Results for ' Carl Sagan ‐ the universe as being a wonderful period'

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    The Unconditional Love of Reality.Dale McGowan - 2009 - In Russell Blackford & Udo Schüklenk, 50 Voices of Disbelief. Wiley‐Blackwell. pp. 191–196.
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    La fonction sociale du saint.Par Carl-A. Keller - 1976 - Dialectica 30 (4):277-284.
    RésuméLe saint — phénomène religieux universel — est compris comme un personnage à travers lequel un Absolu se manifeste au sein du relatif: le saint représente le fondement transcendant d'une société. Ce fait détermine ses relations avec la dernière: libéré des contraintes habituelles d'ordre transactionnel qui régissent la société, le saint en assure l'équilibre en intervenant comme arbitre lors de conflits graves — en particulier en période de crise —, ou comme directeur des consciences. En faisant de lui un objet (...)
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  3. Translated by C.A. Foley.Carl Menger - unknown
    There is a phenomenon which has from of old and in a peculiar degree attracted the attention of social philosophers and practical economists, the fact of certain commodities (these being in advanced civilizations coined pieces of gold and silver, together subsequently with documents representing those coins) becoming universally acceptable media of exchange. It is obvious even to the most ordinary intelligence, that a commodity should be given up by its owner in exchange for another more useful to him. But (...)
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  4. Do We Know All after Death? Thomas Aquinas on the Disembodied Soul’s Knowledge.Carl N. Still - 2001 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 75:107-119.
    This paper examines Aquinas’s epistemological treatment of the disembodied soul in order to reveal (1) its relationship to the person it once was, and (2) the nature and extent of its self-knowledge. I argue first that disembodiment entails not only loss of personhood, but severe restriction of one’s concept of self. Consequently, individual self-consciousness is minimized. By contrast, I argue that the soul’s knowledge of its nature is likely to be realized more perfectly in the separated state, not so much (...)
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    The Universe as journey: conversations with W. Norris Clarke, S.J.W. Norris Clarke & Gerald A. McCool (eds.) - 1988 - New York: Fordham University Press.
    W. Norris Clarke's metaphysics of the universe as a journey rests on six major positions: the unrestricted dynamism of the mind, the primacy of the act of existence, the participation structure of reality, and the person, considered as both the starting point of philosophy and the source of the categories needed for a flexible contemporary metaphysics. Reflecting on his conscious life and the universe around him, the finite person mounts by a two-fold path to its Infinite source, who, (...)
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    Friend or foe: A brief examination of the ethics of corporate sponsored research at universities: A response to ‘ethics and the funding of research and development at universities’ (R. E. Spier).Carl M. Skooglund & Steven P. Nichols - 1998 - Science and Engineering Ethics 4 (3):385-390.
    In his paper entitled “Ethics and the Funding of Research and Development at Universities”1 Spier examines some of the potential problems of the relationship between 1) corporate sponsors of research and 2) the universities (and faculty) that receive that funding. Citing “He who pays the piper, calls the tune,” Spier suggests that a better way of funding research would be to “set up a dedicated publicly sponsored research establishment” with the stated goal of achieving particular technical or engineering objectives. (Spier (...)
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    God’s Knowledge of the World: Medieval Theories of Divine Ideas from Bonaventure to Ockham by Carl A. Vater (review).Benjamin R. DeSpain - 2023 - Review of Metaphysics 77 (2):373-375.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:God’s Knowledge of the World: Medieval Theories of Divine Ideas from Bonaventure to Ockham by Carl A. VaterBenjamin R. DeSpainVATER, Carl A. God’s Knowledge of the World: Medieval Theories of Divine Ideas from Bonaventure to Ockham. Washington, D.C.: The Catholic University of America Press, 2022. xi + 294 pp. Cloth, $75.00Carl Vater skillfully blends historical and constructive concerns in his study of medieval theories of the (...)
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    Wildfang (R.L.) Rome's Vestal Virgins. A Study of Rome's Vestal Priestesses in the Late Republic and Early Empire. Pp. xiv + 158, ills. London and New York: Routledge, 2006. Paper, £19.99, US$35.95 (Cased, £60, US$110). ISBN: 0-415-39796-0 (0-415-39795-2 hbk). Martini (M.C.) Le vestali. Un sacerdozio funzionale al 'cosmo' romano. (Collection Latomus 282.) Pp. 264. Brussels: Éditions Latomus, 2004. Paper, €38. ISBN: 2-87031-223-. [REVIEW]Celia E. Schultz - 2008 - The Classical Review 58 (1):212-214.
    The Vestal Virgins are one of the most famous elements of Roman religion, yet despite their perennial appeal and the importance of some smaller scale studies of the priesthood, the priestesses have not received a monograph-length study since F. Giuzzi, Aspetti giuridici del sacerdozio romano. II sacerdozio di Vesta (Naples, 1968). Now we have books by R.L. Wildfang and M.C. Martini that could not be more different. The former offers a thorough survey of what the sources can tell us about (...)
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    International Religious Meetings as a Form of Cooperation between Ukrainian and Yugoslav Clergy.Galyna V. Sagan - 2009 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 51:178-189.
    Ukrainian and Yugoslav Orthodox clergy may often be able to meet at various international religious forums and celebrations held in Ukraine, Yugoslavia, and other countries. Here communication was established between them, which complemented the general tradition of international cooperation of the Ukrainian and Yugoslav public.In recent years, there has been a revival in various forms of relations between the Orthodox Churches of the Slavic countries. This actualizes the study of the history of these relations, the recognition in it of the (...)
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    A New Period of the Mutual Rapprochement of the Western and Chinese Civilizations: Towards a Common Appreciation of Harmony and Co-operation.Krzysztof Gawlikowski - 2011 - Dialogue and Universalism 21 (2):115-162.
    Since the 1990’s the rise of China provokes heated debates in the West. Numerous politicians and scholars, who study contemporary political affairs, pose the question, which will be the new role of China in international affairs? Many Western observers presume that China will act as the Western powers did in the past, promoting policy of domination, enslavement and gaining profits at all costs. The Chinese declarations on peace, co-operation, mutual interests, and harmony are often considered empty words, a certain decorum (...)
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    Created creator, images of God created by human thought: a primer for those who wonder about the existence of God.Carl M. Schmitthausler - 1994 - Lincoln, Neb.: Alpha Omega Publishers of Lincoln.
    DOES GOD HAVE A FUTURE? A learning tool for those who wonder about the existence of God, this book offers images of God as androgynous parent, authoritative teacher, liberator, & partner. The author, Carl M. Schmitthausler, has provided compelling images of the still-evolving God. CREATED CREATOR is a "must-read" for those concerned with personal spiritual growth, religious diversity, civility & personal virtues. The author, Carl M. Schmitthausler, traces various God-images of mainline religious systems using extensive quotes from prominent (...)
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    An Affair to Remember: America's Brief Fling with the University as a Public Good.David F. Labaree - 2016 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 50 (1):20-36.
    American higher education rose to fame and fortune during the Cold War, when both student enrollments and funded research shot upward. Prior to World War II, the federal government showed little interest in universities and provided little support. The war spurred a large investment in defence-based scientific research in universities, and the emergence of the Cold War expanded federal investment exponentially. Unlike a hot war, the Cold War offered an extended period of federally funded research public subsidy for expanding (...)
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    Flying Saucers: A Modern Myth of Things Seen in the Sky.Carl Gustav Jung - 2002 - Psychology Press.
    Written in the late 1950s at the height of popular fascination with UFO's, _Flying Saucers_ is the great psychologist's brilliantly prescient meditation on the phenomenon that gripped the world. A self-confessed sceptic in such matters, Jung was nevertheless intrigued, not so much by their reality or unreality, but by their psychic aspect. He saw flying saucers as a modern myth in the making, to be passed down the generations just as we have received such myths from our ancestors. In this (...)
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    Стан православ'я україни як відображення його історії.Oleksandr N. Sagan - 2008 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 46:219-237.
    The current state of Orthodoxy in Ukraine, as well as all of Universal Orthodoxy, is characterized by the presence of significant problems of a systemic nature, the failure of which or their neglect leads to a further deepening of the crisis of the denomination. The emergence of these problems is of historical nature because they have arisen over a considerable period of time and have been linked to the political, economic and spiritual features of the development of Orthodoxy in (...)
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    Speculation and the Metaphysics of History.Carl Page - 1994 - Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 17 (1-2):175-190.
    As the two comprehensive humanistic disciplines, philosophy and history have a complex interface. By ‘comprehensive’, I mean that only philosophy and history have the prerogative of being immediately and justifiably relevant to all domains of human endeavor. Thus, there is the history and philosophy of mathematics, the history and philosophy of art, the history and philosophy of religion, the history and philosophy of politics, not to mention the history of philosophy, the philosophy of history, and, in qualified senses, the (...)
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    Innovation of a Master Wonder-worker in the Character of Simon Peter.Carl Johan Berglund - 2024 - Approaching Religion 14 (1):99-114.
    Simon Peter undergoes a considerable development from his first introduction in the Gospel of Mark to later narratives, where he gains remarkable miraculous abilities. In Mark, he witnesses Jesus performing numerous miracles without himself being named as the performer of a single one, but in Matthew’s Gospel Peter walks on water (Matt 14:22–33), in Acts he heals two paralytics and raises a woman from the dead (Acts 3:1–10; 9:32–42), and in the fourth-century Latin Acts of Peter, also known as (...)
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    On the Way to a Postmodern Curriculum Theory -- Moving from the Question of Unity to the Question of Difference.Carl Anders Säfström - 1999 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 18 (4):221-233.
    This article will examine the consequences of highlighting ‘subject and difference’ in one of the curriculum theories that has been inspired by postmodernism. The term postmodernism is here first and foremost meant to signify the attempt to combine politics and morality with epistemology in accordance with Levinas, Lyotard and Bauman. The article will highlight some themes that need to be developed further for a postmodernism-inspired curriculum theory. A starting-point is a critique of the type of curriculum theory which has its (...)
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  18. The Nature of the Organizational Structure in the Palestinian Governmental Universities - Al-Aqsa University as A Model.Suliman A. El Talla, Mazen J. Al Shobaki, Samy S. Abu-Naser & Youssef M. Abu Amuna - 2018 - International Journal of Academic Multidisciplinary Research (IJAMR) 2 (5):15-31.
    The aim of the research is to shed light on the nature of the organizational structure prevailing in Palestinian governmental universities and to identify the most important differences in the perceptions of employees of the organizational structure in the Palestinian governmental universities according to the demographic and organizational variables. The researchers used the descriptive analytical method, through a questionnaire randomly distributed to the sample of the employees of Al-Aqsa University. The study was conducted on a sample of (80) administrative staff (...)
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    Einstein's struggle for a Machian gravitation theory.Carl Hoefer - 1994 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 25 (3):287-335.
    The story of Einstein's struggle to create a general theory of relativity, and his early discontentment with the final form of the theory , is well known in broad outline. Thanks to the work of John Norton and others, much of the fine detail of the story is also now known. One aspect of Einstein's work in this period has, however, been relatively neglected: Einstein's commitment to Mach's ideas on inertia, and the influence this commitment had on Einstein's work (...)
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    Could “The Wonder Equation” help us to be more ethical? A personal reflection.Margaret A. Somerville - 2022 - Ethics and Behavior 32 (3):226-240.
    ABSTRACT This is a personal reflection on what I have learnt as an academic, researching, teaching and participating in the public square in Bioethics for over four decades. I describe a helix metaphor for understanding the evolution of values and the current “culture wars” between “progressive” and “conservative” values adherents, the uncertainty people’s “mixed values packages” engender, and disagreement in prioritizing individual rights and the “common good”. I propose, as a way forward, that individual and collective experiences of “amazement, wonder (...)
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    Severity as a moral qualifier of malady.Carl Tollef Solberg, Mathias Barra, Lars Sandman & Bjorn Hoffmann - 2023 - BMC Medical Ethics 24 (1):1-7.
    The overarching aim of this article is to scrutinize how severity can work as a qualifier for the moral impetus of malady. While there is agreement that malady is of negative value, there is disagreement about precisely how this is so. Nevertheless, alleviating disease, injury, and associated suffering is almost universally considered good. Furthermore, the strength of a diseased person’s moral claims for our attention and efforts will inevitably vary. This article starts by reflecting on what kind of moral impetus (...)
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  22. Three Positivist Disputes in the 1960s.Carl-Göran Heidegren - 2018 - Journal for the History of Analytical Philosophy 6 (8).
    The West German positivist dispute in the 1960s is well known and thoroughly studied. At about the same time positivist disputes also took place in two Scandinavian countries: one in Norway and one in Sweden. What did the front lines in the debate look like in the three countries? What was the outcome of the different disputes? The main focus in the article is on the Swedish case, but some comparative perspectives relating to the three disputes will also be presented. (...)
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    We Demand: The University and Student Protests.Roderick A. Ferguson - 2017 - University of California Press.
    This title is part of American Studies Now and available as an e-book first. Visit to learn more. In the post–World War II period, students rebelled against the university establishment. In student-led movements, women, minorities, immigrants, and indigenous people demanded that universities adapt to better serve the increasingly heterogeneous public and student bodies. The success of these movements had a profound impact on the intellectual landscape of the twentieth century: out of these efforts were born ethnic studies, women’s (...)
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    Reflections of a Wondering Jew.Morris Raphael Cohen & Irving Louis Horowitz - 2010 - Routledge.
    Much as he considered himself a philosopher, Morris Raphael Cohen was also immersed in the machinery of social life. From his first years of "engagement" as a volunteer teacher in Thomas Davidson's school for working-class people, to his last as professor of philosophy at New York's City College and at the University of Chicago, he constantly sought to understand the underlying assumptions of human behavior. The studies Cohen gathered together for Reflections of a Wondering Jew are an indication of representative (...)
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    Acceptance of the Other as a Similarly Valid Path and Awareness of One's Self-Culpability: A Deepening Realization of My Religious Identity through Dialogue.Kenneth K. Tanaka - 2005 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 25 (1):41-46.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Acceptance of the Other as a Similarly Valid Path and Awareness of One's Self-Culpability:A Deepening Realization of My Religious Identity through DialogueKenneth K. TanakaAs the title of my paper indicates, two features of my identity have become more vivid as the result of my participation in the International Buddhist-Christian Theological Encounter (IBCTE) sessions. The first of the two stemmed from my rude awakening that not everyone involved with our (...)
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  26. Women Philosophers of the Seventeenth Century, and: Anne Conway: A Woman Philosopher (review).Jane Duran - 2007 - Philosophy and Literature 31 (1):200-204.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Women Philosophers of the Seventeenth Century, and: Anne Conway: A Woman PhilosopherJane DuranWomen Philosophers of the Seventeenth Century, by Jacqueline Broad; 204 pp. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002. $65.00. Anne Conway: A Woman Philosopher, by Sarah Hutton; 280 pp. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004. $75.00.Recent work on women philosophers has, in general, approached the topic from two vantage points: on the one hand, a number of anthologies have (...)
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  27. The Gravity of Pure Forces.Nico Jenkins - 2011 - Continent 1 (1):60-67.
    continent. 1.1 (2011): 60-67. At the beginning of Martin Heidegger’s lecture “Time and Being,” presented to the University of Freiburg in 1962, he cautions against, it would seem, the requirement that philosophy make sense, or be necessarily responsible (Stambaugh, 1972). At that time Heidegger's project focused on thinking as thinking and in order to elucidate his ideas he drew comparisons between his project and two paintings by Paul Klee as well with a poem by Georg Trakl. In front of (...)
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    The mystery of student selection: are there any selection criteria?Carl Marnewick - 2012 - Educational Studies 38 (2):123-137.
    First?year students are still failing at an alarming rate. This is an international issue that universities face and there is currently no clear indication of the cause of the problem as universities move from being elite to providing mass education. This article examines the possible correlation between students? high school performance and first?year performance. The focus is primarily on the students? performance in mathematics and English. National Senior Certificate results as well as academic and mathematics competency results are used (...)
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    The Universe as a Fluctuation of Being.Nathan M. Solodukho - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 17:135-141.
    An extract from the author's «A Philosophy of Non-being». The Universe is a fluctuation of being originating spontaneously in non-being (i.e., in a non-existing reality). Substance as a whole and cosmic space in the first place are the result of non-being which has lost its state of balance. Fluctuations of being, (i.e., spontaneous transitions from non-existence to existence), are immanent in the nature of unstable non-being. The world of non-being is neither a (...)
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    A Conviction about What is Moral or Lawful” Carl Schmitt on humanitarianism, the humanum, and the possibility of a “universal jus commune.Nicholas Hiromura - 2021 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 66 (1):e40279.
    Carl Schmitt spent much of his life arguing against human rights. While this may not come as a surprise, a closer examination of The Concept of the Political reveals that Schmitt’s critique of Liberal humanitarianism is itself rooted in a concept of the humanum as a sphere of substantive moral and political conflict. As an analysis of Schmitt’s concept of the enemy shows, this humanum serves as an argument for the necessity of a juristic distinction between enemy and foe. (...)
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    (2 other versions)Consciousness or the Physical Universe – Which Came First?Carl Emery - 2016 - Heythrop Journal 57 (6).
    Historically, many have seen the intelligibility of the physical universe as showing that it is somehow ultimately dependent upon conscious intelligent pre-existing being – ‘God’. Today, however, many believe that modern advances in our scientific understanding of the origins and nature of the universe, and of the conscious intelligent beings it contains, render God, as Laplace said, an ‘unnecessary hypothesis’. This article considers whether the findings of modern science do indeed diminish the plausibility of belief in a (...)
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  32. Intuition and infinity: A Kantian theme with echoes in the foundations of mathematics.Carl Posy - 2008 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 63:165-193.
    Kant says patently conflicting things about infinity and our grasp of it. Infinite space is a good case in point. In his solution to the First Antinomy, he denies that we can grasp the spatial universe as infinite, and therefore that this universe can be infinite; while in the Aesthetic he says just the opposite: ‘Space is represented as a given infinite magnitude’ (A25/B39). And he rests these upon consistently opposite grounds. In the Antinomy we are told that (...)
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    The University as a Source of Social Capital in Chile.Pascale Labra, Miguel Vargas & Cristián Céspedes - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    This paper investigates the structure and composition of the social network formed on the campus of the Faculty of Economics and Business of Diego Portales University, Chile, exposing a series of characteristics that are aligned with similar research in the field of networks. We use a model of social networks formation in order to understand socioeconomic and academic factors that predict the formation of friendship between two students. Specifically, we test empirically our model, using students' administrative information. Of special interest (...)
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  34. Just War and Unjust Soldiers: American Public Opinion on the Moral Equality of Combatants.Scott D. Sagan & Benjamin A. Valentino - 2019 - Ethics and International Affairs 33 (4):411-444.
    Traditional just war doctrine holds that political leaders are morally responsible for the decision to initiate war, while individual soldiers should be judged solely by their conduct in war. According to this view, soldiers fighting in an unjust war of aggression and soldiers on the opposing side seeking to defend their country are morally equal as long as each obeys the rules of combat. Revisionist scholars, however, maintain that soldiers who fight for an unjust cause bear at least some responsibility (...)
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    Being Mindful at University: A Pilot Evaluation of the Feasibility of an Online Mindfulness-Based Mental Health Support Program for Students.Miroslav Světlák, Pavla Linhartová, Terezia Knejzlíková, Jakub Knejzlík, Barbora Kóša, Veronika Horníčková, Kristýna Jarolínová, Klaudia Lučanská, Alena Slezáčková & Rastislav Šumec - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    University study can be a life period of heightened psychological distress for many students. The development of new preventive and intervention programs to support well-being in university students is a fundamental challenge for mental health professionals. We designed an 8-week online mindfulness-based program combining a face-to-face approach, text, audio, video components, and support psychotherapy principles with a unique intensive reminder system using the Facebook Messenger and Slack applications in two separate runs. We assessed the program’s effect on mindful (...)
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    Love, Lust, and Sex: A Christian Perspective.John H. Berthrong - 2004 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 24 (1):3-22.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Buddhist-Christian Studies 24.1 (2004) 3-22 [Access article in PDF] Love, Lust, and Sex: A Christian Perspective John Berthrong Boston University School of Theology Prologue When I was assigned the topic of love and sex (and I decided to add lust/desire as the link between the two), I immediately consulted with a number of my colleagues at the Boston University School of Theology.1 The response of my colleagues was uniform. (...)
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    Categories and the Real Order.Carl G. Vaught - 1983 - The Monist 66 (3):438-449.
    The central problem about the relationship between categories and the real order can be stated very simply: the purpose of categorial predication is to yield a set of necessary truths about things within the world, but the universality of these same truths sometimes seems to subordinate the particularity of the real order to the generality of conceptual understanding. As a result, an apparent conflict arises between the real and the logical orders which quite naturally raises a question about how these (...)
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    (1 other version)The Immigrant Has No Proper Name: The disease of consensual democracy within the myth of schooling.Carl Anders Säfström - 2010 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 42 (5-6):606-617.
    In this article I discuss the role of the immigrant in Swedish society and especially how such a role is construed through what I call the myth of schooling, that is, the normalization of an arbitrary distribution of wealth and power. I relate this myth to the idea of consensual democracy as it is expressed through an implicit idea of what it means to be Swedish. I not only critique the processes through which immigrants are discriminated against or excluded from (...)
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  39. Introducing drift, a special issue of continent.Berit Soli-Holt, April Vannini & Jeremy Fernando - 2012 - Continent 2 (3):182-185.
    Two continents. Three countries. Mountains, archipelago, a little red dot & more to come. BERIT SOLI-HOLT (Editor): When I think of introductory material, I think of that Derrida documentary when he is asked about what he would like to know about other philosophers. He simply states: their love life. APRIL VANNINI (Editor): And as far as introductions go, I think Derrida brought forth a fruitful discussion on philosophy and thinking with this statement. First, he allows philosophy to open up the (...)
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    Whatever Happened to Human Experimentation?Carl Elliott - 2015 - Hastings Center Report 46 (1):8-11.
    Several years ago, the University of Minnesota hosted a lecture by Alan Milstein, a Philadelphia attorney specializing in clinical trial litigation. Milstein, who does not mince words, insisted on calling research studies “experiments.” “Don't call it a study,” Milstein said. “Don't call it a clinical trial. Call it what it is. It's an experiment.” Milstein's comments made me wonder: when was the last time I heard an ongoing research study described as a “human experiment”? The phrase is now almost always (...)
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  41. (1 other version)Strong Emergence as a Defense of Non-Reductive Physicalism.Carl Gillett - 2002 - Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 6 (1):87–120.
    Jaegwon Kim, and others, have recently posed a powerful challenge to both emergentism and nom-reductive physicalism by providing arguments that these positions are committed to an untenable combination of both ‘upward’ and ‘dounward’ determination. In section 1, I illuminate how the nature of the realization relation underlies such skeptical arguments However, in section 2, I suggest that such conclusions involve a confusion between the implications of physicalism and those of a related thesis the ‘Completeness of Physics' (Co?) I show that (...)
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    Taxonomical lives: The making of social divisions in the Swedish press during the golden age of social democracy, 1945–76.Carl-Filip Smedberg - 2024 - History of the Human Sciences 37 (3-4):155-176.
    This article investigates the media lives of a particular class taxonomy in the Swedish press from 1945 to 1976. Invented by the Central Bureau of Statistics in 1911, the ‘social group division’ system was abandoned in the early post-war period. Around the same time, however, it gained popularity in Swedish culture and political debate. While earlier research has noted that such bureaucratic class taxonomies – as in several other Western countries – conditioned how actors understood and created new knowledge (...)
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    Avatars of the Word: From Papyrus to Cyberspace (review).Jay David Bolter - 2000 - American Journal of Philology 121 (2):334-335.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Avatars of the Word: From Papyrus to CyberspaceJay David BolterJames J. O'Donnell. Avatars of the Word: From Papyrus to Cyberspace. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1998. xiv + 210 pp. 1 ill. Cloth, $24.95.The last chapter of James O'Donnell's thoughtful and highly readable book is entitled "Cassiodorus: Or, The Life of the Mind in Cyberspace." The subtitle made me think of the cyberenthusiast John Perry Barlow's claim that cyberspace (...)
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  44. Science and religion in the theology of Dietrich Bonhoeffer.Rodney D. Holder - 2009 - Zygon 44 (1):115-132.
    The German theologian and martyr Dietrich Bonhoeffer is not widely known for engaging with scientific thought, having been heavily influenced by Karl Barth's celebrated stance against natural theology. However, during the period of his maturing theology in prison Bonhoeffer read a significant scientific work, Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker's The World View of Physics. From this he gained two major insights for his theological outlook. First, he realized that the notion of a "God of the gaps" is futile, not (...)
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    "The End of History" as a Sociosophical Problem.P. A. Rachkov - 1994 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 33 (2):9-26.
    In the contemporary period of history, so deeply contradictory and in many respects conflict ridden, eschatological themes, predictions of universal catastrophe and the ecological or nuclear destruction of mankind, and other motifs of the end of human history have become unprecedentedly widespread and greatly attractive. Despite the huge stores of scientific knowledge accumulated in the past few decades, many people are being drawn more and more into the stream of mystical monstrous visions and are beginning to connect the (...)
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  46.  17
    The Universe as a Watermelon.John Cramer - unknown
    They had to be, because they were the creations of a perfect God, and a circle is the most perfect of geometrical objects. When Johannes Kepler, after spending most of his career trying to make sense of the meticulous planetary observations of Tycho Brahe, concluded that the orbits of the planets were not circles but ellipses, the discovery sent shock waves through the community of natural philosophers. The discovery led Newton and others to arrive at the inverse square law of (...)
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    Rationality and madness: The post‐modern embrace of Dionysus and the neo‐vedānta response of Radhakrishnan.Carl Olson - 1999 - Asian Philosophy 9 (1):39 – 50.
    Following the lead of Nietzsche, several post-modern philosophers challenge the Western notion of rationality and its representational model of thought and embrace the Dionysian element in Nietzsche's philosophy, which can take the form of embracing madness (Foucault), desire (Deleuze and Guattari), or carnival (Kristeva). This paper will place Radhakrishnan into the context of a hermeneutical dialogue with these figures from post-modern philosophy, and it will attempt to address the issue of the post-modem attack on rationality by these post-modern philosophers by (...)
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    On Being a Catholic University: Some Thoughts On Our Present Predicament.Alfred J. Freddoso - unknown
    At a poignant juncture early in Brideshead Revisited, Sebastian, after briefly recounting for Charles his family's rather checkered performance with regard to its Catholicism, remarks, "I wish I liked Catholics more." When Charles replies, "They seem just like other people," Sebastian rebukes him: "My dear Charles, that's exactly what they're not ... It's not just that they're a clique-- as a matter of fact, they're at least four cliques all blackguarding each other half the time--but they've got an entirely different (...)
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    (1 other version)Do Philosophers Talk Nonsense? An Inquiry into the Possibility of Illusions of Meaning by Ian Dearden.Carl Humphries - 2013 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 18 (2):269-278.
    In his newly reissued and revised book, the philosopher Ian Dearden at- tempts a critical inquiry into a philosophical position he calls “nonsensi- calism,” which he takes to correspond to the view “that it is possible to be mistaken in thinking one means anything by what one says”.1 He holds that an unexamined assumption to this effect is implicit in a large swathe of philosophical work dating from a period stretching throughout most of the 20th century, thanks to the (...)
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    Cell mechanics and stress: from molecular details to the 'universal cell reaction' and hormesis.Paul S. Agutter - 2007 - Bioessays 29 (4):324-333.
    The ‘universal cell reaction’ (UCR), a coordinated biphasic response to external (noxious and other) stimuli observed in all living cells, was described by Nasonov and his colleagues in the mid‐20th century. This work has received no attention from cell biologists in the West, but the UCR merits serious consideration. Although it is non‐specific, it is likely to be underpinned by precise mechanisms and, if these mechanisms were characterized and their relationship to the UCR elucidated, then our understanding of the integration (...)
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