by discussing the claim that, in order for the EU to play a meaningful role as an international actor, a definition of the common ethical values orienting its political conduct is required. The question of a European federation of states and its ethical conceptualization emerges clearly in some of the philosophical writings of the 17th and 18th centuries. (...)
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  14. Challenging Habermas' response to the european union democratic deficit.Jonathan Bowman - 2007 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 33 (6):736-755.
    rgen Habermas' response to the European Union democratic deficit calls for a minimal threshold of democratic legislation through an explicit constitutional founding. He defends a model of freedom as autonomous self-determination by proposing to tie basic rights in the EU to a univocal form of European-wide popular sovereignty. Instead of constructing a common European political identity, I appeal to the novel democratic potential of institutions in the EU such as the Open Method of Coordination for mediating overlapping sovereignties in (...)
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    Habermas, die Demokratie, die Ökonomie.Frieder Vogelmann - 2014 - WestEnd. Neue Zeitschrift für Sozialforschung 11 (2):121-140.
    Does Habermas have the conceptual resources to not only rationally reconstruct the political shape of the European Union as a supranational democracy with a “shared sovereignty” between European citizens and member states, but to also rationally reconstruct the economic practices and processes? My answer will be in the affirmative, and my argument takes the form of an exemplary sketch how such a reconstruction might look like. It is, however, nothing more than a sketch because both rational reconstructions are so (...)
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    Insurrection and Intervention: The Two Faces of Sovereignty.Ned Dobos - 2011 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Domestic sovereignty and international sovereignty have both been eroded in recent years, but the former to a much greater extent than the latter. An oppressed people's right to fight for liberal democratic reforms in their own country is treated as axiomatic, as the international responses to the revolutions in Tunisia, Egypt and Libya illustrate. But there is a reluctance to accept that foreign intervention is always justified in the same circumstances. Ned Dobos assesses the moral cogency of this (...)
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    Jürgen Habermas.Marian Hillar - 2011 - Essays in the Philosophy of Humanism 19 (2):1-26.
    This paper is a short introduction to Habermas’s life and philosophy. It outlines his views on society, religion, morality and politics. It begins with his ‘methodological pragmatism’ which emphasizes the performative and intersubjective role of language. This rejects the “philosophy of consciousness” and sees society as a medium in which we live. Society is not an aggregate of individuals or a unity but a complex, multifarious, intersubjective structure with many different overlapping spheres. Habermas is essentially a social scientist and (...)
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    Habermas vs. Weber on democracy.Reihan Salam - 2001 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 15 (1-2):59-85.
    Habermas endorses democracy as a way to rescue modern life from the economic and bureaucratic compulsion that Weber saw as an inescapable condition of modernity. This rescue mission requires that Habermas subordinate democracy to people's true interests, by liberating their political deliberations from incursions of money or power that could interfere with the formation of policy preferences that clearly reflect those interests. But Habermas overlooks the opaque nature of our interests under complex modern conditions, and the difficulty of even knowing (...)
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    Deliberative Democracy in Habermas and Nino.A. R. Oquendo - 2002 - Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 22 (2):189-226.
    Habermas and Nino see human rights not as an external constraint on popular sovereignty, but rather as a key ingredient of true democracy. Yet, Habermas asserts that democratic deliberation involves moral, ethical, pragmatic, and negotiated matters, while Nino reduces democracy to moral deliberation. Habermass theory thus is more complex and takes more seriously the possibility that deliberative democracy may vary across societies. All the same, Habermas excessively limits the extent of legitimate variability inasmuch as he shares with Nino the (...)
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    Moral Autonomy, Popular Sovereignty and Public Use of Reason in Kant.Monique Hulshof - 2018 - Las Torres de Lucca. International Journal of Political Philosophy 7 (13):127-147.
    In Between Facts and Norms, Jürgen Habermas points out an ambiguity in the Kantian concept of autonomy that would lead to an antagonism between human rights and popular sovereignty. He charges Kant of introducing this concept from the private point of view of the individual subject who judges morally and of elucidating it from the point of view of the discursive and democratic political formation of the will. Against this reading, Ingeborg Maus argues that Kant develops human rights and (...)
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  21. Explicative models of complexity. The reconstructions of social evolution for Jürgen Habermas.Luca Corchia - 2009 - The Lab's Quarterly 11 (1):53-82.
    "Habermas introduces the concept of “reconstructive science” with a double purpose: to place the “general theory of society” between philosophy and social science and reestablish the rift between the “great theorization” and the “empirical research”. The model of “rational reconstructions” represents the main thread of the surveys about the “structures” of the life-world (“culture”, “society” and “personality”) and their respective “functions” (cultural reproductions, social integrations and socialization). For this propose, the dialectics between “symbolic representation” of “the structures subordinated to (...)
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    Habermas et Honneth: deux philosophes pour notre temps.Tryphon Bonga - 2016 - Paris: Éditions Karthala.
    L'ouvrage que nous propose M Tryphon Bonga présente un double intérêt. Il nous offre en effet une belle introduction à une tradition philosophique contemporaine majeure la Théorie critique de l'Ecole de Francfort tout en ouvrant de stimulantes perspectives, appliquées à un contexte social précis. La discussion théorique se double de réflexions mettant en évidence l'intérêt du travail du philosophe. La majeure partie de l'ouvrage consiste en une lecture détaillée de l'évolution de la Théorie critique au fil des trois (...)
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    Habermas’s Decentered View of Society and the Problem of Democratic Legitimacy.Dominique Leydet - 1997 - Symposium: Canadian Journal of Continental Philosophy/Revue canadienne de philosophie continentale 1 (1):35-48.
    One of the most interesting features of Jürgen Habermas’s latest work on democracy is his attempt to acknowledge the problem of social complexity while remaining faithful to the core idea of the Rousseauian conception of democratic legitimacy: the idea that legitimacy is grounded on citizens’ participation in processes of opinion- and will-formation which ensure the reasonableness of collectivedecisions. The challenge for Habermas is to show how it is possible to conciliate the consequences of social complexity with this understanding of (...)
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    Sovereignty without Hegemony, the Nuclear State, and a ‘Secret Public Hearing’ in India.Raminder Kaur - 2013 - Theory, Culture and Society 30 (3):3-28.
    How can sovereignty provide the premises to think outside of sovereignty? In other words, how is it possible to perceive of resistance to sovereignty which itself is deemed to have been caught up in the double bind of sovereignty? With a critical appraisal of theories on the ‘state of exception’ in conversation with Robert Jungk’s consideration of the ‘nuclear state’, I account for the nuclear state of exception which has acquired sovereignty in several nations (...)
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    Double Agents.Darlene Fozard Weaver - 2013 - Journal of Religious Ethics 41 (4):710-726.
    Jennifer Herdt's Putting On Virtue argues for the theological and normative superiority of noncompetitive accounts of divine and human agency. Although such accounts affirm the indispensability and sovereignty of divine grace they also acknowledge human agents as active participants in their own moral change. Indeed, Herdt contends we cannot coherently describe the human telos as entailing a transformation of character without affirming that human agents meaningfully contribute to that change. Nevertheless, a recurrent worry in Putting On Virtue is that (...)
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    How Lincoln Scooped Habermas.John Davenport - 2024 - Res Philosophica 101 (2):323-357.
    In opposing Stephen Douglas’s alleged popular right to choose a slave constitution, Abraham Lincoln developed a rudimentary conception of the normative presuppositions of democratic rights that prefigures the theory of popular sovereignty articulated by Jürgen Habermas. While Lincoln was influenced by a civic republican conception of natural rights, and referred to personal autonomy in arguing that some political choices violate the grounds of collective self-governance rights, both Lincoln—as read by Jaffa—and Habermas conceive human rights not as trans-political principles but (...)
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  27. Deliberation interrupted: Confronting Jürgen Habermas with Claude Lefort.Stefan Rummens - 2008 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 34 (4):383-408.
    In this article I confront Jürgen Habermas' deliberative model of democracy with Claude Lefort's analysis of democracy as a regime in which the locus of power remains an empty place. This confrontation reveals several structural similarities between the two authors and explains how the proceduralization of popular sovereignty provides a discourse-theoretical interpretation of the empty place of power. At the same time, Lefort's insistence on the open-ended nature of the democratic struggle also points towards an unresolved tension at the (...)
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    Globalização econômica, desmonte do estado social e déficit político transnacional: uma análise crítica a partir de Jürgen Habermas.Jorge Adriano Lubenow - 2020 - Trans/Form/Ação 43 (2):99-126.
    Resumo O artigo trata da análise crítica de Jürgen Habermas a respeito das consequências do modelo neoliberal de integração global via mercado, em especial o desequilíbrio entre política e mercado, o fim do compromisso com o Estado social e o déficit democrático no nível transnacional. Para o filósofo alemão, a concepção neoliberal de sociedade desestatizada do capitalismo global atinge o nexo entre Estado nacional, democracia e justiça social, marginalizando o Estado e a política, em favor da privatização dos serviços públicos (...)
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    Democracy and Language in Jürgen Habermas’s Discourse Theory.Arianna Maceratini - 2019 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 59 (1):7-25.
    The concept of hermeneutic science is outlined by Habermas as a reflection within the ordinary language, addressed to the dialogic dimension of intersubjective recognition and connected to the juridical guarantee. The guarantee function fulfilled by the discursive agreement towards every real dialogue is obvious: it indicates the main reference point for the regulation and coordination of social action, tracing a line of demarcation between being and having to be, facts and norms. Speech, communicative agreement and legal guarantee are mutually qualified (...)
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    A problemática divisão de competências entre tribunal constitucional e legislador democrático em Habermas.Mateus Salvadori - 2024 - Aufklärung 11 (3):107-120.
    The problem of the division of competences between the constitutional court and the democratic legislator has been the subject of intense debates in the philosophy of law, especially when examined in light of Habermas' theory. This article proposes a detailed analysis of this issue, focusing on the articulation of theoretical currents that revolve around the issue of making the control of constitutionality exercised by the courts compatible with the principle of the sovereignty of the people. Our aim is to (...)
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  31. The Problem of Political Sovereignty: Hegel and Schmitt (3rd edition).Markos H. Feseha - 2021 - Cosmos and History : The Journal of Natural and Social Philosophy 17 (3):145-170.
    Both G.F.W. Hegel and Carl Schmitt took seriously the problem of political sovereignty entailed by liberal political theories. In Dictatorship (1919) and Political Theology (1922), Schmitt rejects liberal political theories that argue for the immediate unity of democracy and legality i.e., popular sovereignty, because he thinks they cannot secure political sovereignty. In the Philosophy of Right, Hegel denounces popular sovereignty for similar reasons. Yet given Schmitt’s negative assessment of Hegel their positions are seldom related to one (...)
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    Complete Restoration of the Sovereignty of the Republic of Azerbaijan As a Result of Anti-Terrorist Events on September 19- 20, 2023. [REVIEW]Irada Nuriyeva - 2024 - Metafizika 7 (3):29-40.
    The international community's indifferent and double standard approach to resolving the Nagorno-Karabakh issue for 30 years forced Azerbaijan to restore its territorial integrity through military means and political negotiations on the battlefield during the Second Karabakh War, from September 27 to November 10, 2020. Although the 44-day Patriotic War ended with the victory of the Azerbaijani army under the leadership of the President of the Republic and Victorious Supreme Commander-in-Chief Ilham Aliyev, armed clashes occasionally occurred along the borders of (...)
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  33. Justification and Application: The Revival of the Rawls–Habermas Debate.Jørgen Pedersen - 2012 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 42 (3):399-432.
    The Rawls–Habermas debate is having a revival. In this article I argue that both philosophers develop different freestanding conceptions of political legitimacy, and show how they diverge when it comes to how political legitimacy can be justified. Habermas is looking for a deeper justification than Rawls will allow for. I then proceed to show how the different meta-ethical positions yield two different versions of democratic theory, focusing in particular on rights and popular sovereignty. I demonstrate how both conceive of (...)
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    ‘In the vertigo of this freedom’: Democracy between procedural and divided popular sovereignty.Matteo Bozzon - 2021 - European Journal of Social Theory 24 (4):562-580.
    The aim of this article is to investigate the Habermasian way of problematizing the European political situation through consideration of the conceptual framework within which he develops his proposal. I begin by clarifying various conceptual difficulties that emerge when thinking about politics within the European Union. I then focus on the concept of popular sovereignty as procedure, which Habermas develops in Between Facts and Norms against the historical backdrop of the nation state. In the debate regarding European constitutionalization, the (...)
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    Tthe theory of democracy and the relationship between Human Rights and popular sovereignty.David Eduardo Martínez - 2019 - Alpha (Osorno) 48:139-150.
    Resumen: El artículo discute el componente kantiano en la teoría democrática deliberativa. Parte sosteniendo que Kant no solo incorpora derechos individuales sino que también la idea de soberanía popular. Este pensador considera la democracia, pero un sistema de principios tiene prioridad normativa respecto de la práctica de autolegislación colectiva. Después, el escrito muestra que la teoría democrática habermasiana elabora un argumento similar al kantiano. Por tanto, no reconstruye el balance entre derechos y democracia como pretende sino de forma similar a (...)
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    Social critique and transformation: Revising Habermas’s colonisation thesis.Regina Kreide - 2023 - European Journal of Social Theory 26 (2):215-235.
    What is critical theory – and what is it not? This essay attempts a new answer to this old question and examines which normative convictions immanent to social reality can be used to describe, analyse and criticise contemporary, global forms of domination that form blockades of social and political participation. The analysis proceeds in a double step, referring both to the critique of society and to the critique of theory that describes society. The basis of this parallel swing is (...)
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    Discursive conditions and contextual presuppositions. Habermas versus Apel.Petra Hedberg - 2003 - SATS 4 (2):67-92.
    The terms “morality” and “ethical life” refer to the relationship between Kant's universalistic and Hegel's “contextualised” account of morality. In this essay, the problem of universalism and contextualism will be addressed to Apel's and Habermas's positions. I will divide the theme into three main topics: 1) The historical reconstruction of the rational conditions of discourse ethics within Habermas's position: in which sense could this approach lead to a contextualism? 2) The difficulty with establishing a non-contextual justification of the discursive, rational (...)
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    Rights and the Sovereignty of the People in the Crisis of the Nation State.Hauke Brunkhorst - 2000 - Ratio Juris 13 (1):49-62.
    Following Hannah Arendt's work on totalitarianism, the first part of the paper gives an account of the historical advances of the republican nation state that was born during the constitutional revolutions in France and America at the end of the eighteenth century. This state has organised an efficient solidarity among strangers by means of democratic legislation. The European nation state was particular and universal at once. As Arendt could demonstrate on the Dreyfus affair, republicanism of a specific people was based (...)
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    Revolutionary popular feminism in nicaragua:: Articulating class, gender, and national sovereignty.Norma Stoltz Chinchilla - 1990 - Gender and Society 4 (3):370-397.
    On March 8, 1987, the Sandinista Liberation Front published its statement on the relation of women's struggles to the Nicaraguan revolution. The author argues that this official statement is consistent with the views of modern feminists on some key points relating to the need to eliminate women's double day, promote women's self-organization, and wage an ideological struggle against sexism if women's subordination is to be eliminated. The author believes that the Sandinista Front's emphasis on ideological struggle and political organization (...)
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    Constituent power in political liberalism: Constraining the future?Peter Niesen - 2024 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 50 (10):1464-1473.
    In Sovereignty across Generations, Ferrara attempts a dual feat. He demonstrates that political liberalism needs a nuanced doctrine of constituent power to be brought in line with traditional democratic concerns. At the same time, he argues that political liberalism is capable of making constituent power safe for democracy, in reining in its unruly and unbound character. By distinguishing between ‘the people’ and the electorate, Ferrara develops a transtemporal conception of the constituent subject, allowing moderate transformation but in effect binding (...)
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    Just war theory, humanitarian intervention, and the need for a democratic federation.John J. Davenport - 2011 - Journal of Religious Ethics 39 (3):493-555.
    The primary purpose of government is to secure public goods that cannot be achieved by free markets. The Coordination Principle tells us to consolidate sovereign power in a single institution to overcome collective action problems that otherwise prevent secure provision of the relevant public goods. There are several public goods that require such coordination at the global level, chief among them being basic human rights. The claim that human rights require global coordination is supported in three main steps. First, I (...)
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    National Sovereigntism and Global Constitutionalism: An Adornian Cosmopolitan Critique.Lars Rensmann - 2016 - Critical Horizons 17 (1):24-39.
    There are two dominant schools of thought addressing problems of cosmopolitanism and conflict: democratic national sovereigntism, inspired by Hegel, and global constitutionalism, inspired by Kant and reformulated by Habermas. This paper develops a third position by reading Adorno's critique of both theoretical traditions. Rather than compromising between these camps, Adorno triangulates between them. Critically illuminating their respective deficiencies in view of the changing conditions of a globalized modern world has critical implications for cosmopolitics. Although largely negative, Adorno's critique provides an (...)
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    Coming full circle: A pamphlet on Ukraine, education and catastrophe.Marianna Papastephanou - 2023 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 55 (1):77-88.
    With Ukraine as its subtext, this pamphlet-like text considers the recent U-turns of global reality and the need for well-meant universalist (pamphilic) ends. Such ends impel reconsideration of the standard educational-philosophical view on national affect, state sovereignty and international relations. After indicating interconnections of these issues with ecological and nuclear catastrophe, I discuss the argument that post-humanist educational theory has failed to critique the full and inherent educational complicities in the current global situation. While I agree with such diagnostics, (...)
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    ¿Es legítimo rebelarse contra una democracia?Alfonso Monsalve Solórzano - 2008 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia):499-506.
    El concepto de 'legitimidad' que introduce Weber tiene que ver con el grado de aceptación que los gobernados confieren a sus gobernantes. Filósofos, como Habermas, han contestado esta concepción señalando que la aceptación debe estar enmarcada en un sistema normativo que garantice los derechos en uso de esa comunidad y estipule las reglas que el gobernante ha de cumplir para acceder al ejercicio del gobierno. Puede discutirse si la concepción de Weber es tal como la describe Habermas o si ella (...)
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    Pluralizing Constitutional Review in International Law: A Critical Theory Approach.David Ingram - 2014 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 70 (2-3):261-286.
    Resumo O autor defende uma descrição normativa fraca do constitucionalismo internacional à luz de dois factos: a contínua relevância da soberania do Estado face à hegemonia de superpotências e a necessidade imperiosa de um regime supranacional eficaz de direitos humanos. Ao defender uma institucionalização constitucional de direitos humanos, que inclui aspectos de justiça processual e material, mostra-se que, como nos casos domésticos, tal institucionalização pode e, talvez deva, incorporar um procedimento de controlo judicial que ascende ao nível de controlo constitucional. (...)
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    Religion beyond Communicative Reason.Lars Albinus - 2017 - Analyse & Kritik 39 (1):119-144.
    The development in Habermas’ political philosophy towards a greater appreciation of religion in the public sphere is already a much discussed issue. In this article, however, I argue first of all for the sustained significance of his theory of communicative action and its structural implications for a religious discourse in a modern, multicultural society. Habermas’ theory is remarkable for its double commitment to social theory and philosophical self-reflection. Thus, it claims to offer a 2nd person perspective of communicative reason (...)
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    From substantive to negative universalism.Wim Weymans & Andreas Hetzel - 2012 - Thesis Eleven 108 (1):26-43.
    This article shows how Jürgen Habermas and Claude Lefort try to explain the relationship between universality and particularity in modern democratic societies, politics and civil society. It will demonstrate that Habermas defends a substantive kind of universality that is opposed to particular positions and thus to real politics. This article further argues that Lefort’s lesser known theory of negative universality is better at combining a universal and a particular perspective. It claims that where Habermas requires citizens to transform their particular (...)
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  48. Nietzsche, Emancipation, and Truth.Dean Pickard - 1997 - New Nietzsche Studies 2 (Fall/Winter):85-109.
    Nietzsche has been accused by Habermas of abandoning the pursuit of emancipation and truth. Ironically, this pursuit is at the core of Nietzsche’s works, though radically transformed. The pursuit of knowledge requires emancipated sovereign individuality, a severe honesty, and the courage to follow one's most rigorous use of reason and creative insight wherever they may lead, including the most disturbing insights about truth, language and reason themselves. The first part of this paper discusses Nietzsche’s ideas of individual sovereignty and (...)
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    Twenty Theses on Politics.Enrique Dussel - 2008 - Duke University Press.
    First published in Spanish in 2006, _Twenty Theses on Politics_ is a major statement on political philosophy from Enrique Dussel, one of Latin America’s—and the world’s—most important philosophers, and a founder of the philosophy of liberation. Synthesizing a half-century of his pioneering work in moral and political philosophy, Dussel presents a succinct rationale for the development of political alternatives to the exclusionary, exploitative institutions of neoliberal globalization. In twenty short, provocative theses he lays out the foundational elements for a politics (...)
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    Political Theology and Historical Materialism: Reading Benjamin against Agamben.Lotte List - 2021 - Theory, Culture and Society 38 (3):117-140.
    Giorgio Agamben’s work on the power of sovereignty has been greatly influential in recent political thought. However, it has also overshadowed the independently original contributions of his two primary theoretical sources, Carl Schmitt and Walter Benjamin. In this article, I argue that Agamben’s political defeatism can be traced back to a double misconception in his reception of these two authors: first a formalistic reduction of Schmitt, and second a Schmittian reduction of Benjamin. Through this reduction to juridical formalism, (...)
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