Results for ' Antipater'

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  1.  36
    Antipater Chaldaeus.G. W. Bowersock - 1983 - Classical Quarterly 33 (02):491-.
    In a recent publication of four new inscriptions from Larisa in Thessaly, Kostas Gallis has revealed the helpful presence of a Syrian astrologer in that area of Greece toward the middle of the second century B.C. . In honouring this man the Larisaeans identify him, in one of the new texts, as 'αντíπατροσ 'αντιπτρον 'ιεροπολíτησ τσ ∑ελευκíδοσ, πεπλιτ*ogr;γ7rho;αημνοσ [δ] ν 'ομολíω υπρχων χαλδαοσ στρονóμοσ, νδημν τμν ρò ρρóνων. The Chaldaean astrologer Antipater is accordingly a native of Syrian Hierapolis who (...)
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    Coelius Antipater.John Briscoe - 1980 - The Classical Review 30 (02):208-.
  3.  9
    Antipater Von sidon und antisthenes Von paphos.Werner Peek - 1957 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 101 (1-2):101-112.
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    Hostile inaction? Antipater, craterus and the macedonian regency.E. M. Pitt & W. P. Richardson - 2017 - Classical Quarterly 67 (1):77-87.
    At some time around August 324b.c., Antipater, the regent of Macedonia received orders from Alexander the Great that he was to be replaced with another eminent officer in the Macedonian court, Craterus. In addition to his removal from office, Antipater was ordered by Alexander to leave Macedonia for the East, bringing with him fresh levies to replenish those that comprised Craterus' own contingent of veterans from Opis. Though Craterus left Alexander's court shortly thereafter, neither man can be said (...)
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    Antipater of Sidon: Notes and Queries.A. S. F. Gow - 1954 - The Classical Review 4 (01):1-6.
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    Antipater After the Lamian War: New Readings in Vat. Gr. 73.Gunther Martin - 2005 - Classical Quarterly 55 (1):301-305.
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    Antipater of Thessalonica: Notes and Queries.A. S. F. Gow - 1966 - The Classical Review 16 (01):5-9.
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    Die zweite Telosformel des Antipater von Tarsos.Marion Soreth - 1968 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 50 (1-2):48-72.
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    The Annalists H. Beck, U. Walter: Die frühen römischen Historiker I. Von Fabius Pictor bis Cn. Gellius . Herausgegeben, übersetzt und kommentiert. (Texte zur Forschung 76.) Pp. 384. Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2001. Cased, SFr 66.70, €39.90. ISBN: 3-534-14757-X. H. Beck, U. Walter: Die frühen römischen Historiker II. Von Coelius Antipater bis Pomponius Atticus . Herausgegeben, übersetzt und kommentiert. (Texte zur Forschung 77.) Pp. 384. Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2004. Cased, SFr 66.70, €39.90. ISBN: 3-534-14758-8. E. Ruschenbusch: Die frühen römischen Annalisten. Untersuchungen zur Geschichtsschreibung des 2. Jahrhunderts v. Chr. (Philippika: Marburger altertumskundliche Abhandlungen 2.) Pp. 154. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 2004. Paper, €48. ISBN: 3-447-05015-. [REVIEW]Christina S. Kraus - 2005 - The Classical Review 55 (02):508-.
  10. The Stoics and Economic Rationality.Aiste Celkyte - 2024 - Pege/Fons 7:221–237.
    When it comes to the discussions of ancient economic thought, the Stoics rarely come to the forefront. By and large, the lack of focus on this Hellenistic philosophical school is understandable: there is no evidence of the Stoics writing treatises entitled oikonomikos or similar or, in fact, showing any substantial interest in the matters pertaining to wealth management or money acquisition. There is an extant fragment, however, depicting a debate between Diogenes of Babylon and Antipater of Tarsus in which (...)
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  11.  47
    Perdiccas and the Kings.A. B. Bosworth - 1993 - Classical Quarterly 43 (02):420-.
    New evidence often complicates as much as it clarifies. That truth is well illustrated by Stephen Tracy's recent and brilliant discovery that a tiny unpublished fragment of an Attic inscription belongs to a known decree . The decree has hitherto been recognised as an enactment of the oligarchy imposed by Antipater in 322. Its proposer, Archedicus of Lamptrae, was a leading member of the new regime and held the most influential office of state, that of anagrapheus, in 320/19.2 Appropriately (...)
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  12.  19
    Skill in Ancient Ethics: The Legacy of China, Greece and Rome.Tom P. S. Angier & Lisa Ann Raphals (eds.) - 2021 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    This collection illustrates the centrality of skill within ancient ethics, including ancient Chinese ethics, showing how skill or techne has been a touchstone from the beginning of philosophical thought. Covering Socrates' search for expertise in virtue, the Republic's 'craft of justice', Aristotle's delineation of the politike techne and the Stoics' 'art of life'. Divided into four sections on Plato, Aristotle, the Stoics and Chinese ethics, it brings together world-leading philosophers working across this broad topic. Yet it is not limited to (...)
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  13.  8
    Later Greek religion.Edwyn Robert Bevan - 1927 - [New York,: AMS Press.
    The early Stoics: Zeno of Citium. Persaeus of Citium. Cleanthes of Assos. Chrysippus of Soli. Aratus of Soli. Antipater of Tarsus. Boëthus of Sidon.--Epicurus.--The school of Aristotle: the Peripatetics (Theophrastus).--The Sceptics.--Deification of kings and emperors.--Sarapis.--The historians: Polybius. Diodorus of Sicily.--Posidonius.--Popular religion.--Philo of Alexandria.--The Stoics of the Roman Empire: Musonius Rufus. Cornutus. Epictetus. Dio (Chrysostom) of Prusa. Marcus Aurelius.--Second-century Platonists: Plutarch. Maximus of Tyre. Numenius.--Second-century believers: Pausanias. Aelius Aristides.--Second-century scepticism (Lucian of Samosata).--The hermetic writings.--Gnosticism (Valentius).--Neoplatonism: Plotinus. Porphyry. Iamblichus. Christian criticism.--The (...)
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  14.  18
    Épictète et la doctrine des indifférents et du telos d’Ariston à Panétius.Thomas Bénatouïl - 2019 - Elenchos: Rivista di Studi Sul Pensiero Antico 40 (1):99-121.
    While Epictetus’Diatribaiare not an ethical treatise, but aim chiefly at urging and training pupils to practice philosophy, they can also be used to reconstruct Epictetus’ positions about some of the questions raised within the Stoa after Zeno. This paper focuses on the problem of the contribution of indifferent (external or bodily) things to happiness and of the relationship between virtue and these indifferents. Against scholars claiming that Epictetus shared Aristo of Chios’ heterodox indifferentism, it is shown that Epictetus upholds Chrysippus’ (...)
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  15.  44
    A Grasshopper's Diet—Notes on an Epigram of Meleager and a Fragment of Eubulus.E. K. Borthwick - 1966 - Classical Quarterly 16 (1):103-112.
    ‘Quid vero fit, quod poeta hanc plantam, tanquam munus locustae inprimis gratum, commemoret, nemo dixit; nee ego dicere possum’—so Jacobs in his note on the seventh line of this epigram. Among later commentators, Mackail thinks ‘can hardly mean “leek” here’ and he assumes it to be ‘groundsel’; Dain in the Budé edition is satisfied with the rather prosaic explanation that it is an ‘observation très juste … la cigale ne se nourrit que des sues des plantes’. I hope to show (...)
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  16.  59
    Philip II and Upper Macedonia.A. B. Bosworth - 1971 - Classical Quarterly 21 (01):93-.
    One of the most enigmatic figures in Macedonian history is Alexander of Lyncestis, son of Aeropus and son-in-law of the great Antipater. During the reign of his royal namesake he achieved sensational prominence, deposed from his command of the élite Thessalian cavalry under suspicion of treasonable correspondence with the Persian court. Still more sensational, however, is his involvement in the murder of Philip II. Our sources are unanimous that together with his brothers, Heromenes and Arrhabaeus, he was party to (...)
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  17.  40
    Three Passages in Arrian.J. R. Hamilton - 1955 - Classical Quarterly 5 (3-4):217-.
    While Alexander is at Memphis an army arrives from Antipater including . It is a little surprising that Droysen's suggestion to read MevlSas for tevolras should have been accepted so readily by editors. We do at least hear fa Menoetas later as Berve remarks. He further points out lat Menidas does not elsewhere, so far as we know, command infantry.
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  18.  33
    Poetic Garlands: Hellenistic Epigrams in Context (review).Peter E. Knox - 1999 - American Journal of Philology 120 (4):628-632.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Poetic Garlands: Hellenistic Epigrams in ContextPeter E. KnoxKathryn J. Gutzwiller. Poetic Garlands: Hellenistic Epigrams in Context. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1998. 358 pp.Cloth, $45.The publication of Alan Camerons The Greek Anthology from Meleager to Planudes in 1993 set a coronis upon one stage in the efforts of modern scholars to sort out the untidy garden that we know as ancient Greek epigram. We now (...)
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  19.  44
    From Pittacus to Byzantium: the history of a Callimachean epigram.Enrico Livrea - 1995 - Classical Quarterly 45 (2):474-480.
    Callimachus,ep. 1 Pfeiffer (= LIV Gow-Page =AP7.89) relates an anecdote about Pittacus: when consulted by a stranger from Atarneus who was wondering whether to marry a woman of his own social class or one of a higher status, he suggests the question is answered by the cries of the children playing with tops, τν κατ cαντν ἔλα. The chequered history of the transmission and interpretation of the poem is beset by a number of unfavourable or patronizing judgements which, I hope (...)
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  20.  45
    Paulus Silentiarius, Ovid, and Propertius.J. C. Yardley - 1980 - Classical Quarterly 30 (01):239-.
    In the late nineteenth century and the early decades of the twentieth thematic resemblances to the Roman elegists in Paulus Silentiarius were explained as the result of the poets' reliance on a common Hellenistic source – usually this was identified as the so-called ‘subjective Alexandrian love elegy’ – and this represented a departure from the views of earlier scholars such as Hertzberg and Postgate, who had maintained that Paulus knew and imitated the elegists. In recent years the pendulum has swung (...)
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  21.  38
    The Nature of Man in Early Stoic Philosophy. [REVIEW]Josiah B. Gould - 1990 - Review of Metaphysics 44 (2):429-430.
    In this compact work consisting of ten chapters and two appendixes Reesor reconstructs and represents the early Stoic doctrine concerning the nature of the human being, that is, the view of man set forth in the writings of Stoic philosophers from Zeno, who came to Athens in 312 B.C., to Antipater of Tarsus, who was in Rome before 133 B.C.
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