Cultural Pluralism has mostly emerged and developed in North America and Europe and as a result, other countries have also been affected by it in different levels. The most important issue that this research strives to address is Cultural Pluralism and its effects on educational systems. In the initial parts, the method of research is a description and analysis of the principal concepts like culture, diversity, Cultural Pluralism and cultural unity and in the later parts which is the study of the effects of Cultural Pluralism on educational systems is through analysis, exegesis and deduction. The results that have been achieved through the research show that two main factors cause Cultural Pluralism: the first is the phenomena of migration that results in ethnic diversity; this phenomenon has various effects on educational systems, an example of which is the emergence of multi-cultural education and training in some of today’s societies. The second factor is the diversity of sciences, thoughts, inclinations and tastes which is a post-modern and post-constructionist phenomenon. If this type of diversity leads to cultural and scientific growth it is beneficial; but if it results in individualism and shakes the foundations of cultural unity and unity of thought in decision making and activities, it is not in favor of cultural and scientific activities including education and training.