Merlin Donald [22]Matthew Donald [15]Matthew J. Donald [9]James Donald [6]
M. B. Donald [4]Stephanie Hemelryk Donald [3]David Donald [3]Merlin W. Donald [3]

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  1. A Mind So Rare: The Evolution of Human Consciousness.Merlin Donald - 2001 - W.W. Norton.
    Presenting the cultural and neuronal forces that power our distinctively human modes of awareness, the author proposes that the human mind is a hybrid product of interweaving a super-complex form of matter (the brain) with an invisible symbolic web (culture) to form a cognitive network. Reprint. 11,500 first printing.
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  2. Précis of Origins of the modern mind: Three stages in the evolution of culture and cognition.Merlin Donald - 1993 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 16 (4):737-748.
    This bold and brilliant book asks the ultimate question of the life sciences: How did the human mind acquire its incomparable power? In seeking the answer, Merlin Donald traces the evolution of human culture and cognition from primitive apes to the era of artificial intelligence, and presents an original theory of how the human mind evolved from its presymbolic form. In the emergence of modern human culture, Donald proposes, there were three radical transitions. During the first, our bipedal but still (...)
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  3. Toward a theory of episodic memory: The frontal lobes and autonoetic consciousness.Mark A. Wheeler, Stuss, T. Donald & Endel Tulving - 1997 - Psychological Bulletin 121:331-54.
  4. Quantum theory and the brain.Matthew Donald - unknown
    A human brain operates as a pattern of switching. An abstract definition of a quantum mechanical switch is given which allows for the continual random fluctuations in the warm wet environment of the brain. Among several switch-like entities in the brain, we choose to focus on the sodium channel proteins. After explaining what these are, we analyse the ways in which our definition of a quantum switch can be satisfied by portions of such proteins. We calculate the perturbing effects of (...)
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  5.  18
    The mind considered from a historical perspective.Merlin Donald - 1997 - In David Martel Johnson & Christina E. Erneling (eds.), The future of the cognitive revolution. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 355--365.
  6. Continuity and discontinuity of definite properties in the modal interpretation.Matthew Donald - unknown
    Technical results about the time dependence of eigenvectors of reduced density operators are considered, and the relevance of these results is discussed for modal interpretations of quantum mechanics which take the corresponding eigenprojections to represent definite properties. Continuous eigenvectors can be found if degeneracies are avoided. We show that, in finite dimensions, the space of degenerate operators has co-dimension 3 in the space of all reduced operators, suggesting that continuous eigenvectors almost surely exist. In any dimension, even when degeneracies are (...)
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  7. Frequently asked questions.Matthew Donald - unknown
    How come quantum theory has anything to do with mind? Is your theory refutable? What is the point of all the technical detail? Do you suggest that the operation of the brain involves large scale quantum coherence? Isn't large scale quantum coherence necessary to solve the problem of the unity of consciousness? How does a many-minds interpretation survive Occam's razor? What, briefly, is your current philosophical position? What is your understanding of the relationship between mind and brain for split-brain patients? (...)
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  8.  55
    A priori probability and localized observers.Matthew J. Donald - 1992 - Foundations of Physics 22 (9):1111-1172.
    A physical and mathematical framework for the analysis of probabilities in quantum theory is proposed and developed. One purpose is to surmount the problem, crucial to any reconciliation between quantum theory and space-time physics, of requiring instantaneous “wave-packet collapse” across the entire universe. The physical starting point is the idea of an observer as an entity, localized in space-time, for whom any physical system can be described at any moment, by a set of (not necessarily pure) quantum states compatible with (...)
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  9. Progress in a many-minds interpretation of quantum theory.Matthew Donald - unknown
    In a series of papers, a many-minds interpretation of quantum theory has been developed. The aim in these papers is to present an explicit mathematical formalism which constitutes a complete theory compatible with relativistic quantum field theory. In this paper, which could also serve as an introduction to the earlier papers, three issues are discussed. First, a significant, but fairly straightforward, revision in some of the technical details is proposed. This is used as an opportunity to introduce the formalism. Then (...)
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    A mathematical characterization of the physical structure of observers.Matthew J. Donald - 1995 - Foundations of Physics 25 (4):529-571.
    It is proposed that the physical structure of an observer in quantum mechanics is constituted by a pattern of elementary localized switching events. A key preliminary step in giving mathematical expression to this proposal is the introduction of an equivalence relation on sequences of spacetime sets which relates a sequence to any other sequence to which it can be deformed without change of causal arrangement. This allows an individual observer to be associated with a finite structure. The identification of suitable (...)
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  11.  56
    On many-minds interpretations of quantum theory.Matthew J. Donald - unknown
    This paper is a response to some recent discussions of many-minds interpretations in the philosophical literature. After an introduction to the many-minds idea, the complexity of quantum states for macroscopic objects is stressed. Then it is proposed that a characterization of the physical structure of observers is a proper goal for physical theory. It is argued that an observer cannot be defined merely by the instantaneous structure of a brain, but that the history of the brain's functioning must also be (...)
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  12. The slow process : a hypothetical cognitive adaptation for distributed cognitive networks.Merlin Donald - 2012 - In Jay Schulkin (ed.), Action, perception and the brain: adaptation and cephalic expression. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
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  13.  86
    Corporate entrepreneurs or rogue middle managers? A framework for ethical corporate entrepreneurship.Kuratko F. Donald & Michael G. Goldsby - 2004 - Journal of Business Ethics 55 (1):13-30.
    Corporate entrepreneurs -- described in the academic literature as those managers or employees who do not follow the status quo of their co-workers -- are depicted as visionaries who dream of taking the company in new directions. As a result, though, in overcoming internal obstacles to reaching their professional goals they can often walk a fine line between clever resourcefulness and outright rule breaking. A framework is presented as a guideline for middle managers and organizations seeking to impede unethical behaviors (...)
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  14.  54
    Prototype abstraction and classification of new instances as a function of number of instances defining the prototype.Homa Donald, Cross Joseph, Cornell Don, Goldman David & Shwartz Steven - 1973 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 101 (1):116.
  15.  64
    Forms of life and following rules: a Wittgensteinian defence of relativism.K. Barry Donald - 1996 - New York: E.J. Brill.
    This book provides a defence of epistemological relativism against its most powerful opponents.
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  16.  45
    Representation: Ontogenesis and phylogenesis.Merlin Donald - 1994 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 17 (4):714-715.
  17. The neurobiology of human consciousness: An evolutionary approach.Matthew Donald - 1995 - Neuropsychologia 33:1087-1102.
  18.  50
    Art and cognitive evolution.Merlin Donald - 2006 - In Mark Turner (ed.), The Artful Mind: Cognitive Science and the Riddle of Human Creativity. Oup Usa. pp. 1.
  19.  73
    The Scientist’s Education and a Civic Conscience.Kelling J. Donald & Jeffrey Kovac - 2013 - Science and Engineering Ethics 19 (3):1229-1240.
    A civic science curriculum is advocated. We discuss practical mechanisms for (and highlight the possible benefits of) addressing the relationship between scientific knowledge and civic responsibility coextensively with rigorous scientific content. As a strategy, we suggest an in-course treatment of well known (and relevant) historical and contemporary controversies among scientists over science policy or the use of sciences. The scientific content of the course is used to understand the controversy and to inform the debate while allowing students to see the (...)
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  20.  43
    Internationalisation, diversity and the humanities curriculum: Cosmopolitanism and multiculturalism revisited.James Donald - 2007 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 41 (3):289–308.
    This article stages a dialogue between cosmopolitanism and multiculturalism in order to think through what is at stake in demands that universities should produce graduates who are sensitive to social diversity and attuned to the contemporary realities of globalisation. The argument is that, although ‘graduate attributes’ are no doubt an effective management tool in a massified higher education system, they can also be used to focus attention on what dispositions it is reasonable and desirable to expect graduates to develop. The (...)
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  21.  11
    A geometric approach to error detection and recovery for robot motion planning with uncertainty.Bruce R. Donald - 1988 - Artificial Intelligence 37 (1-3):223-271.
  22.  37
    2 The definition of human nature.Merlin W. Donald - 2004 - In Dai Rees & Steven Rose (eds.), The New Brain Sciences: Perils and Prospects. Cambridge University Press. pp. 34.
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  23. Neural unpredictability, the interpretation of quantum theory, and the mind-body problem.Matthew J. Donald - 2002 - Quant-Ph/0208033.
    It has been suggested, on the one hand, that quantum states are just states of knowledge; and, on the other, that quantum theory is merely a theory of correlations. These suggestions are confronted with problems about the nature of psycho-physical parallelism and about how we could define probabilities for our individual future observations given our individual present and previous observations. The complexity of the problems is underlined by arguments that unpredictability in ordinary everyday neural functioning, ultimately stemming from small-scale uncertainties (...)
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  24.  30
    Accountability for the Sustainable Development Goals: A Lost Opportunity?Kate Donald & Sally-Anne Way - 2016 - Ethics and International Affairs 30 (2):201-213.
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    A contractarian account of (part of) prudence.W. Bruckner Donald - 2003 - American Philosophical Quarterly 40 (1):33 - 46.
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    On information invariants in robotics.Bruce Randall Donald - 1995 - Artificial Intelligence 72 (1-2):217-304.
  27. Review Articles-Decoherence and the Appearance of a Classical World in Quantum Theory.Matthew J. Donald - 1999 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 30 (3):437-442.
  28.  20
    La jurisprudencia de la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos frente a la movilidad humana: entre cosmopolitismo y hospitalidad = Inter-American Court of Human Rights and human mobility: between cosmopolitanism and hospitality.Constanza Núñez Donald - 2017 - UNIVERSITAS Revista de Filosofía Derecho y Política 27:76-109.
    RESUMEN: El presente artículo tiene por objetivo analizar la jurisprudencia de la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos en materia de movilidad humana bajo la óptica de la doctrina filosófica del cosmopolitismo. A partir del desarrollo de las principales características de esta doctrina en relación a la migración (tensión entre nacionalidad, ciudadanía y derechos, así como las perspectivas actuales de solidaridad global), se sostendrá que la jurisprudencia interamericana tiende hacia al cosmopolitismo.ABSTRACT: The purpose of this article is to analyze the jurisprudence (...)
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    A further note on Burchard Kranich.M. B. Donald - 1951 - Annals of Science 7 (1):107-108.
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    Burchard Kranich (C. 1515–1578), miner and queen's physician, Cornish mining stamps, antimony and, Frobisher's gold.M. B. Donald - 1950 - Annals of Science 6 (3):308-322.
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    Philosophical Logic.Robert L. Arrington, M. Burkholder Peter, James Shannon Dubose, James W. Dye, Bertrand K. Feibleman, Max Hocutt P. Helm, N. Lee Harold, N. Roberts Louise, C. Sallis John & H. Weiss Donald - 1967 - New Orleans, LA, USA: Tulane University.
    With this issue we initiate the policy of expanding the scope of Tulane Studies in Philosophy to include, in addition to the work of members of the department, contributions from philosophers who have earned advanced degrees from Tulane and who are now teaching in other colleges and universities. The Editor THE LOGIC OF OUR LANGUAGE ROBERT L. ARRINGTON Wittgenstein wrote in the Tractatus that "logic is not a body of doctrine, but a mirror-image of the world. " 1 In line (...)
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  32.  18
    History of the Chile nitrate industry.—I.M. B. Donald - 1936 - Annals of Science 1 (1):29-47.
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    History of the Chile nitrate industry.—II.M. B. Donald - 1936 - Annals of Science 1 (2):193-216.
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  34. The Growth of Southern Nationalism, 1848-1861.Avery O. Craven & Henderson H. Donald - 1954 - Science and Society 18 (1):83-86.
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    Internally produced electron pairs from π−-mesons captured in hydrogen.D. C. Cundy, R. A. Donald, W. H. Evans, D. W. Hadley, W. Hart, P. Mason, R. W. Newport, D. E. Plane, J. R. Smith & J. G. Thomas - 1962 - Philosophical Magazine 7 (73):121-126.
  36. A brief summary.Matthew Donald - unknown
    Quantum theory is highly successful in explaining properties of classes of systems: e.g. chemistry --- molecular binding energies optics --- frequency-dependent susceptibilities superconductivity --- energy gaps nuclear magnetic resonance --- chemical shifts particle physics --- scattering cross-sections cosmology --- helium abundance but many questions arise: What does quantum theory tell us about the nature of reality? Is quantum theory universally valid? Can quantum theory describe individual events? Can quantum theory be applied consistently at the macroscopic level? Is an algorithmic treatment (...)
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  37. A debate with Henry Stapp.Matthew Donald - unknown
    After my review of his work appeared on quant-ph, Henry Stapp posted a reply on his web site . I reproduced that reply, quoting the points to which he had replied and giving my subsequent responses to him. Following correspondence, and with some editing from us both, this has now developed into the multi-stage debate which is presented here. Some discussion of my 1999 paper is included.
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  38. A Proof of Everett's Correlation Conjecture.Matthew J. Donald - unknown
    In his long 1957 paper, “The Theory of the Universal Wave Function”, Hugh Everett III made some significant preliminary steps towards the application and generalization of Shannon’s information theory to quantum mechanics. In the course of doing so, he conjectured that, for a given wavefunction on a compound space, the Schmidt decomposition maximises the correlation between subsystem bases. This is proved here.
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    A search algorithm for motion planning with six degrees of freedom.Bruce R. Donald - 1987 - Artificial Intelligence 31 (3):295-353.
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    Beijing Time, Black Snow and Magnificent Chaoyang.Stephanie Hemelryk Donald - 2011 - Theory, Culture and Society 28 (7-8):321-339.
    Modern social order is premised on a shared conception of and obedience to a set of defined temporal systems. Time is therefore a powerful tool with which to layer, classify and police the nature of social order. This article explores the relationship between temporality and the social in China’s capital, Beijing. The article draws on observations of Chinese film of the 1990s, the 90th anniversary of the Chinese Communist Party in 2011, and the Chaoyang district beautification campaign, to identify how (...)
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    2 Consciousness and the Freedom to Act.Merlin Donald - 2010 - In Al Mele, Kathleen Vohs & Roy Baumeister (eds.), Free Will and Consciousness: How Might They Work? (New York: OUP, 2010). New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 8.
  42.  21
    Cinema, History and Culture.James Donald - 1986 - Theory, Culture and Society 3 (2):141-146.
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    (1 other version)Commentary on Cowleys chapter.Merlin Donald - 2012 - Interaction Studies 13 (1):41-49.
  44.  13
    Constitutions of Matter.Matthew J. Donald - 1998 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 29 (2):277-280.
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    Computation: Part of the problem of creativity.Merlin Donald - 1994 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 17 (3):537-538.
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    Can Serious Rights Be Taken Seriously?Michael Mc Donald - 1979 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 9 (1):23-41.
  47.  15
    Die Definition der menschlichen Natur.Merlin W. Donald - 2011 - In Wolfgang Welsch, Christian Tewes & Klaus Vieweg (eds.), Natur und Geist: über ihre evolutionäre Verhältnisbestimmung. Berlin: Akademie Verlag. pp. 47.
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    Do grooming and speech really serve homologous functions?Merlin Donald - 1993 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 16 (4):700-701.
  49. E-mail: [email protected].Matthew Donald - unknown
    It is proposed that the physical structure of an observer in quantum mechanics is constituted by a pattern of elementary localized switching events. A key preliminary step in giving mathematical expression to this proposal is the introduction of an equivalence relation on sequences of spacetime sets which relates a sequence to any other sequence to which it can be deformed without change of causal arrangement. This allows an individual observer to be associated with a finite structure. The identification of suitable (...)
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    Finitary and infinitary mathematics, the possibility of possibilities and the definition of probabilities.Matthew J. Donald - unknown
    Some relations between physics and finitary and infinitary mathematics are explored in the context of a many-minds interpretation of quantum theory. The analogy between mathematical ``existence'' and physical ``existence'' is considered from the point of view of philosophical idealism. Some of the ways in which infinitary mathematics arises in modern mathematical physics are discussed. Empirical science has led to the mathematics of quantum theory. This in turn can be taken to suggest a picture of reality involving possible minds and the (...)
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