Results for ' Blo-Bzang-nor-Bu'

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  1.  12
    Rje-btsun Blo-bzang-nor-buʼi tshad maʼi gsung rtsom phyogs sgrig bzhugs so \.Blo-Bzang-nor-Bu - 2013 - Lhasa: Bod-ljongs Bod-yig Dpe-rnying Dpe-skrun-khang.
    Collection of writings on Buddhist logic.
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  2. Grub mthaʼi rnam gźag gsal bar bśad pa thub bstan rin po che gsal baʼi sgron me bźugs so. Blo-bzaṅ-nor-bu - 2006 - Lha-sa: Bod-ljoṅs mi dmaṅs dpe skrun khaṅ.
    Exegesis on comparative philosophical positions (siddhānta) of the Vaibhāṣika, Sautrāntika, Yogācāra, and Mādhyamika schools of Buddhism.
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  3.  6
    Rigs lam nor buʼi baṅ mdzod kyi sgo brgya ʼbyed paʼi ʼphrul gyi lde mig. Chos-Kyi-Dbaṅ-Phyug & Blo-Gros-Rgya-Mtsho (eds.) - 2012 - Kalimpong, Distt. Darjeeling, West Bengal: Rigpe Dorje Institute.
    Buddhits logical debates according to Kagyudpa school of Tibetan Buddhism.
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  4. Rigs lam nor buʼi ʼphreṅ ba =. Blo-Gros-Rgyal-Mtshan - 1997 - New Delhi: N. Dorjee.
    Basic course of study of elementary Buddhist logic and dialetrical studies.
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    Blo gsal dgaʾ bskyed sñiṅ gi nor bu: a detailed exegesis of the ʾBras-spuṅs Blo-gsal-gliṅ tradition of commentatorial treatment of Prajñāpāramita philosophy according to the yig-cha of Paṇ-chen Bsod-nams-grags-pa. Padma-Rgyal-Mtshan - 1980 - Mundgod: Drepung Loseling Library Society.
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    Mkhas shing grub paʼi dbang phyug chen po Rdo Grub-chen ʼJigs-med-bstan-paʼi-nyi-ma dpal bzang poʼi gsung ʼbum legs bshad nor buʼi bang mdzod bzhugs. ®Jigs-Med-Bstan-Pa®I.-Äni-Ma & Mgo-Log Khul Gna® Rtsom Bya Ba®I. Gâzuçn Las Khaçn - 2003 - [Chʻeng-tu]: Si-khron mi rigs dpe skrun khang.
    Complete works of 3rd Rdo Grub-chen ʼJigs-med-bstan-paʼi-ñi-ma, 1865?-1926 on Rñiṅ-ma-pa doctrines, Buddhist philosophy and rituals text.
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  7. Bsdus sbyor sñiṅ poʼi dgoṅs don gsal bar byed pa kun gsal me loṅ.Guṅ-Thaṅ Blo-Gros-Rgya-Mtsho - 2012 - In Chos-Kyi-Dbaṅ-Phyug & Blo-Gros-Rgya-Mtsho, Rigs lam nor buʼi baṅ mdzod kyi sgo brgya ʼbyed paʼi ʼphrul gyi lde mig. Kalimpong, Distt. Darjeeling, West Bengal: Rigpe Dorje Institute.
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  8. Rtsod lan blo dman sñiṅ gi gduṅ sel ga bur thig paʾi spun zla: a refutation of the views of ʾJam-mgon ʾJu Mi-pham-rgya-mtsho in the series of polemical writings on the nature of Śūnyatā and Mādhyamika philosophy.Blo-Bzang-Chos-Dbyings - 1985 - Mundgod, U.K., Karnataka: Drepung Loseling Library Society.
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    Tshad ma rig paʼi spyi don rigs gzhung rgya mtshoʼ ʼjug ṅogs.Blo-Bzang-Chos-Grags - 1998 - Zi-liṅ: Mtsho-snoṅ Źiṅ-chen Źin-hwa dpe khaṅ gis bkram.
    Study on general principles of Buddhist logic.
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    Bsam-yas-chos-rtsod lta grub kyi dpyad pa byis pa dgod paʼi rdzun rkong.Blo-Bzang-Dar-Rgyas - 2015 - [Pe-cin]: Krung-goʹi Bod-rig-pa Dpe-skrun Khang.
    An analytical study on Samye debate held in 792-794 A.D. between the Indian monastic tradition headed by Pandit Kamalashila and the Chinese tradition of Ch'an (Zen) by Hoshang Buddhist monk for which form of Buddhism should prevail in Tibet.
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    Gnaʼ deng ʼjig rten gyi lta tshul dang Chos lugs kyi rnam bzhag.Blo-Bzang-Bstan-Paʼi-Rgyal-Mtshan - 2020 - Dharamshala, India: Bod-kyi dpe-mdzod-khang.
    On world religions and different religious philosophical traditions.
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    Gzhung lugs kun btus zhes bya ba bzhugs so.Blo-Bzang-Dbang-Phyug - 2017 - Leh: Pethub Monastery.
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  13. Ȯndȯr gėgėėn Zanabazar: Adistėdiĭn dėėdiĭg khaĭrlagch ėkh: (Orchuulga, taĭlbar).Blo-Bzang-Bstan-Paʼi-Rgyal-Mtshan - 2017 - Ulaanbaatar: Filosofiĭn Khu̇rėėlėn. Edited by R. Altansu̇kh & B. Ariunzul.
    Translation and commentaries to the famous Mongolian Buddhist philosophy work written by Zanabazar.
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  14. Lugs kyi bstan bcos lha dang dpal ʼdu baʼi nor bu: a new nitiśāstra.Bla-Ma Rgyal-Dbang-nor-Bu - 1980 - Thimphu, Bhutan: Druk Sherik Parkhang.
    On ethics and conduct of life according to Buddhism.
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    Tshad ma rig paʼi rmaṅ gźiʼi śes bya byis ʼjug bde lam źes bya ba bźugs so. ʼjam-Dpal-nor-Bu - 2011 - Lhassa: Bod-ljoṅs mi dmaṅs dpe skrun khaṅ.
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  16. Blo sbyoṅ (stod cha [daṅ] smad cha).Rdo-Grub ʼ, Jigs-med-ʼ, Phrin-Las-ʼ & Od-Zer Sogs Kyis Mdzad - 2006 - In Rdo-Rje-Tshe-Riṅ, Gsaṅ chen Sṅa-ʼgyur Rñiṅ-ma-paʼi gsuṅ rab phyogs bsgrigs dri med legs bśad kun ʼdus nor buʼi baṅ mdzod las. [Qinghai]: Mtsho-sṅon Mi-rigs Dpe-skrun-khaṅ.
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    Bsdus grwaʼi dogs dpyod.Skal-Bzang-Blo-Gsal - 2014 - Pe-cin: Mi rigs dpe skrun khang.
    Analytical view on Buddhist logic in dialectical debate.
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  18. Blo sbyoṅ (stod cha [daṅ] smad cha).Rdo-Grub ʼjigs-Med-ʼphrin-Las-ʼod-Zer Sogs Kyis Mdzad - 2006 - In Rdo-Rje-Tshe-Riṅ, Gsaṅ chen Sṅa-ʼgyur Rñiṅ-ma-paʼi gsuṅ rab phyogs bsgrigs dri med legs bśad kun ʼdus nor buʼi baṅ mdzod las. [Qinghai]: Mtsho-sṅon Mi-rigs Dpe-skrun-khaṅ.
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  19. Dung-dkar grub mthaʼ: mkhas dbaṅ Dung-dkar Rin-po-che Blo-bzang-ʼphrin-las mchog gi gsung ʼphags Bod kyi grub mthaʼʼi rnam gzhag. Blo-bzaṅ-ʼphrin-las - 2010 - Bylakuppe, Dist. Mysore, Karnataka State: Sera Mey Library.
    Views on Indian and Tibetan Buddhist philosophical positions (siddhānta).
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  20.  83
    Jesus the World-Protector: Eighteenth-Century Gelukpa Historians View Christianity (1).Michael J. Sweet - 2006 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 26 (1):173.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Jesus the World-Protector:Eighteenth-Century Gelukpa Historians View Christianity1Michael J. SweetThe assumption that religion was so seamlessly woven into non-Western and preindustrial cultures that it was not even distinguished as a separate entity, let alone regarded as an object for study, has been a commonplace among Western scholars of religion for some decades.2 From this point of view, which can be broadly characterized as postmodernist and postcolonialist, the concept of religion (...)
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  21.  43
    “Madhyamakanising” Tantric Yogācāra: The Reuse of Ratnākaraśānti’s Explanation of maṇḍala Visualisation in the Works of Śūnyasamādhivajra, Abhayākaragupta and Tsong Kha Pa.Daisy S. Y. Cheung - 2023 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 51 (5):611-643.
    The eleventh-century Indian Buddhist master Ratnākaraśānti presents a unique Yogācāra interpretation of tantric _maṇḍala_ visualisation in the _*Guhyasamājamaṇḍalavidhiṭīkā_. In this text, he employs the neither-one-nor-many argument to assert that the qualities of the mind represented by the deities in the _maṇḍala_ are neither the same nor different from the mind itself. He also provides five scenarios of meditation to explain the necessity of practising both the perfection method (_pāramitānaya_) and the mantra method (_mantranaya_) together in Mahāyāna. Ratnākaraśānti’s explanation exerts a (...)
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  22.  10
    Skyes bu tshad ma dang lung tshad ma shes pa tshad ma gsum gyi zur bkol legs bshad blo gsar gzhon nu dgaʼ skyed dang gsung thor bu bcas bzhugs so.Sera Byes Bsam Blo Dge Bshes 'Jigs Med Zla Ba - 2018 - Dillī: Dhīḥ Par khang. Edited by Ngag-Dbang-Bstan-ʼphel.
    Study on Pramnānabhūta, Buddhist logic of authoritative.
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  23. Thun moṅ bsdus paʼi sdom tshig blo gsal dgaʼ bskyed.ŹWa-Dmar Drug Pa Chos-Kyi-Dbaṅ-Phyug - 2012 - In Chos-Kyi-Dbaṅ-Phyug & Blo-Gros-Rgya-Mtsho, Rigs lam nor buʼi baṅ mdzod kyi sgo brgya ʼbyed paʼi ʼphrul gyi lde mig. Kalimpong, Distt. Darjeeling, West Bengal: Rigpe Dorje Institute.
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  24. Dbu maʾi stoṅ thun skal bzaṅ mig ʾbyed kyi gsuṅ rgyun zla baʾi źal luṅ ; and, Dbu ma ʾjug paʾi ʾbru ʾgrel blo gsal dgaʾ baʾi me lon: two works elucidating the fundamentals of Mādhyamika philosophy.Ngag-Dbang-Dpal-Bzang - 1985 - Bylakuppe, Mysore, India: Nyingmapa Monastery. Edited by Ngag-Dbang-Dpal-Bzang.
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    Rig lam nor buʼi ʼphreṅ ba. Rin-Chen-Rgyal-Mtshan - 2009 - Solan, H.P.: Gʼyuṅ-druṅ Bon-gyi Bśad-sgrub Dus-sde.
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    Dbu tshad gsung btus rin chen sgrom bu.Dor-Zhi Gdong-Drug-Snyems-Blo - 2018 - Pe-cin : Krung-goʼi Bod-rig-pa dpe-skrun-khang:
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  27. Tshad maʾi gźuṅ don ʾbyed paʾi bsdus grwa daṅ Blo rtags kyi rnam gźag rigs lam ʾphrul gyi lde mig ces bya ba bźugs so.Phur-Bu-Lcog Byams Pa-Rgya-Mtsho - 1982 - Lan-kroʾu: Kan-suʾu Źin-chen Źin-hwa Dpe Khaṅ gis bkram.
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  28. Tshad maʼi gźuṅ don ʼbyed paʼi bsdus grwa daṅ blo rtgas kyi rnam gźag rigs lam ʼphrul gyi lde mig.Phur-Bu-Lcog Byams-Pa-Rgya-Mtsho - 1988 - Lan-krou: Kan-suʼu Źiṅ-chen Źin-hwa dpe khaṅ gis bkrams.
    Basic course of study of elementary Buddhist logic and dialectrical studies of Lamaist Buddhist in Tibet.
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    Bkaʼ slob snying gi nor bu. Bstan-ʼdzin-Rgya-Mtsho - 201u - Bylakuppe, Dist Mysore, K.S.: Ven. Gyaltsen Tender. Edited by Thub-Bstan-Yar-ʼphel.
    Selected speeches of XIV Dalai Lama approaches on humunity, universal responsibility, moral ethics, and environmental protection along with Tibetan political issue on middle way approach.
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  30. Bka ʼ pod rnam lṅaʼi dgoṅs don las brtsams paʼi dogs lan nor buʼi phreṅ ba źes bya bźugs so.Rje Gun-Thaṅ Bl-Gros-Rgya-Mtshos Mdzad - 2003 - In Thub-Bstan-Rgya-Mtsho, Dge baʼi bśes gñen chen po Dmu-dge Thub-bstan-rgya-mtsho sogs kyi gsuṅ rtsom phyogs bsgrigs bźugs so. Lan-chou: Kan-suʼu mi rigs dpe skrun khaṅ.
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    ʼPhrul ʼkhor ñi zla kha sbyor daṅ dgoṅs ʼgrel dri med nor buʼi me loṅ źes bya ba. Vairocana - 1993 - Pe-cin: Mi rigs dpe skrun khaṅ. Edited by Namkhai Norbu.
    Study and practice of Yantra Yoga accompanied with illustrated patterns.
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    Tshad ma rig paʼi ʼjug sgo gtan tshigs nor buʼi phreng ba bzhugs so. Kun-Dgaʾ-Dpal-Ldan-Rgya-Mtsho - 2012 - Pe-cin [Beijing]: Mi rigs dpe skrun khang.
    Exegetical work on Buddhist logic (pramāṇaśastra); includes questions/answers format on Prajñāpāramitā.
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  33. Dpal ldan sa joʼi grub mthaʼ gcig ʼdzin gyi log rtog rñog ma sel baʼi nor bu ke ta kaʼi ʼphreṅ ba źes bya ba bźugs so. Tshaṅs-Dbyaṅs-Rgya-Mtsho (ed.) - 2008 - Shimla, H.P.: Jo-naṅ Naṅ-bstan Rig-gźuṅ Sruṅ-spel Mthun-tshogs.
    Some facts about differentiation between Jonang and Sakyapa doctrines.
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  34. Gźi thams cad yod par smra baʼi Dge tshul gyi tshig leʼur byas paʼi mchan ʼgrel nor buʼi phreṅ ba. ʼjam-Mgon-Mi-Pham-Rgya-Mtsho - 2016 - In Thub-Bstan-Brtson-ʼgrus, Rtags rigs kyi rnam gzhag Dge tshul Kā ri kā rtsa ʼgrel bcas bzhugs so. Bylakuppe: Snga-ʼgyur rig-mdzod rtsis-ʼphrul sde-tshan.
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    Gsaṅ chen Sṅa-ʼgyur Rñiṅ-ma-paʼi gsuṅ rab phyogs bsgrigs dri med legs bśad kun ʼdus nor buʼi baṅ mdzod las. Rdo-Rje-Tshe-Riṅ (ed.) - 2006 - [Qinghai]: Mtsho-sṅon Mi-rigs Dpe-skrun-khaṅ.
    Corpus of Nyingmapa doctrines, commentaries on Buddhist canonical texts, and philosophy etc.
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  36. Tshad maʼi dgongs ʼgrel gyi bstan bcos chen po Rnam ʼgrel gyi don gcig tu dril ba blo rab ʼbring tha ma gsum du ston pa legs bshad chen po mkhas paʼi mgul rgyan skal bzang re ba kun skong zhes bya ba ; and, Rtags rigs kyi rang lugs mthaʾ dpyod blo gsal mkhas paʾi mgul rgyan ʾgro baʾi snying gi mun pa sel bar byed pa ku mu tāʾi kha ʾbyed: texts from the supplementary yig cha or study manuals of the ʾBras-spungs Sgo-mang tradition containing the pedagogical presentation of the forms of Buddhist logical argument (bsdus grwa). Ngag-Dbang-Bkra-Shis - 1984 - Mundgod, Karnataka State, India: Drepung Gomang Buddhist Cultural Association. Edited by Ngag-Dbang-Bkra-Shis.
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  37. Tshad maʼi dgongs ʼgrel gyi bstan bcos chen po Rnam ʼgrel gyi don gcig tu dril ba blo rab ʼbring tha ma gsum du ston pa legs bshad chen po mkhas paʼi mgul rgyan skal bzang re ba kun skong zhes bya ba bzhugs so. Ngag-Dbang-Bkra-Shis - 1980 - [Zi-ling]: [Sku-ʼbum byams pa gling].
    Critical study on Mādhyamika philosophy of Madhyamakāvatāra of Candrakīrti.
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  38. (1 other version)Tshad maʾi dgoṅs don legs par bśad pa rigs lam blo gsal ʾjug bdeʾi lam bu. Dge-ʾdun-Bsam-Gtan - 1996 - Lanzhou: Mtsho-sṅon Źiṅ-chen Źin-hwa dpe khaṅ gis bkrams.
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  39. Madhyamaka Philosophy of No-Mind: Taktsang Lotsāwa’s On Prāsaṅgika, Pramāṇa, Buddhahood and a Defense of No-Mind Thesis.Sonam Thakchoe & Julien Tempone Wiltshire - 2019 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 47 (3):453-487.
    It is well known in contemporary Madhyamaka studies that the seventh century Indian philosopher Candrakīrti rejects the foundationalist Abhidharma epistemology. The question that is still open to debate is: Does Candrakīrti offer any alternative Madhyamaka epistemology? One possible way of addressing this question is to find out what Candrakīrti says about the nature of buddha’s epistemic processes. We know that Candrakīrti has made some puzzling remarks on that score. On the one hand, he claims buddha is the pramāṇabhūta-puruṣa (person of (...)
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    Zonkhavyn "Bodʹ mȯriĭn zėrėg" dėkh niĭgmiĭn filosofiĭn u̇zėl sanaa.O. Chimėg - 2016 - Ulaanbaatar Khot: "Udam Soël" KhKhK-d khėvlėv.
    Philosophy of Tsong-kha-pa Blo-bzang-grags-pa's Lam rim chen mo.
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  41. İnancın Deneyimsel Olanaklılığı.Funda Neslioğlu Serin - 2016 - Kilikya Felsefe Dergisi / Cilicia Journal of Philosophy 3 (1):64-73.
    Bu çalışmada, bir yandan bilgiye yol açması bağlamında deneyimin inanca kaynak oluşturması, öte yandan insan edimlerine yol açması bağlamında inancın deneyimlenmesine olanak oluşturması nedeniyle inanç-deneyim ilişkisi irdelenecektir. İnanç-deneyim ilişkisinin olanaklılığı ve bu ilişkinin kuşkulu doğası, Davidson ve Wittgenstein gibi iki önde gelen çözümleyici filozofun konuyla ilgili açıklamaları dikkate alınarak araştırılmaktadır.Yazının ana savını şu temel fikir oluşturmaktadır: Sanılanın aksine, ne deneyimler inanç için sağlam ve kesin bir temel oluştururlar ne de deneyimler bilinmek için inançlara gereksinim duyarlar. In this paper, the relationship (...)
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    Befehlen und Gehorchen. La réalité comme jeu de commandement et d’obéissance selon Nietzsche.Patrick Wotling - 2010 - Nietzsche Studien 39 (1):39-54.
    Cette étude part du privilège accordé par Nietzsche au problème de la hiérarchie, et à l'idée de commandment, qui peuvent sembler de préjugés. Elle en interroge la significations et montre qu'ils se justifient pas ni par la condamnation de la croyance, ni par la valorisation du philosophe comme esprit libre, mais par la logiqu de la vie pulsionnelle, qui repose intégralement sur la relation de commandment et d'obéissance. Cette dernière est par conséquent reconnue pour la logique qui structure la réalité (...)
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    Divine Grace and the Play of Opposites.Trent Pomplun - 2006 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 26 (1):159-172.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Divine Grace and the Play of OppositesTrent PomplunIn Prisoners of Shangri-la: Tibetan Buddhism and the West, Donald Lopez treats his readers to a provocative but entertaining history of Western fantasies about Tibet. Lopez discovers at the root of these fantasies a "play of opposites" between "the pristine and the polluted, the authentic and the derivative, the holy and the demonic, the good and the bad."1 Not surprisingly, Catholic missionaries (...)
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  44.  31
    Leben und Philosophie.Marco Ivaldo - 2016 - Fichte-Studien 43:172-185.
    The aim of my contribution is to show that Fichte in the Anweisung zum seeligen Leben confronts the charge of nihilism raised against the Wissenschaftslehre by Jacobi in his “Open Letter” to Fichte of 1799. Although the term “nihilism” does not appear in the text of the Anweisung, it is nevertheless evident that the problem of nihilism, which Jacobi placed at the center of philosophical discussions, has influenced the development of the fundamental thought of this work. The transcendental ontology of (...)
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    Mind/body Theory and Practice in Tibetan Medicine and Buddhism.Brendan Richard Ozawa-De Silva & Chikako Ozawa De Silva - 2011 - Body and Society 17 (1):95-119.
    The model of mind and body in Tibetan medical practice is based on Buddhist theory, and is neither dualistic in a Cartesian sense, nor monistic. Rather, it represents a genuine alternative to these positions by presenting mind/body interaction as a dynamic process that is situated within the context of the individual’s relationships with others and the environment. Due to the distinctiveness, yet interdependence, of mind and body, the physician’s task is to heal the patient’s mind (blo-gso) as well as body. (...)
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  46. Recht und Moral in der Philosophie Kants.Georg Geismann - 2006 - Jahrbuch für Recht Und Ethik 14.
    Der sehr umfangreiche Aufsatz ist der ins Detail gehende Versuch, die systematische Stellung der Rechtslehre in Kants Moralphilosophie zu bestimmen. Hauptgegenstände der Untersuchung sind:1) Willkür – Wille – Freiheit; Handlung – Maxime; 2) das Rechtsproblem als moralisches Problem sui generis, 3) Moralgesetz überhaupt – Rechtsgesetz – Ethisches Gesetz / Tugendgesetz; 4) Rechtszwang; 5) Zurechnung ; 6) die Geltung des Rechtsgesetzes: a) bloß hypothetische Rechtsgeltung; b) die Autonomie des Willens als vermeintlicher Grund kategorischer Rechtsgeltung; c) die Unabhängigkeit kategorischer Rechtsgeltung von der (...)
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    Kant’s Teleology, the Concept of the Organism, and the Context of Contemporary Biology.Georg Toepfer - 2011 - History of Philosophy & Logical Analysis 14 (1):107-124.
    For Kant, the main aim of teleology in nature is to identify or to segregate as a particular class of objects certain types of causal systems, specifically, systems of interdependent parts.With the development of physiology as a distinct science at the beginning of the 18th century, the idea of interdependence or reciprocity of parts in a system was well-established as a fundamental principle for the specification of organisms. Kant combined the ideas of teleology and causal reciprocity in his systems-theoretical foundation (...)
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  48. Hume's Revised Racism Revisited.Aaron Garrett - 2000 - Hume Studies 26 (1):171-177.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Hume Studies Volume XXVI, Number 1, April 2000, pp. 171-177 Hume's Revised Racism Revisited AARON GARRETT John Immerwahr's brief note "Hume's Revised Racism" is doubtless one of the most intriguing recent discussions of Hume and racism.1 Immerwahr presents a thesis as to why Hume revised a footnote originally added to his essay "Of National Characters" (hereafter "ONC") in 1753. In this note I will examine and dispute Immerwahr's thesis, (...)
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  49.  51
    Blue Jean Buddha: Voices of Young Buddhists (review).Frank M. Tedesco - 2003 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 23 (1):187-189.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Buddhist-Christian Studies 23 (2003) 187-189 [Access article in PDF] Blue Jean Buddha: Voices Of Young Buddhists. Edited by Sumi Loundon. Foreword by Jack Kornfield. Boston: Wisdom Publications, 2001. xxi + 234 pp. Blue Jean Buddha is not the name of one of this year's short-lived pop sit-coms nor is it a trendy apparel statement. You will not find low-rise, hip-hugging jeans and navel-studded co-eds in this collection of lively (...)
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  50. The Poetry of Jeroen Mettes.Samuel Vriezen & Steve Pearce - 2012 - Continent 2 (1):22-28.
    continent. 2.1 (2012): 22–28. Jeroen Mettes burst onto the Dutch poetry scene twice. First, in 2005, when he became a strong presence on the nascent Dutch poetry blogosphere overnight as he embarked on his critical project Dichtersalfabet (Poet’s Alphabet). And again in 2011, when to great critical acclaim (and some bafflement) his complete writings were published – almost five years after his far too early death. 2005 was the year in which Dutch poetry blogging exploded. That year saw the foundation (...)
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