The article is focused on the author’s understand- ing of the phenomena that are the basis of the ideological picture of the world of different social group categories. The author presents the histori- cal stage-by-stage development of the fundamental ideas that are the essence of social identity and, consequently, influence the legitimization of power throughout the organized history of mankind and in modern times. This understanding of archetypes in political science is presented for the first time. The article is built around the concept of “arche- type” and expands its meaning to political and ideological dimensions. Thus, using the methodolo- gy of categories of archetypes, the following forms prevailing in the organized history of mankind were identified: archetypes of the Sun, Church, Nation and Law. Such forms can be a convenient meth- odology in conflictology, political science, and the science of international relations. The presented approach opens a new theoretical direction in these sciences.