Results for ' Engelism'

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  1.  11
    Friedrich Engels' Briefwechsel mit Karl Kautsky: 2., durch die Briefe Karl Kautskys Vervollstandigte Ausg. von "aus der Fruhzeit des Marxismus".Friedrich Engels & Karl Kautsky - 1955 - Danubia-Verlag.
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  2. Friedrich Engels' "Dialektik der Natur" in den Geistigen Kämpfen Unserer Zeit -- Zur Edition in der Mega.Horst Büttner, Brigitte Fischer & Friedrich Engels - 1986 - Kulturbund der Ddr.
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    Engel, Bernhard Carl. Schiller als Denker.Bernhard Carl Engel - 1908 - Kant Studien 13 (1-3).
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    Engels on Capital: Synopsis, Reviews, Letters and Supplementary Material.Friedrich Engels & Leonard Emil Mins - 1974 - Lawrence & Wishart.
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  5. Where’s the action? The pragmatic turn in cognitive science.Andreas K. Engel, Alexander Maye, Martin Kurthen & Peter König - 2013 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 17 (5):202-209.
  6. The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State.Friedrich Engels - 2010 - Penguin Books.
    The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State (1884), was a provocative and profoundly influential critique of the Victorian nuclear family. Engels argued that the traditional monogamous household was in fact a recent construct, closely bound up with capitalist societies. Under this patriarchal system, women were servants and, effectively, prostitutes. Only Communism would herald the dawn of communal living and a new sexual freedom and, in turn, the role of the state would become superfluous.
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  7. Marx/Engels Collected Works, Vol. 5.Karl Marx & Friedrich Engels - 1975 - International Publishers.
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    The Pragmatic Turn: Toward Action-Oriented Views in Cognitive Science.Andreas K. Engel, Karl J. Friston & Danica Kragic (eds.) - 2016 - MIT Press.
    Cognitive science is experiencing a pragmatic turn away from the traditional representation-centered framework toward a view that focuses on understanding cognition as "enactive." This enactive view holds that cognition does not produce models of the world but rather subserves action as it is grounded in sensorimotor skills. In this volume, experts from cognitive science, neuroscience, psychology, robotics, and philosophy of mind assess the foundations and implications of a novel action-oriented view of cognition. Their contributions and supporting experimental evidence show that (...)
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  9. Dynamics of Social Change: A Reader in Marxist Social Science from the Writings of Marx, Engels and Lenin. Marx, Engels, Lenin, Howard Selsam, David Goldway & Harry Martel - 1972 - Science and Society 36 (2):238-239.
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    Truth.Pascal Engel - 2002 - Routledge.
    In this critical introduction to contemporary philosophical issues in the theory of truth Pascal Engel provides clear and authoritative exposition of recent and current ideas while providing original perspectives that advances discussion of the key issues. This book begins with a presentation of the classical conceptions of truth - the correspondence theory, the coherence theory and verificationist and pragmatist accounts - before examining so-called minimalist and deflationist conceptions that deny truth can be anything more than a thin concept holding no (...)
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  11. Personal and doxastic justification in epistemology.Mylan Engel - 1992 - Philosophical Studies 67 (2):133-150.
  12. Doxastic Correctness.Pascal Engel - 2013 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 87 (1):199-216.
    Normative accounts of the correctness of belief have often been misconstrued. The norm of truth for belief is a constitutive norm which regulates our beliefs through ideals of reason. I try to show that this kind of account can meet some of the main objections which have been raised against normativism about belief: that epistemic reasons enjoy no exclusivity, that the norm of truth does not guide, and that normativism cannot account for suspension of judgement.
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    Herrn Eugen Dührings Umwälzung der Wissenschaft (Großdruck): (»Anti-Dühring«).Friedrich Engels & Conrad Schmidt - 1928 - Dietz Nachfolger G.M.B.H.
    Friedrich Engels: Herrn Eugen Dührings Umwälzung der Wissenschaft. (Anti-Dühring) Lesefreundlicher Großdruck in 16-pt-Schrift Großformat, 210 x 297 mm Berliner Ausgabe, 2019 Durchgesehener Neusatz mit einer Biographie des Autors bearbeitet und eingerichtet von Theodor Borken Erstdruck in: Vorwärts (Leipzig), 3.1.1877 - 7.7.1878. Erste Buchausgabe, Leipzig 1878. Der Text folgt der letzten von Engels durchgesehenen und vermehrten Ausgabe, Stuttgart (J.H.W. Dietz) 1894. Textgrundlage ist die Ausgabe: Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels: Werke. Herausgegeben vom Institut für Marxismus-Leninismus beim ZK der SED, 43 Bände, Band (...)
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  14. Belief and the right kind of reason.Pascal Engel - 2013 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 32 (3):19-34.
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  15. Anti-dühring.Friedrich Engels - unknown
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    The holy family.Friedrich Engels - 1956 - Moscow,: Foreign Languages Pub. House. Edited by Karl Marx.
    FROM THE INSTITUTE OF MARXISM-LENINISM The Holy Family, or Critique of Critical Critique. Against Bruno Bauer and C0. is the first joint work of Karl Marx and Frederick Engels. At the end of August 1844 Marx and Engels met in Paris ...
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    Dialectics of nature.Friedrich Engels - 1964 - Moscow,: Progress Publishers. Edited by C. P. Dutt.
  18. Belief and normativity.Pascal Engel - 2007 - Disputatio 2 (23):179-203.
    The thesis that mental content is normative is ambiguous and has many forms. This article deals only with the thesis that normativity is connected to our mental attitudes rather than with the content of the attitudes, and more specifically with the view that it is connected to belief. A number of writers have proposed various versions of a ‘norm of truth’ attached to belief. I examine various versions of this claim, and defend it against recent criticisms according to which this (...)
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    From In-Itself to Practico-Inert.Kimberly S. Engels - 2018 - Sartre Studies International 24 (1):48-69.
    This article focuses on Sartre’s concept of the practicoinert in his major work A Critique of Dialectical Reason, Vol. 1. I first show the progression from Sartre’s previous conception of in-itself to his concept of practico-inert. I identify five different layers of the practico-inert: human-made objects, language, ideas, social objects and class being. I show how these practico-inert layers form the possibilities for our subjectivity and how this represents a change from Sartre’s view of in-itself in Being and Nothingness. I (...)
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  20. Believing and Accepting.Pascal Engel (ed.) - 2000 - Kluwer Academic Publishers.
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  21. The creative imagination: Enlightenment to Romanticism.James Engell - 1981 - Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
    In a work of astonishing intellectual range, James Engell traces the evolution of the creative imagination, from its emergence in British empirical thought through its flowering in Romantic art and literature. The notion of a creative imagination, Engell shows, was the most powerful and important development of the eighteenth century. It grew simultaneously in literature, criticism, philosophy, psychology, religion, and science, attracting such diverse minds as Hobbes, Addison, Gerard, Goethe, Kant, and Coleridge. Indeed, rather than discussing merely the abstract notion (...)
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  22. Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels Selected Letters : The Personal Correspondence, 1844- 1877.Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels & Fritz Joachim Raddatz - 1981
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  23. Is epistemic luck compatible with knowledge?Mylan Engel - 1992 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 30 (2):59-75.
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    Feministische Theorie - Philosophie - Universität.Maja Pellikaan-Engel - 1990 - Die Philosophin 1 (1):101-102.
  25. The clinical application of the biopsychosocial model.George L. Engel - 1980 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 6 (2):101-124.
    How physicians approach patients and the problems they present is much influenced by the conceptual models around which their knowledge is organized. In this paper the implications of the biopsychosocial model for the study and care of a patient with an acute myocardial infarction are presented and contrasted with approaches used by adherents of the more traditional biomedical model. CiteULike Connotea What's this?
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  26. The Immorality of Eating Meat.Mylan Engel - 2000 - Chapter in The Moral Life:856-889.
    Unlike other ethical arguments for veganism, the argument advanced is not predicated on the wrongness of speciesism, nor does it depend on your believing that all animals are equal or that all animals have a right to life, nor is it predicated on some highly contentious metaethical theory which you reject. Rather, it is predicated on your beliefs. Simply put, the argument shows that even those of you who are steadfastly committed to valuing humans over nonhumans are nevertheless committed to (...)
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  27. Arkhiv Marksa I Engel Sa.Karl Marx & Friedrich Engels - 1932 - Partiinoe Izd-Vo.
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    Karl Marx and Friederick Engels Correspondence 1846-1895: A Selection with Commentary and Notes.Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels & Dona Torr - 1936 - New York: International Publishers.
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  29. Believing, holding true, and accepting.Pascal Engel - 1998 - Philosophical Explorations 1 (2):140 – 151.
    Belief is not a unified phenomenon. In this paper I argue, as a number of other riters argue, that one should distinguish a variety of belief-like attitudes: believing proper - a dispositional state which can have degrees - holding true - which can occur without understanding what one believes - and accepting - a practical and contextual attitude that has a role in deliberation and in practical reasoning. Acceptance itself is not a unified attitude. I explore the various relationships and (...)
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    Trois conceptions de la connaissance littéraire : cognitive, affective, pratique.Pascal Engel - 2013 - Philosophiques 40 (1):121.
    Pascal Engel | : À partir d’une typologie des formes de connaissance, je soutiens qu’il y a trois formes principales de connaissance littéraire : cognitive propositionnelle, affective et pratique. La conception propositionnelle est erronée : la littérature ne fournit pas directement une forme de savoir que. La conception affective ou expressiviste peut au mieux dire qu’il y a des effets cognitifs des oeuvres littéraires. La conception pratique a le plus de chances d’être correcte, mais seulement si l’on accepte l’idée que (...)
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    (1 other version)Binding and the neural correlates of consciousness.Andreas K. Engel & Wolf Singer - 2000 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 5 (1):16-25.
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    Socialism: Utopian and scientific.Friedrich Engels - unknown
  33. Temporal binding, binocular rivalry, and consciousness.Andreas K. Engel, Pascal Fries, Peter König, Michael Brecht & Wolf Singer - 1999 - Consciousness and Cognition 8 (2):128-51.
    Cognitive functions like perception, memory, language, or consciousness are based on highly parallel and distributed information processing by the brain. One of the major unresolved questions is how information can be integrated and how coherent representational states can be established in the distributed neuronal systems subserving these functions. It has been suggested that this so-called ''binding problem'' may be solved in the temporal domain. The hypothesis is that synchronization of neuronal discharges can serve for the integration of distributed neurons into (...)
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    Sex Differences in Early Embryogenesis: Inter‐Chromosomal Regulation Sets the Stage for Sex‐Biased Gene Networks.Nora Engel - 2018 - Bioessays 40 (9):1800073.
    Sex‐specific transcriptional and epigenomic profiles are detectable in the embryo very soon after fertilization. I propose that in male (XY) and female (XX) pre‐implantation embryos sex chromosomes establish sexually dimorphic interactions with the autosomes, before overt differences become apparent and long before gonadogenesis. Lineage determination restricts expression biases between the sexes, but the epigenetic differences are less constrained and can be perpetuated, accounting for dimorphisms that arise later in life. In this way, sexual identity is registered in the epigenome very (...)
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  35. Dispositional belief, assent, and acceptance.Pascal Engel - 1999 - Dialectica 53 (3-4):211–226.
    I discuss Ruth Marcus' conception of beliefs as dispositional states related to possible states of affaires. While I agree with Marcus that this conception accounts for the necessary distinction between belief and linguistic assent, I argue that the relationship between dispositional beliefs and our assent attitudes is more complex, and should include other mental states, such as acceptances, which, although they contain voluntary elements, are further layers of dispositional doxastic attitudes.
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    Pascal Engel. Publications.Pascal Engel - 2017 - Philosophia Scientiae 21:209-234.
    Livres [1] P. Engel, Identité et référence, la théorie des noms propres chez Frege et Kripke, Paris : Presses de l’École normale supérieure. [2] P. Engel, La Norme du vrai, philosophie de la logique, Paris : Gallimard, 3e éd. [3] P. Engel, The Norm of Truth, An Introduction to the Philosophy of Logic, New York : Harvester Wheatsheaf. Traduction en anglais de [2] par P. Engel & M. Kochan. [4] P. Engel, États d’esprit, questions de philosophie de l’esprit, Aix-en-Pro...
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  37. (1 other version)Continental Insularity: Contemporary French Analytical Philosophy.Pascal Engel - 1987 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Lectures 21:1-19.
    The author recalls some of the reasons why analytical philosophy has been foreign to contemporary fre philosophical tradition. Presenting some recent work by contemporary fre philosophers influenced by analytic philosophy, He shows that most of them share the view that philosophy is a kind of transcendental inquiry on the nature and limits of language, And that recent trends in analytical philosophy, Such as scientific realism and "naturalised epistemology" are not well represented in france.
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    The condition of the working-class in England in 1844.Friedrich Engels - 2009 - Cambridge University Press.
    Frederich Engels (1820-1895) was a German businessman and political theorist renowned as one of the intellectual founders of communism. In 1842 Engels was sent to Manchester to oversee his father's textile business, and he lived in the city until 1844. This volume, first published in German in 1845, contains his classic and highly influential account of working-class life in Manchester at the height of its industrial supremacy. Engels' highly detailed descriptions of urban conditions and contrasts between the different classes in (...)
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  39. In what sense is knowledge the Norm of assertion?Pascal Engel - 2008 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 77 (1):45-59.
    The knowledge account of assertion (KAA) is the view that assertion is governed by the norm that the speaker should know what s/he asserts. It is not the purpose of this article to examine all the criticisms nor to try to give a full defence of KAA, but only to defend it against the charge of being normatively incorrect. It has been objected that assertion is governed by other norms than knowledge, or by no norm at all. It seems to (...)
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  40. With Good Reason: An Introduction to Informal Fallacies.S. Morris Engel - 1994 - New York: St. Martin's Press.
    A concise, easy-to-read introduction to informal logic, "With Good Reason" offers both comprehensive coverage of informal fallacies and an abundance of engaging examples of both well-conceived and faulty arguments. A long-time favorite of both students and instructors, the text continues in its sixth edition to provide an abundance of exercises that help students identify, correct, and avoid common errors in argumentation.
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    The norm of truth: an introduction to the philosophy of logic.Pascal Engel - 1991 - Buffalo: University of Toronto Press.
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    An essay on the circulation as behavior.Bernard T. Engel - 1986 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 9 (2):285-295.
    Most conceptual models of the organization of the cardiovascular system begin with the premise that the nervous system regulates the metabolic and nonmetabolic reflex adjustments of the circulation. These models assume that all the neurally mediated responses of the circulation are reactive, i.e., reflexes elicited by adequate stimuli. This target article suggests that the responses of the circulation are conditional in three senses. First, as Sherrington argued, reflexes are conditional in that they never operate in a vacuum but in a (...)
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  43. Sosa on the normativity of belief.Pascal Engel - 2013 - Philosophical Studies 166 (3):617-624.
    Sosa takes epistemic normativity to be kind of performance normativity: a belief is correct because a believer sets a positive value to truth as an aim and performs aptly and adroitly. I object to this teleological picture that beliefs are not performances, and that epistemic reasons or beliefs cannot be balanced against practical reasons. Although the picture fits the nature of inquiry, it does not fit the normative nature of believing, which has to be conceived along distinct lines.
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  44. Proceedings of the Seminar on G.W. Friedrich Hegel & Friedrich Engels, National Auditorium, 27-29 November 1970.Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel & Friedrich Engels (eds.) - 1971 - Calcutta,: Indo-GDR Friendship Society.
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  45. Briefwechsel [Zwischen] Karl Marx [Und] Friedrich Engels.Karl Marx & Friedrich Engels - 1949 - Dietz Verlag.
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  46. Epistemic responsibility without epistemic agency.Pascal Engel - 2009 - Philosophical Explorations 12 (2):205 – 219.
    This article discusses the arguments against associating epistemic responsibility with the ordinary notion of agency. I examine the various 'Kantian' views which lead to a distinctive conception of epistemic agency and epistemic responsibility. I try to explain why we can be held responsible for our beliefs in the sense of obeying norms which regulate them without being epistemic agents.
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  47. (1 other version)Epistemic Luck.Mylan Engel Jr - 2010 - In Jonathan Dancy, Ernest Sosa & Matthias Steup, A companion to epistemology, second edition. Blackwell. pp. 336-340.
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    Who Are Democratic Ecological Citizens?Engel Joan Gibb - 2012 - Hastings Center Report 28 (6):23-30.
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    The many faces of amphiboly.S. Morris Engel - 1989 - Metaphilosophy 20 (3-4):347-355.
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    Understanding, finally, what it is to ?Beg the question?S. Morris Engel - 1991 - Metaphilosophy 22 (3):251-264.
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