The article presents a genological approach to guidebook press journalism based on selected titles of the Polish guide press. The researched texts were organized into four groups: 1) species "absent" in the guide press, 2) non-guidebook species, 3) classic guidebook forms, 4) multi-shaped and genologically unstable formations. The last two groups are presented in this article. The most numerous and heterogeneous group of publications is composed of journalistic materials with the primary purpose of advising in the event of a problem or encouraging specific preventive measures. These include mini-advice, press advice, tutorial collage, instruction, recipe, inspiration gallery, fashion gallery, tutorial interview, tutorial report, guide article. The advisory function is the most important factor determining the ad hoc composing of a collection of species. They arise in connection with the need for an in-depth discussion of the selected problem and are also supplemented with those genres in which advice / instruction plays a less important role. Diversified size, ease of redrafting the content for the needs of infographics and illustrative character allow for the creation of visually attractive materials for the reader, and at the same time ensuring a comprehensive discussion of the topic. Species of unstable form are difficult to describe, as they are still at the stage of formation and original experiments. In the guide press, these are recommendations and metamorphoses. Genological analysis of the content of the guide magazines leads to the placement of the press advice and the guide article at the center of the collection of journalistic forms of expression published in them. Their model-creating modifications reduce the monotony of reading, and at the same time allow the author to harmoniously combine the directive's recommendations with the attitude of a benevolent guardian. It is likely that the pragmatic aspect of such publications will find expression in the positive response of readers to guidance and encouragement. Complementary to the advice and article, other forms, such as letters with answers, profiles, reports, interviews, instructions, galleries and voters, differentiate the content of the magazines in terms of genre and function, but above all they prove journalistic creativity in creating messages that are a compilation of counseling.