Results for ' F‐Scale'

949 found
  1.  41
    A user-centered approach to developing an AI system analyzing U.S. federal court data.Rachel F. Adler, Andrew Paley, Andong L. Li Zhao, Harper Pack, Sergio Servantez, Adam R. Pah, Kristian Hammond & Scales Okn Consortium - 2023 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 31 (3):547-570.
    We implemented a user-centered approach to the design of an artificial intelligence (AI) system that provides users with access to information about the workings of the United States federal court system regardless of their technical background. Presently, most of the records associated with the federal judiciary are provided through a federal system that does not support exploration aimed at discovering systematic patterns about court activities. In addition, many users lack the data analytical skills necessary to conduct their own analyses and (...)
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    The Pervasiveness of 1/f Scaling in Speech Reflects the Metastable Basis of Cognition.Christopher T. Kello, Gregory G. Anderson, John G. Holden & Guy C. Van Orden - 2008 - Cognitive Science 32 (7):1217-1231.
    Human neural and behavioral activities have been reported to exhibit fractal dynamics known as 1/f noise, which is more aptly named 1/f scaling. Some argue that 1/f scaling is a general and pervasive property of the dynamical substrate from which cognitive functions are formed. Others argue that it is an idiosyncratic property of domain‐specific processes. An experiment was conducted to investigate whether 1/f scaling pervades the intrinsic fluctuations of a spoken word. Ten participants each repeated the word bucket over 1,000 (...)
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    Achieving online consent to participation in large-scale gene-environment studies: a tangible destination.F. Wood, J. Kowalczuk, G. Elwyn, C. Mitchell & J. Gallacher - 2011 - Journal of Medical Ethics 37 (8):487-492.
    Background Population based genetics studies are dependent on large numbers of individuals in the pursuit of small effect sizes. Recruiting and consenting a large number of participants is both costly and time consuming. We explored whether an online consent process for large-scale genetics studies is acceptable for prospective participants using an example online genetics study. Methods We conducted semi-structured interviews with 42 members of the public stratified by age group, gender and newspaper readership (a measure of social status). Respondents were (...)
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  4. Large-scale brain systems in ADHD: Beyond the prefrontal–striatal model.F. Xavier Castellanos & Erika Proal - 2012 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 16 (1):17-26.
  5.  27
    Scaling down the Earth’s history: Visual materials for popular education by Nérée Boubée (1806–1862).Silvia F. De M. Figueirôa - 2023 - History of Science 61 (3):383-408.
    Spatial and temporal scales are essential components of geological sciences; both are almost always imbricated in complex ways, challenging geoscientific knowledge among nonspecialists and students. The present paper focuses on the efforts made by the French naturalist Simon-Suzanne Nérée Boubée (1806–62) regarding popular education on geology. Though Boubée is poorly known nowadays, he experienced some prestige during his lifetime. He worked as an independent teacher, offering private as well as free public courses. Boubée, as a nineteenth-century science popularizer, repeatedly insisted (...)
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    The Musical Scales of Plato's Republic.J. F. Mountford - 1923 - Classical Quarterly 17 (3-4):125-.
    The object of this article is to discuss, defend, and supplement the only definite piece of evidence we possess which deals with the musical scalesreferred to by Plato in the Republic . In this first section I shall consider the list of scales given by Aristides Quintilianus and suggest the source from which it is derived; in the second part the employment of certain abnormal intervals will be established and elucidated; and finally the evidence of the preceding sections will be (...)
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  7.  8
    Scaling Up: The Institution of Chemical Engineers and the Rise of a New Profession.Colin Divall & Sean F. Johnston - 2000 - Dordrecht, Netherlands: Kluwer Academic.
    Chemical engineering - as a recognised skill in the workplace, as an academic discipline, and as an acknowledged profession - is scarcely a century old. Yet from a contested existence before the First World War, chemical engineering had become one of the 'big four' engineering professions in Britain, and a major contributor to Western economies, by the end of the twentieth century. The subject had distinct national trajectories. In Britain - too long seen as shaped by American experiences - the (...)
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  8.  20
    Development and Psychometric Properties of the DASS-Youth (DASS-Y): An Extension of the Depression Anxiety Stress Scales (DASS) to Adolescents and Children.Marianna Szabo & Peter F. Lovibond - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The Depression Anxiety Stress Scales is a set of psychometrically sound scales that is widely used to assess negative emotional states in adults. In this project, we developed the Depression Anxiety Stress Scales for Youth and tested its psychometric properties. Data were collected from 2,121 Australian children and adolescents aged 7–18. This sample was split randomly into a calibration group and a cross-validation group. First, we used Confirmatory Factor Analysis on the calibration group to test the 3-factor DASS model on (...)
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  9.  38
    Manifest anxiety scale score and the ready signal in classical conditioning.William F. Prokasy & Francis L. Whaley - 1962 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 63 (2):119.
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    Atomic-scale modeling of interactions of helium, vacancies and helium–vacancy clusters with screw dislocations in alpha-iron.H. L. Heinisch, F. Gao & R. J. Kurtz - 2010 - Philosophical Magazine 90 (7-8):885-895.
  11.  22
    A Scale of Performance Tests. [REVIEW]F. L. Wells - 1918 - Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 15 (5):134-137.
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    Category rating scales: Effects of relative spacing and frequency of stimulus values.Allen Parducci & Linda F. Perrett - 1971 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 89 (2):427.
  13.  11
    Psychometric properties and correlates of the Polish version of the Self-Control Scale (SCS).Aleksandra Pilarska & Roy F. Baumeister - forthcoming - Polish Psychological Bulletin.
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    Regional Analysis of Poverty in Ecuador: Sensitivity to the Choice of Equivalence Scales.Diego F. García-Vélez, Leidy D. Quezada-Ruiz, María del Cisne Tituaña-Castillo & María de la Cruz del Río-Rama - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Economies of scale and equivalent consumption units, which are present in households, must be considered in the measurement of monetary poverty, in order to obtain indicators that approximate the reality of each household. Therefore, in this research, monetary poverty in Ecuador is measured and analyzed at the provincial level for the period 2009–2016. It works with data from the National Survey of Employment, Unemployment and Underemployment and the INEC methodology is used to measure poverty, but per-capita income is replaced by (...)
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    Construct Validity and Reliability of the SARA Gait and Posture Sub-scale in Early Onset Ataxia.Tjitske F. Lawerman, Rick Brandsma, Renate J. Verbeek, Johannes H. van der Hoeven, Roelineke J. Lunsing, Hubertus P. H. Kremer & Deborah A. Sival - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
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    Meta-Analysis of Interrater Reliability of Supervisory Performance Ratings: Effects of Appraisal Purpose, Scale Type, and Range Restriction.Jesús F. Salgado & Silvia Moscoso - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:470430.
    OBJECTIVES: This reliability generalization study aimed to estimate the mean and variance of the interrater reliability coefficients (ryy) of supervisory ratings of overall, task, contextual, and positive job performance. The moderating effect of the appraisal purpose and the scale type was examined. It was hypothesized that the ratings collected for research purposes and multi-item scales have higher ryy. It was also examined whether ryy was similar for the four performance dimensions. METHOD: A database consisting of 224 independent samples was created (...)
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  17. Scale-invariance of human response latencies.F. Moscoso del Prado Martın - 2009 - In N. A. Taatgen & H. van Rijn, Proceedings of the 31st Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society.
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  18.  11
    A modern proposal for aiding our country in winning a full-scale nuclear conflict.Herbert F. Janssen - 1986 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 29 (4):535-538.
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    Psychophysical scaling of the prism diopter unit.Joseph N. Trachtman & Robert F. Dippner - 1975 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 6 (2):140-142.
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  20.  12
    intner's and Paterson's A Scale of Performance Tests. [REVIEW]F. L. Wells - 1918 - Journal of Philosophy 15 (5):134.
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  21. Large-scale social experiments in Experimental Ethics.Julian F. Mueller - 2014 - In Christoph Lütge, Hannes Rusch & Matthias Uhl, Experimental Ethics: Toward an Empirical Moral Philosophy. London, England: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    In this article, I argue that experimental ethics – like experimental economics – should also concern itself with field experiments. In particular, I defend two claims: a) that philosophers in normative ethics could considerably narrow down their disputes if they could agree on a wider range of socio-economic facts; and that b) the socio-economic facts that would be needed for this could only be generated by deliberate large-scale social experimentation. This essay normatively grounds my interest in special administration zones.
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  22.  47
    From disorder to space-time geometry.F. Englert - 1987 - Foundations of Physics 17 (6):621-635.
    Field propagation on fractal structures can generate a large scale symmetric space-time geometry. The significance of this fact and the nature of the resulting space-time are discussed.“Each contained all the others, but in this totality each was confused and comingled with all the others without order and system.”—Haïm Vital, 1543–1620 (Kabbalist of Safed); English translation taken from “Sabbatai Sevi” by G. Scholem (Routledge and Kegan Paul, London, 1973), p. 36.
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    Scale-free architectures support representational diversity.Chris Fields & James F. Glazebrook - 2020 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 43.
    Gilead et al. propose an ontology of abstract representations based on folk-psychological conceptions of cognitive architecture. There is, however, no evidence that the experience of cognition reveals the architecture of cognition. Scale-free architectural models propose that cognition has the same computational architecture from sub-cellular to whole-organism scales. This scale-free architecture supports representations with diverse functions and levels of abstraction.
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  24.  10
    Family Sense of Coherence Scale: A Confirmatory Factor Analysis in a Portuguese Sample.Francis Anne T. Carneiro, Vanessa F. Salvador, Pedro A. Costa & Isabel P. Leal - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Background: Family sense of coherence can be defined as the cognitive map of a family that enables the family to deal with stress during their lifetime. FSOC is the degree to which a family perceives family life as comprehensible, manageable, and meaningful. To the best of our knowledge, few studies have used this scale, and very few have evaluated FSOC Scale psychometric properties.Objective: This study aimed to evaluate the psychometric properties of the original FSOC Scale in a sample of Portuguese (...)
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  25. Scaling Up: the evolution of intellectual apparatus associated with the manufacture of heavy chemicals in Britain, 1900-1939.Colin Divall & Sean F. Johnston - 1998 - In A. S. Travis, H. G. Schroter & Ernst Homburg, Determinants in the Evolution of the European Chemical Industry, 1900-1939: New Technologies, Political Frameworks, Markets and Companies. pp. 199-214.
    On intellectual foundations that distinguished chemical engineering from other disciplines.
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  26.  19
    Information-devoid routes for scale-free neurodynamics.Arturo Tozzi & James F. Peters - 2020 - Synthese 199 (1-2):2491-2504.
    Neuroscientists are able to detect physical changes in information entropy in the available neurodata. However, the information paradigm is inadequate to describe fully nervous dynamics and mental activities such as perception. This paper suggests explanations to neural dynamics that provide an alternative to thermodynamic and information accounts. We recall the Banach–Tarski paradox, which informally states that when pieces of a ball are moved and rotated without changing their shape, a synergy between two balls of the same volume is achieved instead (...)
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    Prospects for control of tick-borne diseases in cattle by immunization in eastern, central, and southern Africa.F. L. Musisi & J. A. Lawrence - 1995 - Agriculture and Human Values 12 (2):95-106.
    Tick and tick-borne diseases, especially East Coast fever, caused byTheileria parva, are amongst the most important factors limiting cattle production in Eastern, Central, and Southern Africa. In the past, they have been controlled mainly by the use of acaricides to kill ticks. Immunization has been shown to be an effective alternative method of control of tick-borne diseases in limited field trials. A development program has been initiated to produce vaccines and implement immunization on a wide scale in the region in (...)
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  28. In the belly of the whale: Some thoughts on preserving the integrity of the new bioethics commission.F. Daniel Davis - 2010 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 20 (3):291-297.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:In the Belly of the Whale:Some Thoughts on Preserving the Integrity of the New Bioethics CommissionF. Daniel Davis (bio)10 July 2010. Washington, D.C. President Obama's Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues has just concluded its inaugural meeting, designed as a primer—the first of three that it plans to hold—on synthetic biology. As a topic for deliberation by a national bioethics commission, "synbio" is ideal. A cloud of (...)
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  29.  23
    Breast Cancer Stigma Scale: A Reliable and Valid Stigma Measure for Patients With Breast Cancer.Xiaofan Bu, Shuangshuang Li, Andy S. K. Cheng, Peter H. F. Ng, Xianghua Xu, Yimin Xia & Xiangyu Liu - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    PurposeThis study aims to develop and validate a stigma scale for Chinese patients with breast cancer.MethodsPatients admitted to the Affiliated Cancer Hospital of Xiangya School of Medicine, Central South University, for breast cancer treatment participated in this study. Development of the Breast Cancer Stigma Scale involved the following procedures: literature review, interview, and applying a theoretical model to generate items; the Breast Cancer Stigma Scale’s content validity was assessed by a Delphi study and feedback from patients with breast cancer ; (...)
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  30.  46
    Preliminary Scales for ICD-11 Personality Disorder: Self and Interpersonal Dysfunction Plus Five Personality Disorder Trait Domains.Lee Anna Clark, Alejandro Corona-Espinosa, Shereen Khoo, Yuliya Kotelnikova, Holly F. Levin-Aspenson, Greg Serapio-García & David Watson - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The ICD-11 personality disorder model is the first fully dimensional assessment of personality pathology. It consists of a personality disorder dysfunction-severity dimension, which encompasses both self- and interpersonal dysfunction, and six optional qualifiers for five prominent personality traits—Negative Affectivity, Detachment, Dissociality, Disinhibition, and Anankastia —plus a borderline pattern that is defined by the criteria of DSM-IV borderline PD. This article reports on the development of a new self-report measure to assess self- and interpersonal dysfunction and the five trait qualifiers. It (...)
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  31.  35
    Asymptotic scaling in turbulent pipe flow.B. J. McKeon & J. F. Morrison - 2007 - Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society a-Mathematical Physical and Engineering Sciences 365 (1852):771-787.
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    Multidimensional scaling of emotional responses to music: The effect of musical expertise and of the duration of the excerpts. E. Bigand, S. Vieillard, F. Madurell, J. Marozeau & A. Dacquet - 2005 - Cognition and Emotion 19 (8):1113-1139.
    Musically trained and untrained listeners were required to listen to 27 musical excerpts and to group those that conveyed a similar emotional meaning (Experiment 1). The groupings were transformed into a matrix of emotional dissimilarity that was analysed through multidimensional scaling methods (MDS). A 3-dimensional space was found to provide a good fit of the data, with arousal and emotional valence as the primary dimensions. Experiments 2 and 3 confirmed the consistency of this 3-dimensional space using excerpts of only 1 (...)
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  33.  40
    Factorial structure of the perception of risk factors for type 2 diabetes scale: exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses.Valmi D. Sousa, Nancy A. Ryan-Wenger, Martha Driessnack & Ala'A. F. Jaber - 2010 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 16 (6):1096-1102.
  34.  18
    Crafting work-nonwork balance involving life domain boundaries: Development and validation of a novel scale across five countries.Philipp Kerksieck, Rebecca Brauchli, Jessica de Bloom, Akihito Shimazu, Miika Kujanpää, Madeleine Lanz & Georg F. Bauer - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Ongoing developments, such as digitalization, increased the interference of the work and nonwork life domains, urging many to continuously manage engagement in respective domains. The COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent home-office regulations further boosted the need for employees to find a good work-nonwork balance, thereby optimizing their health and well-being. Consequently, proactive individual-level crafting strategies for balancing work with other relevant life domains were becoming increasingly important. However, these strategies received insufficient attention in previous research despite their potential relevance for satisfying (...)
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  35.  26
    Measuring Cognitive Abilities in the Wild: Validating a Population‐Scale Game‐Based Cognitive Assessment.Mads Kock Pedersen, Carlos Mauricio Castaño Díaz, Qian Janice Wang, Mario Alejandro Alba-Marrugo, Ali Amidi, Rajiv V. Basaiawmoit, Carsten Bergenholtz, Morten H. Christiansen, Miroslav Gajdacz, Ralph Hertwig, Byurakn Ishkhanyan, Kim Klyver, Nicolai Ladegaard, Kim Mathiasen, Christine Parsons, Janet Rafner, Anders R. Villadsen, Mikkel Wallentin, Blanka Zana & Jacob F. Sherson - 2023 - Cognitive Science 47 (6):e13308.
    Rapid individual cognitive phenotyping holds the potential to revolutionize domains as wide‐ranging as personalized learning, employment practices, and precision psychiatry. Going beyond limitations imposed by traditional lab‐based experiments, new efforts have been underway toward greater ecological validity and participant diversity to capture the full range of individual differences in cognitive abilities and behaviors across the general population. Building on this, we developed Skill Lab, a novel game‐based tool that simultaneously assesses a broad suite of cognitive abilities while providing an engaging (...)
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  36.  60
    Cultural Evolution of Precise and Agreed‐Upon Semantic Conventions in a Multiplayer Gaming App.Olivier Morin, Thomas F. Müller, Tiffany Morisseau & James Winters - 2022 - Cognitive Science 46 (2):e13113.
    The amount of information conveyed by linguistic conventions depends on their precision, yet the codes that humans and other animals use to communicate are quite ambiguous: they may map several vague meanings to the same symbol. How does semantic precision evolve, and what are the constraints that limit it? We address this question using a multiplayer gaming app, where individuals communicate with one another in a scaled-up referential game. Here, the goal is for a sender to use black and white (...)
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  37.  66
    Physical, Logical, and Mental Top-Down Effects.George F. R. Ellis & Markus Gabriel - 2021 - In Jan Voosholz & Markus Gabriel, Top-Down Causation and Emergence. Cham: Springer Verlag. pp. 3-37.
    In this paper, we explore the architecture of downward causation on the basis of three central cases. We set out by answering the question of how top-down causation is possible in the universe. The universe is not causally closed, because of irreducible randomness at the quantum level. What is more, contextual effects can already be observed at the level of quantum physics, where higher levels can modify the nature of lower-level elements by changing their context, or even creating them. As (...)
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  38.  49
    Distinct spatial scale sensitivities for early categorization of faces and places: neuromagnetic and behavioral findings.Bhuvanesh Awasthi, Paul F. Sowman, Jason Friedman & Mark A. Williams - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
  39.  32
    Platonopolis: Platonic Political Philosophy in Late Antiquity (review).Michael F. Wagner - 2005 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 43 (2):205-207.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Platonopolis: Platonic Political Philosophy in Late AntiquityMichael F. WagnerDominic J. O'Meara. Platonopolis: Platonic Political Philosophy in Late Antiquity. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 2003. Pp. xi + 249. Cloth, $55.00.Porphyry tells of Plotinus's failed petition to emperor Gallienus to (re)establish a "city of philosophers" conformed to Plato's laws, named Platonopolis (Vit. Plo.12). O'Meara here articulates primary themes and developments in philosophical political thought in the classical Neoplatonic period, from Plotinus's (...)
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  40. A Semi-Classical Model of the Elementary Process Theory Corresponding to Non-Relativistic Classical Mechanics.Marcoen J. T. F. Cabbolet - 2022 - In And now for something completely different: the Elementary Process Theory. Revised, updated and extended 2nd edition of the dissertation with almost the same title. Utrecht: Eburon Academic Publishers. pp. 255-287.
    Currently there are at least four sizeable projects going on to establish the gravitational acceleration of massive antiparticles on earth. While general relativity and modern quantum theories strictly forbid any repulsive gravity, it has not yet been established experimentally that gravity is attraction only. With that in mind, the Elementary Process Theory (EPT) is a rather abstract theory that has been developed from the hypothesis that massive antiparticles are repulsed by the gravitational field of a body of ordinary matter: the (...)
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  41.  41
    The Joint Effect of Ethical Idealism and Trait Skepticism on Auditors’ Fraud Detection.Inez G. F. Verwey & Stephen K. Asare - 2021 - Journal of Business Ethics 176 (2):381-395.
    Although regulators have identified ethical lapses as a key factor contributing to auditors’ failure to detect their clients’ fraudulent financial reporting, research using ethical theory to examine auditors’ fraud detection remains limited. We provide evidence on the joint effect of ethical idealism and trait skepticism on auditors’ fraud judgments. Ethical idealism reflects an individual’s concern for the welfare of others while trait skepticism reflects an individual’s disposition to validating a proposition. Forsyth theorizes that there is an association between ethical idealism (...)
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  42.  15
    Mālik Bin Nabī (1905-1973): Civilizational Approach to Problems of Muslim World in Context of al-Nahda.Leyla F. Melikova & Меликова Лейла Фуад гызы - 2023 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 27 (2):263-279.
    Article is devoted to research of the views of the Algerian philosopher and Muslim intellectual Mālik Bin Nabī (1905-1973) and reviews his sociological, cultural, historical and philosophical ideas. In his works Mālik Bin Nabī was writing about human society, paying special attention to the reasons for the decline of Muslim civilization and raised the issue of the degree of necessity, ways and forms of perception of its achievements. The author points to the complex approach of the thinker to the problems (...)
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  43.  27
    Wound Healing and Scale Modelling in Zebrafish.V. Volpert, D. Dhouailly, J. Demongeot, N. Bessonov & F. Caraguel - 2016 - Acta Biotheoretica 64 (4):343-358.
    We propose to study the wound healing in Zebrafish by using firstly a differential approach for modelling morphogens diffusion and cell chemotactic motion, and secondly a hybrid model of tissue regeneration, where cells are considered as individual objects and molecular concentrations are described by partial differential equations.
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  44.  37
    A stochastic model for time-ordered dependencies in continuous scale repetitive judgments.Bernard Weiss, Paul D. Coleman & Russel F. Green - 1955 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 50 (4):237.
  45.  63
    Consciousness outside the head.F. Tonneau - 2004 - Behavior and Philosophy 32 (1):97-123.
    Brain-centered theories of consciousness seem to face insuperable difficulties. While some philosophers now doubt that the hard problem of consciousness will ever be solved, others call for radically new approaches to conscious experience. In this article I resurrect a largely forgotten approach to consciousness known as neorealism. According to neorealism, consciousness is merely a part, or cross-section, of the environment. Neorealism implies that all conscious experiences, veridical or otherwise, exist outside of the brain and are wholly independent of being perceived (...)
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  46.  39
    Christian Philosophy in the Twentieth Century. [REVIEW]F. H. - 1972 - Review of Metaphysics 25 (3):555-556.
    The argument of this book is that there is a form of Christian philosophy congruent with the contemporary philosophical climate. According to the author, a philosophy is Christian to the extent that it is elaborated within a Christian Weltanschauung, that is, insofar as its spirit and fundamental contents are guided by Christian revelation and bear the impress of Christian redemption. Christian philosophy is not a single system, but rather a tradition which approaches philosophical problems from a Christian perspective. Within this (...)
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  47.  99
    Short Scales for the Assessment of Personality Traits: Development and Validation of the Portuguese Ten-Item Personality Inventory.Andreia Nunes, Teresa Limpo, César F. Lima & São Luís Castro - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Patients' preferences for receiving clinical information and participating in decision-making in Iran.F. Asghari, A. Mirzazadeh & A. Fotouhi - 2008 - Journal of Medical Ethics 34 (5):348-352.
    Introduction: This study, the first of its kind in Iran, was to assess Iranian patients’ preferences for receiving information and participating in decision-making and to evaluate their satisfaction with how medical information is given to them and with their participation in decision-making at present. Method and materials: 299 of 312 eligible patients admitted to general internal medicine or surgery wards from May to December 2006 were interviewed according to a structured questionnaire. The questionnaire contained questions about patients’ preferences regarding four (...)
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  49. Fröhlich coherence at the mind-brain interface.F. Fröhlich & G. J. Hyland - 1995 - In Joseph King & Karl H. Pribram, Scale in Conscious Experience: Is the Brain Too Important to be Left to the Specialists to Study? Mahwah, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum. pp. 407--38.
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    Temperature evolution of the boson peak and Debye scaling in vitreous B2O3.M. Zanatta, C. Armellini, A. Fontana & F. Rossi - 2011 - Philosophical Magazine 91 (13-15):2028-2033.
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