Results for ' Era Digital'

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  1. La era digital: la legitimación de los medios de comunicación públicos.Francisco Rui Cádima - 2010 - Telos: Cuadernos de Comunicación E Innovación 83:13-23.
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  2. Homo Zappiens: educando na era digital.Leandro Petarnella & Eduardo de Campos Garcia - 2010 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 15 (2):175-179.
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    Televisión en la era digital: homogeneización versus diversidad.Emili Prado - 2002 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 51:45-49.
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    Filosofía para la era digital.Manuel Calvo - 2018 - [Córdoba]: Editorial Almuzara.
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  5. La publicidad en la era digital.Eduardo Madinaveitia Foronda - 2008 - Telos: Cuadernos de Comunicación E Innovación 74:8-9.
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    Dinámicas de Imperialismo y Colonialismo en la Era Digital.Janaína Fernandes Guimarães Polonini - 2024 - Logeion Filosofia da Informação 11 (1):e-7030.
    A investigação apresenta uma reflexão sobre as estratégias de mercado de dados ancoradas no imperialismo e colonialismo na era digital. Discorre a mercantilização de dados de usuários de internet em diferentes plataformas digitais, bem como estratégias de mitigação dessas práticas e estudos sobre o tema. A pesquisa é descritiva, bibliográfica e qualitativa refletindo sobre dados, informação, poder e manipulação da sociedade por meio das plataformas digitais. O levantamento bibliográfico foi realizado no Portal de Periódicos Capes considerando apenas os artigos (...)
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    A Arqueologia na Era Digital: Contexto e tendências.Danny Rangel & Nelson Almeida - 2012 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 1 (2).
    Desde a sua génese, a Arqueologia encontra-se entre as ciências naturais e as ciências sociais e humanísticas. Esta posição partilhada e a procura de uma maior compreensão dos seus objetos de estudo específicos, criou nos profissionais de Arqueologia uma necessidade de recorrerem a várias metodologias (e tecnologias) originárias de outras disciplinas. De forma similar a outras ciências, a Arqueologia é uma área permeável à experimentação e aplicação de conceitos teórico-práticos exógenos que levou, inclusive, à formação de diversas especialidades que unem (...)
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    Configuraciones de la Memoria: Los Archivos En la Era Digital.Pampa Arán & Marcelo Casarin - 2015 - Astrolabio: Nueva Época 15:5-15.
    El trabajo propone revisar una posible articulación entre memoria, archivo y tecnología. Considera estas nociones a la luz de algunos referentes teóricos canónicos y otros contemporáneos, más cercanos a los desafíos actuales. Reflexiona acerca del valor de uso que las denominadas TIC tienen para la construcción y circulación de archivos culturales, públicos o privados, en tanto artefactos visibles de políticas de memoria. Considera los límites de lo archivable, la condición de posibilidad del desarrollo de archivos en la Era Digitaly las (...)
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    En las antípodas de la democracia deliberativa: la propaganda populista en la era digital.Juan Carlos Velasco - 2022 - Dilemata 38:59-67.
    This article considers the extent to which the technological revolution of digital communications increases the flow of contrasted information and favors informed choices among the different alternatives and electoral offers. Common phenomena today in forums and social networks such as disinformation or the rise of forms of propaganda more typical of non-democratic systems - with little or no respect for facts and truth - do not seem to contribute to creating a favorable scenario for public deliberation and the active (...)
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  10. Los documentales en la Era Digital: la democratización de la producción audiovisual.Llorenç Soler - 2013 - Telos: Cuadernos de Comunicación E Innovación 96:93-95.
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    La incertidumbre como antídoto para las desconfianzas e irresponsabilidades patológicas propias de nuestra era digital.Roberto R. Aramayo - 2022 - Dilemata 38:31-43.
    The digital era provides quick access to a lot of data that is often poorly substantiated and frequently designed to disinform or deny evidence that is inconvenient to certain interests. The constant and continuous use of technological devices that provide instant gratification imbues us with a certain arrogance, as if we could fulfill all our desires by sliding our finger across a screen. This relentless immersion in virtual reality blurs the real facts, the veracity of which we come to (...)
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    Desigualdade estrutural de gênero e paridade de participação na era digital.Pamela Pereira Prestupa - 2024 - Logeion Filosofia da Informação 11:e-7381.
    Baseando-se na concepção de justiça de Nancy Fraser, a justiça requer não só redistribuição ou reconhecimento, mas também uma dimensão política de representação. Essa dimensão diz respeito ao poder público, à formação e à aplicação das normas que regem a interação social, determinando os sujeitos, a substância e as fronteiras da justiça. A subordinação estrutural de gênero está intrinsecamente ligada às três esferas de injustiça (redistribuição, reconhecimento e representação). Para tratar da desigualdade de gênero, é necessário falar, inicialmente, da separação (...)
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    Dolor y autoexplotación en la era digital.Dune Valle Jiménez - 2018 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 23 (3).
    En este escrito nos proponemos mostrar la relación estrecha entre la problemática técnica y la vivencia histórica del dolor, propia de la era digital, en la que el sufrimiento es un sentimiento que se intenta negar o disfrazar. Desde nuestra perspectiva comprendemos el dolor como una experiencia fundamental que es importante asumir y vivir de forma cabal pues nos abre de manera originaria al mundo que nos rodea y a nosotros mismos. Para llevar a cabo esta tarea tomaremos en (...)
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  14. Los destinos virtuales de la palabra: el futuro del lenguaje y el libro en la era digital.Rodrigo Argüello G. - 2014 - Colombia: NET Educativa Editorial.
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    A crise da verdade na era digital.Edilson Vilaço Lima - 2024 - Logeion Filosofia da Informação 11:e-7367.
    redes sociais, utilizando as teorias de Jürgen Habermas e Hannah Arendt. Partindo da constituição da esfera pública burguesa, o estudo investiga como as plataformas digitais impactam a formação da opinião pública e a construção da verdade. Com base na teoria da ação comunicativa de Habermas, examina-se a fragmentação da esfera pública digital, onde a deliberação racional e o consenso são prejudicados pela proliferação de informações falsas, polarização ideológica e personalização algorítmica. A análise de Arendt sobre o espaço público como (...)
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    La prensa temprana en la era digital: contexto y recursos.Catherine Poupeney-Hart - 2017 - ÍSTMICA Revista de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras 20:129-146.
    El estudio de la prensa periódica temprana en Hispanoamérica enfrenta al investigador con notables obstáculos debidos al tamaño del material y a su estatuto menor como práctica escritural que hizo que no se preservara en forma íntegra y en condiciones idóneas. Aunque falta mucho para que se generalicen, las operaciones de digitalización que llevan a cabo bibliotecas y archivos suponen una transformación radical de este panorama y unas implicaciones difíciles todavía de apreciar. Se completa un estado provisional y práctico de (...)
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  17. Educar en Argentina de la era digital.Susana Finquelievich & Area de Estudios Urbanos - 2000 - Kairos: A Journal of Rhetoric, Technology, and Pedagogy 7.
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  18. La televisión generalista en la era digital: tendencias internacionales de programación.Emili Prado Pico & Matilde Delgado Reina - 2010 - Telos: Cuadernos de Comunicación E Innovación 84:52-64.
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  19. La apropiación de las tecnologías: cultura juvenil en la era digital.Manuel Castells - 2009 - Telos: Cuadernos de Comunicación E Innovación 81:111-113.
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    Más allá del posthumanismo: antropotécnicas en la era digital.José Ignacio Galparsoro - 2019 - Granada: Editorial Comares.
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  21. Bajo el signo de la integración: Creatividad, innovación y tecnología al servicio de la Publicidad en la era digital.Patricia Corredor - 2010 - Telos: Cuadernos de Comunicación E Innovación 82:65-77.
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    Digital era: from mass media towards a mass of media.Žygintas Pečiulis - 2016 - Filosofija. Sociologija 27 (3).
    We live in a digital era, which can be described in various aspects: the digitalization of analogue information storage, the emergence of web society, the replacement of the vertical mass communication model with horizontal social networks, the decrease in the influence of traditional media. The article deals with the main characteristics of the digital era: interactivity, momentariness, hypertextuality, and convergence. The discussion of social network phenomenon and traditional media crisis serves in revealing the following relevant issues of the (...)
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    O impacto dos arquivos pessoais na historiografia: um estudo de caso sobre o legado de Allan Kardec na era digital.Adriana Gomes & Adair Ribeiro Jr - 2024 - Horizonte 22 (67):226705-226705.
    Este artigo investiga o impacto dos arquivos pessoais na reconfiguração da historiografia, destacando a relevância desses acervos em um contexto de transformações digitais. Baseando-se em reflexões de Derrida e Foucault, questiona a objetividade tradicional. Utilizando o arquivo pessoal de Allan Kardec, o da Sociedade Parisiense de Estudos Espíritas e a _Revista Espírita_ como exemplos, o artigo explora a importância de documentos acessíveis por meio do Projeto Allan Kardec e do Museu Allan Kardec. Online (AKOL). Inicia com discussão teórico-metodológica, analisando a (...)
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    A. Domingo Moratalla (2013). Educación y redes sociales. La autoridad de educar en la era digital. Madrid: Encuentro.María Díaz del Rey - 2015 - SCIO Revista de Filosofía 11:173-176.
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    El perfil del periodista en la era digital: Una aproximación académica para comprender sus desafíos y oportunidades.José Santillán Arruz - 2019 - Cultura 33:87-118.
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  26. La divulgación de la información financiera del sector público nacional y provincial argentino en la era digital.C. Caba, A. M. López & M. P. Rodríguez - 2002 - Enfoques: Sociologia e Antropologia da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro 4:78-93.
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    Enseñanza de la escritura y géneros discursivos en la era digital.Eduardo España Palop - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (6):1-9.
    En este trabajo presentamos los resultados de un proyecto de escritura basado en la escritura de artículos en Wikipedia. Este proyecto fue llevado a cabo con estudiantes universitarios durante el curso 21/22. El proyecto constó de las fases prototípicas de este tipo de trabajo: preparación a la escritura, escritura y reescritura. Durante el proyecto se elaboró una rúbrica de evaluación que es la base que se ha tomado para el análisis de textos. Este análisis ha demostrado que los estudiantes lograron (...)
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    FEENSTRA, Ramón: Ética de la publicidad. Retos en la era digital, 2014.Maria Medina-Vicent - 2015 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 65:186.
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    Reseña de La gestión cultural en la era digital.José María Cuenca López - 2022 - Clío: History and History Teaching 48:480-483.
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  30. PÉREZ GÓMES, Angel I. Educação na era digital: a escola educativa. Trad. Marisa Guedes. Porto Alegre: Penso, 2015, 192p. [REVIEW]Mendes Michel - 2017 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 22 (2):393-400.
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  31. Digital Era Framework. Ein Bezugsrahmen für das Digitale Informationszeitalter.Jörn Lengsfeld - 2019 - 88339 Bad Waldsee, Deutschland:
    Der »Digital Era Framework« ist ein Bezugsrahmen für das digitale Informationszeitalter. Gerichtet an Wissenschaft und Praxis gleichermaßen, bietet das Konzept einen umfassenden Ansatz zur Einordnung und Analyse von Phänomenen des Digitalen Wandels, der Digitalisierung und der Digitalen Transformation. Dem »Digital Era Framework« liegt dabei ein integrierter Ansatz zur Untersuchung des Wandels zugrunde, insofern als Ursprungszustand, Veränderung und Endzustand in einem einheitlichen Schema dargestellt werden können. Der Bezugsrahmen stellt die Information in den Mittelpunkt der Betrachtung und beruht auf zwei (...)
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  32. La función crítica del intelectual foucaultiano: discurso y posverdad en la era digital.Carlota Gómez Herrera - 2023 - In Alberto Dafonte-Gómez & María Isabel Míguez-González (eds.), El fenómeno de la desinformación: reflexiones, casos y propuestas. Dykinson. pp. 130-145.
    La sociedad del siglo XXI ha sufrido una mutación histórica en lo que respecta a los métodos de producción y los impactos derivados de la generación de información. Este período se caracteriza por su inmersión en el entorno digital, donde los individuos, como ciudadanos, se encuentran bajo la manipulación, por un lado, de sus datos mediante técnicas de vigilancia y, por otros, expuestos a cámaras de resonancia mediática. Este panorama plantea desafíos significativos en cuanto a la manera en que (...)
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    The Digital Entrepreneurship Era: How to Motivate Innovativeness in Middle Management Teams? The Vertical Organisational Pervasiveness of Chief Executive Officer Entrepreneurial Orientation.Xu Zhang, Yueyue Liu, Xiulin Geng & Danxia Wei - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Social information processing theory suggests that the chief executive officer’s entrepreneurial orientation is an organisational signal that influences the members’ innovativeness. Middle management teams are expected to be more innovative as they connect senior managers with frontline managers in the dynamic competitive environment of the digital economy. How CEOs guide MMT innovations through EO becomes critical in the process of capturing opportunities and creating value. However, previous research has failed to adequately identify distinct CEO EO manifestations with organisational contexts (...)
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  34. Digital Humanities in the Web 3.0 Era: Introduction.Roberta Padlina - 2024 - Methodos 24 (24).
    The pervasive impact of computers, the Web, and artificial intelligence (AI) technologies on almost every aspect of modern life has become an undeniable reality. We are currently navigating an era often referred to as Web 3.0. While interpretations of this term vary – encompassing concepts such as the Web of Data, the Semantic Web, the Internet of Things, cloud computing, AI, cryptocurrencies, and blockchains – it broadly refers to the widespread integration of digital and computational techn...
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    Youth key persons’ digital discipleship process during the pandemic and post-pandemic era.I. Putu A. Darmawan, Jamin Tanhidy & Yabes Doma - 2024 - HTS Theological Studies 80 (1):8.
    Discipleship is a responsibility of the Church. It is an outlet in which the regeneration of Church leadership to the younger generation is conducted. Before the COVID-19 pandemic, discipleship and mentoring of youth leaders, especially key persons of GKII (Gereja Kemah Injil Indonesia) youth were provided by means of in-person activities. During the pandemic, digital media has been utilised for various church activities, including mentoring these key persons. Hence, this research intends to explore: (1) the method by which key (...)
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    Direitos autorais e cultura da cópia na era digital.Arthur Coelho Bezerra - 2013 - Logos: Comuniação e Univerisdade 20 (2).
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    Self-tracking in the Digital Era: Biopower, Patriarchy, and the New Biometric Body Projects.Rachel Sanders - 2017 - Body and Society 23 (1):36-63.
    This article employs Foucauldian and feminist analytics to advance a critical approach to wearable digital health- and activity-tracking devices. Following Foucault’s insight that the growth of individual capabilities coincides with the intensification of power relations, I argue that digital self-tracking devices (DSTDs) expand individuals’ capacity for self-knowledge and self-care at the same time that they facilitate unprecedented levels of biometric surveillance, extend the regulatory mechanisms of both public health and fashion/beauty authorities, and enable increasingly rigorous body projects devoted (...)
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  38. La era de la ética electrónica-digital. Tierra de todos, tierra de nadie.Eleonora Parra - 2001 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1 (5):165-176.
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    Development of Digital Central Innovation for Robotic VCDLN (DCIRV) in the Artificial Intelligence Era.Deni Darmawan, Etiene Damome, Destiny Tchéhouali, Christine Pascal, Eric Olmedo, Dinn Wahyudin, Jenuri, Wirmanto Suteddy, Ayung Candra Padmasari & Linda Setiawati - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:1286-1294.
    Continuous innovation has been built since 2020 with the development of VCDLN which is intended for developers and users of digital sources widely in Indonesia. This innovation was continued in 2024, with the support of AR and VR Technology based on Artificial Intelligence (AI) developed at the UPI Cibiru Campus. With the support of AR and VR experts, this innovation research product is called DCIRV (Digital Central Innovation for Robotics). This Innovation Research was carried out with a Mix-Method (...)
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    Editorial: Aging in the Digital Era.Carmen Moret-Tatay & Mike Murphy - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:475030.
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    Old by obsolescence: The paradox of aging in the digital era.Joan Llorca Albareda & Pablo García-Barranquero - 2024 - Bioethics 38 (9):755-762.
    Geroscience and philosophy of aging have tended to focus their analyses on the biological and chronological dimensions of aging. Namely, one ages with the passage of time and by experiencing the cellular-molecular deterioration that accompanies this process. However, our concept of aging depends decisively on the social valuations held about it. In this article, we will argue that, if we study social aging in the contemporary world, a novel phenomenon can be identified: the paradox of aging in the digital (...)
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  42. Humanization of education in digital era.Anna Shutaleva - 2019 - Perspektivy Nauki I Obrazovania – Perspectives of Science and Education 42 (6):31-43.
    The relevance of the study is due to the need to transform educational methods and technologies that can satisfy the cognitive, social, and emotional needs of people in the digital world. The modern education system is focused on the implementation of educational strategies that meet high ethical and technical standards. The purpose of the article is the study of humanization as the development direction of education in the digital age. The methodological basis of this study is an understanding (...)
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    Precariedad en la era del trabajo digital.David Muñoz-Rodríguez & Antonio Santos Ortega - 2019 - Recerca.Revista de Pensament I Anàlisi 24 (1):1-13.
    Texto introductorio y de presentación del número monográfico.
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    The End of an Era: from Self-Regulation to Hard Law for the Digital Industry.Luciano Floridi - 2021 - Philosophy and Technology 34 (4):619-622.
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    Assessing digital capability for twin transition and profitability: From firm and people perspectives with leadership support as moderator.Bindu Singh, Anugamini Priya Srivastava, Sheshadri Chatterjee, Pavol Durana & Tomas Kliestik - forthcoming - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility.
    Digital capability encompasses the skills and attitudes that firms and employees need to thrive in the modern digital era. Digital capability of a firm involves the effective adoption and use of modern digital technologies such as Industry 4.0. From the individual perspective, digital capability is referred to as knowledge and skill sets of people which are essential to work in digitally enabled firms. Not many studies have been conducted to assess how digital capability can (...)
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  46. Dissident bodies in the digital era.M. Klonaris & K. Thomadaki - 2002 - Filozofski Vestnik 23 (2):255-269.
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  47. Ethics challenges in the digital era : focus on medical research.Albena Kuyumdzhieva - 2019 - In Zvonimir Koporc (ed.), Ethics and integrity in health and life sciences research. United Kingdom: Emerald Publishing.
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    Ethics for a digital era.Deni Elliott - 2017 - Hoboken: Wiley/Blackwell. Edited by Edward Spence.
    From analog to digital news -- A new paradigm for news -- Legacy news organizations move from analog to digital -- Intellectual property and information sharing -- Citizen responsibility in the digital era -- Thinking through ethical issues in digital journalism -- DOIT, a process for normative analysis -- Issues in convergent journalism -- Privacy and disclosure -- Deception in sourcing and presentation -- Media corruption -- Using the virtual world to create a better physical world (...)
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    Truth as social practice in a digital era: iteration as persuasion.Clare L. E. Foster - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-15.
    This article reflects on the problem of false belief produced by the integrated psychological and algorithmic landscape humans now inhabit. Following the work of scholars such as Lee McIntyre (Post-Truth, MIT Press, 2018) or Cailin O’Connor and James Weatherall (The Misinformation Age: How False Beliefs Spread, Yale University Press, 2019) it combines recent discussions of fake news, post-truth, and science denialism across the disciplines of political science, computer science, sociology, psychology, and the history and philosophy of science that variously address (...)
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    Netiquette rules in online learning through the lens of digital citizenship scale in the post-corona era.Tahani Al-Khatib - 2023 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 21 (2):181-201.
    Purpose This study aims to investigate the trending term: “Netiquette” as an important element in the effective digital citizenship. The research suggests a systematic framework of netiquette rules in the field of online education based on the classical core rules of netiquette and according to the digital citizenship scale (DCS). The research also studies the corresponding responsibilities of both educators and students to raise awareness towards using technology in a balanced, safe, smart and ethical way as the shift (...)
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