This article investigates the possibility of involving the social and philosophical ideas of Friedrich Nietzsche, both in terms of understanding the domestic political practice, and on the impact of the German thinker’s theory on the formation of the elite itself. In Nietzsche’s assessing the role of elite in this study focuses on the critical context elitistic essentially hierarchical views of Nietzsche, which in themselves, though in odds with democratic principles, however, can be claimed to understand the weaknesses and flaws, inherent in a democratic system. So noted that modern Ukrainian society, which is still in the stage of development of democratic institutions, a very relevant factor is the political fragmentation and weakness of the domestic elite. Indicated that in many domestic studies on the formation and functioning of the Ukrainian elite, can be traced to a similar with the Nietzsche’s position thought that the weakness of the elite have a negative effect on the process of nation-building, and on the political process in general. Ideological and value’s divisions of elite, as many researchers conform, is primarily a consequence of the utilitarian and often cynical attitude of the elite to the ideals and values that they formally defend. Already, as Nietzsche himself notes, this situation leads to the fact that the elite can not positively influence society, becoming the contrary - the additional factor of political and social instability. All the elite’s activities is actually reduced to the satisfaction of opportunistic, short-term interests, for which different groups of elites tend to appeal to the most base and negative aspects of social consciousness. Thus, the present study indicates that a positive element of elitistic views Nietzsche should recognize his idea of stabilizing and developing the society mission of the elite, which should rise above this timeserving, momentary interests, for which it must not only reflect the interests and needs of society, but in many respects form its, which, in turn, is possible provided that the elites have own distinct ideological value landmarks, which elites consider as significant.