The Contemporary Meanings of Confucian Ethics
Traditional Confucian ethics were two thousand years of Confucian self-conscious in the humanities in the Field Road, their living conditions, and thus the main body of hair growth filling made the occasion of the breeds, their people insist on justice, humanity and humanity, and they expose was a model of ethical and moral rules, so far, is still sufficient and appropriate contemporary social Affinities, although during the Confucians also reverse the direction of the development of their thinking and action-oriented, such as "political Confucianism" is done; but in the humane care and moral justice, lead under the Qin Dynasty and the Song and Ming, and Lu-Wang from the Neo-Confucian ethics has been the core issue is the root meaning of ethics, justice and the ideal context in general, be caused by a demonstration, practical and universal , specific answers, especially in the power of the ethics of dialogue in this era of global ethics, the modern scholar , such as Tu Wei-ming and Liu Shu, they have been another way to break new ground for the Confucian ethics contemporary meaning and significance of modern and contemporary meaning to do with open and inclusive academic efforts