Results for ' Appropriation Process'

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  1.  27
    Culturally appropriate consent processes for community-driven indigenous child health research: a scoping review.Cindy Peltier, Sarah Dickson, Viviane Grandpierre, Irina Oltean, Lorrilee McGregor, Emilie Hageltorn & Nancy L. Young - 2024 - BMC Medical Ethics 25 (1):1-12.
    Background Current requirements for ethical research in Canada, specifically the standard of active or signed parental consent, can leave Indigenous children and youth with inequitable access to research opportunities or health screening. Our objective was to examine the literature to identify culturally safe research consent processes that respect the rights of Indigenous children, the rights and responsibilities of parents or caregivers, and community protocols. Methods We followed PRISMA guidelines and Arksey and O’Malley’s approach for charting and synthesizing evidence. We searched (...)
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    Assessment of the appropriateness of the i-CONSENT guidelines recommendations for improving understanding of the informed consent process in clinical studies.Javier Diez-Domingo, Cristina Ferrer-Albero & Jaime Fons-Martinez - 2021 - BMC Medical Ethics 22 (1):1-12.
    BackgroundThe H2020 i-CONSENT project has developed a set of guidelines that offer ethical recommendations and practical tools aimed at making the informed consent process in clinical studies more comprehensive, tailored, and inclusive. An analysis of the appropriateness of some of its novel recommendations was carried out by a group of experts representing different stakeholders.MethodsAn adaptation of the RAND/ucla Appropriateness Method was used to assess the level of agreement on the recommendations among 14 representatives of different stakeholders, including patients, regulators, (...)
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    Apprentissage et appropriation de la prothèse de membre.Valentine Gourinat - 2022 - Alter - European Journal of Disability Research / Revue Européenne de Recherche Sur le Handicap 16-1 (16-1):77-93.
    Amputation is a chronic condition. The amputation of a limb (arm or leg) profoundly upsets the biographical thread of the person going through this ordeal, and determines the entire organization of his or her life in the long term. It entails a heavy process of learning, appropriation, and development of knowledge and skills. While this process is built up in a brutal and profound way in the early stages following the amputation, it also continues, because of its (...)
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    Generalizing on Best Practices in Image Processing: A Model for Promoting Research Integrity: Commentary on: Avoiding Twisted Pixels: Ethical Guidelines for the Appropriate Use and Manipulation of Scientific Digital Images.Dale J. Benos & Sara H. Vollmer - 2010 - Science and Engineering Ethics 16 (4):669-673.
    Modifying images for scientific publication is now quick and easy due to changes in technology. This has created a need for new image processing guidelines and attitudes, such as those offered to the research community by Doug Cromey (Cromey 2010). We suggest that related changes in technology have simplified the task of detecting misconduct for journal editors as well as researchers, and that this simplification has caused a shift in the responsibility for reporting misconduct. We also argue that the concept (...)
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    Participation of creativity in the processes of appropriation of the real.María Inés Murrieta, Francisco Covarrubias & Ma Guadalupe Cruz - 2015 - Cinta de Moebio 53:205-217.
    The aim of this work is to argue that creativity is given in all forms of consciousness and that could open new perspectives in the research of the processes of formation of subjects. The most important result is that all the forms of consciousness have an enormous diversity of referents of the different modes of appropriation of the real, they are provided of imagination and critical capacity and only in the artistic consciousness creativity is condition for its existence. El (...)
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  6.  50
    Is attention an appropriate concept for explaining brain processes?G. J. Dalenoort - 1995 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18 (2):341-342.
    In interpreting measurements of brain processes it is necessary to make the model used explicit. A concept such as attention cannot be used in the description of brain activities without a model of the relation of mental and neural processes.
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    Tailoring consent to context: designing an appropriate consent process for a biomedical study in a low income setting.Fasil Tekola, Susan J. Bull, Bobbie Farsides, Melanie J. Newport, Adebowale Adeyemo, Charles N. Rotimi & Gail Davey - unknown
    Background Currently there is increasing recognition of the need for research in developing countries where disease burden is high. Understanding the role of local factors is important for undertaking ethical research in developing countries. We explored factors relating to information and communication during the process of informed consent, and the approach that should be followed for gaining consent. The study was conducted prior to a family-based genetic study among people with podoconiosis (non-filarial elephantiasis) in southern Ethiopia. Methodology/Principal Findings We (...)
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    Appropriate technology, alternative technology and the Chinese model: Terminology and analysis.Ian Inkster - 1989 - Annals of Science 46 (3):263-276.
    This paper, the first of two on science and technology in Modern China, sets out to estimate the success of China's technology strategy since 1949. It focuses on a clarification of such key terms as ‘appropriate technology’ and ‘alternative technology’. We argue that any statement about technology policy or its success involves an analysis of institutions as well as physical artifacts or production processes. A review of Chinese economic development in terms of technological phases suggests that recent changes designed to (...)
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  9. think Donald Moon overestimates the dangers of “unconstrained conversation,” especially for individual privacy rights, he points to the difficult question concerning the kinds of institutional design that are appropriate to help ensure that the deliberations conducted in an “unconstrained conversation” influence the process of decision making. Should there, for example, be a system of public voting? See “Constrained Discourse and Public Life,”.I. Although - 1991 - Political Theory 19:202-229.
  10.  19
    Pre-service Teachers’ Appropriation of Conceptual Tools.Honorine Nocon & Ellen H. Robinson - 2014 - Outlines. Critical Practice Studies 15 (2):93-118.
    Teachers and teacher educators in the US struggle with conflicting needs. They must think critically and adaptively in response to the rapidly changing demographics of their students and adjust to a policy climate that emphasizes standardization, measurement, and disregard for teachers as professionals. Embattled pre-service teacher education programs in institutions of higher education have traditionally sought to develop teacher candidates’ knowledge, skills, and dispositions. The authors argue that in the current climate pre-service teachers also must appropriate conceptual frameworks to support (...)
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    Appropriation, Activation and Acceleration: The Escalatory Logics of Capitalist Modernity and the Crises of Dynamic Stabilization.Hartmut Rosa, Klaus Dörre & Stephan Lessenich - 2017 - Theory, Culture and Society 34 (1):53-73.
    The paper starts by identifying dynamic stabilization as a defining feature of modern societies. This term refers to the fact that such a society requires (material) growth, (technological) augmentation and high rates of (cultural) innovation in order to reproduce its structure and to preserve the socioeconomic and political status quo. The subsequent sections explore the mechanisms and consequences of this mode of social reproduction, proceeding in three steps. First, three key aspects or ‘motors’ of dynamization are identified, namely the mechanisms (...)
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  12. Heidegger's "Appropriation" of Dilthey before Being and Time.Robert C. Scharff - 1997 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 35 (1):105-128.
    Heidegger's "Appropriation" of Dilthey before Being and Time ROBERT C. SCHARFF IN 199 4, in his famous Time-lecture to the Marburg Theological Society, Heidegger makes it "the first principle of all hermeneutics" that gaining access to history rests upon understanding what it means to be historical? Three years later, in Being and Time, he announces that he has achieved this understanding, for the purpose of his ontological questioning, through an "appropriation" of Dilthey's work, "confirmed and strengthened by the (...)
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  13.  26
    An appropriation of Psalm 82 against the background of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. The Christian church as a change agent in the Fourth Industrial Revolution.Lodewyk Sutton - 2020 - HTS Theological Studies 76 (2):9.
    In an era during which more and more people show signs of narcissism, extreme individualistic views and a lack of empathy for others, the evidence that a definite change in society has taken place cannot be denied. This change is, in many ways, the result of the fast-growing pace of development and availability of technology, also known as the Fourth Industrial Revolution, in terms of which change has become a daily occurrence. Accessibility to the Internet and social media platforms contributes (...)
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  14. Appropriateness measures: an uncertainty model for vague concepts.Jonathan Lawry - 2008 - Synthese 161 (2):255-269.
    We argue that in the decision making process required for selecting assertible vague descriptions of an object, it is practical that communicating agents adopt an epistemic stance. This corresponds to the assumption that there exists a set of conventions governing the appropriate use of labels, and about which an agent has only partial knowledge and hence significant uncertainty. It is then proposed that this uncertainty is quantified by a measure corresponding to an agent’s subjective belief that a vague concept (...)
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  15.  39
    Toward a Critical Appropriation of Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics for the 21st Centur.Kevin M. Brien - 2016 - Dialogue and Universalism 26 (4):49-67.
    This is a working paper that presents the first phase of what will eventually be a huge project, namely a critical appropriation of Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics. Early on it provides a sketch of the main strands of Aristotle’s theoretical web in his N. Ethics. Following that, the paper offers some critical commentary concerning some of Aristotle’s main positions: especially his views on moral virtue, the soul, intellectual virtue, and human well-being. The paper then turns to the development of some (...)
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  16.  40
    Self-appropriation vs. self-constitution: Social philosophical reflections on the self-relation.Kurt C. M. Mertel - 2017 - Human Affairs 27 (4):416-432.
    It is widely held that reflexivity is the defining feature of selfhood: the ability of the self to stand in a certain relation to itself. The question of how exactly to theorize this self-relation, however, has been the source of ongoing debate. In recent years, Kantian and post-Kantian approaches such as Christine Korsgaard’s constitutivism and Richard Moran’s commitment view, have attempted to establish the priority of the agential over the epistemic self-relation, thereby re-orientating the debate away from metaphysics and epistemology (...)
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  17.  7
    Jewish Theology and Process Thought.Sandra B. Lubarsky & David Ray Griffin - 1996 - SUNY Press.
    Presents essays by Jewish thinkers who have found process thought to be a useful framework for contemporary Jewish thought and a set of conversations between Jewish and Christian thinkers on the appropriateness of process thought for Judaism and Christianity.
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  18.  28
    What power? Social representations of ICTs’ appropriation for community empowerment in Latin American social movements.Lázaro M. Bacallao-Pino - 2018 - Semiotica 2018 (223):177-197.
    The article analyzes the social representations of ICTs’ appropriation for community empowerment by social movements. The study includes two recent Latin American student social movements: the Mexican #YoSoy132 and the Chilean student movement. Discourse analysis was used to examine interviews with participants in these social movements as well as other texts associated with their episodes of collective action. The discourse analysis was focused on four main dimensions of the social representations of ICTs’ appropriation: (1) the interrelationships between the (...)
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  19.  44
    Defining and Describing Benefit Appropriately in Clinical Trials.Nancy M. P. King - 2000 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 28 (4):332-343.
    Institutional review boards and investigators are used to talking about risks of harm. Both low risks of great harm and high risks of small harm must be disclosed to prospective subjects and should be explained and categorized in ways that help potential subjects to understand and weigh them appropriately. Everyone on an IRB has probably spent time at meetings arguing over whether a three-page bulleted list of risk description is helpful or overkill for prospective subjects. Yet only a small fraction (...)
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  20. Processes as variable embodiments.Nicola Guarino & Giancarlo Guizzardi - 2024 - Synthese 203 (4):1-27.
    In a number of papers, Kit Fine introduced a theory of embodiment which distinguishes between rigid and variable embodiments, and has been successfully applied to clarify the ontological nature of entities whose parts may or may not vary in time. In particular, he has applied this theory to describe a process such as the erosion of a cliff, which would be a variable embodiment whose manifestations are the different states of erosion of the cliff. We find this theory very (...)
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  21.  48
    Metaphor processing: Referring and predicating.Robyn Carston & Xinxin Yan - 2023 - Cognition 238 (C):105534.
    The general consensus emerging from decades of empirical investigation of metaphor processing is that, when appropriately contextualised, metaphorically used language is no more demanding of processing effort than literally used language. However, there is a small number of studies which contradict this position, notably Noveck, Bianco, and Castry (2001): they maintain that relevance-based pragmatic theory predicts increased cognitive costs incurred in deriving the extra effects that metaphors typically yield, and they provide experimental results that support this prediction. In our study, (...)
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  22.  29
    Cultural appropriation in bioregionalism and the need for a decolonial ethics of place.Joseph Wiebe - 2021 - Journal of Religious Ethics 49 (1):138-158.
    Bioregionalism is an environmental movement that attempts to create decentralized, self‐determined communities connected to landscape and ecological features. Activists and scholars have used the phrase “becoming native” to describe the process of belonging to place. Despite its cultural appropriation, not only do bioregional writers still use the metaphor, but it has also been defended within religious studies. Instead of relying on these arguments to address ethical issues, claims to place need a decolonial framework. Looking at various voices within (...)
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  23.  21
    The therapeutic process in the religious context.Berit Borgen - 2002 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 24 (1):234-250.
    The article is based on selected findings from a study in the field of rehabilitation in a religious context viewed from the perspective of cognitive psychology and psychology of religion. The study shows how a therapeutic process can be facilitated in cases where the psychotherapeutic intervention is co-ordinated with a creative, sound religious activity. One central phenomenon that emerged from the study was the experience of a therapeutic dialogue with the divine person God and/ or Jesus being apprehended as (...)
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  24.  2
    Process and Dynamics in AI and Language Use.Eleni Gregoromichelaki & Gregory J. Mills - forthcoming - Topics in Cognitive Science.
    In this volumed, Randall Beer and Joanna Rączaszek-Leonardi have opened an important discussion of what is further needed to enhance the reach of dynamical approaches to cognition. Focusing on issues concerning the nature of language and developments in language technology, we have attempted, in this brief contribution, to place their proposals in a larger philosophical framework that suggests lines of inquiry that we believe will yield fruitful outcomes. In particular, we suggest that the adoption of a process metaphysics suggests (...)
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  25.  49
    Application of Image Processing in Fruit and Vegetable Analysis: A Review.Anand Singh Jalal & Shiv Ram Dubey - 2015 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 24 (4):405-424.
    Images are an important source of data and information in the agricultural sciences. The use of image-processing techniques has outstanding implications for the analysis of agricultural operations. Fruit and vegetable classification is one of the major applications that can be utilized in supermarkets to automatically detect the kinds of fruits or vegetables purchased by customers and to determine the appropriate price for the produce. Training on-site is the underlying prerequisite for this type of arrangement, which is generally caused by the (...)
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  26.  41
    The Process of Retrieval from Very Long‐Term Memory.Michael David Williams & James D. Hollan - 1981 - Cognitive Science 5 (2):87-119.
    In this paper we argue that the protocols of subjects recalling the names of their high school classmates, as well as an army of traditional memory phenomena, can be understood from an information processing analysis which interprets retrieval as a problem‐solving process. This characterization of retrieval focuses on the reconstructive and recursive nature of the process of remembering. Retrieval is viewed as a process in which some information about a target item is used to construct a description (...)
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  27.  40
    The Appropriate Role of a Clinical Ethics Consultant’s Religious Worldview in Consultative Work: Nearly None.Janet Malek - 2019 - HEC Forum 31 (2):91-102.
    Ethical reasoning is an integral part of the work of a clinical ethics consultant. Ethical reasoning has a close relationship with an individual’s beliefs and values, which, for religious adherents, are likely to be tightly connected with their spiritual perspectives. As a result, for individuals who identify with a religious tradition, the process of thinking through ethical questions is likely to be influenced by their religious worldview. The connection between ethical reasoning and one’s spiritual perspective raises questions about the (...)
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  28.  30
    Anomalous processing in schizophrenia suggests adaptive event-action coding requires multiple executive brain mechanisms.Robert D. Oades & Katja Kreul - 2001 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 24 (5):895-896.
    The integration of perceived events with appropriate action usually requires more flexibility to result in adaptive responses than Hommel et al. report in their selective review. The need for hierarchies of function that can intervene and the existence of diverse mediating brain mechanisms can be illustrated by the non-adaptive expression in psychiatric illness of negative priming, blocking, and affective responses.
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    What does «processing of the Рast» mean.Theodor Adorno & Vitaliy Mykolayovych Bryzhnik - 2018 - Філософія Освіти 22 (1):6-24.
    Adorno's work “What does‘processing of the Рast’ mean” for the first time was presented as a report on November 6, 1959 before the Coordination Council on Christian-Jewish Cooperation. In this work Adorno considered the essence of social ideology prevailing in postwar Germany, which predetermined the strategies of social reconciliation with the political crimes of the former national-socialist power. According to the philosopher the social ideology of the consumer society uses a large number of appropriate means to stabilize its dominant position (...)
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    Appropriating Gugak and Negotiating K-Heritage. K-Pop's Reconstruction of Korean Aesthetics in the Age of Digital Globalization.Hee-sun Kim - 2022 - Espes. The Slovak Journal of Aesthetics 11 (2):27-39.
    This paper explores global K-pop's negotiation and reconstruction of Korean aesthetics via the dismantling, adoption, appropriation, and transfiguring of central elements of Korean traditional culture. Recently, K-pop groups have been incorporating traditional music and dance (gugak), traditional attire (hanbok), traditional houses (hanok), and old palaces (gogung) into music videos disseminated globally over digital platforms like YouTube. In their efforts to incorporate more 'Koreanness' into their musical productions and neutralize criticisms of their use of the 'K' prefix as inauthentic and (...)
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  31.  10
    Appropriate Child Participation and the Risks of Spiritual Abuse.Desiree Segura-April - 2016 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 33 (3):171-184.
    How can churches empower children-at-risk as ‘vulnerable agents of God’s mission,’ while also protecting them from potential risks for manipulation, exploitation, or spiritual abuse? What is ‘appropriate participation’? What types of manipulation, exploitation, or spiritual abuse might occur in this participation? This essay seeks to define ‘appropriate participation’ in the church and mission, drawing substantially from Hart’s ladder of participation to analyze the participation of children-at-risk as agents of mission. With this as a foundation, spiritual abuse is defined, and a (...)
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  32.  18
    Inter- and intra-religious appropriation.Jip Lensink - 2023 - Approaching Religion 13 (3):99-117.
    Moluccan people arrived in the Netherlands in 1951, as a result of the complicated process of the decolonization of Indonesia. A situation of permanent waiting and political disappointment resulted in this growing Moluccan community remaining. The Moluccan Protestant church reflects the migration experience and generational developments. The Moluccan churches face a decrease in membership and a lack of youth. The Malay language, the adherence to strict, liturgical rules and the unchanging, ‘old-fashioned’ character are possible causes. The challenges result in (...)
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  33. Synodality: A process committed to transformation.Elissa Roper - 2018 - The Australasian Catholic Record 95 (4):412.
    Roper, Elissa The contemporary Catholic Church is experiencing a breakthrough into a fuller stage of self-understanding, and of self-appropriation as the Body of Christ, known as 'synodality'. It is an opening to the possibility of a new experience of transformation on all levels of being Church. Synodality is being promoted and provoked by the papacy of Pope Francis, which has been accompanied by the progressive uncovering of sexual abuse within the Church, prevalent and deeply wounding. Both synodality and the (...)
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  34.  5
    Structure and Contingency: Evolutionary Processes in Life and Human Society.John L. Bintliff - 1999 - Burns & Oates.
    The theme of this book is the appropriate methodology for the study of the history of life on earth. In particular, it focuses on the interplay between form and structure: the things that we might predict and model and the things we cannot predict -- the arbitrary and the contingent -- which may be as important, or even more important, than the way in which life on earth has evolved. The contributors are drawn from palaeontology, archaeology, anthropology and human evolution; (...)
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  35.  62
    'Appropriate consent' and the use of human material for research purposes: the competent adult.J. V. McHale - 2006 - Clinical Ethics 1 (4):195-199.
    The Human Tissue Act 2004 presents a radical change to the legal regulation of the use of human material in England and Wales. The Act presents a broad regulatory framework but much in the practical operation of the legislation will depend upon regulations to be enacted and a new Code of Practice. This article examines 'appropriate consent' for the use of human tissue for research purposes in the context of the living competent adult. It examines the provision of information as (...)
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    Transforming Process Theism. [REVIEW]Scott F. Pentecost - 2002 - Review of Metaphysics 55 (3):627-628.
    One rarely encounters a work of such metaphysical breadth and ambition. Ford offers no narrowly focused criticism or proposal, but, as the title claims, a transformation of process theism. This is no maverick project, but one based on careful critical analysis and appropriation of the thought of Whitehead and his major interpreters. Ford’s commitment to Whitehead’s thought, although evident, is not uncritical. He is prepared to make modifications, even radical ones, so long as the general tendency of Whitehead’s (...)
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    Appropriating the Discourse of Social Justice in Teacher Education.Marta Baltodano - 2015 - Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    This book validates the claim that the process of reproduction of social inequalities in teacher education is not a perfect, static process, but on the contrary, the real “seeds of transformation” within teacher education departments are abundant.
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    Free will in process perspective.Donald W. Viney & Donald A. Crosby - 1994 - New Ideas in Psychology 12:129-41.
    Positions in the ongoing debate about free will are characterized and compared, that is, determinism, indeterminism, chaoticism, stronger and weaker versions of indeterminism and chaoticism, and hard and soft determinism, and libertarianism. Libertarianism is claimed to be the most adequate of these alternatives and is defended from the process perspectives of A. N. Whitehead, Charles Hartshorne, and the psychologist-philosopher William James. The defence is developed by responding to three objections to libertarianism: (1) that scientific explanations in psychology and other (...)
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    Narrating Anger Appropriately: Implications for Narrative Form and Successful Coping.Tilmann Habermas & Stephan Bongard - 2024 - Emotion Review 16 (4):238-251.
    We propose that emotion psychology would significantly gain from including narrative(s) and the conversational negotiation of appropriateness. Using the example of anger, we argue that narrators need to construct plausible narratives of emotional events to achieve validating responses by listeners. We argue first that narrators attempt to demonstrate that the appraisal conditions for their emotion are given so that the emotion fits the narrated events. Second, we argue that this in turn explains why narratives of specific emotions exhibit specific forms. (...)
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  40. The Universal Process of Understanding: Seven Key Terms in Gadamer's Hermeneutics.Richard Palmer & Katia Ho - 2008 - Philosophy and Culture 35 (2):121-144.
    In order to introduce the text description of this class will show seven keywords, they represent In order to understand the general process for the seven. Need to mention is that the author published in Chinese script - title "Gadamer's philosophy of the seven key" - and this content is not the same. In fact, only one in that the use of key words in this speech mentioned the four key words will be used the next article. 1 Linguistics (...)
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    The Process of Whistleblowing in a Japanese Psychiatric Hospital.Kayoko Ohnishi, Yumiko Hayama, Atsushi Asai & Shinji Kosugi - 2008 - Nursing Ethics 15 (5):631-642.
    This study aims to unveil the process of whistleblowing. Two nursing staff members who worked in a psychiatric hospital convicted of large-scale wrongdoing were interviewed. Data were analyzed using a modified grounded theory approach. Analysis of the interviews demonstrated that they did not decide to whistleblow when they were suspicious or had an awareness of wrongdoing. They continued to work, driven by appreciation, affection, and a sense of duty. Their decision to whistleblow was ultimately motivated by firm conviction. Shortly (...)
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    Appropriation and commercialization of the Pasteur anthrax vaccine.Maurice Cassier - 2005 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 36 (4):722-742.
    Whereas Pasteur patented the biotechnological processes that he invented between 1857 and 1873 in the agro-food domain, he did not file any patents on the artificial vaccine preparation processes that he subsequently developed. This absence of patents can probably be explained by the 1844 patent law in France that established the non-patentable status of pharmaceutical preparations and remedies, including those for use in veterinary medicine. Despite the absence of patents, the commercial exploitation of the anthrax vaccine in the 1880s and (...)
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    The Appropriational Fallacy: Grand Theories and the Neglect of Film Form.Asbjørn Grønstad - 2002 - Film-Philosophy 6 (1).
    If the title of this article resounds with the polemical palavering of literary theory in the 1940s, I have to submit that the allusion is not entirely accidental. It is not my intention here, however, to resuscitate the arguments of W. K. Wimsatt Jr and Monroe C. Beardsley, but rather to evoke a sense of parallelism between their issues and those at stake here. A crucial objective which informed Wimsatt's and Beardsley's project was to buttress the significance and irreducibility of (...)
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    Who Rewards Appropriate Levels of Professional Skepticism?Joseph F. Brazel, Justin Leiby & Tammie J. Schaefer - forthcoming - Journal of Business Ethics:1-12.
    The audit profession’s technical and ethical standards require the application of professional skepticism throughout the financial statement audit process, as auditor skepticism is essential for detecting financial statement fraud and protecting the investing public. However, recent research suggests that audit supervisors often punish staff for exercising skepticism, presenting auditors with an ethical conflict between acting in their own self-interest and acting in a way that improves audit quality and protects the public. This research also suggests that supervisors who reward (...)
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    Representations in language processing: why comprehension is not “brute-causal”.David Pereplyotchik - 2016 - Philosophical Psychology 29 (2):277-291.
    I defend a claim, central to much work in psycholinguistics, that constructing mental representations of syntactic structures is a necessary step in language comprehension. Call such representations “mental phrase markers”. Several theorists in psycholinguistics, AI, and philosophy have cast doubt on the usefulness of positing MPMs. I examine their proposals and argue that they face major empirical and conceptual difficulties. My conclusions tell against the broader skepticism that persists in philosophy—e.g., in the embodied cognition literature —about the usefulness of positing (...)
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    Fairness as Appropriateness: Negotiating Epistemological Differences in Peer Review.Joshua Guetzkow, Michèle Lamont & Grégoire Mallard - 2009 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 34 (5):573-606.
    Epistemological differences fuel continuous and frequently divisive debates in the social sciences and the humanities. Sociologists have yet to consider how such differences affect peer evaluation. The empirical literature has studied distributive fairness, but neglected how epistemological differences affect perception of fairness in decision making. The normative literature suggests that evaluators should overcome their epistemological differences by ‘‘translating’’ their preferred standards into general criteria of evaluation. However, little is known about how procedural fairness actually operates. Drawing on eighty-one interviews with (...)
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  47. Ontologically significant aggregation: Process structural realism (PSR).Joseph E. Earley - 2008 - In Michel Weber and Will Desmond, Handbook of Whiteheadian Process Thought. De Gruyter. pp. 2--179.
    Combinations of molecules, of biological individuals, or of chemical processes can produce effects that are not simply attributable to the constituents. Such non-redundant causality warrants recognition of those coherences as ontologically significant whenever that efficacy is relevant. With respect to such interaction, the effective coherence is more real than are the components. This ontological view is a variety of structural realism and is also a kind of process philosophy. The designation ‘process structural realism’ (PSR) seems appropriate.
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  48.  29
    The Girardian Theory and Feminism: Critique and Appropriation.Susan Nowak - 1994 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 1 (1):19-29.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Girardian Theory and Feminism: Critique and Appropriation Susan Nowak Syracuse University The construction of theories of relationality, society, and religion supportive of women and women's experience is one of the major concerns of feminist scholarship today.1 This study examines the arguments put forth by feminist scholars who contend that the Girardian theory offers important contributions to their work.2 These scholars use the insights of the Girardian theory (...)
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    Stochastic processes for indirectly interacting particles and stochastic quantum mechanics.V. Buonomano & A. F. Prado de Andrade - 1988 - Foundations of Physics 18 (4):401-426.
    This work has two objectives. The first is to begin a mathematical formalism appropriate to treating particles which only interact with each otherindirectly due to hypothesized memory effects in a stochastic medium. More specifically we treat a situation in which a sequence of particles consecutively passes through a region (e.g., a measuring apparatus) in such a way that one particle leaves the region before the next one enters. We want to study a situation in which a particle may interact with (...)
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    Narrative self-appropriation: embodiment, alienness, and personal responsibility in the context of borderline personality disorder.Allan Køster - 2017 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 38 (6):465-482.
    It is often emphasised that persons diagnosed with borderline personality disorder show difficulties in understanding their own psychological states. In this article, I argue that from a phenomenological perspective, BPD can be understood as an existential modality in which the embodied self is profoundly saturated by an alienness regarding the person’s own affects and responses. However, the balance of familiarity and alienness is not static, but can be cultivated through, e.g., psychotherapy. Following this line of thought, I present the idea (...)
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