Results for ' Durkheim, Réception, malentendus, pragmatisme, Royce, historisme, Troeltsch, universalisme moral'

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  1.  25
    Réplique.Hans Joas - 2022 - ThéoRèmes 17 (17).
    Joas revisits certain moments in the reception of his work, specifies the overall project to which The Power of the Sacred belongs - conceived as the first part of a triptych - and regrets that the live discussion could not take place due to the pandemic. He agrees with the overall perspective and the content of what Tétaz puts forward in the introduction to the dossier. He expresses his interest in Gonzalez's text, while stressing that what Gonzalez points out is (...)
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    Concepts, habitudes et le pragmatisme mal entendu.Matteo Santarelli - 2022 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 147 (4):491-508.
    La critique de la philosophie de William James qu’Émile Durkheim développe dans Pragmatisme et sociologie est examinée selon deux aspects : 1) le désaccord entre James et Durkheim sur le problème des concepts et de la conceptualisation ; 2) l’échec presque total de Durkheim à considérer le thème le plus proprement sociologique du travail de James : sa théorie de l’ habit (ou habitude). Dans les deux cas, référence est faite au rôle joué (et parfois non joué) dans la critique (...)
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    Platonic Myths and Straussian Lies: The Logic of Persuasion.Kenneth Royce Moore - 2009 - Polis 26 (1):89-115.
    This article undertakes to examine the reception of Platonic theories of falsification in the contemporary philosophy of Leo Strauss and his adherents. The aim of the article is to consider the Straussian response to, and interaction with, Platonic ideas concerning deception and persuasion with an emphasis on the arguments found in the Laws. The theme of central interest in this analysis is Plato’s development of paramyth in the Laws. Paramyth entails the use of rhetorical language in order to persuade the (...)
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    L'historisme en question: généalogie, débats et réception: 1800-1930.Servanne Jollivet - 2013 - Paris: Honoré Champion éditeur.
    Portée par une histoire mouvementée, la notion d’historisme (historicisme) constitue une voie d’entrée privilégiée pour éclairer la réflexivité nouvelle qui affecte en profondeur la philosophie et, plus généralement, les sciences humaines au cours des deux derniers siècles. Au fil d’une histoire conceptuelle retraçant son émergence et ses différents transferts – en jurisprudence, histoire, théologie, économie, sociologie – cet ouvrage vise à éclairer la réception philosophique de l’historisme, de Nietzsche, Dilthey à Husserl, en passant par le néo-kantisme (Windelband, Simmel, Rickert, Weber, (...)
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    Josiah Royce: pragmatist, ethicist, philosopher of religion.Christoph Seibert & Christian Polke (eds.) - 2021 - Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.
    Josiah Royce was undoubtedly one of the most interesting thinkers of classical American philosophy in the transition from the 19th to the 20th century. His works cover a wide range of subjects from psychology and issues of social philosophy to metaphysics. Surrounded by philosophers such as William James or Charles Sanders Peirce, Royce developed a concept of pragmatism which he himself called "absolute pragmatism" and which was centred around a theory of community. The essays in this edited volume deal with (...)
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  6. Durkheim's sociology of moral facts.Sociology of Moral Durkheim’S. - 1993 - In Stephen P. Turner, Emile Durkheim: sociologist and moralist. New York: Routledge.
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    Pragmatisme Et Sociologie.Emile Durkheim - 2019 - Librairie Philosophique J Vrin.
    A l'epoque ou le pragmatisme se presente comme la seule theorie de la verite existante, Emile Durkheim propose, dans ce cours inedit prononce a la Sorbonne en 1913-1914, de s'interroger sur les rapports que cette pensee entretient avec la sociologie et la philosophie. Se demarquant d'emblee des theses majeures du pragmatisme, Durkheim n'en reconnait pas moins la puissance critique a l'egard du rationalisme, et insiste sur les enjeux qui naissent d'une telle confrontation. Si l'ensemble de la tradition philosophique et de (...)
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  8. La Métaphysique de Royce, avec un appendice de texts, publiée et préfacée par Miklos Vetö (review). [REVIEW]Dwayne Alexander Tunstall - 2006 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 42 (4):582-585.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:La Métaphysique de Royce, avec un appendice de texts, publiée et préfacée par Miklos VetöDwayne Alexander TunstallGabriel Marcel La Métaphysique de Royce, avec un appendice de texts, publiée et préfacée par Miklos Vetö Paris L'Hartmattan, 2005xix + 250 pp.Gabriel Marcel's La Métaphysique de Royce (MR) is the most influential Continental interpretation of Josiah Royce's philosophy. Moreover, Marcel's monograph-length study of Royce's metaphysics remains the only significant work on (...)
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    Emile Durkheim on Morality and Society.Emile Durkheim - 1973 - University of Chicago Press.
    Selections from Durkheim's writings focus on the nature of his conception of society and its moral context.
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  10. (1 other version)Professional ethics and civic morals.Emile Durkheim - 1957 - New York: Routledge.
    In Professional Ethics and Civic Morals , Emile Durkheim outlined the core of his theory of morality and social rights which was to dominate his work throughout the course of his life. In Durkheim's view, sociology is a science of morals which are objective social facts, and these moral regulations form the basis of individual rights and obligations. This book is crucial to an understanding of Durkheim's sociology because it contains his much-neglected theory of the state as a (...) institution, and it provides an understanding of his critique of anomie and egoistic individualism. The growing interest in cultural revolution and moral regulation make this edition of Durkheim's classic work especially timely. The new preface by Bryan Turner sets the book in its intellectual and historical context, and illustrates the relevance of this work to present day debates on the state, society, and moral regulation. (shrink)
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    Ethics and the sociology of morals.Emile Durkheim - 1993 - Buffalo, N.Y.: Prometheus Books. Edited by Robert T. Hall.
    Emile Durkheim (1858-1917) was one of the founders of modern sociology. Ethics and the Sociology of Morals (La science positive de la morale en Allemagne) laid the foundation for Durkheim's future work. More than a review of current thought, it was a proclamation that ethics needed to be liberated from its philosophical bondage and developed as a distinct branch of sociology. Written when Durkheim was charting the course of his own research, it provides a unique key to the interpretation of (...)
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  12. L'Éducation morale.E. Durkheim & P. Fauconnet - 1927 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 34 (1):1-4.
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    The basic writings of Josiah Royce.Josiah Royce, John J. Mcdermott & Ignas K. Skrupskelis - 1969 - Chicago,: University of Chicago Press. Edited by John J. McDermott & Kęstutis Skrupskelis.
    Now back in print, and in paperback, these two classic volumes illustrate the scope and quality of Royce'sthought, providing the most comprehensive selection ofhis writings currently available. They offer a detailedpresentation of the viable relationship Royce forgedbetween the local experience of community and thedemands of a philosophical and scientific vision ofthe human situation.The selections reprinted here are basic to any understandingof Royce's thought and its pressing relevanceto contemporary cultural, moral, and religious issues.
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    Process and product in moral education.R. J. Royce - 1983 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 17 (1):73–83.
    R J Royce; Process and Product in Moral Education, Journal of Philosophy of Education, Volume 17, Issue 1, 30 May 2006, Pages 73–83,
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  15. A discussion on the effectiveness of moral doctrines.Émile Durkheim - 1979 - In W. S. F. Pickering, Durkheim: essays on morals and education. Boston: Routledge & Kegan Paul. pp. 129--139.
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  16. La détermination du fait moral.E. Durkheim - 1905 - Société Française de Philosophie, Bulletin 6:113.
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  17. Moral education.Emile Durkheim - 1925 - Free Press.
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    Pragmatisme et sociologie: cours inédit prononcé à la Sorbonne en 1913-1914 et restitué.Emile Durkheim & Armand Cuvillier - 1955 - J. Vrin.
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  19. Pragmatisme et sociologie, Cours inédit prononcé à la Sorbonne en 1913-1914 et restitué d'après des notes d'étudiants.Émile Durkheim & Armand Cuvillier - 1955 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 10 (4):741-742.
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  20. The teaching of morality in primary schools.E. Durkheim - 1995 - Journal of Moral Education 24 (1):26-36.
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  21. Pragmatisme et sociologie. E. Durkheim & D'A. Cuvillier - 1958 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 148:536-537.
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    Durkheim et l'éducation.Jean-Claude Filloux & Émile Durkheim - 1994 - Presses Universitaires de France - PUF.
    Emile Durkheim est essentiellement connu comme l'un des pères fondateurs de la sociologie moderne. Fondée sur l'analyse structuro-fonctionnaliste des systèmes sociaux, son œuvre pédagogique reste importante et toujours valable. L'éducation, " socialisation méthodique de la jeune génération ", implique une pédagogie désormais attentive aux valeurs intellectuelles et morales que le maître a mission de promouvoir. L'analyse sociologique et psychologique de la fonction du maître que propose Durkheim est située ainsi dans le cadre d'une conception des systèmes éducatifs possédant une " (...)
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    Introduction à la morale.Marcel Mauss & Émile Durkheim - 1920 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 89:79 - 97.
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    Classical social theory and modern society: Marx, Durkheim, Weber.Edward Cary Royce - 2015 - Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield.
    Classical Social Theory and Modern Society introduces students to Marx, Durkheim, and Weber. After surveying the historical context in which they wrote, the book provides an overview of each thinker, then places them in dialogue with each other on four issues that remain relevant to life in today's modern world.
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    On Certain Psychological Aspects of Moral Training.Josiah Royce - 1892 - International Journal of Ethics 3 (4):413.
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  26. On certain Psychological Aspects of Moral Training.J. Royce - 1893 - Philosophical Review 2:614.
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    The religious philosophy of Josiah Royce.Josiah Royce - 1976 - Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press.
    The possibility of error.--Individuality and freedom.--The temporal and the eternal.--The conception of immortality.--Loyalty and religion.--The idea of the universal community.--The moral burden of the individual.--The realm of grace.--Time and guilt.--Atonement.
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    The World and the Individual: Gifford Lectures Delivered Before the University of Aberdeen. 2D Series: Nature, Man, and the Moral Order.Josiah Royce - 2018 - Sagwan Press.
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work. This work is in the public domain (...)
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    Religion et histoire: esquisses philosophiques et théologiques.Ernst Troeltsch - 1990 - Labor et Fides.
    Philosophie de la religion; L'édification de l'histoire de la culture européenne; La crise de l'historisme; De la contingence des vérités historiques; Droit naturel et humanité dans la politique mondiale. [SDM].
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    Morale professionnelle: Trois leçons extraites d'un cours d'émile Durkheim, de morale civique et professionnelle (1898-1900). [REVIEW]Marcel Mauss & Émile Durkheim - 1937 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 44 (3):527 - 544.
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    Morality and Behaviour in Democratic Athens - Herman Morality and Behaviour in Democratic Athens: a Social History. Pp. xxii + 472, figs, ills, maps. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006. Cased, £73, US$141 . ISBN: 978-0-521-85021-6. [REVIEW]Kenneth Royce Moore - 2011 - The Classical Review 61 (2):530-532.
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    The world and the individual.Josiah Royce - 1959 - New York,: Dover Publications.
    1st ser. The four historical conceptions of being.--2d ser. Nature, man, and the moral order.
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  33. (1 other version)The philosophy of loyalty.Josiah Royce - 1908 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 16 (6):8-9.
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    Représentations individuelles et représentations collectives.Emile Durkheim - 1898 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 6 (3):273 - 302.
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  35. The dualism of human nature and its social conditions.Emile Durkheim & Greg Yudin - 2013 - Russian Sociological Review 12 (2):133-144.
    This paper briefly summarizes Durkheim’s theory of the dual nature of man suggested earlier in his Elementary Forms of Religious Life. It is characteristic of human beings that two opposite principles confront each other within them: soul and body, concept and sensation, moral activity and sensory appetites. Although this inherent inconsistency of man has been long recognized by philosophical thought, no doctrine explanation to it has been provided to date. While empiricist monism has proved to be unable to explain (...)
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  36. Education et Sociologie.Emile Durkheim & P. Fauconnet - 1923 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 30 (4):4-5.
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  37. Le système de Descartes.O. Hamelin, L. Robin & Émile Durkheim - 1911 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 19 (1):1-2.
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    Suicide et natalité: Étude de statistique morale.Emile Durkheim - 1888 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 26:446 - 463.
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  39. Représentations individuelles et Représentations collectives. E. Durkheim - 1898 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 6:273-302.
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  40. Loyalty to Loyalty: Josiah Royce and the Genuine Moral Life.Mathew A. Foust - 2012 - New York: Fordham University Press.
    As a virtue, loyalty has an ambiguous place in our thinking about moral judgments. We lauded the loyalty of firefighters who risked their lives to save others on 9/11 while condemning the loyalty of those who perpetrated the catastrophe. Responding to such uneasiness and confusion, Loyalty to Loyalty contributes to ongoing conversation about how we should respond to conflicts in loyalty in a pluralistic world. The lone philosopher to base an ethical theory on the virtue of loyalty is Josiah (...)
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    Concerning a Moral Duty to Cheat in Games.Richard Royce - 2012 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 6 (3):323-335.
    Stimulated by Hugh Upton's recent article in this journal, in which he argues that there can be a moral duty to cheat in games, I attempt to examine his claims. Much of what he writes revolves around examples from two sports, cricket and rugby, and with differing connections to those games' rules. While the example from cricket is said to involve a breach of the spirit of that game, it is contravention of the written rules of rugby on which (...)
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  42. Jugements.E. Durkheim - 1911 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 19:437-453.
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    Sociologie religieuse et théorie de la connaissance.Émile Durkheim - 1909 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 17 (6):733 - 758.
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  44. Durkheim's "cult of the individual" and the moral reconstitution of society.Charles E. Marske - 1987 - Sociological Theory 5 (1):1-14.
    The significance of Durkheim's lifelong concern with the development of individualism in society is undeniable. Beginning with his critique of the pathological egoistic individualism of Herbert Spencer and the English utilitarians, Durheim's analysis of individualism culminates in his notion of the "cult of the individual". Originally conceptualized as neither a true social bond nor a possible basis of social solidarity, individualism is eventually seen by Durkheim as the sole surviving form of mechanical solidarity in modern society. In attempting to explain (...)
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    Curso sobre a Origem da Vida Religiosa (1907).Geovane Campanher dos Santos, Fabiano Victor de Oliveira Campos, Rodrigo Coppe Caldeira & Émile Durkheim - 2024 - Horizonte 22 (69):226816-226816.
    Este projeto terá como premissa, traduzir os ensaios publicados entre 1887-1914 que tratam acerca da temática do _fato religioso_ e seus desdobramentos específicos na configuração das sociedades; leia-se aqui, desde seus fundamentos mais gerais até sua intrínseca correlação com o dinâmica da _moral_ (condição ultíssima para a determinação modal das _consciências coletivas_, e respectivamente, suas _solidariedades_). Com efeito, a primeira publicação que faremos será o _Curso sobre as Origens da Vida Religiosa _(1907), no qual Durkheim pretende estabelecer as definições essenciais (...)
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  46. Loyalty to Loyalty: Josiah Royce and the Genuine Moral Life By Matthew Foust.Claudio Viale - 2013 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 49 (1):117-120.
    In Loyalty to Loyalty: Josiah Royce and the Genuine Moral Life, Matthew Foust richly examines the nature of a controversial virtue: loyalty. It is well known that for Royce loyalty was not only a fundamental moral concept but an anthropological one since, in his view, loyalty to a cause allows individuals to become selves, creatures with unity of purpose in life. However, this ground level of loyalty is not the only one existing for him. Simultaneously to a particular (...)
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  47. Introduction to ethics.E. Durkheim - 1979 - In W. S. F. Pickering, Durkheim: essays on morals and education. Boston: Routledge & Kegan Paul. pp. 79--96.
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  48. L'Allemagne au-dessus de tout.E. Durkheim - 1914 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 22 (6):3-4.
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    On Certain Psychological Aspects of Moral Training.Josiah Royce - 1893 - International Journal of Ethics 3 (4):413-436.
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    Conférences générales.Émile Boutroux, E. Durkheim, P. Langevin & Hermann De Keyserling - 1911 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 19 (4):417 - 479.
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