This article finds little to disagree with in Neurophilosophy The sole area of disagreement is with Professor Churchland's attitude to common‐sense psychology. Unfortunately, though, the author has already attempted to describe what should be the proper view of common‐sense psychology in an earlier article in this very journal. Therefore the present article tries to build on the earlier one, advocating an instrumentalist constraal of many ordinary‐language mental terms ‐ a construal with which Professor Churchland is unlikely to agree, but which, if she did agree, would give her further ammunition with which to beat her opponents. The other main strand of this article suggests that Aristotle has anticipated Professor Churchland (and also most other theoreticians of psychology and physiology), and so, willy‐nilly, we are ‐ correctly ‐ returning to an Aristotelian picture of human capacity and activity.