  1.  5
    Biathanatos.John Donne & Ernest W. Sullivan - 1984
    "College" is a word that means many things to many people: a space for knowledge, a place to gain lifelong friends, and an opportunity to transcend one's socioeconomic station. Today, though, this word also recalls a slew of headlines that have revealed a dark and persistent world of racial politics on campus. Does this association disturb our idealized visions of what happens behind the ivied walls of higher learning? It should - because campus racism on college campuses is as American (...)
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  2. Biathanatos. A Declaration of That Paradoxe, or Thesis, That Self-Homicide is Not so Naturally Sin That It May Never Be Otherwise. Wherein the Nature, and the Extent of All Those Lawes, Which Seeme to Be Violated by This Act, Are Diligently Surveyed.John Donne & Humphrey Moseley - 1648 - Printed for Humphrey Moseley,.
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    Four Metaphysical Poets: An Anthology of Poetry by Donne, Herbert, Marvell, and Vaughan.John Donne & Richard Wilmott - 1985
    Concentrating on the major works of Dofine, Marvell, Vaughan and Herbert, Richard Willmott has provided an anthology of metaphysical verse for readers coming to the poetry for the first time. Metaphysical poetry is notorious for its 'difficulty'; in this selection Richard Willmott provides detailed explanatory notes giving in depth information on the period, the poets and 'metaphysical style' and, to ensure a full understanding, line by line exegesis of the poems themselves is given where necessary. The anthology contains about 20-25 (...)
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  4. Negative Love.John Donne - 2003 - Literature & Aesthetics 13 (2):28.
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    Enchiridion Ethicum.A Sermon, Preached before the House of Commons, March 31, 1647.Biathanatos.Conway Letters, The Correspondence of Anne, Viscountess Conway, Henry More. [REVIEW]Flora I. MacKinnon, Henry More, Ralph Cudworth, John Donne, J. William Hebel & Marjorie Hope Nicholson - 1931 - Journal of Philosophy 28 (17):466.