Ukraine has never manufactured, amassed or applied chemical weapon. However, on the territory of Ukraine, a significant amount of poisonous substances are used in the industry, in domestic life, in medical and scientific institutions, which may exert a detrimental influence on people and environment. Moreover, various substances may be involved in the production of chemical weapons. The article is aimed at investigating the legal and regulatory framework of Ukraine, which is necessary for the effective functioning of the chemical safety system. At the beginning of the XXI century, a powerful international legal framework has been established in order to prohibit the development, production, stockpiling, application and disposal of the chemical weapons. Particular attention is paid to dual-usage goods. Ukraine has joined the leading international regulatory instrument in the field of chemical safety regulation. The implementation of the international legal norms to the national legislation is in progress of establishment. Ukraine is a party to all international export control regimes. Taking into account international experience, the national export control system is being developed and is constantly being improved. Ukraine signed bilateral and multilateral international treaties in order to launch an effective legal framework for the national chemical safety system. In Ukraine, it has been laid the foundation of the national legal documents base in the field of chemical safety. The major documents include the laws of Ukraine “On Foreign Economic Activity” and “On the State Control over International Transfers of Military and Dual-Use Commodities”, the Concept for Increasing the Level of Chemical Safety, Action Plans and Government Programs, certain Articles of the Codes of Ukraine, a number of documents of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine in the field of regulation of production, storage, transportation, use, disposal and destruction of hazardous chemicals. The national list of military and dual-usage goods has been drawn up and constantly updated in the state. Thus, the regulatory framework of Ukraine in the field of chemical safety is formed and enhanced taking into consideration the national peculiarities of state development and international legal norms.