Wittgenstein ve Turing Sınaması: Dilbilgisel Bir Soruşturma
The Turing Test is an important mile-stone for Artificial Intelligence. It is an attempt to design a criterion for machine intelligence. In this paper, we examine the Turing Test from Wittgenstein’s point of view by analyzing its foundations. The Turing Test has two basic foundations, namely the computational theory and behaviorism. A Wittgensteinian criticism of computationalism and behaviorism shows that Turing’s formulation of the question “Can a machine think?” does not touch on Wittgenstein’s notion of grammar. In this paper, the basic point that we want to stress is that Turing’s question of “Can a machine think?” and the methodological and theoretical foundations of this question, such as computationalism and behaviorism, are misformulated from the Wittgensteinian point of view