Results for ' Doderer, Heimito von'

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  1.  33
    Armin Weber: Was ist Wirklichkeit? Studien zu Heimito von Doderers Romanwerk [=Schriftenreihe der Stipendiatinnen und Stipendiaten der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Bd. 41], Berlin u. a.: LIT Verlag 2013, 421 S. [REVIEW]Stefan Büttner-von Stülpnagel - 2015 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 67 (2):200-201.
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    Stefan Winterstein: Versuch gegen Heimito von Doderer. Über ‚Ordnungspein‘ und Faschismus, Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann 2014, 224 S. [REVIEW]Knut Martin Stünkel - 2015 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 67 (3-4):307-309.
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    Hitler and the Germans.Eric Voegelin, Brendan Purcell & Detlev Clemens (eds.) - 1989 - University of Missouri.
    Between 1933 and 1938, Eric Voegelin published four books that brought him into increasingly open opposition to the Hitler regime in Germany. As a result, he was forced to leave Austria in 1938, narrowly escaping arrest by the Gestapo as he fled to Switzerland and later to the United States. Twenty years later, he was invited to Munich to become Director of the new Institute of Political Science at Ludwig-Maximilian University. In 1964, Voegelin gave a series of memorable lectures on (...)
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    The Philosopher and the Storyteller: Eric Voegelin and Twentieth-Century Literature.Charles R. Embry - 2008 - University of Missouri.
    Throughout his philosophical career, Eric Voegelin had much to say about literature in both his published work and his private letters. Many of his most trenchant comments regarding the analysis of literature appear in his correspondence with critic Robert Heilman, and, through his familiarity with that exchange, Charles Embry has gained extraordinary insight into Voegelin’s literary views. _The Philosopher and the Storyteller_ is the first book-length study of the literary dimensions of Voegelin’s philosophy—and the first to use his philosophy to (...)
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    Alexander Solzhenitsyn’s Overcoming Personal, Political and Historical Amnesia through Literary-Aesthetic Anamnesis.Brendan Purcell - 2010 - History of Communism in Europe 1:35-47.
    Very few writers have had such an impact on their culture as Alexander Solzhenitsyn on Soviet society in the ‘60s and ‘70s Recently published documents from the KGB archives show the problem he posed to the Soviet leadership—not because he was the only one to point out the massive falsehood and injustice of Soviet society but primarily due to the scathing power of his artistic diagnosis. Many of Solzhenitsyn’s writings in fictional, autobiographical, and publicistic genres can helpfully be understood in (...)
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    Proof Analysis: A Contribution to Hilbert's Last Problem.Sara Negri & Jan von Plato - 2011 - Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press. Edited by Jan Von Plato.
    This book continues from where the authors' previous book, Structural Proof Theory, ended. It presents an extension of the methods of analysis of proofs in pure logic to elementary axiomatic systems and to what is known as philosophical logic. A self-contained brief introduction to the proof theory of pure logic is included that serves both the mathematically and philosophically oriented reader. The method is built up gradually, with examples drawn from theories of order, lattice theory and elementary geometry. The aim (...)
  7. (1 other version)Explanation and Understanding.Georg Henrik von Wright - 1974 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 7 (3):187-190.
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    John Locke and Natural Law.W. von Leyden - 1956 - Philosophy 31 (116):23 - 35.
    The author examines john locke's arguments concerning the existence and binding force of natural law. (staff).
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    How to say ought in foreign: The composition of weak necessity modals.Kai von Fintel - manuscript
    1 This paper has been presented at the workshop “Time and Modality: A Round Table on Tense, Mood, and Modality”, Paris, December 2005, at a CUNY linguistics colloquium in May 2006, and at the 6th Workshop on Formal Linguistics in Florian´opolis, Brazil, August 2006. We thank the audiences at those presentations, in particular Orin Percus, Tim Stowell, Marcel den Dikken, Anna Szabolcsi, Chris Warnasch, Roberta Pires de Oliveira, Renato Miguel Basso, and Ana M¨uller. We thank Noam Chomsky, Cleo Condoravdi, and (...)
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  10.  47
    Herophilus: The Art of Medicine in Early Alexandria: Edition, Translation and Essays.Heinrich von Staden (ed.) - 1989 - Cambridge University Press.
    Herophilus, a contemporary of Euclid, practiced medicine in Alexandria in the third century B.C., and seems to have been the first Western scientist to dissect the human body. He made especially impressive contributions to many branches of anatomy and also developed influential views on many other aspects of medicine. Von Staden assembles the fragmentary evidence concerning one of the more important scientists of ancient Greece. Part 1 of the book presents the Greek and Latin texts accompanied by English translation and (...)
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    Aristotle and the Concept of Law.W. von Leyden - 1967 - Philosophy 42 (159):1 - 19.
    These then are the four main strands in Aristotle's thought concerning the law, or in other words, the four elements he might have distinguished in his conception of law. The analysis I have attempted seems to me to reflect both Aristotle's view of the complex nature of law and also what he would look upon as the different grounds for its validity. I think that the several elements in his doctrine are fundamentally independent of one another, and similarly that they (...)
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  12. Conditional Strengthening.Kai von Fintel - unknown
    (i) Inferences from the (assumed) truth of the asserted sentence. Hearers may have conditional beliefs (if p, q) and upon hearing p asserted they can infer q by Modus Ponens (with suitable caveats about the reliability of their initial conditional belief and the new information that p).
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  13.  26
    Norman Malcolm.G. H. Wright von - 1992 - Philosophical Investigations 15 (3):215-222.
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    Struktur der kinken und einschnürungen in schrauben- und 71°-versetzungen in kubisch-raumzentrierten metallen.Von C. Wüthrich - 1977 - Philosophical Magazine 35 (2):325-335.
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    Philosophy and Its History. By H. R. Smart (Open Court, La Salle, Illinois, 1962, pp. 158, Price $4.00.).W. von Leyden - 1965 - Philosophy 40 (151):72-.
  16. Abt. 4. Sozialphilosophie und Pädagogik. Bd. 16. Existenz und Coexistenz / herausgegeben von Annette Hilt. Bd. 20. Geschichte der Pädogogik der Neuzeit. [REVIEW]Herausgegeben von Anselm BöHmer - 2006 - In Eugen Fink (ed.), Eugen Fink Gesamtausgabe. Freiburg: K. Alber.
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  17. Normal form and existence property for derivations in heyting arithmetic.Jan von Plato - 2006 - Acta Philosophica Fennica 78:159.
  18.  60
    Should penal rehabilitationism be revived?Andrew von Hirsch & Lisa Maher - 1992 - Criminal Justice Ethics 11 (1):25-30.
  19. Fälle und Probleme ; Klinische Vorstellungen.Bearbeitet von Peter Achilles & Martin Schrenk - 1986 - In Viktor von Weizsäcker (ed.), Gesammelte Schriften. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp.
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    Physikalistischer und psychologistischer Positivismus.Ernst von Aster - 1950 - Theoria 16 (1):1-20.
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  21. Symposium on the foundations of mathematics.Rudolf Carnap, Arend Heyting & Johann von Neumann - 1964 - In P. Benacerraf H. Putnam (ed.), Philosophy of Mathematics. Prentice-Hall.
  22. Menschenwürde.Dietmar von der Pfordten - 2016
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    Seventeenth-century metaphysics.Wolfgang von Leyden - 1968 - New York,: Barnes & Noble.
  24.  52
    Contrary to the claims of German politicians, Germany is not taking on more than its fair share of refugees.Luc Bovens & Jane von Rabenau - 2014 - LSE European Politics and Policy (EUROPP) Blog.
    The extent to which EU countries take on their ‘fair share’ of asylum seekers is a contentious issue. Luc Bovens and Jane von Rabenau write on concern within Germany that the country is taking on a higher burden than other EU states. They argue that when compared on a per capita basis with similar EU countries, Germany performs relatively poorly in terms of acceptances for new refugees. Where Germany performs better is with respect to the size of the existing refugee (...)
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  25. Isbn 978-3-7902-1622-6.Oswald von Nell-Breuning & R. Sebott - 2008 - Theologie Und Philosophie 83 (2):317.
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  26. Is and Ought.Georg Henrik von Wright - 1998 - In Stanley L. Paulson (ed.), Normativity and Norms: Critical Perspectives on Kelsenian Themes. New York: Oxford University Press.
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  27. Wissenschaft und Vernunft.Georg Henrik von Wright - 1987 - Rechtstheorie 18 (1):15-33.
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  28. Wie heeft de macht in Nederland?Friedrich von Hayek - forthcoming - Idee.
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    (1 other version)Politics.Heinrich von Treitschke - 1916 - New York: AMS Press. Edited by Blanche E. C. Dugdale & Torben de Bille.
  30. Allgemeine Medizin ; Grundfragen medizinischer Anthropologie.Bearbeitet von Peter Achilles - 1986 - In Viktor von Weizsäcker (ed.), Gesammelte Schriften. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp.
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  31. Dante und die Philosophie.Etienne Gilson & Ellen Sommer- von Seckendorff - 1953 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 7 (4):612-616.
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  32. Forced assimilation is abhorrent.Dierk von Behrens - 2016 - Australian Humanist, The 121:7.
    von Behrens, Dierk Assimilation is a process by which a person or group belonging to one culture adopts the practices of another, thereby becoming a member of that culture.
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  33. The trouble with some children's books [Book Review].Dierk von Behrens - 2014 - Australian Humanist, The 113:23.
    von Behrens, Dierk Review of: Snakes, by Barbara Taylor, 64-pages; Novum organum scientiarum, by Francis Bacon; The origin of species, by Charles Darwin.
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    Aristoteles Und Athen 2 Volume Paperback Set.Ulrich von Wilamowitz-Moellendorff - 2010 - Cambridge University Press.
    Ulrich von Wilamowitz-Moellendorff was one of the most prominent German philologists of his time and his work is still well regarded. This book, originally published in 1893, is a detailed analysis of the The Constitution of the Athenians, then usually regarded as a work of Aristotle. Wilamowitz accepts Aristotle's authorship of the famous treatise on the history of the constitution that restored democracy after the oligarchy of the Thirty. Volume 1 investigates the historical sources employed by Aristotle, hypothesising that he (...)
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  35. Aristoteles Und Athen: Volume 2.Ulrich von Wilamowitz-Moellendorff - 2010 - Cambridge University Press.
    Ulrich von Wilamowitz-Moellendorff was one of the most prominent German philologists of his time and his work is still well regarded. This book, originally published in 1893, is a detailed analysis of the The Constitution of the Athenians, then usually regarded as a work of Aristotle. Wilamowitz accepts Aristotle's authorship of the famous treatise on the history of the constitution that restored democracy after the oligarchy of the Thirty. Volume 2 reconstructs Athenian constitutional history on the basis of the work. (...)
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  36. Om behov.Georg Henrik von Wright - 1982 - Norsk Filosofisk Tidsskrift 3 (1):1.
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  37. Postscript to “feature deletion under semantic binding”: A note on (kratzer, 1998).Arnim von Stechow - unknown
    After I had delivered the paper (Stechow, 2003), a colleague wrote to me that the system outlined was virtually identical with (Kratzer, 1998), and that this article had not been cited. The longer version (Stechow, 2002 (to appear)) quotes (Kratzer, 1998), and the reference has been deleted by my automatic bibliography program when I rewrote and shortened the paper. I am sorry for that.
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    Am Anfang war das Staunen: über d. Ursprung d. Philosophie bei d. Griechen.Albert von Schirnding - 1978 - München: Kösel.
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    A comedy of wisdoms: common sense and beyond.Alexander von Erdély - 2010 - Berlin: ATE.
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  40. Auf dem weg zu einer liberalen religionskultur? : Die Spannung zwischen der Vernunft des Rechts und dem Eigensinn der Religionen.Arnulf von Scheliha - 2017 - In Werner Zager (ed.), Glaube und Vernunft in den Weltreligionen. Leipzig: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt.
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  41. A evolucão do direito =.Rudolf von Jhering - 1953 - Salvador, Bahia: Livraria Progresso Editora..
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  42. A genealogical perspective on pluralist jurisprudence.Detlef Von Daniels - 2017 - In Nicole Roughan & Andrew Halpin (eds.), In Pursuit of Pluralist Jurisprudence. Cambridge [UK]: Cambridge University Press.
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  43. A provocative pessimism : a postscript on the scientific worldview and global order.Georg Henrik von Wright - 2012 - In Roy Bhaskar (ed.), Ecophilosophy in a world of crisis: critical realism and the Nordic contributions. New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
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  44. Allgemeine Staatslehre im Grundriss.Rudolf von Laun - 1961 - Schloss Blekkede a.: d. Elbe, O. Meissner.
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  45. Atom/leben/kosmos.Gert von Natzmer - 1942 - Berlin,: C. Habel.
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  46. Backmatter.Friedrich-Wilhelm von Herrmann - 2013 - In Hermeneutics and Reflection: Heidegger and Husserl on the Concept of Phenomenology. Toronto: University of Toronto Press. pp. 153-153.
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  47. Bernard Bosanquet und der Einfluβ Hegels auf die englische Staatsphilosophie.A. von Trott - 1938 - Zeitschrift für Deutsche Kulturphilosophie 4 (2):193-199.
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  48. Über die Methode der Philosophie.Béla von Brandenstein - 1955 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 63:107.
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  49. Über die Wahrheit.Béla von Brandenstein - 1959 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 67:241.
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  50. Bewusstsein und Vergänglichkeit.B. Freiherr von Brandenstein - 1977 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 39 (3):554-554.
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