The analysis was done on the position of the Catholic Church concerning the problem of aggression, violence and war as immoral and unacceptable ways of resolving international conflicts in the modern world. The research has analyzed basic documents of the Catholic Church, which discover war’s negative consequences for all mankind. These leads not only to the indulgence of inalienable human rights, but also to significant human victims, material loses, and spiritual sacrifices. Particular attention is paid to the consideration of the international community on the necessary and reasonable sanctions against the aggressor, and the provision of humanitarian assistance to countries that have experienced military aggression. Then, Magisterium proposals on disarmament, production ban, weapons import and export, military moral responsibility for their actions are considered. Also, possibility of using weapons is justified as a means of protection in the liberation «just war». The analysis was done on the position of the Catholic Church concerning the problem of aggression, violence and war as immoral and unacceptable ways of resolving international conflicts in the modern world. The research has analised basic documents of the Catholic Church, which discover war’s negative consequences for all mankind. These leads not only to the indulgence of inalienable human rights, but also to significant human victims, material loses, and spiritual sacrifices. Particular attention is paid to the consideration of the international community on the necessary and reasonable sanctions against the aggressor, and the provision of humanitarian assistance to countries that have experienced military aggression. Then, Magisterium proposals on disarmament, production ban, weapons import and export, military moral responsibility for their actions are considered. Also, possibility of using weapons is justified as a means of protection in the liberation «just war». This particular research does analysis of the views of the Catholic Church on the role of international organizations, such as UN. Also, there is specified special role of national and global charities, and lay all people of good will in process of establishment of a qualitatively new system of international relations, which is built on the principles of morality and legality upon principle of the commonwealth. The main attention is paid to exclusively peaceful means to overcome international contradictions and conflicts, including: negotiations, respect for international agreements, repentance, reconciliation, forgiveness, respect for the integrity and sovereignty of all states, inviolability of borders, non-use of weapons and renunciation of nuclear weapons, recognizing the right of each State to own culture, recognition of inalienable human rights and respect for their dignity and honour, recognition of democratic norms of international relations. Also, there is special attention emphasized on the formation of a competent and authoritative world government, which is responsible for the peaceful coexistence of nations in the international arena.