The Western Ghats region is the home to the Kani tribes. The Kanis also live in the Ghat regions of Tirunelveli district in Tamil Nadu. At present, there are five Kani settlements in the Kalakkad Mundanthurai Tiger Reserve areas of Tamilnadu. Servalar Kani settlement is the chosen study area forms part of Kalakkad Mundanthurai Tiger Reserve comes under the jurisdiction of the Tamilnadu Forest Department. Once a nomadic tribe, the community now does not migrate from one place to another. Apart from agriculture, the Kani tribes collected honey from the forest regions and cultivated other minor forest produce. This helped them in earning some money to cater for their needs. The relationship between forests and the Kani tribe is intimate and age old. They have close association with forests and hills. Their dependency and association with forests are reflected in all aspects of their culture. They proudly identify them with forests and mountain. They live with nature. All the essential items for living are available in forest. Forests are their dwelling place. This research paper describes the strategic location and the ecological importance of the Pothigai Hills focusing on Kalakkad Mundanthurai Tiger Reserve. And it highlights the life and livelihood of the Kani tribes in their settlement at Servalar region.