All over the world the hills are inhabited by tribes. Nestled in the tropical forests located mainly in the southernmost part of the Western Ghats, India, inhabit an indigenous Kani tribe traditionally nomadic. They are the original inhabitants residing in the dense forest from time immemorial. They are the one of the oldest surviving hunter-gatherer tribes in the world. The indigenous Kani tribes in the Pothigai Hills in Tamilnadu and their living environment are enriched with indigenous knowledge resources. These tribes have a rooted traditional and indigenous knowledge about medicinal plants. Yet, all their knowledge is gradually disappearing due to many reasons. This study has great significance in the collection of that knowledge, preparation of recorded data and conservation of that information for the use of future generation. Since their knowledge system is embedded, collective and diversified the ownership, protection and management of these areas are complicated. The collection of information, classification, copyright, intellectual property rights, the politics involved etc are the other problems involved. So far these resources are not yet systematically documented and scientifically analyzed. Hence this study aims to overcome the above said problems.