Nakon uvoda u kojemu se tematizira pojam i povijest bioetike, u članku se govori o počecima, razvoju i stanju bioetike u Hrvatskoj, i to u tri aspekta: znanstveno-stručne rasprave o bioetičkim problemima, bioetički senzibilitet i bioetička institucionalizacija. Pritom se posebna pozornost posvećuje konceptu integrativne bioetike, koji je razvijen u okviru projekta bioetičke suradnje u području jugoistočne Europe, gdje Hrvatsko filozofsko društvo ima vrlo važnu ulogu.After the introductory part on the notion of bioethics and its history, the paper deals with the beginnings, development and condition of bioethics in Croatia from the perspective of scientific discussions about bioethical issues, then from the perspective of bioethical sensibility and finally from the bioethics institutionalization perspective. Special attention is thereby given to the concept of integrative bioethics, developed within the framework of bioethical cooperation in South-Eastern Europe, where the Croatian Philosophical Society plays an extremely important role