Corwin Aragon [4]Oriana R. Aragón [3]Santiago Aragón [3] Aragon [2]
Patrick Aragon [2]Estíbaliz Aragón [2]María Fernández Aragón [2]Regina Aragón [2]

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  1. Agency, Complicity, and the Responsibility to Resist Structural Injustice.Corwin Aragon & Alison M. Jaggar - 2018 - Journal of Social Philosophy 49 (3):439-460.
  2. "Ought Implies Can,” Framing Effects, and "Empirical Refutations".Alicia Kissinger-Knox, Patrick Aragon & Moti Mizrahi - 2018 - Philosophia 46 (1):165-182.
    This paper aims to contribute to the current debate about the status of the “Ought Implies Can” principle and the growing body of empirical evidence that undermines it. We report the results of an experimental study which show that people judge that agents ought to perform an action even when they also judge that those agents cannot do it and that such “ought” judgments exhibit an actor-observer effect. Because of this actor-observer effect on “ought” judgments and the Duhem-Quine thesis, talk (...)
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  3. Does Non-Moral Ignorance Exculpate? Situational Awareness and Attributions of Blame and Forgiveness.Alicia Kissinger-Knox, Patrick Aragon & Moti Mizrahi - 2018 - Acta Analytica 33 (2):161-179.
    In this paper, we set out to test empirically an idea that many philosophers find intuitive, namely that non-moral ignorance can exculpate. Many philosophers find it intuitive that moral agents are responsible only if they know the particular facts surrounding their action. Our results show that whether moral agents are aware of the facts surrounding their action does have an effect on people’s attributions of blame, regardless of the consequences or side effects of the agent’s actions. In general, it was (...)
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  4.  43
    “So Happy I Could Shout!” and “So Happy I Could Cry!” Dimorphous expressions represent and communicate motivational aspects of positive emotions.Oriana R. Aragón & John A. Bargh - 2017 - Cognition and Emotion 32 (2):286-302.
    Happiness can be expressed through smiles. Happiness can also be expressed through physical displays that without context, would appear to be sadness and anger. These seemingly incongruent displays of happiness, termed dimorphous expressions, we propose, represent and communicate expressers’ motivational orientations. When participants reported their own aggressive expressions in positive or negative contexts, their expressions represented positive or negative emotional experiences respectively, imbued with appetitive orientations. In contrast, reported sad expressions, in positive or negative contexts, represented positive and negative emotional (...)
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  5.  52
    Participants' understanding of the process of psychological research: Informed consent.Janet L. Brody, John P. Cluck & Alfredo S. Aragon - 1997 - Ethics and Behavior 7 (4):285 – 298.
    Sixty-five undergraduates participating in a wide range of psychological research experiments were interviewed in depth about their research experiences and their views on the process of informed consent. Overall, 32% of research experiences were characterized positively and 41 % were characterized negatively. One major theme of the negative experiences was that experiments were perceived as too invasive, suggesting incomplete explication of negative aspects of research during the informed consent process. Informed consent experiences were viewed positively 80% of the time. However, (...)
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  6.  40
    “Tears of joy” & “smiles of joy” prompt distinct patterns of interpersonal emotion regulation.Oriana R. Aragón & Margaret S. Clark - 2017 - Cognition and Emotion 32 (5):913-940.
    ABSTRACTClose relationship partners often respond to happiness expressed through smiles with capitalization, i.e. they join in attempting to up-regulate and prolong the individual’s positive emotion, and they often respond to crying with interpersonal down-regulation of negative emotions, attempting to dampen the negative emotions. We investigated how people responded when happiness was expressed through tears, an expression termed dimorphous. We hypothesised that the physical expression of crying would prompt interpersonal down-regulation of emotion when the onlooker perceived that the expresser was experiencing (...)
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  7.  62
    Global Gender Justice and Epistemic Oppression: A Response to an Epistemic Dilemma.Corwin Aragon - 2019 - Feminist Philosophy Quarterly 5 (2).
    Critiques of Western feminists’ attempts to extend claims about gender injustice to the global context highlighted a dilemma facing Western feminists, what I call the global gender justice dilemma. In response to this dilemma, Alison M. Jaggar argues that Western feminists should turn our attention away from trying to resolve it and, instead, toward examination of our own complicity in the processes that produce injustice. I suggest that this kind of approach is helpful in responding to an additional dilemma that (...)
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  8. Explanatory model of emotional-cognitive variables in school mathematics performance: a longitudinal study in primary school.Gamal Cerda, Carlos Pérez, José I. Navarro, Manuel Aguilar, José Antonio Casas & Estivaliz Aragon - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6:146673.
    This study tested a structural model of cognitive-emotional explanatory variables to explain performance in mathematics. The predictor variables assessed were related to students’ level of development of early mathematical competencies (EMCs), specifically, relational and numerical competencies, predisposition toward mathematics, and the level of logical intelligence in a population of primary school Chilean students (n = 634). This longitudinal study also included the academic performance of the students during a period of four years as a variable. The sampled students were initially (...)
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  9.  15
    Building a Case for Social Justice Situated Case Studies in Nonideal Social Theory.Corwin Aragon - 2021 - In Heidi Elizabeth Grasswick & Nancy Arden McHugh (eds.), Making the Case: Feminist and Critical Race Philosophers Engage Case Studies. Albany: SUNY Press. pp. 23-45.
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  10.  31
    Emoticons in text may function like gestures in spoken or signed communication.Laurie Beth Feldman, Cecilia R. Aragon, Nan-Chen Chen & Judith F. Kroll - 2017 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 40.
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  11.  49
    Participants' Understanding of the Process of Psychological Research: Debriefing.Alfredo S. Aragon, John P. Gluck & Janet L. Brody - 2000 - Ethics and Behavior 10 (1):13-25.
    In a broad-based study of experiences in psychological research, 65 undergraduates participating in a wide range of psychological experiments were interviewed in depth. Overall findings demonstrated that participants hold varying views, with only 32% of participants characterizing their experiences as completely positive. Participants' descriptions of their debriefing experiences suggest substantial variability in the content, format, and general quality of debriefing practices. Just over 40% of the debriefing experiences were viewed favorably. Positive debriefing experiences were described as including a thorough explanation (...)
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  12.  42
    The Open Algorithm Based on Numbers Method: An Effective Instructional Approach to Domain-Specific Precursors of Arithmetic Development.Gamal Cerda, Estíbaliz Aragón, Carlos Pérez, José I. Navarro & Manuel Aguilar - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  13.  50
    Decidim: redes políticas y tecnopolíticas para la democracia participativa.Xabier Barandiaran, Antonio Calleja, Arnau Monterde, Pablo Aragón, Juan Linares, Carol Romero & Andrés Pereira - 2017 - Recerca.Revista de Pensament I Anàlisi 21:137-150.
    Decidim es una plataforma digital de democracia participativa desarrollada por el Ajuntament de Barcelona. Decidim es, además, un proyecto tecnopolítico que implica multitud de códigos más allá del informático. Distinguimos tres planos analíticos que sirven para conceptualizar de forma holística y sistemática el proyecto Decidim: un plano político, uno tecnopolítico, y un plano técnico. Decidim emerge como ejemplo de lo que denominamos “redes políticas” caracterizadas, frente a las “redes sociales”, por hacer del vínculo político y la construcción de inteligencia y (...)
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  14.  32
    Why and How Does Social Responsibility Differ Among SMEs? A Social Capital Systemic Approach.Cristina Aragón, Lorea Narvaiza & Maite Altuna - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 138 (2):365-384.
    The existing analysis of heterogeneous social responsibility in small and medium enterprises has considered the effects of individual factors. However, no holistic analysis has been performed on how different factors of heterogeneity interact and how they collectively affect SR in SMEs. Here, we propose a new systemic approach—employing the social capital concept—with the aim of identifying how and why SR is built diversely in SMEs. In particular, we focus on a positive and holistic perspective that integrates the factors proposed in (...)
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  15.  3
    ‘Subjects to be dealt with’: Disability, class, and carceral power in early 20th-century Britain.Margarita Aragon - forthcoming - History of the Human Sciences.
    In this article, I will examine the category ‘subject to be dealt with’, which was established by the 1913 Mental Deficiency Act. Designed to demonstrate the legislation's respect for individual liberty, the boundaries of the category established the grounds on which authorities had the responsibility to act upon those deemed to be ‘mentally defective’. In essence, ‘subject to be dealt with’ became the supposedly rational, measured qualifying category through which the condemnation of ‘defect’ could be operationalized. In both its actual (...)
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  16.  14
    Configuraciones formativas de los formadores desde sus constructos personales: retos, procesos y experiencias.Magaly Hernández Aragón - 2023 - Saberes y Prácticas. Revista de Filosofía y Educación 8 (1):1-19.
    El estudio de la formación inicial del profesorado realizado al interior de las escuelas normales de México demanda situarla tanto en un espacio social, temporal e institucional específico como también volcar la mirada en los sujetos que la desarrollan, es decir, poner atención en el trabajo efectuado por los formadores. Esta investigación parte de tal reconocimiento, planteándose como objetivo analizar las configuraciones formativas que desarrollan los formadores, con base en sus constructos personales que comunican en los procesos de formación inicial (...)
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  17.  18
    Empowerment without Rights.Corwin Aragon - 2023 - Radical Philosophy Review 26 (1):115-122.
    In Women’s Activism, Feminism, and Social Justice, Margaret McLaren develops and argues for a new theoretical framework, the feminist social justice approach, that can guide ongoing feminist transnational solidarity projects. I briefly map out the main lines of argumentation in McLaren’s book and highlight some of the valuable contributions these arguments make to the intersecting sub-fields of global ethics, global justice, development ethics, and feminist philosophy. I then note two critical thoughts on the book. First, I argue that McLaren’s concessions (...)
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  18.  18
    Lactantius Before Lactantius? A Hexameter From the Carmina XII Sapientvm in an Inscription on Samian Ware From Belsinon (Hispania Tarraconensis).Isidro Aguilera Aragón & Borja Díaz Ariño - 2022 - Classical Quarterly 72 (1):447-449.
    This paper presents a graffito written after firing on a Samian-ware bowl dated to the turn of the first and second centuries c.e., which seems to contain part of a hexameter included in the well-known anthology Carmina XII sapientum, the composition of which has recently been attributed to the Christian author Lactantius.
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    Individuar, nos individuar e individuar em nós: a transindividualidade do conhecer.Luis Eduardo Ponciano Aragon - 2014 - Filosofia E Educação 6 (3):187-208.
    Propomos uma leitura da obra do filósofo Gilbert Simondon, com ênfase no conceito de transindividual. A partir deste percurso são discriminados elementos da ética e do processo do conhecimento no pensamento do autor.
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  20.  27
    Les premières tentatives d'institutionnalisation de la zoologie en Espagne.Santiago Aragón & Miguel Villena - 2010 - Revue d'Histoire des Sciences 63 (2):473-499.
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    Lenguaje y representación en la predictadura uruguaya: una lectura de Indicios pánicos, de Cristina Peri Rossi.Danny Cuéllar Aragón - 2020 - Escritos 28 (60):48-61.
    The article inquires about the role of language in Cristina Peri Rossi’s Panic Signs [Indicios pánicos]. The hypothesis of the work is that language, as a mimetic instrument of representation and creation, established itself as a way to upgrade the relations of power during the Uruguayan pre-dictatorship. Being a qualitative research based on a hermeneutical approach, the article has the following aims: i) reconstruct the background to the dictatorship leaded by Juan Maria Bordaberry, ii) frame the work within the tradition (...)
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  22.  24
    Some Boolean algebras with finitely many distinguished ideals II.Regina Aragón - 2003 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 49 (3):260.
    We describe the countably saturated models and prime models of the theory Thprin of Boolean algebras with a principal ideal, the theory Thmax of Boolean algebras with a maximal ideal, the theory Thac of atomic Boolean algebras with an ideal such that the supremum of the ideal exists, and the theory Thsa of atomless Boolean algebras with an ideal such that the supremum of the ideal exists. We prove that there are infinitely many completions of the theory of Boolean algebras (...)
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    Some Boolean Algebras with Finitely Many Distinguished Ideals I.Regina Aragón - 1995 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 41 (4):485-504.
    We consider the theory Thprin of Boolean algebras with a principal ideal, the theory Thmax of Boolean algebras with a maximal ideal, the theory Thac of atomic Boolean algebras with an ideal where the supremum of the ideal exists, and the theory Thsa of atomless Boolean algebras with an ideal where the supremum of the ideal exists. First, we find elementary invariants for Thprin and Thsa. If T is a theory in a first order language and α is a linear (...)
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  24. The international influence of the Societe zoologique d'acclimatation: Spanish participation between 1854 and 1861.Santiago Aragon - 2005 - Revue d'Histoire des Sciences 58 (1).
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    Gardens as Science Learning Contexts Across Educational Stages: Learning Assessment Based on Students’ Graphic Representations.Marcia Eugenio-Gozalbo, Lourdes Aragón & Inés Ortega-Cubero - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:566228.
    The educational use of daily-life contexts is considered a valuable strategy to promote meaningful science learning, since it facilitates the establishment of connections between previous knowledge, personal interests, and new learning. The aim of this work is to provide evidence to support the presence of gardens at educational centers, by assessing key science topics whose learning is promoted at the pre-school, primary, secondary, and university stages. To this end, we analyzed the paired graphic representations of “a garden” that students drew (...)
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  26.  11
    Las relaciones entre Política y Religión en el platonismo farabiano.Luis Xavier López Farjeat & María Fernández Aragón - 2013 - Tópicos: Revista de Filosofía 24 (1):161-184.
    The authors present some remarks on Al- Farabi's reception and understanding of Platonic Dialogues, especially according to "The Philosophy of Plato". In this treatise, Al- Farabi intends to show how politics were meant to be the leitmotiv of Plato's writings. He also discusses the argumentative and cognitive relations that exist between Political Science, Philosophy and Religion. As the statesman is engaged in pedagogical functions, he is urged to have some discursive abilities —besides the speculative knowledge of the first principles— for (...)
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    Los jóvenes son sujetos políticos... a su manera.Álvaro Díaz Gómez & Liliana Andrea Salamanca Aragón - 2012 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 17 (57).
    Se presentan los resultados parciales de una investigación realizada entre los años 2010 Y 2011 cuya pretensión fue indagar la manera cómo van emergiendo en cuanto sujetos político, los jóvenes de una universidad pública. Para ello se desarrolló un diseño cualitativo constituido por ocho fases yvive..
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  28.  13
    Contributions of the psychology of mathematical cognition in early childhood education using apps.Carlos Mera, Cándida Delgado, Estíbaliz Aragón, Inmaculada Menacho, María Del Carmen Canto & José I. Navarro - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Educational interventions are necessary to develop mathematical competence at early ages and prevent widespread mathematics learning failure in the education system as indicated by the results of European reports. Numerous studies agree that domain-specific predictors related to mathematics are symbolic and non-symbolic magnitude comparison, as well as, number line estimation. The goal of this study was to design 4 digital learning app games to train specific cognitive bases of mathematical learning in order to create resources and promote the use of (...)
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  29.  17
    Anger and Sadness Expressions Situated in Both Positive and Negative Contexts: An Investigation in South Korea and the United States.Sunny Youngok Song, Alexandria M. Curtis & Oriana R. Aragón - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    A formidable challenge to the research of non-verbal behavior can be in the assumptions that we sometimes make, and the subsequent questions that arise from those assumptions. In this article, we proceed with an investigation that would have been precluded by the assumption of a 1:1 correspondence between facial expressions and discrete emotional experiences. We investigated two expressions that in the normative sense are considered negative expressions. One expression, “anger” could be described as clenched fists, furrowed brows, tense jaws and (...)
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  30.  20
    Quasiperiodic states in linear surface wave experiments.M. Torres, J. P. Adrados, P. Cobo, A. Fernandez, G. Chiappe, E. Louis, J. A. Miralles, J. A. Verges & J. L. Aragon - 2006 - Philosophical Magazine 86 (6-8):1065-1073.
  31.  15
    Abdo Férez, Cecilia. ‘Contra las mujeres. (In)justicia en Spinoza’. Ediciones Antígona, Madrid, 2019, 115 pp. [REVIEW]Ester Velasco Aragón - 2020 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 37 (2):331-332.
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    Le rayonnement international de la Société zoologique d'acclimatation : Participation de l'Espagne entre 1854 et 1861 / The international influence of the Société zoologique d'acclimatation : Spanish participation between 1854 and 1861. [REVIEW]Santiago Aragon - 2005 - Revue d'Histoire des Sciences 58 (1):169-206.
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