An Approach to Healthy Life through Yoga in Ayurveda
Yoga is the spiritual science for holistic development of physical, mental and spiritual aspect of living being. Ayurveda believes an interrelationship between psyche and body and thus if psyche is effected leads to an adverse effect on body and vice versa. Ayurveda is a science of living being which has its broad aim of living healthy life and curing of ailments. The instability of inner psyche (manas) is controlled through yoga. Bhagwat geeta emphasizes yoga as the state of sama sthiti or equilibrium in actions. Acharya Patanjali’s yoga darshan has an impact on Ayurveda and later hatha yoga pradeepika and gheranda samhita’s various yogasana, kriya, mudra, bandha and pranayama were used as a part of treatment. The yogic concept of health and
disease enables us to understand that the cause of physical disorder is result of higher levels of psyche (manas).Ayurveda believes that pragya paradh is root cause to diseases and thus pragyashodhan is very important. Ayurveda emphasis yoga and is a way to achieve atma gyana throughpragya shodhana. Ayurveda has given definition of yoga, powers of yogi, scope of yoga, its implication in attainment to highest stage of moksha. Ayurveda and yogic methods can beapplied for preventive, promotive and rehabilitatory health of human being.