Докса 2 (
The content of the article is the relation between truth and a work of art. The paper compares the concept of Heidegger presented in “The Origin of the Work of Art” and the analysis of the Proust’s novel made by M. Mamardashvili. The comparison of these two works belonging to the phenomenological tradition is based on treating of the work of art as a way and place of expressing the truth common for both authors. According to Heidegger’s conception a work of art finds its raison d’кtre in its inherent ability to express the truth. The work of art allows the truth to get a steady image, and the truth thanksa to it manifests itself and becomes intelligible. Conceptual components of the analytic experience are undertaken by Mamardashvili on the material of Proust’s novel. It helps to clarify the way of the truth in art activity. In this respect, reflections of Mamardashvili can serve complementary to Heidegger’s conception. It relates to presentation of truth, time and place of its unconcealment, the method of duration of this unconcealment. However, the first “meeting” with the truth in Mamardashvili conception carried out not only in product of creativity, but in a special kind of impression which he treats not psychologically but ontologically. In this regard, work of art is a place and a way of understanding of the knowledge which we received in our meeting with the truth.