Relevance: Measles is an acute viral infection, the most "contagious" among childhood infections. The causative agent of measles is an RNA virus of the genus morbillivirus of the paramyxovirus family, which has a spherical shape and a diameter of 120-230 nm. The measles virus is not stable in the external environment, quickly dies outside the human body, remains active in the air and on surfaces for up to 2 hours, is not resistant to environmental factors, and quickly dies from sunlight and UV rays. Measles is one of the most contagious diseases in the world, with a contagiousness index of over 90%. Perhaps intrauterine infection, when a woman falls ill at the end of pregnancy, the child is born with signs of measles. Measles during pregnancy is a high risk factor for preterm birth, spontaneous abortion, and the development of congenital malformations. In the absence of anti-measles antibodies in the mother, the child may become ill in the neonatal period.