On the assumption that some Muslim philosophers have been more important than the others in the history of Islamic philosophy, a number of philosophers including Al Kendy, Ibn Sina, Suhrevardi and Mulla Sadra have been chosen in this study. Of course, it should not been forgotten that our approach in this article is not only historical. In other words, we are trying to show that Theologia is important in Islamic philosophy from different aspects. At first, we introduce this work briefly and then treat wrong ascription of this work to Aristotle and the malleability of some Islamic philosophers from it. Some Muslim philosophers have ascribed this work to Aristotle whereas some others have ascribed it to Plato and both groups have used its doctrines for explaining their ideas. This resulted in numerous problems in their doctrines amongst them is the unity of opinion between philosophers, especially Plato and Aristotle, considered as an important and serious presupposition in the doctrines of most Muslim philosophers.