Introduction. The article examines the archetypal images of the leader, reveals the concept of the archetype of the leader, shows the image of the leader in the context of different historical and cultural epochs. Theoretical analysis. The analysis of key sources on the topic was carried out, the theory of the archetype and the collective unconscious of K. Jung was chosen as the methodological basis of the research. The author also gives the comparative analysis of leadership archetypes and modern ideas about the archetypes of leaders based on the own typology of leadership styles and V. G. Turkina’s approach to the analysis of the archetypes of the modern hero-leader through the prism of key parameters of mass society. Conclusion. Of particular importance for understanding the content of leadership are the key archetypes of analytical psychology (anima, animus, shadow, self). The author comes to the conclusion that leadership is perceived at all times and among different peoples from common positions: leaders appear in the images of a superman (deity), ruler, hero, sage, transformation. These images can be considered archetypal. Modern images of leadership generated by socio-economic progress and the peculiarities of mass culture, mass production and consumption correlate with the primordial images of leaders, but reflect the current state of society. These are the archetypes of the Achiever, Inspirer, Bureaucrat, Organizer, Team (Project) Leader and Expert.