Prima ratio європейської індивідуалізації - інтерпретація смислу терміна "haecceitas" в метафізиці Дунса Скота
Схід 6 (132):125-129 (
The author seeks to reveal the contents Skotovoho term "haecceitas", pointing to its location in metaphysics Scholasticus and European influence on the development of individualized thinking. Concluding should be noted that the term Skotovskyy haecceitas legitimizes in western thinking right essential to the existence of a single state in the autonomous formalities in a state of positive-singular being relative to the summum ens, preserving the unity of the personal hierarchy of the universe. This doctrinal principle axiologicaly urivnovazhyv metaphysical thinking of the natural intelligence of the individual to determine their yedynoznachnist things. Explain this view, Habermas, who notes that "... metaphysical thinking shapes suited to the individual. John Duns Scotus justifies it eventually to extend of essential also in the sphere of the individual. It gives a precise definition of Haecceitas, which also puts a stamp on individuation significant, because it is really essential opposed to individual equivalent generality". As a mode of essential forms haecceitas makes it the ultimate reality Meanwhile "individual form," which asserts the man status uniqueness. Comprehension of "individual forms" that there is a reasonable, figuratively originality here and now finds loving will of the Creator to creation, and the inspiring personality to volitional direction defined by God to perfect forms and types. This imposes a duty on the ambivalent personality. On the one hand the individual is responsible for the terrible harmony with summum ens, on the other hand gets within their reality, to be sreatorom natural and human things - finally implement the will of God in single-unique. Latest content is the foundation of modern thinking and definitive doctrinal legitimation of Western individualism