Education is the basis for the economic and spiritual development of any society. Modern education system places demand on the teacher, such as professionalism, soft skills, mobility, and the ability to process creatively an ever-increasing flow of information and apply it competently in practice; thus, the preparation of a future teacher is a social order in relation to higher pedagogical education. Nowadays the development of the concept of lifelong education is being strengthened, and university training turns into an extremely important stage with the main goal when the student must be prepared not only for practical activities, but also for further systematic improvement of their professional qualifications. Consequently, preparing a future specialist for self-education is a requirement of the modern education system of the country. It is obvious that the objective need of society is determined by the competitive ability of specialists in the world market, their adaptation to changing socio-economic conditions. The paper is devoted to the methodological approaches of the future teacher’s formation of the innovative competence.