MEDIEVAL AND RENAISSANCE LOGICALEXANDER BROADIE, Introduction to medieval logic. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1987. vi + l5Opp. £20.00.CHARLES B. SCHMITT, QUENTIN SKINNER, ECKHARD KESSLER, JILL KRAYE, The Cambridge historj. of renaissance philosophj.. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1988, xiii + 968 pp. £5O.OO/$79.jO.GERMAN TRADITIONSSTEPHEN PRIEST, Hegel's critique of Kant. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1987. xii + 229 pp. £22.50.NORBERT HINSKE, Kant 7 Index, Band 2, Stellenindex und Konkordanz zu “Zmmanuel Kant's Logik”. Erstellt in Zusammenarbeit mit Heinrich P. Delfosse und Heinz Schay. Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt: Frommann-Holzboog, 1986. xlviii + 633 pp. DM 475.FREGE STUDIESGOTTLOB FREGE, Die Grundlagen der Arithmetik. Eine logisch mathematische Untersuchung über den Begrif der Zahl. Centenarausgabe. Mit ergänzenden Texten kritisch herausgegeben von Christian Thiel. Hamburg: Felix Meiner Verlag, 1986. 187 + Ixiii. pp. DM 120.G. WECHSUNG, Frege Conference 1984. Berlin: Akademic Verlag, 1984. 408 pp. DDR-DM5 1.ANGLO–SAXON TRADITIONSN. B. COCCHIARELLA, Logical studies in early analytic philosophy. Columbus, Ohio: Ohio State University Press, 1987. 295 pp. $30.00.PAUL GOCHET, Ascent to truth. A critical exumination of Quine‘s philosophy. Miinchen: Philosophia Verlag, 1986. 201 pp. DM59.BARRY M. TAYLOR, Michael Dummett: contributions to philosophy. Dordrecht: Martinus Nijhoff, 1987. xii+ 339 pp. £47.25.OBJECTS OF THOUGHTB. HALE,objects. Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1987; New York: Basil Blackwell, 1988. viii + 282pp. £27.50.ANTHONY PALMER, Concept and object. The unity of the proposition in logic and psychology. London and New York: Routledge, 1988. xvi + 144 pp. £19.95.NON–CLASSICAL LOGICSG. PRIEST, In contradiction: a study of the transconsistent. Dordrecht, Boston, Lancaster: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 1987. xvf 279 pp. $49.50.JÜRGEN WALTHER, Logik der Fragen, Berlin, New York: de Gruyter, 1985. viii + 334pp. DM 98.MISCELLANEOUSF. ENRIQUES, Per la storia della logica. Photostatic reproduction of the 1922 edition. Foreword by Raffaella Simili. Bologna: Zanichelli, 1987. xxii + 302 pp. 18,000 Lire.PAUL WEINGARTNER and GERHARD SCHURZ, Logic, philosophy of science and epistemology. Proceedings of the 11th International Wittgenstein Symposium, 4th to 13th August 1986, Kirchberg am Wechsel. Selected papers. Vienna: Holder-Pichler-Tempsky, 1987. 430 pp. £54.00.G. TAKEUTI, Proof theory. Second edition. Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1987. 490 pp. $64.00.